Aug 5, 2018


There are three main reasons why people are so afraid to take massive actions, here are they:

1. They were so afraid to make mistakes. People are so allergic to making mistakes, I don't know why, maybe it's because they are too perfectionist, they want to look great without having to look bad first. If you are too perfectionist and you wanted to look great fast... you will never take massive actions, you will always see what is missing in your skills and abilities and you will feel unmotivated because you think that you will never become successful. Making mistakes is part of the design, it is part of the game, don't be afraid to make a lot of mistakes because it will make you grow, it will make you more knowledgeable. People who are successful made a lot of mistakes in their lives but they don't care, sometimes they were even happy because they know it will make them smarter, it is giving them useful feedback that they can use in the future. Make mistakes as much as you can, always move forward no matter what, don't be afraid to destroy your identity because it is nothing, it doesn't matter at all, what matters is you give your best and you didn't take your life for granted.

2. They were so afraid to fail. They want to succeed on the first try, they want a perfect record. They don't want to fail because for them failing is too painful. They don't know that failing has a lot of benefits, failing will make you grow so don't be afraid of it. If you're failing a lot of times, you will no longer be afraid of it, you will take massive actions, nothing will stop you anymore. You will feel that you don't have anything to lose anymore so you will just do it no matter what. You will never care about success anymore, you will just care about the process and give yourself a chance to succeed one day. Being afraid to fail means being afraid to win, if you're not afraid to fail then you will do whatever it takes to win in life. You will do the unthinkable.

3. They want results right away. They were too impatient, they want results right away, they will take little actions then will check for results right away. And when they can't see any progress... they will quit. If you want to take massive actions then stop checking for results every now and then, just take one step at a time. Never think about how many steps you need to do before you become successful, just enjoy the process and never get tired of waiting for success.

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