Jun 30, 2020


You're sick, your parents don't love you, you're black, you're poor, you have no talents, God doesn't love you, you're too old, you're too weak, it's not for you, you're not lucky, you're not blessed, you don't have it, you're just a simple person, you're satisfied with what you have... STOP FOOLING YOURSELF. You have the power to control your life, you have the power to become successful if you will just destroy all of your excuses and start believing in the process. You can make excuses all day long to make yourself feel good a little bit but where does that mentality takes you? NOWHERE. That's why you have to force yourself to evolve and it will only happen if you will throw away all of your excuses off the window and start living the life you want to live. 


This is how to create a new mind... find your biggest excuse and destroy it, forget it, don't believe it. See how your life will change so fast by simply not believing in your excuses. Because your favorite excuse is making you slow, it's making you rusty and useless, it's making you weak. It's poisoning your mind yet you still believe it. If you don't love what is going on with your life now then it means you're catering your excuses. If you want to make a change then you need to force yourself to disbelieve your excuses and start believing in possibilities. All people have excuses but what separates successful people from failures is successful people have very few excuses while the failures have millions of excuses that cannot be write on a 100 page notebook because it's too many. 


Your excuses is making you feel that you're entitled to slow down or do nothing, your excuses is giving you the power to become powerless. Your excuses is slowing you down and making you stuck in a mud, it's making you useless and unproductive. The funny thing is... you're loving it because it's too easy, you don't see yourself, you can't admit that you're a bum. Always remember that laziness is the ugliest thing on earth. It is invented by failures, it is invented by dreamers who are not doers. If you want to succeed in life then stop being lazy, stop making excuses and just finish something that you must do. Start it now, forget how you feel and face the pain, feel the pain of taking actions, soon that pain will be never felt anymore because you're starting to love working hard and starting fast. 


1. They don't want to face the pain. It's hard moving right? but it's the only way to make a progress.
2. It's already their habit. To get rid of this very ugly habit, you have to accept that you're an excuse maker. Accept that your excuses is the number one reason why your life is falling apart. 
3. They're always looking for an easy way out, they don't want to work hard, they just wanted to feel good and get something without having to work hard for it. 
4. They believe in luck, they will imagine becoming lucky and getting away with the trouble that they create because of their laziness. 
5. They don't want to take full responsibility of their lives, they will invent a lot of stories why they are failing. 


If you need to excuse yourself from something that is useless. For example, if your frenemy is inviting you to go to a party but you haven't studied your lessons yet... that's the best time to make an excuse. Pretend that you're having an LBM or something, pretend that you're sick and just study at home. Trust me, the more you choose to do the right thing the better your life will be. You don't need to have fun all the time, you don't need to look cool or become part of the cool kids who are doing what they want to do. Just stay disciplined and you will become successful in life. 

You can also make an excuse if someone is borrowing your money and you don't want to lend him because he has a history of not returning the money back. Just pretend that you are broke and you haven't paid your taxes yet, just pretend that you got robbed yesterday by 2 big men wearing masks. Feel creative to excuse yourself from something that is pulling you down. 


1. If you feel a little bit tired or sick. You are getting size because you want to relax, you are getting sick because you don't want to push, just do it, stop making excuses, stop feeding your mind some lies like you're too damn tired, you just worked for 2 hours and you're already tired? No wonder you are having a miserable and ugly life. Push yourself and just do it, regardless of how you feel... do it. 

2. When the job is too difficult

So what if the job is too difficult, that doesn't mean you can't finish it. So what if the challenge is too impossible to handle? remember that the greatest ones knows no easy or difficult, they just accept what is given to them and they will still give their best. Stop making excuses and creating lies that you cannot do it, just try, give your best and the rest will be taken care of by itself. 

3. When you already lost

You are only embarrassing yourself every time you make an excuse for your lost. You already lost, you've been defeated, accept it like a real man and stop making stories such as you are injured or you are thinking about your sick dog that's why you can't perform. Accept the defeat like a real man and stop looking for reasons why you lose, it is what it is, you can't change the outcome anymore. Accept it and learn from it. Remember, you are trying to get rid all of your excuses. Even if you've been cheated, even if your excuses are real... stop telling it to everyone because excuses are for losers, excuses are for the weak. Move on from that defeat and just be better so that you will never lose again next time. 

Jun 27, 2020


Everybody wants to become successful but how can you really become successful? do you need a talent? a great teacher? a strong support? a rich sugar daddy? or a very lucky life? what do you need? the answer to that question is not even an answer, you don't need to hear the answer for this, you don't need to look for it... it's already inside of you. What you need is already yours, you don't need the external things, you just need to have a strong character. And the good thing is it's free to build, you can build it everyday, you can have it little by little, all it takes is focus and commitment. You don't need to become talented here, so don't be afraid and get jealous of other people who were so insanely talented. You can develop any talent you want, you can become really good on it if you will go to the extreme and make yourself really better each day. 


It's not elusive, you just don't want to undergo the process. It's a little bit hard but it's not impossible to achieve, anyone can become successful if he will stay committed. You need to face the pain, you need to have a lot of trial and error method. It's hard because most people easily get discouraged every time they fail. They whine, the make dramas, they blame the world, they get jealous with other people who are making it and that's why they can't make it. Success can be yours if you will only use your mind properly and positively. Focus on your own life, enjoy your own journey and never feel bad if other people are succeeding and you're not. Your time will come, just keep going, keep moving forward. Make pushing as your culture, do what other people can't do. Sacrifice your life for that one thing that you want. You can always go to another level if you want to, it's just a matter of choice, it's just a matter of choosing the right and boring decisions over the more entertaining and wrong ones. 


When you feel uncomfortable to start are you going to start? when it gets harder are you going to keep going? when results can't be found are you still going to continue? when it's not fun at all, are you still going to do it? when you feel a little bit sick and tired are you still going to work? when you need to do it are you going to do it even if you're having so much fun with the useless entertainment that you're doing at the moment? when you need to stop the useless activity that you're doing now can you manage to stop it right away? are you giving so much value for your time? are you treasuring every second that you're breathing? Success is just a matter of doing what you think will make you a little bit better, it's facing the difficulty and uncertainty just to level up a little bit. It's too simple right? yet you can't move and do the right thing. 


Success is not all about having fun, if it's all about fun then why is it that there's only 5% people who were really successful? it's not fun at all. You need to be aware that if you want to thrive in life then you need to stop all the fun that is happening now. Because the truth is... you're really not having fun at all, you're just covering up your emotions. Deep inside you want something to happen, you want to move but you choose playing video games instead, you choose making dramas and posting stupid stuffs in social media instead, you choose hoping a little bit and believing that everything will become better tomorrow without even doing anything. 

You need to push yourself, you need to stop the junk that you're doing now and do the best thing for you. Stop focusing on how to feel good, stop prioritizing your emotions. Feelings  doesn't matter at all, because the default state of mind of every human in this world is to have fun, they want to look cool, they want to feel good, they don't know that it's all about delaying gratification. So stop acting like a child, you don't need useless entertainment in your life because it's only crowding your mind, it's poisoning your mind, every picture or information that you put inside of your head is affecting the outcome of your life. 


Do something, never waste your time, you have a lot of time but don't waste it because it's the most precious thing in the world. You need to know where your time is going to. Is it going to useless stuffs? is it going to activities and people that are putting you down? Wake up! you need to go further and never stop, that's the best play or game plan to become successful. Just keep pushing, this is a one time thing, life is a one time thing, you better use your time right or else you will regret it in the end. So take more actions, what you're doing now is not the only thing you can do, you can do more, you just need to force yourself to move right away and stop thinking about anything else. It should be in your DNA to move faster, you should have bad intentions, you should have a burning desire to win or else you will never win. 

Go all out, give everything you've got to win, keep pushing further, do your best and never exert a weak effort again. You have to take your life seriously and control it or else other people and ugly situations will control you. Stop wasting time, love your time, love your journey, enjoy everything that you are doing, get interested with your own life and life will offer you more. 


