Sep 16, 2018


At the end of the day, no matter how big or difficult your problem is... your belief is only being tested. Are you still going to believe that you can make it despite of feeling weak, do you still believe that your life will still be alright despite of not seeing any light nor seeing any sunshine. It is hard, it will be hard but you still need to move forward, you still need to give your best or else you will never get out from the rut you are in. Your belief is only being tested, and it will be tested even if you already solve one problem, another problem will come, sometimes you are not even prepared to deal with it.

Prepared or not you have to deal with anything that is coming into your life, it is just a problem, no problem is bigger than you. It's just a problem, it can never kill you, if you can still move and think straight then you have a big chance, you can take actions that will solve your problem.

Is your belief legit? will it fade if you experience a very tragic situation? or is it going to become stronger even more every time you feel scared? is your belief going to elevate to the highest level if your suffering is really unacceptable?

PROTECT YOUR BELIEF. Your belief is the only thing that will carry you, it is the only thing that will put you on top. Your belief is your barometer, if you really believe it then you will get it. Never doubt yourself and your ability to produce something, never doubt your beliefs, never doubt your willpower. You can have it if you really want it, you can have it if you will have a positive mindset and bring your A Game every now and then.

Follow your heart, follow your instincts, never let go of your belief, never let go of what makes you feel alive. If you feel that you only have a very slight chance then still go for it, make it happen, make something happen. Never stop until you win, it will never be over until you win.

If you believe that you can win, if you believe that you can make a miracle then keep believing, make that belief stronger each day. Make that belief the strongest belief, make that belief your life, do everything in your power to make it happen. Never stop, never settle... keep pushing everyday.

Just do it, just keep moving forward, it may look impossible but it is possible, it may look very hard but you can still do something about it. Stop wasting your energy for weak thoughts, stop wasting your life for an idea that will never help you, always entertain a thought that will give you an extra boost of energy to keep going. Because the only question is... are you still going to move forward despite of the hardships that is happening in your life? are you still going to try despite of failing a lot of times?

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