Aug 20, 2018


You need to go crazy about something, that's the only way to become successful... go crazy, go hard, do everything you can do to become successful.

Go to the extreme and never stop until you have it. You need to become a different person than yesterday, that is what it is all about, that is how to become successful, if you will not go wild then nothing will happen to you... ever.

You are powerful beyond measure, you can do something great in your life if you are willing to push yourself to the limits, all you have to do is take it one step at a time, one push at a time and you will get there. You have to lose your mind, you have to be at the edge of your skills, stop wasting time thinking about what you need to do... just do it and keep doing it, never stop until you become successful.

It's time to go wild, it's time to make a stand for your dream, do whatever it takes to get it, do whatever it takes to take your life to another level.

Being extreme is a one of a kind experience, not all people can experience it, it's scary but it's worth it because it means you're living your life to the fullest and you're really using your life, you're not taking anything for granted at all.

Being crazy doesn't mean you will literally go crazy and do negative stuffs, it means you will really push yourself like never before, you will do the most uncomfortable things just to become very successful and get what you really want in life.

You have to want it more than anybody else does, you have to be really obsess about it, if you will not do something spectacular and your effort is weak then nothing will happen in your life, as simple as that.

It's all about looking for what else you can do and doing it right away, it's all about the continuation and keeping the fire alive. Never care about what your position is, never care about your status in life... just do it, just keep moving forward and that's it.

If you're doing the same thing over and over again and you can't see a little bit progress, it's time to do something different it's time to exert a stronger effort.

The question is do you want it or not? that's the only question, if you want it then show them that you want it, never show any signs of weakness, show them that you are willing to die to have it.

The time for being slow is over, the time for being scared is over, you need to test everything to change your life. Fail more and come back stronger. Fail a lot of times so you will be able to feel nothing anymore if you failed next time, immune yourself to failure.


1. Don't be afraid of what people say. Just do what you think will make an impact for your dream, just do what your heart tells you to do so. Don't be afraid of what might happen next. They will call you crazy or stupid, they will make fun of what you're doing but that is what it is all about... chasing greatness will attract mockery from other people.

2. Just go all out. Go hard as you can, you can do it, you can work hard, just don't think and let your body move. Let your body loose, feel free and go all out. It's fun, going all out is fun because you will see how powerful you are, you will know what you are made of.

3. Imagine that you're already great. Even if the results were not there yet, imagine that you're already great, imagine that you're already winning in life. If you can just use your imagination and convert it into actions then you will get more results, you will have an extra ordinary life. It all starts in your brain, success all starts in your brain. Plant the right thoughts in your brain and never think about negativity.

4. Stop thinking, stop worrying. Just do it, thinking will only produce fears, if you will take actions now and just do it then your life will become so much easier. You must be a doer, you must be an animal, you need to keep doing it over and over again until the door opens for you. Start now, start fast, never stop until you have what you want. Always remember that it's better to be moving than not doing anything at all.

5. You must be willing to die for it. Give your life for it, get it, do whatever it takes to get it, even the most unimaginable things... you have to do it. It's either you die or you win. Losing is not an option. Do something that give you small results and do it over and over again, do it a million times. Your life is already a bust, you have nothing to lose anymore so why not do the best you can do and make your life successful? 

6. Forget about your useless activities. You have a lot of useless activities in your life, you must be aware that they are all useless, you must be aware that they are nothing. If you can just eliminate all the useless activities in your life then your will get more results, you will experience the life that you haven't experience before... as simple as that.

7. Be ready to offend someone. If you're really chasing greatness, if you're really serious about something then you might offend somebody, you might hurt other people's feelings, that is normal, it's their fault if they are too sensitive, you must keep on pushing forward because that is what you want, that is what you need.

8. Forget about your identity. You care so much about your identity that you already forgot how to take actions, you wanted to look perfect that's why you can't even move.

Going crazy about something is a one of a kind experience. Not all people will experience it because they are so afraid to push themselves to the limits, they were so afraid of failing, you will never know how good you are if you're so afraid of failing. 

Most people were really good but they weren't able to use their skills to the fullest because they were so afraid of failing, they don't want to even try. If you don't want to try then you will never succeed, as simple as that.

You're already crazy thinking all day about what you wanted to happen, why not go crazy taking actions? take massive actions, I mean super super massive actions and forget about the results.

Look at those most successful people in the world... they don't care at all. They don't care if people hates them, they don't care if they look ugly, they will just do what they feel will work. Forget about looking great, just focus on taking actions and that's it.

It's time to do something different, your dream is already overdued. You could have tasted it a few years ago but you're so lazy and you're always holding yourself back.


1. Forget about everything. Forget about the result, forget about what might happen next. Just do something, that's it. Never mind if you're making a lot of mistakes, never mind if you don't know what to do next. Just do something now, be in the moment, enjoy what is happening now. If you can enjoy the now and you feel really happy then life will become easier for you. Always remember that it's all in the mind, your mind is always worrying that's why you can't move.

2. Don't try to control everything. Learn to let go, never try to control everything. Always remember that you can only control yourself, never try to control anything because it will only produce a lot of pain. Just give your best and that's it, if you win you win, if you lose you lose, what matters is you keep moving forward and you give your very best no matter what, never take anything for granted because if you do that then you will surely fail.

3. Stop making a lot of rituals before you move. Just do it, start, forget about perfection, forget about doing warm ups... those are the things that are making life more difficult for you. Forget about what to do to make you stronger, just throw yourself out there and take it one step at a time. Rituals are for people who are just making excuses. Some people will meditate first for an hour, that is complete nonsense because you can use that hour for more productive activities, some people will try to read some books first, that is a waste of time, if you need to do something then do it now regardless of how you feel.

4. Enjoy the discomfort.  It's really uncomfortable but you don't have any choice but to do it or else you will fail, it's only uncomfortable in the beginning, you will feel good in the end if you start to keep moving forward, that is guaranteed. Forget about your emotions, that is the secret to success, success has no room for divas and drama making machines, it only cares about progress and momentum.

5. Stop looking at your position. Your position is ugly now, you're in a bad spot now but who cares, it's not your permanent place, you can change your life if you start taking massive actions now. Stop comparing your position from others, your path is different from their paths, you have your own journey and you can  make it successful if you will focus on it and never look at other people's journey.

Remember that efforts and pain has an equivalent reward, just be patient and it will be yours, be patient and you will get the results that you want.

Results will come naturally if you keep working hard. It may not come today, it may not come tomorrow but it will come to you if you don't stop. The more you stop... the more you make yourself far from your dreams, don't ever stop and keep pushing forward, you will see what is effective in just a matter of time, you will get your rhythm, you will get the right timing, just keep being patient and make your dreams come true.

Being unstoppable means you are not holding yourself back, it means you are allowing yourself to take actions and move forward even if the progress looks very little. Motivation will be achieved by doing something, motivation is fake if you're just watching.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...