Without growth you will feel like a junk. Without growth you will feel like a useless plant that is waiting to die at any given moment. Growth is part of your life, you can grow everyday, it is a necessity to grow. It all depends on you if you want to grow or die. The power is yours and you have to constantly remind yourself about it, there is nobody to help you but yourself.

1. Gossips.

Focusing on celebrities, focusing on trends, focusing on who's having a big problem, talking about who's the latest pregnant celebrity or high school friend. Gossips is making you a negative person, it's a waste of time, you don't learn anything from it, it 's sucking up all of your energy. The only story that you should be focusing about is your own story and nothing else. Make your life interesting, make it colorful and adventurous. The sad thing about you is you don't want to focus on your own story and that's why your life is not interesting at all, you can make it epic if you will work hard and try to grow every single day. 
2. Lack of focus

You want to achieve something but you're doing the other thing. You want a lot of money but you're spending and throwing away your money, you're lazy and all you do is watch your 52" screen Sony Television, where will that take you?. You want to cut your weight but you're eating Papa John's pizza like a hungry animal. You want to preserve your marriage and stay committed to your wife but you're visiting the playboy mansion every time you hear that there's a new model recruited by the son of Hugh Hefner. What kind of attitude was that?

3. Getting jealous with other people's success.

I experienced this and you may experience this too, or  maybe you are experiencing it now but you hate to admit it because you don't want to call yourself bad. It's normal to get jealous with other people's success. You're just a human being, it's in our nature to get jealous but always keep in mind that you need to be aware if you are jealous so that you can stop feeling that way. It's ok to get jealous or envy for at least a minute or too but never let it stick to your system for so long because it creates a negative energy, it will make you stuck, you should be aware that you shouldn't feel that way because it will only make you stuck, you are focusing on other people's lives and not with your own life if you're getting jealous everyday. Be happy with the person who is succeeding, and if you can't because that person is your enemy just keep quiet and never say anything bad against him. 

4. Not loving yourself

You don't love yourself enough, why? because you care too much about what people say, you care too much about what people might say, you give too much time to others even though they are not willing to do the same for you. If you really love yourself then you will groom yourself, you will do everything to grow. You will stop eating unhealthy foods a lot, you will stop procrastinating, you will stop thinking about thoughts that doesn't help you at all. 

5. Not really trying. 

You're doing something but you're not really trying, why? because you're rushing your work, you wan the results right away, you're not giving your best, and that kind of mentality makes you stuck. The saddest thing is you can do more but you are doing less, you can give more but you're giving less, you can push but you are pulling back and that stops you from growing, you're always holding yourself back, you don't want to push yourself and take your life to another level. You should try, you should try to win and not just a try, try giving everything you've got for that one thing that you want. 

6. Not wanting to get tired. 

If you want to grow, if you really really want to grow then you must accept the fact that you're going to get exhausted, that is a fact. There is nothing you can do about it. All champions become tired, all successful people become tired. 

7. Doing too much useless things.

Look at yourself, you're doing too much stupidity in your life, and the funny thing is you can't admit it. Admit that you're wasting a lot of time. In this thing called success... every second counts, you can't afford to lose a minute over some useless information that you found on the internet, you've got to be smarter, you've got to be better. Just because you're doing something doesn't mean you're doing the right thing. 

8. Hesitating too much.

Focus on taking actions and that's it. Stop hesitating, trust me... you will regret more if you didn't do what you can do today, stopping yourself from taking actions will never get anything done, what's the use of it. Don't hesitate, life is about creating, if you're not creating you're not growing, you can only grow if you will do something and learn from it. Why will you hesitate? you're afraid to make mistakes? you're afraid to fail? if you're afraid to fail then you already failed... as simple as that. 

9. Wishing for a flawless journey.

There is no such thing as an easy journey, there is no easy path to success. You will really struggle, you will be tested, something will try to make you quit, and that's just part of the game. It is what it is, the best thing you can do is to move forward, keep taking risks, keep making a move. There is no such thing as an easy life, you can never get something for free, even growth and trying to evolve a little bit... you still need to work for it, stop wishing for an easy life because it's not real and will never be real, you have to accept that you have to struggle. 

Jun 25, 2020


Do you already hate yourself because all you do is dream but you couldn't even take a single action? it only means you're just a dreamer, you don't want to take actions. Don't worry because everything is changeable, you can change your broken attitude. It's just a matter of making small adjustments and following the tips below. You can change if you believe in yourself.


No money, no shoes, no help, no place, no job, no nothing... It's ok. Just do it. Stop making excuses because it's destroying success. Stop believing your excuses and believe in yourself instead. The reason why you can't begin is because you always look for what is missing in your life, you're focused on the lack and not on what is present in your life. Just do something, make a move, stop spoiling yourself too much by believing that you can just start tomorrow. You have to do something today, start it, whatever idea you have on your mind... start it, set yourself free, feel creative to do anything. Nothing can stop you, you can move anytime you want, you can become very creative as much as you want. Do it even if you don't have the means to do it. Trust me, you will find a way how to do it. 


You're dreaming a lot, and that's why most of your time was wasted for nothing. You dream about a girl, you dream abut a car, you dream about becoming popular and where did that kind of behavior take you? on the same place right? on the same spot as you were dreaming. You have to categorize yourself where you belong. Do you belong on the dreamer's lane? or do you belong on the doer's lane? It's very easy to become a dreamer, most people were dreamers because it's so comfortable to do. It's ok to dream but just dream for a few minutes and after that... take actions right away. Anybody can dream but only few people do the real work. It's a common sense that your dreams won't be experienced in reality if you will 


Once you did something great, once you were able to create a momentum... do it again tomorrow. You have to repeat, repeat the good habits until it was finally embedded into your system. The ability to push, the ability to continue and do more. Don't work hard today but have no plan of working hard again tomorrow, you have to repeat it as much as you can, that is what it's all about. It is what it is, you really have to repeat, repeat as much as you can and never stop. 

Some people are good, they have the potential to become big but they just don't have the tenacity to keep going, they easily become satisfied once they've tasted a little success.


Be passionate, you are alive but you feel dead because you're not excited with what you do. Passion can only be developed by working hard, enjoying your work and not looking for fast results or fast finish. You have to stick with your work as much as you could and never rush the process. Don't be like others who were working like a zombies, they were robot, they don't have feelings, they don't even love what they do. You can feel alive by being in the moment, practicing being grateful that you were still able to take actions.Breathe passion, inhale love and exhale excitement. Give nothing but your best, always stay on the edge of your skill, never give lesser than what you can do. Always think that you need to push and destroy your boundaries. 


I know you're a bum for the last few years, I know you're acting like a child, you're acting like a clown that can't even perform a poor trick. It's time to change now. Your time of work should be longer than the time you're resting. Interchange the two, be a worker now not a rester. You can rest in the end, when you already succeeded, but for the meantime you have to grind like a beast, use every second for working. Because it's still the same, working or not working are the same... your time is running and there's no way you can bring it back, once it's gone it's gone. So you better use your time wisely before it's too late.

Jun 24, 2020


Life becomes more fun if you are seeing yourself getting better. Anyone can get better if he chooses to. It's just a matter of deciding to get better and sticking with that mindset. You can improve on any given day, it's just a matter of following the principles below and applying it into your life whole heartedly. 

1. Stop being selfish.

When I say stop being selfish, you should be generous to people that really love you. Be generous to people that are your true friends, stop being too selfish because it's not creating a positive vibe, you will never even feel good doing that. Share if you have a lot of extra, give more. It doesn't need to be money or something that can be touched. It can be an information, knowledge, time, support, words of encouragement. You will become a better person if you're giving more because it means you have a lot. 

2. Learn some new skills.

Any skill that can bring money into your life, learn it. Any skill that can give you a leverage, learn it. Any skill that will be useful in your daily life, learn it. You already have an edge if you know a lot. Opportunities will come if you are well equipped with useful knowledge, even if it's just a general information... it can be useful in the future, time will come and you will be needing a skill for a specific situation. People will love you if you can do a lot of things, your value will increase. You can learn anything you want to, your mind is powerful, your mind can adapt to any information, it's just a matter of wanting it and not giving up until you finally mastered it. 

