May 21, 2018


Are you a finisher? or just a beginner? are you just good in starting without pushing yourself to finish it? are you just good in planning, talking and intros? when it becomes hard what will you do? just going to leave it like it is and pretend that you have other priorities?

You have to finish what you've started no matter what, you're so arrogant in the beginning where is your arrogance now? you keep telling everyone that this is it then what? what happened? where is that dream you are talking about?

Finish it, don't be a pussy, don't be someone who will just leave and look for comfort when the going gets tough. You have to finish what you begin, never stop until you're done. Winners will keep fighting even if it's so obvious that they will not win anymore, they will fight no matter what, they will never stop until miracles happened.

Don't even begin if you have no plans of finishing it, you're just wasting your time and energy, don't start something just to impress people and make them love you. Once you start something... make it grow, enjoy the journey, keep learning and find a way how to win. 

If you persevere and never give up then you will be able to finish anything, even if it is so hard, you will find a way no matter what.

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You will never understand everything and you are not suppose to understand everything. You may work hard, you may be more skilled than other...