Oct 31, 2022


What's making you weak, slow, unproductive and dumb is your cellphone. You're looking at it too much, it's eating a lot of your time, it's not helping you at all. It's better if you are using it for studying or business but you are using it for pleasures and procrastination instead. That's why you're on a downward spiral pattern, that's why you keep on losing. You're too interested with garbage information, you don't want to consume the information that will make you better. You want nasty bitches dancing on Tik tok, you want fake pranks, you want stupidity and nonsense dramas that's why you're always lacking of time for yourself. You need to be better than that and the only way to stop wasting your time is to try keeping your cellphone for one week, store it in a cabinet and lock it. Try this experiment and you will be surprise with how productive you become by simply eliminating one thing in your life. 

If you can't keep it because you're waiting for some important messages then just don't touch the apps or social media applications for one week. You have to be aware if you're putting a lot of your time an energy into your cellphone because it's making you dumb and stupid, it's making you very weak and unproductive. You need to control the use of your cellphone, you need to discipline yourself or else it will ruin your life, you will become weak, you will become a failure, do you want that? Accept that your phone is eating a lot of your time that you could have use for greatness or a little self development. You need to control the time of usage of your cellphone, it's much better if you will stay away from it for at least a week or even a month. 


Push yourself to go hard all the time, never rest, never make excuses, just pure hard work and focus. Do this for one week and you will be surprised that you've already increase your productivity to 10x or even more. Because the number one reason why you're so slow and useless is your cellphone, you're letting a random posts from a stupid bitch eat your time, you're letting the problems of others distract you, you're allowing yourself to get lost with random posts that doesn't level up your mentality. It's time to claim your life and stop being manipulated by a small computer, you need to focus on the grind, focus on getting better.


Never let a small machine control you, never let other people control you and make you a slave of their nonsense actions. Never let social media manipulate your mind, you need to decide for yourself, you need to control your own life. The truth is... all of your decisions and styles was based on social media, you're following the trends, you're following everything they say even if it is not true. Your mind was a slave already because you're not living your life in your own terms, you're letting your cellphone do the decision for you. The moment you wake up the first thing you're holding is your cellphone, before you sleep you're also using your cellphone. Aren't you sick and tired of it? 


It's easy to win nowadays because most people are distracted by what's going on with the world. You're wasting a lot of your time following a person that you don't even know. The one who will thrive in this generation is the one who's not wasting his time. So if you keep on wasting your time on social media consuming a lot of images and information that doesn't make you better then you're going down. Your life is on a downward spiral. So look at yourself, if you're always using your cellphone then it means you are losing, if you can't stop yourself from looking at your cellphone for at least an hour then there is already something wrong with you. 

It's easy to win because most people are procrastinating and using their phone, it's easy to win because most people got soft because of their cellphone, they don't want to suffer anymore, they don't want to try anymore, their phone is making them weak, it's giving them the comfort that they don't need, it's an unhealthy comfort, it's an addiction, cellphone is like a drug that is legal. It's taking away your problems for a very short time but making it worse in the long run. 


fear of getting left behind, fear of missing out, fear of not being updated, fear of losing the trends... this is who you are and that's why you don't have confidence in yourself, your decisions was based on social media. The way you dress, speak and live was purely based on this stupid social media. Never mind what's going on with the world, never care if a celebrity is depressed, it's not your problem. This social media is just promoting the mental health, it's already becoming a drama, it's not an issue... it's becoming a show, people are pretending to have it to excuse themselves from taking an action, some people are using it to get an attention. Just a small sadness is not a depression, life is really like that, sometimes you are sad and sometimes you are happy. People who are depressed are the most unappreciative people in the world. They're not the weakest, they're the most unappreciative people. You can never see depression in africa or the poorest country in the world, it's because they don't have anything, and now that you have a lot suddenly you are depressed? social media is making you depress because it's forcing your to compare yourself to others and that takes away your ability to appreciate your own life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 30, 2022


You don't know that moving forward is much better than stopping and quitting, you don't know that trying again is the best thing you can do to avoid regrets in the end, you don't know that life is a journey and you are suppose to try again and again because that is where real fun is. There is no fun in winning, there is no thrill in knowing that you're going to succeed, the real fun is in the process, the real thrill and joy is not knowing if you can make it or not. So go all the way, go hard every single day, make sure you are so damn tired before you sleep, make sure you gave your all before you close your eyes, stop wasting your energy for nonsense things and use it for your goals only... that's the only way to become really happy with your life. 


Start now, be fast, it's ok if you're not starting great... just start and do something, it's all about creating a momentum, it's all about building a rhythm to keep you going and going. You can become unstoppable if you will choose to, just don't stop, just don't give up and you will become a beast. Just start, just force yourself to take actions even if you're hesitating a lot, just show up and give your very best no matter what. Every time you feel lazy and hesitant, every time you feel bad and sick... force yourself to move forward and you will find the energy to follow through. Because at the end of the day you need to work as hard as you can to become successful, you can't relax and at the same time expect success, there is no such thing as something for nothing, you have to pay the price, you have to pay your dues. 

Being relentless is a matter of choice, are you going to take the next action or not? strength doesn't matter here, what matters is your willpower, are you willing to keep pushing even if you don' feel powerful anymore.


There's only one way to become unstoppable... don't listen to what people say. Because the truth is you are stopping because people are criticizing you, you are stopping because you are too afraid of getting judged by other people. That's why a 50 year old guy doesn't want to compete anymore, that's why an undergraduate is afraid of applying for a higher position, that's why a former prostitute doesn't want to study again, it is because people plays a major impact on somebody's decision. Most people are so afraid of getting judged and humiliated by other people, a small critic is hurting them. You have no idea how powerful you can be if you will never care about what people say. Let them speak, let them belittle you but always keep moving forward, always try, this is a journey, there is nothing right or wrong here.

Let them say what they wanted to say but never stop moving forward, people will never catch you if you're always on the go, step on the gas, give yourself the greenlight and take actions like a raging bull. Nothing can stop you if you are committed to taking actions. Hear nothing, don't give any feelings from what people are trying to say, never let your mentality be affected with a random nonsense suggestion, you need to believe in yourself even if everyone is counting you out.  


Stop yourself from doing stupid things, stop yourself from procrastinating, stop everything that is slowing you down, become a stopper of your own demons, you need to control yourself and discipline yourself to do the right things only that will give you an advantage in the future. Because the truth is you're the only one who is stopping yourself, you're the only one who is destroying your own life with bad habits and extreme laziness. It's time to stop yourself from being a mediocre, it's time to become the best version of yourself, it will only happen if you will learn to stop all the stupid things in your life that doesn't give you any benefits at all. Accept that something that is fun is useless, accept that your life will become harder if you will not do the hard things now. Stop the bad habits now and the good habits will be formed naturally. 


your energy runs out because you're always looking for comfort, every time you seek comfort then you're slowing down, your focus is getting blurry, your body is starting to believe that it's ok to become lazy. You will have more energy if you keep going, never stop and your energy will never run out, as simple as that. DO it and you will find the energy to do it, most people are so weak and easily burned out because they're not forcing themselves, all they will do is rest every time they feel a a little bit  tired. You have an unlimited energy, you can move forever if you are committed with the process. Just keep going and going and going, nothing can stop you if you have a burning desire. 