3. Develop a stronger confidence.

You have what it takes to become successful, sometimes all you need is a little more confidence. Strong confidence can be achieved through hard work and focus. If you can become really good in your craft then your confidence will soar high, it will go to another level. Sometimes you will even feel invincible because you're too good. Take risks, this will also develop your confidence, don't be afraid of failing, don't be afraid of trying because it will only make you a better person. Confidence is what you need and you can only get it by setting yourself free, feel free to do anything, feel free to try, detach from the outcome and simply give everything you've got. 

4. Erase the bad memories.

Forget the people who hurt you in the past, how can you become a better person if your heart is full of bitterness and resentment. You need to let go of the bad memories. Forget everything that's making you feel bad. You need to focus on creating better memories instead of keeping the bad ones. It is possible to erase a lot of negative memories, all it takes is always thinking about the things or people that makes you happy. Overwrite the negative side of your brain with positivity. 

5. Stay committed to your chosen journey.

Commitment creates improvement. You will have a stronger character if you are committed. Once you start something, stay committed. Even if the journey is hard, even if you don't like it anymore, even if it's already boring and not fun anymore... stick with it. Don't give up, don't look for an easy path, stay committed. One day it will become fun again, one day you will become successful with it. Always remember that Napoleon Hill said... "victory belongs to the most persevering". You have nothing to lose if you will never quit, success is guaranteed if you decided to not give up even if the going gets so tough. 

6. Keep moving forward even if you don't have strength anymore

Getting better, improving means you have to face stress. Embrace uncertainty and fear, it's really going to become uncomfortable because there is no improvement without resistance. Keel moving forward even if you feel so weak and powerless. Because the truth is you can always move forward even if you feel bad, nothing can stop you. A real unstoppable man is not the one who's so dominant and perfect, the real unstoppable man is the one who's not stopping himself from doing what he needs to do. He can simply force himself to take actions and do what needs to be done. Drag yourself if you need to, slap yourself to wake up, just take it one step at a time, inch by inch, little by little... move forward. 

7. Value your time

Never waste your time. You have to treasure it, take care of it and never use it for useless activities that will not even make you grow. Time is money, time is potential, time is growth. There are many things you can do with your time, you can use it to make yourself bigger and better. This is the main reason why you are failing... you are using your time for leisure and stupid activities, you think you have a lot of it. You don't know that it's a mortal sin to Gods of success if you're wasting your time a lot. You will go down if you're wasting your time so stop procrastinating, stop doing nonsense things that will only put you in trouble. You're a grown man now, you have to think right and do right if you want to take your life to another level. 

8. Learn to start fast anytime. 

This is the best trick you can ever have to become a better person. Start fast, forget about the difficulty of the task, forget about how you feel and just start fast. You should be able to take over anytime you want to. Make it a habit, start fast and stop fast. Be fast in stopping yourself from procrastinating and being lazy, be fast in starting a task and finish it right away. Don't wait, don't act weak, stop being soft and just do it. Because you will still do it anyway later why not do it now? now is the time, just being a fast mover will take you further. Learn to master this habit and you will see your life evolve. 

There are more ways to become a better person, it's a mindset, it's a grind, it's hard a little bit but look at the benefits that you will get by trying to improve yourself... it's a lot. So face the pain now, endure the hardship now and just keep getting better all the time.

Jun 23, 2020


Your motivation is dying sometimes, accept it, it's a fact. Your motivation will never stay forever, that is why you have to keep working on it. Motivation keeps you going but the sad thing is it will run out on the long run, it may run out on the first day if your journey so you must have the proper mindset to get it back. Motivation is not that hard to create, you can motivate yourself even if you're not a motivator, you can feel like a hungry lion even if you're not watching a lot of stupid motivational movies in you tube. Anyway here are the best tips to revive your dying motivation: 

1. Force yourself to do the first step.

Never care if it's a mediocre, weak or ugly step. Never care if you look like a fool doing the first step, never care if you feel really bad, just do the first step. Once you did it... it's game over, you're already in control, you will be able to create a very strong momentum to finish any task. It's hard to do the first step but once you did it you can finish any task. Just let go, stop thinking and just let go, allow yourself to become creative, forget about perfection and focus on the execution. Success is all about moving forward, trust me you will feel much better if you will stop worrying and just start, do the first step and all of your fears will go away. It's just like riding a bike you keep on pedaling and don't stop because you will lose your balance. 

2. Exercise a little bit. 

I know it's hard to exercise because you're not used to it. But if you will give it a chance then you will have a lot of motivation in your tank, you will never lose motivation if you're sweating everyday. Your momentum will never die if you're moving. Just walk or jog or do some weird and funny acrobatics that you saw on you tube, for as long as you're sweating a little bit... you're on the right track. Exercising will give you dopamine, it will make you excited, it will pump your blood, you will be able to enjoy difficult task and have the energy to finish. Sweating will make you feel good, it's a little bit hard but it will be easier if you will take it slowly. You don't need to lift 5 million pounds right away, you don't need to run 1 million kilometers or swim the pacific ocean, just take it one step at a time. There is no rush here, you have a lot of time. Enjoy sweating little by little, don't think about shredding your fat fast, just enjoy this day and enjoy again tomorrow. Trust me your motivation will come back if you're consistent on exercising everyday. 

3. Be present

Never avoid your bad feelings, don't try to numb it drinking energy drinks or eating a lot of foods with high salt and sugar, you're only making yourself worse. Don't go to food or entertainment if you feel like a junk, be present, embrace your emotions. Say this to yourself "alright, I feel like a junk and I know it, I know this will be over anytime soon". Embrace how you feel and start doing something positive. It's either you read a book or you clean a part of your house, you can clean your car, you can start selling something on the internet that will give you some money, look for something to do that will give you something in reward. Any activity like cleaning, meditating, reading a positive book or even praying will help. Admit to yourself that you're in a rut and you need to do something about it, you are stuck and the only way to get away from it is by doing something positive. Watching TV, playing games, eating, drinking and any other activities that will numb the pain for a while is only making your situation terrible, you have to be in the moment. Face the pain, embrace it, feel it and start taking actions. 

4. Don't look for results and just focus on the process.

Looking for results is only giving you frustration, it's slowing you down. Why not just focus on the process and do whatever it takes to take your life to another level? you will feel demotivated every time you see yourself not progressing. There will be no effect if you're defective. You can never make a traction if you're always on procrastination. Focus on the process, don't worry because the outcome will come later, just be patient. If you want to have an endless motivation think about this... THE PROCESS IS THE RESULTS ITSELF. If you can just enjoy the process without asking for anything in return then you will become unstoppable, you will become more creative, you will have more freedom. Because the idea of getting rich so fast or getting successful fast is what stops you, you always feel miserable every time you see yourself not getting what you want. Just focus on the process and begin to attract success. 

5. Forget about how you feel. 

You are pampering yourself too much, you are overindulge with comfort and certainty. You want to feel good and comfortable all the time and that makes you feel unmotivated to do something, once you feel that it is hard... you will quit right away, you will not even try. Forget about how you feel, remember that you are nothing special, you're just an ordinary person, stop thinking that you're a star. And even if you're a star, is that what star do? being lazy and unproductive? Forget about how you feel and focus on doing something good. Slap yourself, force yourself to do what is hard and never quit. Motivation will come, you will feel it during uncomfortable moments, you will feel it when you're having a hard time.

Look at those people who are always watching motivational films, they can't feel motivated, they were just fooling themselves. It's because they were too consumed with those films, they can't live without those films, they feel comfortable with those materials that they already forgotten to take action. The real motivation comes from pain and not from comfort. Keep in mind that motivation will never come out and be felt by you if you're always feeling lazy and comfortable, it will only come out if you're already on an uncomfortable place.  

6. Associate yourself with hard working people. 

Fly with the eagles, associate yourself with people who are working hard and have vision. Never associate yourself with people who were so lazy and doesn't have any vision in life. Be with doers not with dreamers, be with grinders not with talkers. Be real, work hard and go hard all the time. Real hard workers will motivate you, iron sharpens iron, fire makes the fire bigger, you have to throw yourself to a wolf pack and be one with them not to be eaten by them. Because if you will join a lazy vagabond then you will become like him too, you will have no direction too. It's time to live the right life, delete the wrong people in your life and add the right people that will help you to thrive. 

