May 4, 2018


Of course there will be something wrong, even if you have a very detailed plan... there will always be something wrong. Sometimes you are expecting too much, sometimes all you think is perfection and a smooth sailing journey but that's not what success is all about, it's about keeping moving forward even if something goes wrong.

Don't panic because there will always be adjustments, there will always be tweaking that will happen, all you need to do is stay in the game and never ever quit... what is the point of quitting? what is the point of panicking? you need to believe in yourself and adapt with the situation.

No journey is perfect, if there is then everybody will follow it, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow but if your mind is prepared for the worse things that might happen then you will not be bothered, you will stay calm under fire.

There will always be mistakes, unexpected events... there will always be miscalculations... it is part of life, it is part of the process. It is normal, just stay calm and do what is needed, do what will make the situation better. Solve the problem and never entertain a negative thought.

Always stay positive, always stay hopeful... any challenge is nothing if you know that in the end... you will still win.

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