Keep trying, keep moving, keep failing and then keep trying again. Dedicate your life to taking actions and you will have an extraordinary life, you will become something special, you will be able to create something that most people would not even dare to try. Train yourself to just take the first step and then follow through fast, never make excuses, never believe that you're tired, you have to find a way how to do the next step. Just do it, stop detaching yourself from anything and you will be able to do it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com


The good thing about life is that creation never stops. You can do something whenever you want and wherever you want, you can become unstoppable if you choose to. You can become relentless, you can become a beast, the only one who's stopping you is yourself because you're thinking too much, you wanted to become perfect, you wanted to become great right away and that's why you can't take actions. Greatness is patience, it will take time, you need to develop the right habits first before you become great. Don't rush it , don't force it, it's an everyday process. You can improve every single day but you need to be patient, you need to take your time and never feel frustrated if results are not coming in. 

Build your onw empire, create your own business, create your own style. Create everything based on your own decisions. Follow your heart and never stop creating, you can create something now, it all depends on how you allow yourself to become very creative. You are free, it means you can use any style you want, nobody can stop you. 


The number one waster of your time time is other people. You're so interested with them, you're affected by what they way, you're following a lot of people that doesn't contribute to your growth. Instead of using your time for yourself, you are using it to watch other people's stupid lives on social media. You have to start hating people now if you want to become great. It's not that you're bashing them or pulling them down, it's not that you're fighting them... you just stop watching them, you just stop getting interested with them and you start focusing on your own life. Because the best life to focus on is your own life, not other peoples' lives. Loving yourself means giving more time for yourself, you look forward to improve yourself, you look forward to become great. It's not about being narcissistic, it's about giving yourself the love and care that you need. 

Because knowing and trying to learn what they are doing will never help you, stop being concerned with a dramatic celebrity faking his mental health, stop being so worried about an influencer who was stuck in a dessert, it's not your fault if they are struggling, you are struggling too, you need to use all of your time and energy for yourself only. This kind of mindset will make you stronger, your value will go up, everything in your life will change. It's the one who can focus on his own life that will succeed. Mind your business, stop feeling sorry for a tik tok bitch that was making dramas just to get an attention, you need to be aware that every people is just trying to steal your time. Your time means money and potential, are you just going to give away your money for free and not get anything in return? Be aware all the time if you're just wasting your time, stop feeling so interested with other people's lives because they're not interested at you, they're just using you for their own good. 

Stop following a fake idol that all does is dance like a stupid bitch, stop feeling so aroused with a random chick that has no value in the society. You're better than that, you're just wasting your time and energy every time you watch some stupid post that doesn't teach you anything valuable. You need to use all of your time for creation, don't waste another day, don't ever think that you can just start tomorrow, if you really want to become great then you need to start today.


Don't be afraid to repeat again, don't be afraid to go back to zero, don't be afraid of failing over and over again because it's the surest path to succeed. Accept that you're just a human being, accept that you will never become perfect. Those who can embrace failures with all their heart will become great. Only weak people can't accept failures, the strongest are the ones who keep on failing and trying again and again until they can't try anymore. Yu will never run out of chances if you keep on trying again for one more time. Even if it is hard, even if it is impossible... just try again for one more time. Because it's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up. 


If you're pushing everyday, if you're doing something for a long time on a consistent way then you're already on a different level. You are different from anybody else, most people can't do something consistently for a long period of time, they quit easily. So focus on your own work, keep creating something. You must enjoy creating than watching, you are born to create, you are born to do something great, the power is yours, stop acting like you're nothing and start believing in yourself. You need to take matters into your own hands, you need to create your own opportunity. 


There are no limits, there are no boundaries, you can become what you wanted to be no matter how poor or untalented you are. The barometer of your success is your willpower, if your will can't be measured then sky is the limit for you, you will be able to create your own fortune and become something you thought you can't be. So allow yourself to push every single day, never care if it is hard, never care if it's too impossible... just do it. You can do anything you want, you can start anytime you want, allow yourself to feel light, allow yourself to be carefree and just do what your heart is telling you to do so. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com


You will only fail if you're not giving your best and it's hard to give your best if you're feeling lazy, emotional and not motivated. That is why I recommend you to go against your feelings. Never believe in your emotions, your emotions is telling you to don't try, to just give up and just let things happen by itself without resisting or fighting. That's why you keep on losing, that's why you keep on failing, you can't control your emotions, you can't tame your feelings. Once you feel so tired you will quit, once you feel lazy you will not even start, you love pampering yourself and that's why you can't level up in your life. You easily got seduced by food, entertainment, laziness, parties, social media, TV etc. You need to start stopping yourself from practicing instant gratification all the time, you didn't do anything good so why will you reward yourself with a lot of things that's not helping you to evolve at all? 


If you're scared to start, if you're scared to try then that's the best time to do it. Never trust your intuition because your default intuition is telling you to play safe and be lazy. Your intuition is telling you to stay home and don't hustle when it's raining, your intuition is telling you to stop asking for the girl's number because she will reject you, your intuition is telling you to don't resign in your present job and rot yourself with that company, your intuition is telling you to stop taking risks and be the same person as yesterday. See, your feelings is not helping you to make a breakthrough, your feelings is always telling you to stay the same and never seek for some challenge that will give you a better life. Your intuition is stopping you from trying because you don't want to fail. If it's scary then do it, that's a sign that you must try, that's a sign that you must start now even if you're not motivated or passionate at all. Because if you will not try then nothing will change, you will remain the same bum as yesterday not progressing at all. 


Just start something, it's ok to have an ugly start, it's ok to have a rough start, it's ok to struggle. Just start and follow through, never stop until you're done. If you can develop this habit then you will become very productive and unstoppable. Hard work, discipline and being fast is the key to success, you don't need to become super talented here, you don't need any assistance or a great background... you just need to become a fast started, be a doer not a waiter, stop procrastinating and overthinking. You need to just do it even if there is a lot of built up excuses in your head, stop looking for a reason why you can't do it and just start believing that you will get there no matter what. Just take baby steps, it's ok if you are slow but don't ever waste a lot of time, it's ok to rest if you are tired but don't ever stop for a very long time. Once you have a momentum... never let it die, make it stronger and stronger with actions, all you need to do is don't stop and you will become unstoppable. 

Every great person feels lazy every single day but they know what to do, they can control their laziness, they can drag themselves into taking actions, it's because they already developed this habit. Once you were able to improve forcing yourself to take actions whenever you feel lazy... you will become very fast, you will become like a machine. So stop judging yourself if you're doing well or not, just do it and forget about the results, you have to keep on trying again and again, never feel sorry if you're making a lot of mistakes because it's part of the design. What you need to do is develop your discipline to block all the thoughts that are trying to hinder your progress. Once a useless thought is running inside of your mind... replace it right away and think about winning, replace the useless thoughts with an image of you working and enjoying the process. See yourself thriving, see yourself doing whatever it takes to succeed.