7. Think about the person that needs you to become successful. 

It can be your son, it can be your mama that needs some money for her make up, it can be your wife that is so proud of you, it can be anyone that is hoping for you to win. Think about that person, are you going to let that person down? are you going to make him/her feel bad because you didn't give your best? that person is counting on you, that person needs you so stop acting like a lazy bum that needs to get whipped first before moving, you don't need a spanking, you don't need to experience tragedy first before moving Move now because someone is waiting for your victory, something is looking up to you. You better do something right because that victory is not only for you, it's for people who trusts you and love you the most. So wake up now and do something, stop waiting time because you could have been a superstar a long time ago but you choose to waste time instead. Every second is critical for your success, everyday counts. 

8. Do the boring things.

It is what it is, no matter how bad it sounds... it is the reality. Boring things or activities are the only way to bring you back on track. Activities that you hate to do such as working, studying, hustling, getting better, learning a new skill etc. These are the activities that will put you back on the right track. The boring things are the things that has benefits. Is playing a video game all day gonna make you a better person? it is if you will make it as your career, but if you're just doing it for fun to forget your problems then you're only setting yourself up for a badder life. Do the boring things because it will make you feel good about yourself, it will make you feel motivated. Studying will give you confidence, exercising will give you confidence, doing the work you hate will give you a momentum. There is no time for acting like a king nowadays, you're not rich, you're not blessed, who are you to act like the world owes you something? who are you to act like you're entitled to do what you want anytime you want? you are nothing so embrace boredom and recreate a new life. Having a lot of fun will never give you a good life, it's a trap, forget having fun and do what is boring. You can have a lot of fun later when you're already thriving, there is a time for fun and there is a time for grinding. This is grind season, stop doing anything that will never give you something in return. 

9. Start even if it's already too late.

I save the best tip for last, this is the best tip that I can give you... START EVEN IF YOU'RE ALREADY LATE. Exercise even if it's already 3am, start a project even if you have no sleep, say sorry to your wife even if she's about to divorce you, start the intermittent fasting even if you're already 300 lbs heavier, apply for a job even if you're already 79 years old, go to your class even if you're already 2 hours late, show at your work even if it's almost dismissal, it's better late than never. And the truth is... it's never late, you're just making an excuse, you just don't want to do it. Because if you really want to do it then time will never matter anymore. Because if you will think that you can just do it tomorrow then you're only fooling yourself, you're not going to do it tomorrow, you will feel unmotivated again, you will never take actions again. It's better to do it now even if you look like a fool, do it even if it's uncomfortable. Trust me, this is the fastest way to get the motivational juices pumping in your body. Do it during the most uncomfortable times. 

Jun 22, 2020


Progress is what makes people motivated. People were so excited if they see themselves making a little bit of improvement everyday. It's easy to become successful and big if your progress is consistent, it's like a snow ball effect, you become bigger and faster, the momentum is on your side and everything seems to fall on the right place. 

1. Thinking that you need to SUCCEED fast.

If you want to become successful fast then it's game over for you. It's because you will get frustrated and will quit every time you can't see an improvement. You will feel dismayed and broken if you can't see yourself winning. Wanting to get it fast will make you fail and quit fast. You have to be patient here, take your time but don't slow down. Be faster than your normal pace, push a little bit but don't ever expect to get huge results right away. The results will come on the right time, you just have to be patient and b willing to wait. The process gets harder because of your neediness to get fast results. This is a process, enjoy the journey, just keep moving forward all the time and never stop.

2. Comparing yourself to other people.

Never care if somebody is succeeding and you're not. Focus on your own journey, focus on your grind. Just give more time for yourself and lesser time for others. They are even irrelevant, you have to go all out and focus on your own work if you want to make faster progress. Getting jealous with other people's success is killing you, you have to go to a different direction if you want to make some changes with your life. 

3. Not trying to evolve anymore.

You're not pushing yourself, you're happy exerting a mediocre effort. You're too lazy and slow. What if you adjust your pace a little bit? what if you just do it instead of overthinking and being afraid of getting tired? don't be afraid of exhaustion because that means you're evolving and growing. Most people were not afraid of the obstacles, they were simply afraid of getting tired and that's why it's hard for them to make a small progress. 

4. Forgetting to believe in yourself. 

Your confidence is gone why? because you're not moving. Remind yourself that you need to believe in yourself, brainwash your own brain and tell your mind that you're going to win no matter what. Believe in yourself and keep working hard, that's how to make a significant progress in your life. 

5. Inconsistency.

There must be a routine in what you do. There should be a technical repetition. You can't be working hard today and will slug off tomorrow. Stay consistent and committed, your effort yesterday should match your effort today or even better. Work even if you feel bad, work even if you don't feel like working. 

6. Checking for progress all the time. 

And what happens if you can't see the progress you are expecting? frustrations, disappointments, wanting to quit right? stop checking for progress because you don't need to check it anymore if you're moving, you're already progressing every time you take actions so don't worry about it. Slow progress is still a progress, it will become faster and faster if you focused on taking actions. 

7. Thinking about what is wrong

There is really nothing wrong id you're taking actions and your intention is right. What is wrong is you're always judging yourself, you're always thinking that you're not doing the right thing that's why you can't become successful. Why not stop looking for what isn't working and just focus on moving forward? don't think about what is wrong, there is nothing wrong with you, you just want to have a smooth sailing that's why you feel that there is something wrong every time you struggle. 

8. Forgetting your purpose. 

What is your purpose in life, why are you doing something? what do you want? You forgot again what you really want that's why you can't make any progress. You're always doing something that is not even related to your goal. You know that it's destroying the progress, you know that it's making your life miserable but you're still doing it. You know better, you need to go back to your purpose, go back to your goal so that you will have a direction. Always remember that at the end of they day you will still do something, why not do something that will give you a small progress. You have to convert your laziness into actions, convert your procrastination into execution. 

9. Always thinking about the future.

Don't think about the future if you're not willing to create a good future. Thinking about it is a waste of time, it's draining your energy because what are you thinking by thinking about the future? failing, bills, hardship, suffering, not making it, time is up, you're late, you're losing again, not a happy life. Stop thinking about the future because you're just making it hard on yourself. It kills the progress, it's stopping you from moving. Life is happening now, focus on the now, progress can only happen if you will embrace the moment. What will happen will happen, don't worry about the future because you have no control over it. And it's not even real, why? because you can never live at it, you can only live on the now. So embrace the present moment and be happy if what is happening now no matter how bad it is because it is still part of your life. 

10. Not being grateful

Being unappreciative, this is a bad attitude because the truth is good things are coming into your life but you just can't see it because you're always looking for what is missing. And looking for what is missing is only creating frustrations and dismay, be happy with what you have because not every person have what you have. Be grateful because being thankful all the time means something good is happening in your life. It is programming your brain that you are in a best position to succeed. 

Jun 21, 2020


Happiness is what everyone wants, happiness is what drive people crazy. People feel that it's a big deal to become happy, they thought that it's the mos important thing in the world. Happiness just like money is not the most important thing in the world, you what it is? it's your life. 

1. Never put your happiness into external circumstances.

Some people needs an iphone to become happy, some people needs a big house and a ferrari to become happy. And that is why they are always depressed and sad... they feel that they need to have something in order to feel happy and successful. The funny thing is they just want it, they are not willing to work hard for it. The thing is this, if you're not willing to work for what you want you will end up having a miserable life. Because you will never see progress, all you want is for a miracle to happen. Wishes will never give you riches, success will come if you're taking actions and doing whatever it takes to make results. 

2. Never mind the feelings of others.

It's not that you're going to be a savage or rude, it's not that you don't care, it's just that you're not too sensitive and too worried about how other people feel. If you need to reject somebody do it. Don't pretend that you like something even if you really don't. If you always care about how people feel... you're jailed, you're not free anymore. You will always worry about what people say, you will always worry about how they are doing. And it is not good, you have nothing to do with how other people feel. They will feel what they wanted to feel, they will feel something. It's none of your business to make them happy all the time. 

