May 20, 2018


If you're struggling then good... it means you're trying, it means you're giving your best to win in life. It's ok to struggle, it's ok if you can't get something even though you'r working hard. The reward is late, it will not be yours now but it will be yours in the future. The prize is on its way... be patient and keep doing what you're doing.

Never stop the hustle, do whatever it takes, if you have to work for 16-18 hours a day then do it. There is nothing wrong with that, doing that is giving you a better chance of succeeding than doing nothing at all.

Struggling is normal, everyone is experiencing it... the more you struggle the more you are giving yourself a chance to succeed so keep struggling and never be ashamed of it, it's ok, if it's the path that is available right not then take it. One day everything will be easy but for now... you have to endure struggling first.

A lot of people doesn't want to struggle that's why they will never reach the pinnacle, all they want it is the easy path but that path will lead to nowhere, it will only give them small success but that success will never last forever.

If you're so familiar with a hard path then everything will be easy for you, you will never make excuses, you don't know what's easy or hard anymore because you will just do the task in front of you, you will never complain, you will just finish it because you knew that you need to do it in order to become successful.

Be happy if you're struggling because big reward is waiting for you, just wait because your situation will become easier in just a matter of time.

Persevere, endure... that's how simple the game is, victory belongs to the most persevering.

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