You want to feel good all the time and that makes you slow and unproductive, you always choose entertainment over the process of getting better. You always choose eating and being lazy over working hard and taking care of yourself. Engaging with too much pleasures will ruin your life, it will make you weak and slow, it will make you dumb. You need to choose working hard and pushing yourself to become a little bit better than yesterday. Never chase happiness, never chase instant pleasures, pleasures doesn't mean happiness, it's a trap, it's setting yourself up for misery. Avoid these traps, avoid rewarding yourself with parties, entertainment if you haven't done anything good in your life. If you want to become great then you need to pick the right actions and decisions all the time, you need to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking and get rid of the useless activities right away. Guard yourself of what you're doing, never allow yourself to waste time all day long, take care of your time, never let anything distract you from getting your goals. Everything matters, every small decision matters, every small action matters, don't ever think that a 30 minutes or 5 minutes waste of time will never affect you, of course it does. 


Don't wait for tomorrow before you start, don't wait for a bigger opportunity before you change, you must start now, chase greatness now. Greatness is simply moving forward all the time and looking for that small improvement every now and then, greatness simply means disciplining yourself and trying to look for that tine edge that you can use in the future, greatness simply means sticking with the process no matter how hard or boring it was. It's time to become great, you want to become a beast right? so stop playing around and change yourself now, drop all the bad habits now, you've been acting like a bum for years, it's time to live differently now and chase greatness.

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 29, 2022


Whatever dream you have... believe in it all day long, even if it is impossible, even if you're not making any significant stride to get it... just go and get it. Never stop believing, never stop trying, one day it's going to be yours, just believe, it is free to believe, you will never get executed for believing in yourself. You will feel much better if you will believe, you will work harder if you believe in yourself. Some people will just believe for a few days or hours and then will go back being miserable and negative. They will stop believing once they learned that it will take a million steps to get it. Don't worry about the effort you need to exert to get it... just keep going and never stop, you will never notice that you're already there. 


Just think about your goal and keep pushing forward, it's ok if sometimes you lose your faith in yourself, it's ok because you're just a human but never stop trying, never stop doing something to make your dreams come true, take it one step at a time and be consistent, never stop, never rest... just go all the way even if you don't believe in yourself anymore. That confidence will go back, you will start to believe in yourself again. Actions will power your weakening belief, doing something will put your mind back on the right place. It's ok to be scared, it's ok to doubt yourself but never stop, you can still take actions even if you are scared, you can still move even if you're stunned, don't let anything mentally stifle you forever, you need to do something now so that your mood and way of thinking will change. You will be stuck in a place of fear if you're wasting time and always overthinking, just do something positive now and then follow through, never stop, allow yourself to take over, force fate and use your willpower to overcome anything that frightens you. 

This is just a game of beliefs, the more you believe in yourself the more you will get closer to success. The more you have faith in yourself the more you will work harder, if you can't work hard now then just take the first and easiest step and then follow through, find a way how to take actions, always remind yourself that the most important thing is to move and nothing else. Just move and take chances, success will be attracted to you, you will become like a magnet of opportunities, more and more great things will come if you keep on moving forward. 


Just because you believe in yourself doesn't mean you will feel good and confident all the time. There will be times when you will feel so heavy and doubtful but that is just part of the game, the real gam changer is when you're moving despite of being scared or feeling lazy, you will become one of a kind if you're forcing yourself to take actions even if you feel so damn tired. The gam changer is when you can ignore your emotions and simply take the next step. Stop being too emotional, stop complaining, stop being soft and focus on doing the next step, as simple as that. You will never evolve if you're emotional and soft, you need to step your game up and go hard. Go harder today, go harder tomorrow, make yourself a beastlike human being that doesn't know how to quit. Stop looking for good feelings, emotions are overrated, you will feel bad every once in a while, you can never control how you feel but you can control how you think, you must strengthen your mind and focus on thinking positive. 


It's not about what's happening, it's not about what you have, it's not about what you are right now... it's about what you're thinking. Think about what you want to happen all the time, visualize it, feel it, believe that it's already yours, fully believe that it's going to happen tomorrow if not today, be patient because sometimes it will take time, don't be afraid to wait while working hard to get it. Train your mind to claim it and believe that you deserve it. No matter how big it is... you deserve it and you're going to get it no matter what, it doesn't matter how long. It doesn't matter if it takes years, what matters is you believe it. Because what you're thinking everyday will manifest, your mind is the key, your mind will create your life so you better watch what you are thinking right now because it will create an effect in the future. The more you believe in your goals or dreams... faster you will get it. You have to believe 24 hours a day, you have to discipline your mind to think the right way. Your mind is the most important thing in your life, it is your greatest weapon to survive, it is your greatest asset to succeed. Invest in your mind, give a lot of time and effort to your mind, make it strong, make it powerful and nothing will be impossible to you. 

It's free to believe, nothing can stop you, if you want to strengthen your belief then you need to give an effort. Make your mind and body stronger, train yourself everyday to become a believer of yourself. Because if you will not believe in yourself then you will never win, as simple as that. Make your belief very strong to the point where the universe is bending on your will. Your mind is everything so be careful of what you're feeding into your mind, if you're feeding it the wrong thoughts then you're in big trouble. But if you can think the right way, if you can be patient enough to train your mind then you will manifest everything that you desire. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 28, 2022


There will be times, actually most of the time there will be uncertainties or unexpected events, there will be changes, there will be obstacles, there will be disturbances and distractions, there will be people who will try to stop you or disrespect you and it's your duty to embrace them without acting violently, accept it for what it is and just move on. Never give energy to something that you don't like, never give attention to things that doesn't even matter at all. Life will always be uncomfortable and you need to get use to it. 


There is no other way to feel happier when you're sad and that's taking actions. You will feel lazy in the beginning but once you're moving... you will become more confident, you will have more energy. If you're not doing anything, if you're procrastinating all the time then you will go crazy, the reason why people were so depressed is because they're not moving at all. They're stuck because all they do is watch TV, scroll on facebook and eat a lot of junk food. And that's why they're lost all the time, they're being use by external things. Never let your mind overthink, just start now and follow through all the way. If you feel bad now just move, if you feel so lazy now just move. Moving will change your rhythm, moving will give you more energy. 


being slow, being lost, always failing, making a lot of mistakes doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is you're not stopping. Stay consistent, stay hungry, stay humble and trust the grind. Just start it and look for the finish, take it one step at a time, enjoy the baby steps and never stop even if it is hard. Moving is easy if you will just decide that you're going to move, if your mind is in the present moment then there will be zero resistance. Just enjoy taking steps, enjoy doing it without having to think about the future. Train yourself to become a doer, become a mover not a watcher nor a waiter. Move even if you feel tired and lazy, move even if you are scared, it's too simple. Success' formula is simply about moving and nothing else. 


