Aug 17, 2018


If you're just good in giving an advise then you're still a loser. What advises can you give? what if you're the one who's on the bad situation? will you follow your own advise?

You're always saying to other people that hard work pays off, the question is are you really working hard? are you really giving your all? that's the biggest question, if you're just good in talking and you can't even take actions on your own then you're still a loser.

A winner is someone who always moves, he's not someone who's just giving advise and not doing what he told other people. If you want to become a winner in life then stop giving advises and do what you are suppose to do. Talk is cheap, actions are real.

If all you do is talk and you can't take actions then just shut up, you're not the man, you're just a talker, you can't produce results.

The world will only reward the people who can take massive actions, use your hands and feet... don't use your mouth.

Talkers are losers, they were never happy from the very beginning because they can't even take actions. They were too lazy, they cannot even move at all and make a stand for what they want.

You can give the best advise in the world but if you can't apply it into your life then you're still nothing, you're still a loser, you should look at yourself first before giving an advise, can you do what you are talking about?

People who will thrive are the ones who are good in taking actions, these people are bad assess, these people are killer, they will never wait for the right time or right feeling to move, they will take actions now, they will force themselves to produce results, they don't care if they get tired or not, all they know is they have to move or else they will be in big trouble.

Look at yourself, are you just a talker? or are you a mover? can you make decisions fast and take actions right away? that's the biggest question in your life.

If you cannot move, if you cannot take actions then it's game over for your dreams, you will never achieve anything, you need to go further, you need to push more, if you can take actions more than anybody else does then you're there, you're on the right path.

Most people were so lazy, most people were just good in talking, they can never take massive actions at all, most of them were losers in life.

Change yourself now, stop giving advise that you know in yourself you cannot do, stop being fake, don't talk if you can't do it. If you want a different results in your life then you better be real, be legit, be authentic, stop dreaming if all you can do is dream. Stop asking if all you can do is ask. What matters is if you can take actions or not, ask yourself... can you work 24 hours a day? can you really dedicate yourself for something? can you sacrifice? Everybody can talk, it is the easiest thing to do but not everyone can walk the talk.

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