People around you can cry, whine and ask for sympathy. But don't feel sorry for them because they're just making themselves look like a useless and weak dog. Just focus on yourself because if you will vibrate and associate yourself with them then you will only absorb the same energy that they have. You will become negative too, you will become unproductive and weak. Each one of us is responsible for how we feel. So never feel sorry for a person who is in pain, if you can help and he deserves it then help, but if you can't do something about it then just let it go. 

3. Go after your dreams boldly. 

What are you waiting for? life is all about chasing your dreams. You are sad because you don't have anything to do, you're just waiting, you're just hoping that one day you will become rich or popular. It will never happen if you will not hustle now. Stop doing the same garbage everyday, stop entertaining the same negativity everyday. Change now! Force yourself to move and make some progress. Work as hard as you can, be a creator and not a watcher. Don't just watch your life come and go, do something about it, make your life epic, test yourself and see how far can you go. 

Jun 18, 2020


Are you so sick and tired of your bum life? are you tired losing again and again? Do you feel you deserve more? do you feel that life has something more but you're getting less? well, something bring you here, you are reading this not by accident but because you are destined to know the information below that will transform your life from being a loser to a winner. This is your lucky day because the techniques I am going to tell you will surely change your life, and if it didn't changed your life... then you didn't follow my tips. I was a loser before, nobody likes me, I feel like a victim, I have no strength and confidence, I feel so powerless and useless. But my life suddenly changed when I follow these steps.

1. Make yourself better than yesterday.

The good thing about being a man is you can always improve everyday. You have a brain, a brain that is better than all of the species around the world. Unlike a cockroach that cannot walk back, unlike a gorilla that cannot even talk or process complicated information... you have a mind that can operate on a higher level. Use your mind to your advantage, use your mind to give you a better life. Be better than yesterday. You can decide if you will become better than yesterday or not, it's up to you, it's within your reach. You have what it takes to become better all you need to do is go further. You can do better than yesterday, you can go harder than yesterday. 

2. Be fast.

Success loves speed, if you wan to become a winner then you need to be fast. Think fast, start fast, try again fast, recover fast, sleep fast, be fast but don't rush. If you're fast in starting something, if you will just do it no matter what regardless of how you feel and what type of condition you have... you will go to a different level so fast. It's because you're fast, speed will attract speed, slow will attract slow... as simple as that. You should live in a fast lane, quit doing stupid things that will make you slow. Start disciplining your mind to move right away even if it's too uncomfortable. It's all about killing the thoughts that makes you believe that it's hard, it's about not thinking about the long work that you must do, it's about not thinking if you're already late or still early... stop thinking too much and execute. Transform yourself from being a waiter to a fast starter. Ignite the fire that is sleeping inside of you by being relentless, pretend that you're unstoppable and you will become one. Being unstoppable simply means working and pushing yourself every time you feel the resistance. It's dragging yourself to work hard even if you don't like it. 

3. Stretch your skills and abilities.
4. Lock in.

Forget about what other people are doing, forget about what other people are talking about, forget their achievements or failures and just focus on your own growth. Watch yourself evolve, enjoy yourself because you have to give yourself and your journey a lot of time if you want to evolve big time. Whether you admit it or not... you're only getting bitter when you see someone succeeding and you're not, this is normal. But you must see yourself doing it, you must admit that you're bitter so you're eliminating that attitude little by little. Being bitter is a waste of time and energy, so the solution for this is to just focus on yourself and make yourself a little bit successful everyday. You can improve and make progress a little bit. Every time you work you are progressing even if you haven't get any results yet. Every time you persevere and face discomfort you're going to another level. 

So take it slowly, stay locked in, focus on your goals, focus on becoming a better man. More skills, more knowledge, more disciplined, more tenacious... these can be achieved by you, just give yourself more time, feel everything about. Enjoy every step and sacrifice, feel happy that you're doing the hard things and not the easy things like others. Always remember that if you want a different result then you need to separate yourself from the pack, do what other people can't do... be something extra ordinary by just focusing on your own work and doing your very best every single day. 

5. Know what you really want.

Sometimes you don't know what you want and that's why you don't have a direction, that's why you can't escape the rut you are in, you don't know your destination. Or maybe you want a lot too much, you're wanting everything. You want to copy other people's path because you see that they're succeeding even if you really don't want that path. You must know what you want and you must stick with it. It's ok to want one or two things but never desire everything because it will only bring confusion into your life. You need to be in a one direction only, know the patterns you are creating, know every single action that you are taking and you will see how lost you are. 

6. Be ready for any bad luck.

Losers whine, losers complain, they don't want to take full responsibility of what is happening with their lives. Bad luck will come, it's part of your life but what you don't know is that it's only making you stronger, it's not a bad luck... it's a strength creator. Bad luck will bring out the best in you, it will reveal you who you really are. Are you going to cry like a loser? are you going to blame the world? are you going to look for sympathy? or are you going to fight back? 

7. Don't quit. 

Just don't quit and you're already a winner, just do whatever it takes to win and you will get there in just a matter of time. Keep trying, keep hoping, keep moving, never get stagnant or idle. Just keep moving forward, there is a space waiting for you to operate, there is always a one small action that you can do to make your situation a little bit better so quit quitting and keep trying, this will make you a better person, you have a very big chance of winning if you don't quit. 

8. Be ok getting less.

Feel happy with what you are getting, be ok with getting less, this kind of mindset means abundance, it means you're happy with what you are getting and you're not complaining about it. The result is you attract more, you are getting more little by little. Because if you're not complaining and being an asshole then more good things will come to you. And the truth is... there is no big nor small, there is only happiness. If you can be very happy with what you've got then it is big but if you're always complaining about what you have and being unappreciative about it then it is small. Size is just an illusion, there is no big nor small there is only appreciation. Being grateful, being appreciative is the key to getting more. 

9. Feel invincible

At the end of the day, you will feel something. Why not feel invincible instead of feeling depressed, weak or anxious? You can draw the state from within, all you have to do is move and you will become confident again. Have a mindset that you will face any challenge in front if you... that's how to feel invincible. And really face it, don't shy away from it, don't panic if there is a challenge, don't get overwhelmed because for as long as you're alive and breathing... there is no challenge that cannot be conquered. 

Jun 16, 2020


Realize that if something is not making you improve or giving you a better life then you need to get rid of it as fast as you can. What are you doing now? what are you thinking now? is it taking you to the next level? is it making you a better person? is it giving you more money? if not then why the hell are you still doing it? it's too simple, success is hard but it's too simple. It's all about pushing everyday and putting yourself on a better position than yesterday. If you can be a good realizer about what works or what does not then you're already on a different level. Because 90 percent of what you do is rubbish, it's not helping at all, you're wasting your time and energy and you keep living that way. The funny thing is you're not doing something about it, you mess up all the time but you keep on doing the same funny shi*t everyday. You're better than that, you're always better than that and you should get better in realizing that most of your actions are putting you down.


You're picking the wrong entertainment and this is the main reason why your life is falling apart. You're so addicted to temporary high, you love to feel good by practicing instant gratification. You're entertained with useless information, you're entertained with garbage, you love to waste a lot of your time and that's the main thing why you're still a loser up to now. Look where your time is going... it's going to nothing, you're using it to make you feel good right away but will make you feel bad in the future.


The right form of entertainment is practicing delayed gratification. You have to discipline yourself, you have to choose the entertainment that will make you grow. You know what it is, you know if you're doing something bad or not, you know if you will get something from a particular activity or not. Stop fooling yourself, you have to give up temporary and fast happiness in order to attract success. Remember that you only have to suffer for now but you will live as a champion for the rest of your life as Muhammad Ali says. It's only a short period of time that you must sacrifice, time is fast, you will never know that you're already great so keep going, keep pushing yourself and never stop. Don't stop when it's hard, stop when you're already successful... this philosophy always work and will never fail you. You have to stay consistent, stay committed and success will be yours.