You have to learn how to be ok with stress so that it will have lesser effect on you. You have to accept that life is really hard and challenging, your enemy is your mind, if you keep on thinking that something is hard then it will be hard but if you can make yourself believe that it is easy then it will be easy. Jus keep pushing forward whenever you feel stressed, it will go away if you're moving, just laugh at it, be aware of how you feel and never resist it, embrace it, welcome it and never try to push it away. the more you want it to go away the stronger it gets, it will go away automatically, it will be gone so fast if you're not making dramas about it. Stop complaining, stop acting like a victim and push yourself to do what is needed. If you want to become a lion, if you want to become a beast then you better do what most people can't do... embrace the discomfort and try to make something out of it. 


Don't focus on the outcome, don't focus on what people are trying to say, don't focus on pleasing people, don't focus on trying to control everything. The only things you can control are your emotions and thoughts, it's your efforts that matters and not anything outside of it. If you will just focus on your own energy, if you will just focus on what you can do then you will become very powerful. 


Courage doesn't mean you're not feeling any fear, it means you keep on trying. You show up and you use all of your skills and energy to finish something. It means you embrace your fears and you still do what you need to do, you don' make excuses, you don't look for something to blame if you fail, you take full responsibility of your situation and you're doing everything you can to succeed in life. Just be brave for a little bit and give yourself a chance to win. You have to remind yourself that if you wanted to win then you need to battle your emotions, you need to battle doubts and fears, it will be really uncomfortable so you need to train yourself how to manage or even enjoy these emotions. 


At the end of the day life is simply about emotions. People do this or do that because they want to feel a certain way, people become corrupt because they thought money can make them happy, leaders become greedy because they thought doing bad things will make them feel good, you buy a stupid Gucci product because you want to please others, you eat this or eat that because you wanted to reward yourself with pleasure, people wanted to feel good all the time, they wanted to feel comfortable, they wanted to look superior and good. If you can just be ok not being ok, if you can just be cool with nothing in your hands then you will become unstoppable. If you can embrace any embarrassment, humiliation, defeat, belittlement from other people, being last, being outcast then you will become powerful. Believe in the power of making sacrifices, believe in the power of delayed gratification. You don't need to reward yourself all the time, you don't need to feel good all the time, life is simply about breathing and living, there is nothing more to it. The definition of life is to live every single day, you don't need to become happy or sad. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 26, 2022


he best advice you can ever get is to fail everyday. Just fail, try something and don't be afraid to fail, take risks and never shy away from the pressure or any challenge. Face the scary moments and always believe that anything is possible. If you fail you fail, what's the big deal? it is nothing, it's becoming a big deal because you're dwelling on it too much. You're focusing on it, you're complaining about it, you're making dramas about it. If you think you really deserve to win then you will give your all, but you're a half ass committed man and that's why you keep on losing again and again. If you really gave your all then probably you could have been successful by now but you're not, it only means you only give your 50 percent or even lesser than that. 


First of all they don't feel successful because they're not even trying, second they don't believe in themselves. If you really believe in yourself then you will never be afraid to try. You will never be scared to fail. People loves to play safe, they love to just sir around and watch TV, they love comfort that's why they can't go to the next level. There's nothing wrong with that, what makes it wrong is if they are dreaming about something but they're not doing anything to get it. If you want to become a bum then be a bum, there's nothing wrong with that but don't ever complain just for once, don't blame anything or anyone why you're not succeeding. 


Always remember that it's not about the results, it's not about how skilled you are, it's not about how talented you are, not even what you have... it's simply about taking actions and working hard. If you want to go to the next level then you must take actions every second and never look for results, it's about testing yourself, it's about feeling powerful by taking actions and not holding your own self back. Discipline yourself to become a mover not a wisher nor a waiter. You have to take matters into your own hands and become the best version of yourself. Just do it and do it and do it. Taking actions will weaken the resistance, you're feeling heavier and lazier because you're not pulling the trigger, once you made the first move... never stop and just follow through every second of the day, become like a machine. Make your body and mind fast, just do it and never think about the future... that's how to become a beast. 

Just move and you're already on the right path. Just go, never mind what's going to happen next and just move. You will only get more confident if you're doing something because inaction creates doubts and fears while taking actions will give you a strong momentum to carry on. Moving is very easy, you just need to make up your mind that you will do it no matter what. Force your body to move and your mind will follow, sometimes it's your mind that is stopping you, if your mind doesn't want you to move then just move your body and then later both of them will agree to each other. Sometimes your body wants to move but your mind doesn't want to or vice versa, if this is the case then just move and remind yourself that it's ok to feel uncomfortable, it's ok to feel unsure what matters is you are doing something and not wasting any second of your time. 


You are too much about how you look, what people say, how are you doing, your clothes, your shoes, your hair, the traffic, the problems of other people, celebrities etc. You care too much about the nonsense and that's why you're not making enough progress to go to the next level. Stop caring and you will feel very powerful. Never care about what other people are doing or saying, never care about the disrespect of other people and just focus on your own journey. Stop caring about the things that doesn't help you to grow, the only thing that will make you grow is failures, collect failures everyday, keep trying over and over again until you succeed, it doesn't matter if you're getting tired, it doesn't matter if it is too repetitive... just do it, go all in and never regret anything. 

What they say doesn't even matter anymore, stop pleasing other people stop trying to prove yourself and just push forward to make things happen. Force fate, do your best and push yourself to the limits. 

Stop caring about what other people are doing and focus on your own journey, discipline yourself to stop getting interested with other people's lives because it's simply wasting a lot of your time. If you want to become great then it's time to focus on your life, focus on trying to make yourself grow, focus on experiences that will level you up and forget everything that is making you lazy and slow, forget everything that is only derailing your success. Success is not about how good you are, it's about where you place your time. 


Keep failing and you will never feel anything about it anymore, keep trying and you will no longer be scared of failing, it will become like an ordinary day to you, it can never scare you anymore, you will become detach from the outcome and you will simply give your very best no matter what. Just keep trying, keep hustling, the universe is watching you, you will be able to find a way, something will click, the reward is on the way. Don't be like others who were so scared to try, they will regret it for the rest of their lives, try with all your might, treat everything as a possibility. Fail now and fail again tomorrow, fail for the rest of your life, one day is going to be your day, it's impossible that you're going to fail forever if you keep on trying and giving your best, the law of averages is real, time will come and victory will be on your hands. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 25, 2022


Watching that stupid celebrity, following that nonsense influencer is so obvious that will never give you anything in return, it's only eating your precious time. The key to success is not talent nor hard work... it's discipline, it's your routine, it's setting yourself up for success. Hard work is a key too but can you work hard everyday? it's very hard to sustain it, some people will work hard for a few days but will rest for a lot of months. That's why discipline is they key, delayed gratification and avoiding all the nonsense. If you can be strict with yourself about being selfish with your time and using it only for yourself then hard work will become easier, you will work hard automatically without having to think about it. You will become automatic. Stop pretending that what you are doing is giving you happiness, yes it is fun and entertaining but it will make you broke one day because you're not learning nor getting anything from it. Stop fooling yourself, stop making yourself believe that you will be alright despite of your laziness and irresponsible behavior. 


