Apr 7, 2019


I was thinking about making millions through writing before but I came to realize that I was not that man who can write and make millions. I already wrote thousands of articles but the universe is not yet rewarding me so I decided to quit my dream of making millions but my passion for writing will never stop.

Just because I accepted that there is no money in writing doesn't mean I will never dream anymore. Of course I am still dreaming that I will earn from it but I will detach my self from the money so that I can write more. If money is always on your mind then you will never be able to work effectively, you will be attached from it and you will always worry about it.

I don't care anymore if I earn or not, I just don't. I've been frustrated for how many years, It's time to set my self free and just be happy with what I have. I know for a fact that for as long as I am giving my very best then I will be alright. There were times when I almost got crazy because of not getting any results, I almost died chasing my dreams but look where I am now... I've learned a lot of things from hard work, I've learned that it's not all about money, it's all about the process and never giving up on your passion. I never care anymore If I get rich or not, I just want to write. And that makes me the real writer, some people will just right because they want money. But me, I am lucky enough to realize that writing is simply about writing, it's not about becoming popular nor a millionaire. It's simply about writing, enjoying i and feeling the pain while doing it. It's embracing the struggle and pushing your mind to write the words that you wanted to write.

Now I know that all I have to do is push no matter what, push myself to the limits and see greatness come into my life.


It feels so good not being attached with anything, you will never check t every now and then anymore, you will just enjoy doing it. You will have more fun along the way and you will never worry anymore if you have money or not. You just keep moving forward and face all the challenges in life, how good was that? there is lesser resistance, there is lesser stress, you will feel happier and more free. It will make you more creative and loose, you will be able to express yourself to the fullest. Most writers were following a certain path, they were copying some styles that's why they can't feel successful, they were not writing for themselves, they were writing for other people, they want to please other people so they will earn a lot of money.


If money is jailing you and not giving you any freedom then what is the use of it? forget about money and you will have more it. It's not that you will never make good decisions in your financial status. It's just that you don't care if you get more money or not, you will just live your life. Because at the end of the day... those money means nothing, it will never make you feel good when you're dying. What will make you feel good is your family and love ones. Money is just a toy, never be a slave of it, just play with it, never disrespect it but never let it run your life because you will go crazy, you will never be able to live a free and happy life.

So don't take money seriously but never waste it for nothing, just treat it like an ordinary thing, never feel so bad if you have to spend for something that is not in your plan because it is needed, remember that it will come back, money will never run out in your life, don't worry about it too much.


It is true, people will laugh at me but the truth is life is not all about money. You can live without it, all you need is the air that you breathe, make your life simple, don't complicate it nor make it harder than what it used to be. Me, based on my experience, I become a wu-wei when I started to believe that life is not all about money. Sometimes I'm still worrying if I don't have it but I just knew that I don't need a lot of it, I just knew that all I need is to feel happy everyday and do what I love the most which is writing.

Stop caring about money, you will learn that I am right when you're about to die, you can never bring any of your money once you're dying, you will only regret that you never live your life to the fullest.

If money is the answer then why are there still a lot of millionaires that commits suicide? why are there rich celebrities that looks unhappy and depressed? money is not the answer, it's just a toy, it's just another small part of your big life.

Forget money and you will have more freedom in life, but of course you still need to earn if you need to buy something. What I mean is don't give it too much importance, never feel that it is the number one need in your life.


Do it even if it's already painful, do it even if there is something bothering you. Just do it. Passion means struggle and pain and finding the little happiness and peace while doing it. Because passion can never exist without pain and resistance, you have to deal with every difficulty along the way if you really wanted to continue what you love to do. Do it everyday even if you feel lazy and you will become very good at it, it will become automatic, it will be effortless, it will be so easy. Passion has nothing to do whether you're sick or not, whether you feel good or not, it only requires you that you must do it even if you're feeling weak.


Just doing it alone is already the prize, it's already the reward. If you're happy doing it and you feel that you're growing a little bit then that's already the reward, money will come soon, recognition will come soon. So be happy if you're doing the process, feel proud of yourself if you're doing something that makes you happy and grow. Some people doesn't even know what to do with their lives.

Just keep doing it, you never know what may come in the future, the universe is hearing you, it will give you what you want on the right time, just keep doing what you're doing, you will get some answers in the end, you will be rewarded for the hard work that you put in and that is guaranteed. 

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