If you want to become successful you must focus on your own life. Get entertained by simply watching your own life, feeling yourself, feeling happy about yourself, creating arts, creating something that will produce millions one day, chasing an impossible dream, creating your own philosophy, creating your own set of beliefs. You can amuse yourself, learn to become happy with your own form of entertainment, learn to be content of what you have and never let external things fool you. If you want to become a better man, if you want to have a better life then you need to discipline yourself, top acting like a child because wanting to be happy all the time is not getting the job done.

It's only boring in the beginning because your subconscious mind was filled with garbage thoughts. Once you become fully engaged on yourself... everything will become a miracle. You have to feel everything about you, see everything about you, enjoy yourself as much as you can. Treat yourself like a super hero with a mission, and your mission is to save yourself from drowning from bad habits that are putting you down all the time. You're powerful, you just need to accept that you can become great if you work hard and stay fully committed to your goals and ambitions.


This is the only way to get to the next level... enjoy chaos, if it's uncomfortable and stressful it means you're fighting, you're trying, you're improving and growing. Be happy if you're struggling because it means you're on the right path. Forget about your emotions, always remember that you need to get something done. Be fast in starting and never let your mind think again. Embrace the pain, embrace the struggle because that is the only time when you're making a progress, you will never grow if there is no pressure or resistance at all. Your duty is to keep on facing what needs to be faced, do what is needed without hesitation and for sure rapid growth will be achieved. Because most of the time your feelings are tricking you, it's telling you to quit, it's telling you to stop, it's telling you that you can't do it but the truth is you can do everything you want if you will use your willpower and tenacity to keep going. Just keep going and live with the moment, forget about what's going to happen next, know what needs to be done and do it with all your might.


Be aware if you're doing a lot of damage to yourself, be mindful if you're not doing everything you can to succeed. You know what's working, you know the habits and thoughts that are keeping you down, stay away from negative thoughts and actions and you're already successful. Be mindful of your actions and decisions, life will become much easier if you will learn how to control your mind. Whenever you find yourself on the wrong path again... force yourself to stop and go back on the right track, you need to use a lot of willpower here but it's really possible to change yourself and your life, just endure the pain, enjoy the boredom and learn to enjoy every second even if it's not entertaining or fun at all. Learn how to enjoy every struggle and difficulty... that's the only way to get out of the rut you are in. That's the only way to escape being stuck in a mud and rise from the ashes. 

Jun 12, 2020


You know why the result is still the same? you know why you're still stuck in a rut you're in? it's because you're faking hard work, you're not respecting its title. "Hard work" is a very strong title. You should respect the word "hardwork" and don't attached your name with it if you're working like a sick dog even though you have the strength to push and do more. Hard work is a special word, it's common but it's still special. It's the number one recipe for success. Nothing can outclass hard work.


If your hard work is real and you're really paying the price, hard work will give you anything, literally it can make you anything. It can give you confidence, it can give you money, it can upgrade your skills, it can take you to another level, especially if you paired it with the proper technique and strong belief... you will become really unstoppable if you work hard. So be true to hard work, never disrespect it. So look at yourself, study your past, you're not getting any form of success because you're not true to hard work. Just because you're having a hard time doesn't mean you're really working hard. You're having  a hard time because you don't really want to work hard, you want to do something else. You can do something else but keep in mind that it will never make you a better person. 

If you're true to hard work then you will never complain, you will never get frustrated if results were not coming in, you will just work hard and stay faithful with it, you will treat it as your friend and good adviser, you will come to it and use it again every time things are not going well. 


Even the most difficult job can be learned how to love. All you have to do is feel it, feel it second by second, never rush, never take shortcuts, just feel it and always have the mentality of giving your best no matter what. Once it became your habit to give your best even if the reward is small or big... it will be easier to work hard, it feels like not hard work anymore, it feels like a game that you must play and enjoy. You can treat everything like a game if you will condition your mind that every work is easy. Just take it one step at a time, it's ok if you're slow, just feel every movement of your body. Focus your thoughts on your work, never think about anything else other than your work. Build a very strong work ethic, by doing this will make you attract success faster. People will love your work, they will feel that there's a lot of passionate put into it. The world will recognize you if you're not rushing your work, they will feel and see that you really put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into it. 

Don't change the level of difficulty, don't look for an easy work... change your attitude, change your attitude towards any work and learn to love every step that you're going to make. If you can have this mindset then all work will become an easy work. Every work will become easy peasy, you don't have to worry anymore, you don't have to hide from it, you will embrace it and have fun with it as much as you can. 


You're not trying to love it, you're not giving it a chance to make you feel better. All you want to do is escape it and that's why all of your work looks like a mess. You don't believe that being passionate and loving your work will bring success, you're always rushing, you're always looking for an easy way out. The result is inefficiency and mediocrity. If you want to become great then you must be great in anything you do. May it be sweeping a floor or washing dishes... you must learn how to enjoy it because it's the only mindset that will breed success. 

Don't rush too much, forget about time, never make a sloppy work because it will back fire on you. You may have to repeat it again because it's useless. When you're not trying to feel your work, if you want to do something else while doing it then it will become harder, you will never be able to finish it on time. You have to bring out the childlike attitude in you while working, treat every work as a play but of course don't mess around and take it for granted, enjoy it but still give your very best. 


You can lie, you can pretend to be working hard and be proud that you're suffering but your numbers should be consistent with your talking. You can lie but your numbers won't. Did you really work hard? did you really spend longer hours than what it used to be? did you exert extra effort and push yourself a little bit? did you repeat as many times as you can to make the output closer to perfection? Did you do whatever it takes to produce a great outcome? you can lie, you can be a great pretender but you can never be a great finisher. It will be seen in your numbers, it will be seen in the quality of your outputs. Most people are pretending to be working hard but the truth is they just want sympathy and appreciation. If you're really working hard then you don't have to tell it to the whole world, you will just work and let them feel you. If they appreciate you then it's fine, if they don't then it's fine too. You don't need people to applaud you after working hard, it should be in your system forever, it should be your culture and religion. So don't ever fake hard work, don't try to impress people by telling them how hard you work.. just do it. 


If you're lost, if you're in a state of oblivion just simply look at yourself, are you working hard or not? are you giving your best and pushing yourself like you never push before. If you're going down then simply go to your hustle, work hard and you will be able to climb up to the ladder again. Because the truth is you're going down because you're not working hard anymore. There is no fire and ambition in your work anymore, you simply just do it without even enjoying it, you do it for the sake of having to avoid being labeled as lazy. If you will do something... give your everything, give your heart and soul, admit to yourself if you're being lazy and go back to working hard again. Hard work can be a very good guide, it is a perfect path. Just stay consistent working hard everyday and you will be able to go further, you will become better and bigger, success will be cornered by you.

So forget everything if you are lost, forget the techniques, right methods, right process etc. Just work hard, you will be able to figure out everything once you keep working hard and moving forward all the time. Clues will be given to you, opportunities will be awarded to you, just keep working hard and grind every single day, that's how to get it done. 


You can manipulate the results of your life if you're really working hard, if you're sick and tired of getting the same results over and over again then make a work ethic adjustment. Work like hell, focus like a sniper, never take your eyes off the target. Have no conscience like an assassin, do it right away whenever you need to do it and never regret any mistake that you did, look for the next step right away and execute as fast as you can. Results will change, trust me, hard work is the answer to your fading career, hard work is what you've been waiting for all of your life, it will show you they way, just trust it and adapt it into your system. If the results are not changing yet it means you need to exert more effort, you need to push more, don't worry about getting depleted because the truth is you're having more and more energy every time you force yourself to work hard. Don't be afraid of getting tired because it only means you're leveling up, be happy if you're getting tired because you are getting closer and closer to what you want. You're a result changer, all it takes is discipline and commitment, anything is possible if you work hard, you can conquer anything, you can become anything you want to. 

Jun 11, 2020


The most effective and true way to change your fate is to stop believing it. There is no such thing as fate nor destiny, there is only hardwork and perseverance. If you can just work hard and stop being lazy, if you can just stop thinking that you're going to fail then you will change. Your fate lies in your hands, it doesn't come from anybody's force or power, it's in your hands. It's up to you if you want to change your fate. What happening in your life now is your fate, there is no such thing as future or tomorrow. Life is happening now. You need to embrace what is happening now and try to make the best out of it. Because life is all about now, if you want to change then change now. Never think about tomorrow, always live in the present moment and live the life that you wanted to love. Remember, life is all about now, you don't need to worry about the future. You don't need to think about the past, all you need to do is embrace life as it is and always give your best. 