Don't waste it for random clicks here and there, don't waste it for useless activities that will never make you improve. They're so lucky because you're giving them more of time and lesser time for yourself. How dare you do that to yourself? stop being a bum, stop being a time waster and become a doer. Be selfish with your time, that's the key to greatness. Only give it to people who are worth it. Waste your time and you will have a miserable life, take care of it and use it the right away and you will have a very good life. Your life is dependent with how you use your time so look at yourself, are you using most of your time scrolling at your cellphone in social media? or are you using it at least make yourself better than yesterday? 


Not the story of a stupid girl dancing on TIK TOK, not the problems of your friends, not your noisy neighbor, not the dog of your enemy, not the success of other country, not the celebrity who got pregnant, not the newly crowned champion team, not the love story of your high school crush... the best story is about your life. Create your own movie, create your own story, even if it is a simple story... give all of your effort to it and enjoy the journey, imagine big things, imagine yourself winning, imagine yourself stealing the show and surprising people. The best chapter of your life was not written yet, it's time to create a new fate and become the best that you can be. 


Your power lies within your thoughts and actions. There is no power on the external things, you need to focus on moving and your body and mind the right way. You will become powerless every time you care about what other people are doing. You will get stronger and stronger every time you focus on being you. Take actions now, do something for yourself, chase a goal, realize your dream, do something that is related to your life and not with other people's lives. You owe it to yourself to become better, you can get better everyday if you will choose to. 


Just do what you need to do, forget about the results, forget the future, forget the outcome, detach from the consequences and focus on the now. Just do something positive now that will put you on a better position to evolve. You can improve by simply not overthinking and just doing something that will make you better a little bit. There are lot of things that you can do if you will stop overthinking. Focus on execution, focus on the basics, all you need to do is take the first step and that's it. You have the power to take actions even if you're not feeling good, you have the ability to take the first step even if it's too uncomfortable. But most of you is underestimating this power. 


If you can become a master of disciplining yourself, if you can practice delayed gratification all the time and make it a habit then you will become unstoppable. You will have more energy, you will become more productive, you will be able to make the best decisions in your life. If you can delay rewarding yourself all the time because you haven't done anything great yet in your life then you will become unstoppable. Most people are rewarding themselves all the time, they feel entitled of having this or having that, they want to get everything they want and buy what their impulse is telling them even though they haven't done anything good yet with their lives. They didn't work hard but they will reward themselves with the things they want and that's why they get broke in the end. It's so obvious that they will never get anything in return from being arrogant, it's so obvious that consuming a lot will never give them something back but they still do it anyway and that's why they have a lot of regrets in the end. Stop being addicted to instant gratification because it's a trap for misery in the end. Just like a student who will choose to play video games over studying for his exam, he rewarded himself even if he doesn't deserve it and that's why he is failing in the end. That's how to make your life better, you simply choose working over playing most of the time. There is a time for play but if you keep playing all the time then you will fail in the end, everything in your life will fail. 


Don't look for food, don't look for too much rest, don't look for an excuse. If it's uncomfortable then it means you are changing and growing, you need to face the discomfort and make something out of it. It's easy to become successful nowadays because most people are quitters, they will quit the moment they feel that it is hard and uncomfortable, they will stop, they will make excuses, they will look for an easier path that has no rewards at all. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 24, 2022


Face the stress, face your responsibility, face the task and never look for an escape. Just drink water and breathe, never look for comfort. Most people when they're stressed they will eat food, smoke, watch some random you tube clips, drink alcohol, use drugs, do the mindless scrolling on social media or simply procrastinate and do some random easy things. And that's why they're stressed even more, that's why they're lost and depressed and scared. If you need to do something, if it is your responsibility... do it fast without thinking, stop doubting, stop making excuses and just face it like a real man. 


There is no growth in comfort. If you knew you are going to win then you will never work hard and if you don't work hard you're not going to grow. But you can never win if you don't face the discomfort, as simple as that. If success was easy then everybody will do it. You have to put yourself on an uncomfortable position in order to win. Looking for comfort is for the weak, it's for the mediocre, you will never go to the next level if you're always looking for a comfortable situation. You need to feel comfortable being uncomfortable, you need to embrace the challenge and solve the puzzle. Never look for an easy way out, never look for a relief, just deal with it, just accept that it's not really comfortable and never complain even just for a second. 


Always do it now, don't look forward to do it tomorrow... do it now. Don't rush but stay disciplined, always go for the kill, always look forward to finish what you need to finish and never make excuses. Stop believing in the word tomorrow, you've got to make it happen now, force the situation, never care if you're so damn tired, just do the next step and that's it. You're thinking too much that's why you keep on getting more tired, you need to stay with the basic, just do what you need to do and keep following through, as simple as that. You need to think that what you're doing is important, feel that there is no option to delay it, you have to finish it now no matter what... that's how to beat stress, that's how to set yourself up on a better position to succeed. 


If you want to have more control in your life... face chaos, face your responsibilities, face the thing that you don't like. It's the only way, your life will be out of control every time you cower and procrastinate, you need to face it even if it's too uncomfortable, the power is in the now, the weakness is the the delay. If you keep on delaying things then you will become weak and stressed. There is a mysterious joy in facing the pain, you will only become confident if you face your fears. Say to yourself "I got this", it's nothing, it's not that hard if you will accept it and face it. Don't resist it, don't shy away from it, embrace it like it's a blessing. Never curse it, never replace it with foolish entertainment or procrastination, execute now and you will gain more confidence. 


Stress happens when you are delaying something, you will feel it more if you're always thinking about the future, it will become worse if you want to finish something fast but you're not taking any steps. Use speed, start fast and finish strong, never delay something, never play the weak game... be fast and keep going. You will never feel the discomfort whenever you are pushing yourself and simply enjoying the process. Forget about perfection and just be fast, it's ok if you are not use to it... just practice it. Stop procrastinating, stop doing a lot of useless things. Being fast in taking actions will make you forget your problem, it will make you feel good, just be fast and do something positive, your situation will get better in just a matter of time. Never let your mind think and just move, never judge yourself, never think that there is something wrong. Everything is right, it is there for a reason. 


You just need yourself, you don't need a cigarette, you don't need a movie, you don't need a good, you don't need temporary relief, you just need yourself, you just need to fix your mindset. You don't need comfort, you don't need assurance... you just need to start and forget what will happen next. It's simply about moving and trying, stop thinking about anything else. Nothing can stop you if you will believe that you are unstoppable, you can move anytime you want... just allow yourself to take actions, feel free all the time. Because looking for something before you move is just an excuse, it's weakness, you can improvise all the time, you can look for something top use. If you need something before you move then it means you really don't want to move, you're being too lazy, you need to force yourself to take the first step and follow through. 


