Aug 31, 2018


Don't be afraid of fear, don't be scared of it. Fear is your ticket to freedom, once you are feeling it... it means you're on the right path, it means growth is just one step away.

Once you fear that you will fail... you still have to try, you still need to move despite of your fears. Fear is nothing but a feeling, if you will understand that fear is your ticker to freedom then you will face it. So what if you are scared? are you going to die? feel it, embrace it. There is no such thing as  a man without fear but there is such thing as a man that is willing to become scared and face his fears anyway.

It's alright being scared, it's alright feeling it over and over again. It's alright sweating and being anxious. Those fears will go away if you embrace it and don't take it as a big deal.

So if you want to feel free... do what scares you the most, do the task that is overwhelming. Face a difficult challenge that has a big reward. Fear is your ticket to freedom, always remember that.

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