What are your thoughts? what are the dominating thoughts inside of your head? thoughts that are hard to get rid of? The quality of your thoughts will be the quality of your life. Your thoughts is your life, your thoughts will make you or break you. It's better to be thinking positive rather than thinking negative. Positive thoughts attracts positive situations while negative thoughts makes your life miserable and failing. It's your choice, how are you going to think? are you going to think negatively and ruin your mind or are you going to think positively and experience more of life? the power is in your hands, don't ever forget this idea. Your thoughts are very powerful so you need to use it, it can transform your whole life easily if you will use its power. Always remember that your thoughts are your life. So if you keep judging people then you're a negative person, you're just a judge and you're not doing anything good at all. If you keep thinking about riches and you're working hard then you are rich, as simple as that. If you keep on thinking and hating poor people then you're poor too even if you have money because you're vibrating the same energy as them. 

How to get rid of any negative thought?

It's easy, always be aware of what's going on inside of your head. You have to know what kind of mind behavior you will use. Is it a positive behavior or a negative behavior? if you choose the positive behavior then you need to  be it, you need to live by it. You have to be fast in detecting a negative thought and get rid of it right away. Always think about positive thoughts, consume your mind with positive information, saturate your mind with positivity and love. Your mind is easy to control if you will train it. Train it everyday to think about only the things that you want in life. Never think about the situation, people or things that you don't want to attract. It takes discipline, it takes time but if you were able to control your mind then your life will become a lot easier. 


Real hard work, not stupid work, your best work. This is the fastest way to change your fate... making yourself better and better each day, not being stagnant, not permeating to stupidity or uselessness. Your fate will never change if you will not work, work as hard as you can. Make changes if the progress is slow but don't ever lose your sight off your goal. So work like a beast, never rest when you're tired... rest when you're done. There is always something you can do, there is always something you need to do and you need to start now. Change will happen now, not tomorrow nor next week, it should happen now or else it will never happen anymore. The opportunity is now, make the best out of your life now and always expect good things to come. It's all about the belief, it's all about how bad do you want it, do you really want it or are you just pretending that you want it? or maybe you just want it but you're not willing to work for it. Changing your fate is easier than you thought if you will just believe that the power is in your hands. Movement creates improvement, keep this line in your mind and repeat it everyday.


Give up and sell some hotdogs on the streets or just marry a rich old woman, LOL! No, I'm just kidding. Of course you can never give up. You have to hold on to your vision. Never let your fate be controlled by other people. Always remember that you're always in control. Always remember what Napoleon Hill said: "Victory belongs to the most persevering". Just persevere and good things will happen, a lot of opportunities will open up. You have to want it as much as you wanted to breathe, you have to be hungry for it as much as you want to eat the finest steak in town. You are in control of your destiny, you just have to push harder and focus more on the things that you are trying to achieve. Stop wasting time and you will never have the same life again, stop wasting money, stop wasting energy, just go all out for your dream and make it a reality. I know you're so sick and tired of your boring and stinky life now, you have to choose whether you will continue that way or change direction. You can do something, you can make a progress everyday, you can improve everyday, it's just a matter of choosing to level up. Never choose a path that will never help you, never do something that is derailing your success. You have to go all in no matter what, this is the best way to succeed. 


If you are trying to change your life it will really be uncomfortable because that is what's change all about... facing the discomfort and stress. There is no growth on easy situations, there is no progress in a safe and warm place, you have to leave your comfort zone and start living like a beast. A beast who never stop working, a beast who keeps on grinding all day long. There is no change without pain, that is the painful truth. So if you're so lazy like a bum and not doing anything at all... your life will never change, as simple as that. You have to make yourself really uncomfortable. Learn to adapt and live on a stressful pace, that is what it's all about. Greatness doesn't mean comfort, it doesn't mean domination... it's pushing through whenever you wanted to give up, it's doing whatever it takes to win and doing what most people are not willing to do, it's simply going the extra mile and looking for what is possible. 

Jun 10, 2020


Energy is what you need, more energy can make you very successful. But is it possible to have an unlimited energy? the answer to that question is yes. It's all in your discipline and habits, it's your small decisions that affects your energy. These little decisions play an important part in how you manage your energy and become very effective.

1. Focus on yourself

Stop looking on what other people are doing. 
Be selfish with your time. Because of you're looking at them or watching them you are also spending a lot of energy. Because sometimes you are being emotional with what is happening with their lives. You also feel bad when they have a problem, you also get stressed when you hear their ailments or complaints. And even when they happy, you are also spending a lot of energy because you are getting distracted. Instead of using your time for yourself, you are giving it to them for free. Your emotions was being controlled by what is happening to them and this is not good because you are not progressing. You will become stronger, faster, wiser, tougher and more creative if you're focused on yourself. It's simply because you are seeing the things you need to do in order to get to the next level. You love living your life, you have more time for your journey and lesser time for useless subjects. Everything you do is useful and makes sense, your energy is not running out because you're a man on a mission, you are very serious with your goals and you're not playing around.

2. Avoid negativity

Avoid toxic people. Avoid news, avoid data or information that makes you feel insecure, threatened or weak. The negative subjects make you feel bad all the time, it sucks all of your energy and it makes you overwhelmed and unproductive. Negativity puts your state into a lower level. Negativity is destroying your creativity.

3. Always live in the present moment.

If you're living in the moment you're not worried about anything. The result is you have more energy, you will become more creative because you're having a lot of fun. Forget about what you're going to do later, forget about making it fast, forget your pace. Just be yourself, be in the moment and enjoy what you're doing, you don't need to rush. 

4. Push yourself to go further

You can't hide anymore, you can't pretend to be weak anymore. If you want to become relentless and every productive, if you want to look like a beast that never gets tired... you have to push yourself to go further. Because your energy will never run out, it's always there, there is something in your tank, you have a third or even fourth gear. You just can't let yourself fly because you believe that you need to stop every time you get tired. 

5. Don't classify what is hard and easy.

Never label anything as hard or easy. Always think that you just need to do it. If you think that it's hard you will feel that you don't have enough energy to do it. If you think that it's easy you will never take it seriously and that will result to failure

6. Don't look at the clock.

Ignore the time. Time is giving you too much pressure, you feel like your time is running out every time you look at the clock. Time will pass, you can never stop it but don't let the idea of having little time stop you. You have to do what you need to do. 

7. Focus on taking actions. 

Work, work and work. Stop focusing on the results because it's only reminding you what you don't have yet. Stop focusing on reacting that the work is hard, it's only making the process harder. You need to focus on taking actions because it's the only thing that will make you feel good. Just try it, focus on taking one step at a time. Feel every movement that you are doing and you will discover that it's not really that hard. It's becoming harder and harder because of your thought about finishing it fast. You really need to work, there is no way you can short cut the process, you 

8. Don't do what you don't need to do

Your energy was always being drained by yourself. It's because you're doing a lot of stuffs that you don't need. Because the truth is... you're always doing something that you don't need to do and that drains a lot of your energy. Your energy was cluttered, it's going to different places and that makes you get tired so fast. But if you will just focus on what you need to do then you will be able to finish your tasks faster and do more. 

9. Think about the person that you love the most

Love can give you a lot of energy. Love can refresh your tired body, it will give you an extra boost of motivation. Think about the person you love the most so that you can pass any test or adversity. You will become stronger whenever you feel weak, it's because you're not fighting for yourself anymore, you're fighting for somebody and that will make you invincible, you will defeat any kind of challenge, you will never back down to any difficult situation. 

10. Train yourself to work hard everyday.

Grind now then grind again tomorrow, it doesn't matter if the day is almost over and you only begin to realize that you have to start working hard. It doesn't matter if you start 11pm, for as long as the intention of working hard is there... you're good, you're on the right path. 