If you're not afraid of any feelings then your stress will become weaker. You need to learn how to embrace any kind of emotion and be ok with it. Stay calm all the time and learn to breathe. Don't be afraid of feeling bad, it will soon go away. Any negative emotion will not stay in your system forever. It will soon go away, just be patient and never freak out, never do stupid things, never do something negative. A feeling is just a feeling, you're a human being so it's ok to feel bad most of the time. If you can still think correctly despite of feeling bad then you will become unstoppable. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 22, 2022


The only thing that will make you fast is detachment from the outcome. You should not think about the future, you should not worry about the results, be all about taking actions and forget if you will fail or succeed. Most of the time you want to become perfect and flawless, you want to become great and that makes you slow and inactive. If you want to stay active all the time and busy... forget about perfection, destroy the idea that you need to be perfect. You just need to move and that's it, you can become a machine if you will not overthink. Forget about winning, forget about getting something, just keep on trying, keep taking the next step and the next one and the next one. You're thinking too much and worrying about something that hasn't happen yet that's why you're so slow, weak and unproductive. Stop worrying about the future and just focus on the know, enjoy taking baby steps, enjoy doing what is needed even if the reward is not guaranteed. 


Never care if it's going to be traffic and you will be late, just move forward and never rush because rushing will only make you commit mistakes and you will become slower. Forget if your boss is going to scold you because of your mistakes, just work now, worrying will only make you slower. Forget if there will be something that will stop you, just do what you need to do, that's it. Stay in the moment and simply give your very best, appreciate every second, fall in love with the process and never rush anything. You will become faster and will be able to have more energy if you will be in the moment. So stay present, stay still, breathe while moving forward. You don't need to rush, you don't need to become scared, there is nothing to worry about if you're living in the now, believe in the power of being present and not worrying about what will happen next. What will happen will happen, any fear will never help you at all, being anxious with the future will only make you stuck and weak. If you want to have more and energy and get stronger... enjoy what is happening now even if it is hard, even if you don't like it... learn to love it. 


You are slow because there are lot of stupidity going on with your life, you're giving too much attention to nonsense things that are eating your precious time and making you slower and unproductive. If you want to become faster then you need to stay basic, list the things that you need to do and do it, cross out the useless activities, get rid of bad habits that are giving you temporary comfort but giving you long term pain. If you will stay basic, if you will remove all the toxic activities in your life then you will become fast, you will become a beast, you will live on a different pace and people will have a hard time catching up with you. You're going to become fast that they're already chasing after you. Because at the end of the day all you need to do is move and do something, you don't need to look flashy, you don't need to look extra ordinary, stick with the basic and focus on what you can do, focus on being positive and simple, stay with the grind and never try to complicate the process by adding too much garbage into your life. Just do it, just start it and just follow through. Stay basic because that will make your life easier. 


There is always a next step, you just need to do it right away. The reason why you can't execute is because you're thinking too much. Stop thinking too much and just do it, forget about everything else and focus on taking actions. It doesn't take too much to pull the trigger so what are you waiting for? pull the trigger now and see what will happen next. What the hell are you waiting for? just move, forget about the result, forget about making it great and just do it. It's ok to be a mediocre for a while, just take actions and never waste your time, never worry, never think about making mistakes, it's ok to repeat again, just keep going no matter what. Nothing can stop you if you will make yourself unstoppable. Just quit doing a lot of stupidity in your life, quit thinking too much and just do the work. 


You don't need to eat food when you're stressed, you don't need to entertain yourself every time you got bored with an important work, you don't need to rest or take a nap every now and then, you just need to move and do what is needed. Do what is harder but more rewarding, don't do some random stupidity that will only make your life miserable. You've got to take actions now before it's too late, stop wasting time, stop thinking that you have an eternity to chase your goal. If you really want something... stop thinking and just execute the next step, as simple as that. Don't focus on what you don't need, those entertainment and instant gratification were all just traps and their agenda is to make you fail. You need to be mindful of what you're doing and consuming. 


If you want to become faster you need to make sacrifices, you need to drop everything that is slowing you down. Drop the bad habits, drop the useless entertainment, drop the procrastination and focus on the process. It will be hard, it will take a lot of your energy and time but it's useful and will make you better. You need to sacrifice your happiness for greatness. 

If you want to become faster then be faster, just do what you need to do without thinking if you're going to do it or not. Have no conscience when starting, stp feeling guilty about it, stop judging yourself if you are right or wrong... jsut simply do it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 21, 2022


In order to know the truth, in order to avoid regrets you must try. If you want to know if a girl likes you or not... you must try to ask her out on a date. If you want to know if you can do something big or not... you must dare to try with all of your energy and time. Never be afraid to fail, you only have one life... why be scared to take the biggest shot of your life. At the end of the day you don't have anything from the day that you were born so why will you be scared of losing something? Just try, just start, ask and be intentional, do the first move and use your willpower to make it happen. If you fail you fail, there's nothing to lose, at least you try, at least you didn't waste your life like others. 


Just try and keep going never care if it is hard, never care if you will embarrassed yourself. This life is so amazing if you will just keep trying and take risks. You can handle anything, it's just a matter of facing everything and embracing the pain of failing or coming up short. It's ok to fail, you will have bigger regrets if you didn't try. The only question in life is did you give everything you've got or not? did you just waste your life hoping to get lucky while others are thriving? or did you become brave and give yourself a chance to become big? the choice is always yours, you can never count on luck because it will never come to you if you didn't take a risk. The future will come, what will happen will happen, the best philosophy in life is to just try and go further so that you will know the truth. Doubting yourself nd counting yourself out will never serve you. You have to trust yourself and believe that everything fall into your hands if you take chances, show up and give your very best. Don't make it complicated, just try and detach from the outcome. Use the game of trying, use the game of having a thick face and not caring if you will fail or succeed. You just try, just think that you are just setting up some traps and if they bite it then you're successful, as simple as that. Learn to play the game, just try and laugh at yourself every time you fail, be proud of yourself too because most people wouldn't even dare to try. 


Stop pretending that you don't deserve this or that. Stop pretending that you're at the bottom and go out and express yourself and chase what you want. Just try, trying is free, you can try a million times. Dare to be great, dare to be a tryer and never feel ashamed of yourself if you failed a million times already. You are the authority of your desires, you can chase it and try to get it anytime you want to. Stop focusing on things and reasons why it can't be done and start doing something to become closer with it. You can be what you wanted to be if you will try and give full maximum effort. Stop thinking too much, stop hesitating and just go for it. Like a fast bullet, like a crazy dog that is hungry for the food, like an obsessed man, like a mad scientist that will go to the extreme... go for it with all your heart, attack it like your life depends on it.  


If you really believe that you can become big then you will become big, if you think that you can earn that money then you will earn that money, the question is what is your next move? it's all about your next move. You can't be believing that you will win if you will not work hard and make sacrifices, you can't succeed abut anything if all you do is watch TV and delay the process. You have to be fast, you have to be moving forward all the time. Don't be scared of failing, don't be scared of trying, just give everything you've got no matter what. Ignore everything and just push, be fast in taking steps and you will be surprised with how big you become. You can do something now, all you have to do is force yourself to do the next step and stop looking back. One positive action at a time, it's all you need to do. Forget about winning or losing and just do it, keep pushing forward. 


