Most people look at success too much that's why they can't become successful. They don't know that what attracts success is work ethic alone. If you have that sickening work ethic and you really work hard... success will come to your life, as simple as that. But if you're looking too much at success then you will be distracted, you will never work hard because you will keep on looking for results every now and then.
If you can just build that work ethic, if you can focus on something, if you can be a fast starter then you will make results. Stop thinking and simply work. It doesn't matter if you get results or not, what matters is you work and you have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
If you already build that work ethic, you're already safe. It's because you will still work even if you have problems, you will never become depressed anymore, it's because you're doing something and if you're moving and so busy then nothing will be able to distract you anymore. That will free you from mental slavery. Time will run fast and you will never become bored again.
So if you don't know what to do... choose work, built that work ethic and have a lot of fun. Be happy even if you're not getting money yet, don't worry because money will come anytime soon, but you have to work hard now so that your mind will avoid the poison of being on a state of depression.
The question is how hard do you work? how hard can you work and how strong is your focus? that's the only question you have to answer. If you can work hard and outwork everyone then there is a chance that you can be the richest person in the world... and that's the reality. Just make sure that you are working hard for your dreams and you're doing whatever it takes to make small progress everyday. Again, work for your dreams, never work for anybody else's dreams.
Stop chasing success now because that is creating resistance, create a work ethic that is very hard to stop and success will come to you without have to look for it anymore, it will be attracted to you, you will become like a magnet that attracts success.
If you have that work ethic, if you have that hustle, I mean real and pure hustle then nothing can make you worried anymore. Your mind will go to a different dimension, a place where nothing can disturb you or bother you, you will have a different world, a world that will give you everything you need.
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