11. Be a single minded person. 

Don't think too much, thinking and over worrying is making you slow and weak. Think about what you want to get and then go for it, think about what you need to do and then do it. Stop thinking too much about nonsense things that are only making you slow and useless. You have to know what is important in your life. Tony Robbins says "where the focus go the energy flow", you need to focus on the things that are making your life better, focus on things that has a potential to give you a good life in the future. Wasting your time and energy to something that doesn't matter is only depleting a lot of your energy. 

12. Take it one step at a time and never rush.

This is not a race, this is a marathon. You will be able to do more if you're aware of what you're doing and taking it one step at a time. Most people were not even aware of what they're doing, their subconscious mind is doing the work for them. They're not having fun, they didn't even notice the people talking to them because they were rushing too much. This results to a lot of details being ignored and the result is failure. It's energy draining if you fail because you're not paying attention to details. You will think that you have to repeat it again, it feels so bad because it doesn't have to happen if you only give your best and take time to do the things that are needed. 

13. Stop being bitter.

Being bitter at somebody, being jealous and envy for no reason sucks all of your energy out. You will have a hard time focusing on your own journey or task because you're always wanting to get what other people have. or maybe you're hating someone that you don't like. You have to understand that this is not helping at all, it's making you unproductive, it's eating a lot of your time and you're not progressing at all. People who you're thinking of doesn't even care about you. Being bitter is for the losers, it is for the people who have a victim mindset. 

14. Don't be needy.

You don't need anything to have more energy. You don't need appreciation from people, you don't need to get praises and positive feedbacks. You don't need attention, you don't need special things. You don't even need a support. Being needy will make you weak, it will stop you from pushing further. Being needy means you need external things to keep you going, what if you can't have the things that you want? what if nobody is there to give you any attention? all you need is yourself and your energy, you have what it takes to succeed. Just trust the process, trust your ability to work hard and you will have more energy to succeed. 

15. Appreciate yourself and the hard work you put in.

Never judge yourself that you are wrong or doing something imperfectly. Appreciate what you're doing and respect yourself, value yourself and the hard work that you put in. Be proud because you are working hard while others choose to become lazy. If you can appreciate yourself then you will feel good about yourself, the result is more energy and power to do the hardest things. 

16. Give yourself a reward every time you do something good.

Rewarding yourself will give you an extra ounce of motivation to repeat that achievement that you did. Buy yourself something, eat some chocolate, play a little bit. But make sure that you will not reward yourself if the job is not finished yet. This technique will make you addicted to finishing something, it will give you a lot of energy because you want to get the reward, and you're also practicing delayed gratification. You're not giving yourself anything while you haven't finish something great yet.

17. Focus on giving and not on getting. 

If you're focused on giving and not getting... you will be able to do more. You will have more energy. Look at those people who just want to get and get... they look so weak and needy, they can't even work on themselves to get better, they couldn't even work on something so that they can get something. All they want is to get something fast, if getting something fast is your mindset then you're not going to win for sure and that is guaranteed. You will feel so tired even if you haven't worked yet, you will always feel that something is lacking. 

18. Have an optimistic approach

Think positive all the time. Having a positive mindset will give you more energy and motivation to push forward. It's a common sense, it's obvious that if you're always thinking about negative things then you will become tired easily, you will become frustrated, you will make bad decisions. This will lead to a thought about quitting. If you're an optimistic person then you will be able to do more and believe that you can finish something great. You will have a lot of fun and working while having fun creates greatness. You will become faster and more creative, sky is the limit to your energy if you're an optimistic guy. 

Jun 7, 2020


Your life can become extra special even if you think you're just an ordinary guy with no special skills nor talent at all. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and following your passion. Stay true to your heart and never lie to yourself. You can be what you wanted to be if you will allow yourself to win and express yourself more. Anyone can have a special life if he will follow his own desire and never follow the crowd. Following the crowd and trying to fit in is what makes you not so special, you become ordinary by trying to become one of the "cool kids". I'm not telling you to become a rebel but never follow something that you don't like just for the sake of not being labelled as a "weirdo". Most people are doing the same thing, and that's why they are lost and cannot see what is the meaning of their lives. They just go with the flow, they follow the trend because they don't want to walk alone. And walking alone is what will make you special, walking alone means you really trust your own journey. Anyway, enough of the long intro. Here are the three ways to make your life something special:

1. Never copy someone's path.

Never copy someones path. Their journey is different from your journey. Stick with your path even if it's hard and not progressing at all. Just keep working hard and one day you will be rewarded too. Following someone's path means disrespecting yourself, you can never reach your full potential if you're just following someone's path. In the end you will have regrets because you didn't follow your heart, you will feel sorry for yourself because you didn't believe in yourself. You will think what could have been if you only follow your own path. Following someone's path means you don't know yourself, you don't know what you want and you're simply being a copy path. If you're still lost up to now and don't know what to do... Just keep moving forward, never stop, be relentless, keep working and one day you will find where you are passionate about.

2. Do what your heart tells you to do so.

If it's about selling used underwears, if it is simply about working in an office or working in a blue collar job... so be it. If it i's simply being about a social worker or a simple grass cutter so be it. If your heart is really telling you to do that then do it. Your dream was already realized the moment you feel happy about yourself. Just give your best every single day and be happy with what you're doing and getting, that's how to become really successful in life. Never disobey your heart because it is always right, never go against what you really want because you're only making your life miserable every time you do that. Just follow your heart even if there is no money by doing it, just folow your heart even if the whole world is against you.

3. Keep failing. 

Failing means you're trying, it means you're going all out. It means you're taking risk. And taking risk really feels good, it means you're allowing yourself to win and get your dreams. People who doesn't take risks doesn't know how it feels like ot become great. 

Jun 6, 2020


The truth is... you can create your own life, story, journey or whatever you wanted to call it by simply working hard and pushing yourself to the limits. You are the creator of your own fate. What is happening in your life now was based on the small decisions that you did in the past. So whatever you are doing now will create an impact in your future. If you're lazy now then you will have a miserable life but if you're working like hell then you will have an awesome life, as simple as that. Don't ever blame the people or circumstances around you because they do nothing to make your life miserable, it's all your fault. You bum yesterday, you act like a clown, you didn't work hard, you always make excuses and now you're complaining why your life is hard? you have to wake up and admit to yourself that it's your fault why your life is going down right now. But don't worry, you're still alive, you still have some time, you can still make your life epic by working hard and not caring about what may happen next. The only thing you must care about is taking actions and pushing yourself to the limits, do whatever it takes to make your life better. You have to grind and work like hell, it is what it is, it's going to be hard but you can make it in life if you're going further. Never believe in your limitations, never believe that you can't make it, always believe that you can win. Trust hard work, be patient and always move forward all the time. 


Good things will happen if you will force yourself to work hard even if you don't feel well. Opportunities will open up, the right pieces will fall int your hands. The truth is... success is really not that hard, it's too simple... it's for people who can work hard every single day. You don't need to become a genius here, you don't need to become something special. Just stop making excuses and you will attract success... as simple as that. The best quality of a successful person is he is so disciplined and committed. He never mind his feelings, he doesn't care if he feels good or not, he just push himself to do the work and finish what he just started. He is not taking a break, he doesn't complain, he sees to it that he must do whatever it takes to win in life. 

So if you can work hard even if you feel lazy then you will go further, you will become extra ordinary, you will be able to achieve something that not all people can get. Most people were so soft, most people were so lazy and wishy washy, that's why it's very easy to become successful nowadays... most people were so focused on getting it fast, they don't want to work hard, they don't have patience and endurance to do something for so long even if they're not getting anything from it. 


Just start it, just do it, just finish it. Never stop. You can rest in the end, you can stop when you're already successful. But for now, do something. Never take this day for granted. Never waste another minute again because every second count. Every second is an opportunity to create a very powerful momentum to attract opportunities that will lead you to success. Why stop if you can move forward? why slow down if you can be faster? you need to make yourself something else. Forget your old identity that is slow and weak. Create a new identity now that is faster and going hard all the time. It feels so weak not working hard right? you feel so useless. So work hard and never mind if you're not winning at all. 


It's very simple... face the discomfort and pain, as simple as that. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself, you need to stop h...