Apr 13, 2019


Everybody wants to become famous, who doesn't want to be. Even Mark Zuckerberg wants to become famous before. It's cool to become famous, you will have power, you will have their attention and they will follow you like a boss. They will be scared of you because you have great influence and large number of followers, you will become the king and nobody can just push you around. being young only happens once so don't every use your youth days getting bullied by someone who is no better than you.

Here are the steps to become famous in your campus:

1. Be the hardest worker but don't follow lazy people.

Everyone loves a hardworking person, if you're working hard then you're increasing your value, they will see that you are something, even the teachers would love to be around with you.

2. Develop a talent that will entertain them.

Whether it's just a dance or a talent in basketball or music... develop it, make sure you are good of it and they will instantly become your fan. Everybody loves greatness so if you're great at something then for sure you will thrive.

3. Never let someone bully you. 

You will not look popular if you will look weak, fight a bully, don't be afraid of him, never look like a clown because girls will laugh at you, they will never take you seriously. They will never consider you as boyfriend material if you're weak. 

4. Buy the latest gadget with your own money.

Kids love gadgets, buy the most popular gadget with your own money, doing this will build a discipline to spend your money the right way, it's hard because you don't have a job but if you can do it then you're already setting up yourself for success, doing this is training your willpower.

5. Join a popular organization but don't be a slave of it.

Join a popular organization so you will always be exposed, do it but don't let them make fun of you, of course you are new and the will always ask you to do something. But if you feel like they're already taking advantage of your newbiness then it's time to leave that organization because it will only drain your powers. 

6. Create your own organization if you can.

Create your own, build your own team. Build your own empire, 80 percent of the students in the campus were shy, there are hidden talents waiting to get exposed. It's your duty to find them and make them your members.

7. Be the number one on your class.

Be the smartest so your value will go up, a group needs a smart person, if you can be the most intelligent then you're already in command. Always strive for being the number one, this kind of mentality will make you competitive, your strength and hunger will be smelled by a lot of people int he class. 

8. Always look clean.

Look clean, shave your beard, use Axe cologne. It's already an advantage, you will get notice if you are clean even if you look like a junk. Iron your clothes and shine your shoes, those little things will get some attention. 

9. Do 100 push up everyday.

Doing it will give you strength, it will give you confidence, not all people can do it. Only you can do it, if you can do it then you will become stronger than anybody else and that is a huge advantage, you will become an alpha male. It will build mental toughness, your will power will soar above the roofs. 

10. Don't try to look popular.

Don't try to look needy, don't try to become an attention seeker, that is a big turn off. Let your popularity rise naturally. Don't try so hard because being needy is the most unattractive trait. Just rise quietly, if they notice you they notice you, if they don't so be it. Just be yourself and never get too loud, never do anything that's main objective is to get their attention. 

11. Know something they don't know.

Whether it's some kind of magic or a voodoo (just kidding). If you learn something that they don't then they will be amazed at you. They will ask you how did you do it. 

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