Some people say they believe that they can do this or do that but they're not taking actions. It's because part of them doesn't really believe it. It's ok if you don't believe in yourself but don't stop yourself from taking actions. Believing is really not believing at all, there will be doubts and fears but you have to overcome them by taking actions and forcing yourself to take chances. Belief is really not about believing, it's pushing and not quitting. Because at the end of the day your beliefs will be tested, you will be challenged but if you already made up your mind that you will follow your game plan and live with your philosophy no matter what then you will become unstoppable, nothing can ever put you down, nothing can make you quit, you will keep going no matter what, your willpower will find a way, your perseverance will bend the reality. So make up your mind to follow your heart no matter what and stop believing in facts, history, science or critics. Just do what you need to do, follow your heart, just be quiet and keep trying all the time. 

It's ok to be a tryer than a waiter.

Life is a game, you're jut playing game every time you try, there is nothing personal here, there's no pressure, there's no attachment, there's no bad consequences that are waiting. If you try then it means you're giving yourself the freedom to fail or succeed. If you try it means you're ready for everything, it means you're really living life. Just try, if you have an idea, if you want to get something, just try and get it. Just give your very best, there's no harm in trying, you're in a win win situation here. You should force fate, you should be a good user of your will. Never wait, do it now, feel free, enjoy your freedom it's your privilege to take an action. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 18, 2022


The quality of your mind will determine the quality of your life. Always be aware of what you are focusing on because that will be your reality. If you're focused on problems instead of solutions or actions then you will become stuck and scared forever. Your mind will be the dictator of the outcome of your life. If there is something you don't want... don't focus on it and it will be gone. Where the focus go the energy flow, if you don't want something to get bigger and stronger then never give it any attention just for a second. Focus on the better things in life, focus on possibilities, focus on trying to become better than yesterday. Focus on trying to make your mind stronger, sharper and more positive. A strong mind means a strong life, your mind gets stronger every time you feed it the right images. Think only about thoughts that are serving you and making you more energetic and fast. Stop dwelling with thoughts that are making you slow, sad and angry. Thoughts creates emotions, the quality of your thoughts will be the quality of your life, as simple as that. 

don't give any attention to dramas

Dramas like a stupid teenager behaving badly, a police beating a black man, a queen spitting at the slaves, the social media is ruining your life and poisoning your mind. You have to protect your mind from these dramas because it is harmful and not helpful at all. Dramas and nonsense information is making you weak, slow and depressed, you have to learn how to stay away from them and focus on getting better each day. Never give any attention or time to something that is only depleting your energy for no reason. You have to use your energy for important activities only. These dramas in social media and TV is not helping you at all, it's only making your mind weak and slow. You have to guard your mind and feed it the right information only if you want to become efficient and strong. These dramas are traps, its main goal is to get your time to serve its own agenda. You have to be mindful about your attention, never pay attention to something that is trash and useless. 


Stop pretending that you don't know it BECAUSE you know it. You know the next move, you are a right thinking individual but you're acting like a fool. Just do what you need to do and forget about the results, if you will have a mentality like this then you will be able to take massive actions. Just try and never mind if you're perfect or not. Guard your mind, focus on it, see if it is thinking about defeats and stop thinking that way. It's either you do it or not, keep in mind that if you don't do it then you already lost but if you want to give yourself a chance to succeed then you better start doing it. Start now and go for the kill, do whatever it takes to win. If you wan to have a stronger mind then face all the challenges in front of you, just do it, just embrace it. All you have to do is take the next step and that's it. Never hold yourself back, you've got to be moving forward all the time. 


If a mission or a goal is too impossible to achieve then become delusional, it's ok to look like a fool, go to the extreme, always believe that it is possible. Even if you don't have the knowledge, experience or skills to get it... still believe that it is possible. Just make sure that you are working hard and doing whatever it takes to get it. Never listen to what people say, they will call you crazy or sick in the head, they will think that you're dreaming away but that's ok. What they say doesn't even matter. What really matters is you keep pushing forward and you don't stop. Once you force your mind to believe in something with all your heart... you will be able to do it, nothing can stop you. Nothing can ever stop a convinced mind. So become delusional and work as hard as you can to make it happen. Go to the extreme, do what most people can't do. Work on it every single day and never stop even if the whole world is trying to stop you. 


Again, stop focusing on the external world and start working on your inner world. Focus on your mind, feed it with the most beautiful thoughts that you can ever think to become a doer. If you're thinking the right way then it will be easier for you to move. Just do it, just start it, always see the picture of you winning. Plant in your mind the right seed of thoughts and never think about losing just for once. Only imagine yourself being victorious, do this everyday to strengthen your belief system. Stay calm everyday, work on your dreams and never stop believing. Don't be afraid of failure, be afraid if you're not doing something. You have to prioritize actions over doubts and fears. Visualize everyday, think only about the things that you want to get and ignore all the happenings that are outside of your vision. Always remember that your mind is the director, your mind will dictate where you will be headed to. 

Catch yourself every time you are thinking negatively and shift your thoughts right away from negative to positive. Always remember that you will only win if you are optimistic and not entertaining ugly thoughts. You have to put your mind on the right place, never let it wander anywhere, never let it be confused and poisoned by negative thoughts and scary ideas. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 16, 2022


A charming young guy on you tube is telling a story about how he made millions in just a few months, you get interested so you subscribe on his program only to learn that it was a scam. Your friend is telling you about a story of someone who made it to the top but you don't like the path, you tried it and stop after a few days, it's because you don't like that, you're forcing yourself to be like that because you're blinded with money and success. A story about a teenage millionaire, your entrepreneur, old man who became a billionaire, transgender who became popular, a you tuber who made billions... these are all useless stories because it will never help you. Stop listening to these stories because it's just a waste of time. You better use your time to create a better version of yourself instead of listening to these stories that will not even help you to get to the next level. 

They're making one million bucks a month, they gain one million subscribers in two weeks, they create an empire in just one year, he become a boss in just a few weeks, he made a platinum song in just one night, he found the love of his life by just posting some nudes in instagram. These stories are great but it's not your story and it can't be your story, it will never be your story so stop being envy at them and start living your own journey. Those stories are great but you have a different path, copying them and emulating their stories will only lead to tragedy. You have to solve your own puzzle, you have to create your own path and find a way how to succeed by yourself and following your heart. 


The best story that was not written yet is your own story. Feel like a super hero, create your own process, reinvent yourself, use your imagination and force yourself to become something special. Imagine the best version of yourself and work everyday to become that person. Make a move, it's better to be moving than just watching, it's better to be creating than being a fan of a random stupid you tuber that will not help you when you're down. Be a fan of yourself, become delusional and believe that you too can get on top. It doesn't matter if you're your or old. It doesn't matter if you're broke, homeless, uneducated or has not talents at all. What matters is you have that burning desire to succeed. If you're already decided that you're going to do whatever it takes to become successful then you will become successful. You can be a star, you can be a zillionaire, you can become a popular tiktok fake influencer, it's all up to you if you're going to move. It's up to you if you will allow your fears to stop you or not. The power is in your hands, you have to decide that you're going to leave everything that is slowing you down and focus on taking actions instead. 

Appreciate your own story, you're the director and the movie star. You can fire anyone that you don't like, you can add anything that you want. You're in complete control with your story, you are the captain of your own ship and you never take orders from others. 


