Apr 1, 2019



Do you want to become big? do you really want to become big? if yes then you should be aware of how your mind operates. Your mind is the key to your success, if it is full of crappy ideas and thoughts then for sure you will never succeed. YOU SHOULD START THINKING BIG. Study how your mind behaves in different situations. Because your mind is the only thing that will carry you to the top. Your mind will dictate what kind of action and reaction are you going to do.

Do you know that you're always thinking low all the time? you're not aware because your subconscious mind is always in control, you're always in an auto pilot mode. You better be in the moment now and be aware if you're thinking about big or low things. Low things are negativity, failure, worries, losing ideas while big things are abundance, big money, opportunities, hard work and huge expectations.


Your mind is the most powerful tool that you can ever have. If you can control it and feed it with the right thoughts then you have a very big chance of conquering the world. Your mind is your investment, it will be your future. So if you're thinking about negative thoughts right now you better erase all of it so that you will have a bright future. If you're only thinking about positive thoughts then good things will happen to you, you will be blessed. Your mind can destroy you or make you a winner, it all depends on what you are feeding it. Your mind can move mountains, it can dry oceans, it can make you the greatest ever. So if you will only take time to develop and very strong mental game then nothing can beat you, you will always get what you want.

If your mind is weak then you will always get the less, you will always get the leftovers, you will have no choice but to accept that you're not winning in life. But if your mind is really strong then sky is the limit for you, you will always thrive in any kind of situation.


Belief will serve as a fuel for your actions. You can never take massive actions if you don't believe. Once you really believe in something... you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. You will quit in the long run if you only believe it a little, your belief should be the same size as the universe, it should be infinite, it should be limitless. Why will you entertain those limiting beliefs? it's not helping you at all. It feels good to be believing in something, you will excited, you feel motivated, why will you ruin your beliefs if it will only make you weak?

If you want something believe that it will happen, never entertain limiting beliefs because that will destroy the process.

Some people have the talents and skills but they don't believe in themselves that's why they always fail in the end. If you will just believe in your beliefs and keep nurturing it everyday then one day you will become really successful, as simple as that.

Just believe, believing is free, you don't need to pay for it. Once you believe... believe to the fullest, believe that it will happen one day, believe that you're going to win. All the positive beliefs that you can ever have for yourself... do it.

Just keep believing but of course still take actions, still do the very best that you can do and never get lazy. Believing something is good if you're doing something for it. You can't just be believing that you're going to get rich if you're just eating sandwiches all day long while waiting for the right call from a best company.


Remove the weeds that destroys the beautiful plants. Your mind is like a garden, whatever you plant on it... it will grow. So if you're planting a lot of negative thoughts inside of your head... you will experience it everyday, and it's frustrating because you're the one who is destroying your own life. So be aware if you're taking care of your mind or if you're destroying it. Remember that you are the creator of your reality, whatever you put on your mind you are bringing it into existence little by little. But the good thing about it is it will never come fast, if you're always thinking about negative things... it will not come to your life very fast, you can still change your mind, you can still attract good situations by reversing your thinking patters. If you're constantly thinking about negative things, just think about positive things and good situations will come right away.

Your mind is your investment so keep investing the good thoughts, keep filtering the negative thoughts and simply think one positive thought at a time. Your life can go up very fast if you will just change the thoughts inside of your head. So keep thinking about the best things in life, keep imagining that you're becoming richer and richer everyday.

Your mind is everything, if you're not taking care of it then you're in big big trouble. You must be aware if you're getting stressed with the small things that doesn't even matter at all.


All you have to do is make your mind healthy and strong. The best thing about life is you can go up from the bottom. You can become really powerful even if you're weak if you will consume your mind with the most powerful thoughts in the world. Think about abundance, greatness, mansions, ferraris, audis, millions, game winners, risky decisions, confidence and power. Never think about weakness nor difficulty. Life will become very easy if you're fast and you have a healthy mind. Always think that you're going to win no matter what, always think that you can do it.

Never focus on your weaknesses, never feel that you lack the skill and energy. You always have what it takes to become successful, all you have to do is correct your thought patterns and do the best thing that you can do and repeat it over and over again.

So if you're an outcast, if you're getting bullied, if you're poor and broke... don't worry because you have a chance. All you have to do is use your imagination. Keep imagining the things that you love everyday and you will be drawn towards it, just work hard everyday and do something for your dream each day and it will happen. Just be patient because it will take time, you just need to keep believing and keep working everyday and it will happen.


A lot of people can't find the root of depression but the real root of it is when you're not doing anything and you're entertaining a lot of negative thoughts. The key to beat depression is to be aware if you're always thinking about negativity. Be aware if you're not thinking the right way. Always remind yourself that you just need to think positive and you will be alright. It's easy to beat depression if you will entertain yourself through working and giving your best every single day. Life is so wonderful, life is so great if you will just use the right thoughts available anywhere. What thoughts are you using? was it helpful or not helpful at all?

So just work hard and depression will go away. Depression is a feeling of weakness, if you're going hard then you will feel very strong. The formula is very simple, whatever you're doing... do it hard, give your very best and you will feel a different kind of power running inside of your body. You will be bale to express yourself and it feels like loneliness and weakness is starting to leave your body. Look at those depress people, they were slow, they just want to sleep and do nothing. They don't know that weakness and inaction keeps feeding the depression. Remember that depression is just a thought, it's just a feeling, never care about how you feel and just push harder and depression will go away. Stop acting like the world owes you something and just do something that will make your life very productive. It feels good to be productive, it feels good to be working hard, try it and you will feel much much better.


Condition your mind to always think big all the time. Think that you can score 50 points, think that you can get millions, think that you can get three girls in one night, think about the yacht, the lamorghinis and the greatness. Never think about cents, ugliness, poverty, sickness or anything that is not attractive to your eyes. Only think about special places, money opportunities and situations. And even if you see something that you don't like... ignore it right away and focus on the greatness of life. Focus on the abundance and you will get it, as simple as that. It feels so good to be always thinking about abundance so why think about the ugliest things of life? Your life will change from small to big if you will always think about big.


What is happening in your mind is happening in your life. If you want to make a change then you need to change the way you think and feel about everything around you. If you're living in a very poor and depressed area don't feel bad about it, don't put your mind into it, don't think that you will forever be there. Think that it's just temporary and it's just a stepping stone. Don't talk to anyone in your place because you will absorb their minds, you will think the way they think, you have to think differently so that you will be able to move little by little away from that area. Think about abundance, think about money and back it up with hard work and you will be able to leave that place in less than a year. Remember that what is happening in your mind is happening in your life. So if you can just think that you're already rich even if you're still poor then you will become rich in just a matter of time.


Be greater than your situation, never let it define you nor control you. You can always change, you can always live the life you want if you will just change your mind. It's hard of course especially if the foundation of your mind is already strong, it's hard if the default thoughts were already there for years. But if you really wanted to change then you will force yourself to think differently, you will discipline yourself, you will fight the negative thoughts inside of your head. Your situation will always change, any situation is just temporary, always remember that you have the power to make something great. You're situation is just tricking you, it's making you feel bad because there is a reward behind it and it's telling you that you need to work for it, it's just testing you, it's just challenging you if you're the real deal or not.

So whenever you find yourself on a bad situation, always think that it's just a challenge and you can do something to make it better.

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