Sep 12, 2018


The truth is... you are the only reason for your failure, you are allowing yourself to fail, you are allowing yourself to eat dust.

It's all your fault, you're so slow, you're not in control. You're allowing yourself to fail, you're the number one reason why you're always behind. You want to succeed but you want to fail more. You're just pretending that you want to succeed but the reality is you want to fail. You are entertaining procrastination more, you are so lazy, you were so addicted to comfort that is only making you slow and weak.

Never allow yourself to fail, if you can take actions then take actions. Never hesitate, never hold yourself back. Don't look for reasons why you're going to fail, look for reasons why you can become successful. Because there is something you can do about it, there is something you can do to improve your situation a little bit.

No excuses, do what you can do, you can always do something about it, you can move forward, you can find a way. Just keep looking for it, never stop until you become successful.

You are failing if you're not moving so you better move now and do something about your situation. You may not see the result yet but if you keep plodding and have confidence in yourself then you will be able to make results.

So keep working, always think that every action you make is making you one step closer to your goal. You are on control here, it is up to you if you will succeed or not. It is up to you if you will take actions or not. Are you just going to let your life pass by without re writing the history? are you just going to die doing nothing?

Trust every action that you're executing, trust every decision that you made. You can make it happen if you will use your will power. The will to win, the will to succeed, the determination to rise to the top is all you need. You don't need a special skill here, you just need the heart to face all the challenges of life.

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