You're not a janitor forever, you're not a slave forever, you're not a follower forever, you're not someone who gets his ass kicked all the time. You can fight, you can change your life. You can leaver your present situation now and start shooting for the starts. There's no playing safe in this game of life, if you want to become big then you need to take big risks. No risk no reward, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward, remind yourself about this formula everyday. Life is fun, you need to play it the right way. Give yourself a chance to succeed and never settle for something that you don't even like at all. You only have one life why will you let your boss abuse you? why will you settle for a stinky job? why will you stop yourself from being successful? you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. If you feel like there's nothing to lose then you can have everything. Just try, keep trying, never mind failure, don't be afraid to start again. 


Make sure you are going to the extreme, make sure you are doing what most people can't do. Lost your mind with the process. Don't worry if you lose it because you will find it back. Losing it in a positive way meaning you become obsess with the process and you live and die with it. You don't care about anything else, you're just fully invested with the process and you feel unstoppable everyday. You just do it, you just process it, you feel nothing about something outside of it. Your focus was insane, you are ok not eating or sleeping for a few days just to continue doing your thing. You believe it so much and you don't doubt it for a second. 


Don't live everyday trying to become great with the eyes of other people. You need to please yourself by being great and really giving your all, you will feel good about yourself if you're giving your best and really pushing yourself to the limits. If you're trying to please people then you will never be able to give your all because you will be scared to make mistakes or to look bad, you will become cautious, you will always think about what they're thinking and this kind of mentality will stop you. If you will please yourself, if you will be your number one critic then you will give your all every single second, you will be ashamed of yourself if you're slacking off or taking things for granted. Never care if it is hard, never care if you don't look perfect, just make sure you're giving your all, this kind of approach will make you happier, stronger and more proud of yourself. 


You don't need to command people, you don't need to have followers. The word king was just a metaphor, make yourself like a king, a real king, you've got to have that mentality. What does a real kind do? he face his fears, he face the discomfort, he conquers himself. Every time you are scared, push. Every time you are lazy, work. Every time you are hesitant... just decide. You need to be moving forward all the time because that is what life is all about. If you want to get ahead in life then you need to become faster and bolder. You've got to become aggressive, not one who overthinks and over analyze. Know what you want and go for it no matter what. Create your own story, make it the best story that everyone will hear. Make it colorful, fill it with intensity and exciting moments. 


Stop idolizing people because it's making you weak, broke and slow. Those celebrities, BS influences, fake leaders were just humans too. You can do what they've been doing, you can fake your confidence too and be like them. You can even surpass their stupid achievements. Stop belittling yourself and be the man you wanted to be. Be brave, enjoy your life and entertain yourself with hard work, make yourself better each day. Watch yourself not other people, you should be more interested with yourself and your work no other people's lives. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Oct 14, 2022


What you visualize, what you've been working on, what you are dreaming of, what you've been chasing has already manifested, the only problem is you're not ready to get it, you don't want it bad enough, you're thinking too much, you're focused on the obstacles instead of taking actions to claim it. You need to change your mind, change your mind and change your reality, it's hard to change a mind that's why you need to train it with experience and entertain only thoughts that will serve you. If something is not making you feel confident or motivated then stop thinking about it. What you want will manifest if you're ready to claim it, if your mind is ready to accept it without any attachment from any obstacles or reasons why you can't have it. 


Anything you are dreaming of, anything you want... you deserve it. Of course you do, it's what you think of yourself that creates your reality. If you think you don't deserve something then you will never get it, you have to think that you're great, think big and never be scared of any challenges. The level of fear you can handle and overcome is the level of success that you will get. Don't be afraid of success, don't be afraid of getting things that seems so difficult to get. You deserve anything you want for as long as you're willing to work hard for it, as simple as that. You deserve millions, billions, success, healthy life, everything. Just stay humble and grind your way to the top, ignore all the nonsense things, just focus on what you're trying to get and take baby steps every now and then. Be a fast starter, if you need to do something just do it without making any excuses. 


You have to keep pushing even if you feel that it's not the right time, you have to find a way, you have to be assertive and aggressive. Never think twice, if there are doubts then ignore it. You have to think that it's already yours, you have to feel comfortable even if it is uncomfortable. Getting something big, getting what you want is really scary and exciting, you have to understand that you will really become scared. That is because change is about to happen, progress is about to occur. You will never feel perfect, there will always be built in excuses but your job is to stop using it. There will always be doubts, there will always be thoughts that will try to stop you. Control your mind, put it on the right place, block these scary thoughts and never 


If you are focused on something and you really want to get it, if you are using all of your powers to get it then the universe will conspire. Trust that you will get it but you have to give your all, you have to show the universe that you want it bad enough. A weak effort will bring weak results, a weak intention will never finish a creation. You have to be intentional, you have to have that burning desire to get it no matter what. Your focus should be always on the next step and not on what is making the process harder. The universe will back you up every time you push and persevere, the universe will lend you its power if you keep on pushing forward and act bravely. Stop being a pussy and do what you need to do. Just keep pushing forward no matter what, forget everything that will stop you from manifesting and just take actions. If you are moving then you are progressing, it's only just a matter of time before you reach the finish line. 


It's ok if you are scared, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed but never let these emotions stop you from taking actions. You've got to keep moving forward all the time. Just don't stop taking actions, get closer and closer from what you want. Take the first step and then follow through, never stop, never rest... just keep pushing forward to get it. Don't believe in the word tomorrow or later or next time. The best opportunity is now, you have to pull the trigger even if you're scared to death. You have to just take your chances and never forget about what's going to happen next. Allow yourself to become happy, allow yourself to win. You will never win if you're not doing anything, execute and just push yourself, use your willpower, use all of your strength to have it. 


Believe in yourself more, do affirmations, you have to think that you can have anything you want and that you deserve it. Don't feel guilty, don't sell yourself short, stop thinking that you need to prove yourself first. Just go and get it, you don't need to look for an approval, you don't need to please people... just go and get it. It's all about bravery, you can never go to the next level if you're always focusing on your fears, you need to set yourself free from anything, detach from everything and you will become unstoppable. Flirt with success all the time, court it, ask for it, work for it and take it seriously. You have to think that anything is possible with your insane belief. If you can believe so big and work so hard then you will become a force, you will become something that is hard to ignore. Believing is free, believing in yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself. It's ok to become delusional for as long as you're giving your all and not taking any day for granted. 


are you for real? are you willing to push yourself to the limits to get it? if not then it will no manifest to your life. The opportunities are there, it's already knocking on your door but you're not ready to claim it, you said you want it but once you felt fear... you're already backing down. It's manifesting already, you just need to follow through and show some bravery. There are openings, there are chances, you just need to take it even if you feel that you're not ready yet. Even if you feel that there is something wrong... you still need to give yourself a chance to win. It is what it is, that's really what's going to happen if you're trying to create something, progress will not happen without stress and fear. You have to keep pushing through and use your willpower to make things happen. One foot forward, keep moving until you finally get there. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com


It's very simple... face the discomfort and pain, as simple as that. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself, you need to stop h...