Aug 31, 2018


Who do you think you are? why do you care so much about your identity? why do you care so much about what people will say? who do you think you are? do you think you are special? do you think you're already great? stop thinking that you are entitled of something, stop taking care about your identity too much because the more you do that the more you get conservative, the more you are holding yourself back.

Face the pain, don't be afraid to get embarrassed, don't be afraid to get humiliated, face the discomfort because that is where growth is, if you feel uncomfortable in your situation... embrace it and take actions, you will go to another level if you do that.

Your identity is nothing, people doesn't care about that, people don't care at all, stop thinking that they were always thinking of you. You can always do something epic if you will push yourself to the limits and take risk every now and then.

The more you care about what people say, the more you will get conservative, you will stop taking actions, you are letting them take your power, they are the ones who are in control... not you.

Throw yourself out there, go all out, be the man of the hour, enjoy the lime light and don't be afraid to look stupid. Just be yourself and give your very best every single second.


Once you started then you already made it. The reason why you can't make it is because you're not starting something, you're always holding yourself back.

Start now and never look back, once you start then you're already successful, yeah it's true even if you're not getting results yet you're already successful because success is all about taking actions, it's all about making progress, it's all about movement and momentum. You will only fail if you stop, you will only fail if you quit.

So once you start... never stop so that your success will be sustained. Never do something else other than your goal, you want it right? so don't stop until you finally made it, make it to a point where you give your life to your goal and you don't want to focus on something else, you don't want to do something else.

This life is very easy, this journey is too controllable. You can control anything if you will commit to actions, you can control every outcome of your life.

Once you started... you made it, you will only fail if you quit, so never quit, keep moving forward, keep going and dedicate yourself to the journey.

The ingredient for success is very simple, it's massive actions, you don't need a detailed plan, you don't need a very technical plan... just take actions and keep pounding, you will get there in just a matter of time.

Never mind if you look stupid, never mind if your results were ugly, it will become beautiful in the long run, just keep working and simply enjoy the process, keep punching that wall, keep kicking that door until it opens.

Be proud of yourself if you start because some people can't even get started, sometimes it's the hardest thing to do... to start and take risk for your dreams. Some people are playing it safe, actually... most people are playing it safe, where are they now? are they happy? of course not because they have a lot of regrets in their lives.


You don't need to be on trending to have some earning. Some people are doing stupid things that they don't even like just to look cool, just to look like they are great or something. What they don't know is that they are looking stupid.

You can earn by simply grinding all day long and pushing the envelope. You can make the universe follow your orders by insane work ethic and focus. It's very simple... work hard, trust hard work, work the hardest and success will be attracted automatically to you. You don't need to copy a trending topic or do something stupid like dancing naked or eating some crappy food and showing it to the public, don't be afraid to do it your way. Money will be attracted to you if you believe in yourself that you can get it. Set a value that you think you can earn and pursue it relentlessly, start now because time is always running.


Sometimes you are focusing on your enemy too much that's why you can't become successful, you are not focusing on the goal, you are hunting the enemy and trying to a make a revenge by being successful and showing him that you're the greater person, you want to impress him. That's why you can't become successful, that's why you always fail. It's because you don't focus on the process, you focus on impressing other people which is the baddest thing to do.

Hunt the goal and you will become a better person, hunt the enemy and you will lose yourself. You will never see your full potential because you always compare yourself to others.


Thanks for calling me the greatest guys, I can't answer some of the emails but I'm trying my best. I started this journey with nothing and look where we are now... one of the most popular blogs in the world. Actually I don't call this blog but I have to because they call it that way. I am a writer, a pure writer and not a blogger.

I write based on my experience and feelings, I write not for the money that's why I am successful now. Thanks to all the followers, thanks to all the people who supported me with this not so easy journey. I know there will be a lot of big challenges along the way but I am game for anything, I will embrace anything. Keep supporting guys and keep emailing me thank you!


You don't need to know a lot of things, you just need to know the information that will make you get what you want. Knowing too much will make you a stupid person because your mind is too crowded and you don't know what your specialty anymore.

Just know what you need, don't try to be a genius just to please people. Some people were studying something just to look smart but that's all an information, it is nothing, they can't even apply it to their lives, they cannot even use it to become rich.

Knowing too much and trying to become the smartest is the dumbest thing to do, it's just a waste of time, it will eat a lot of your time. Trying to master everything will make you a slave.

Be smart, use your time wisely, never waste it for nothing, never use it for something that will never even give you an advantage one day. You only need enough information to become successful, you don't need a lot, you don't need to become an einstein to become successful, you just need to know what you really need and throw away all the information that are useless because it will only make your mind crowded. A crowded mind will not function very well, it will only make you overwhelmed.

Some information were harmful to your brain, yeah it will make you look smart especially if you're talking to a dumb but it will make your mind confused, it will run inside of your brain and it will overwrite some other information that are more useful.

Be careful of what you are trying to put inside of your brain, filter the thoughts, make sure you are only using the most important information because that's all you need.


You are who you are, you don't need to change yourself, you don't need to make amendments in your personality because they are telling you that you need to change. Don't let them change you, never follow them. Go against the flow if it is what your heart is telling you to do so. Stop following the trend if you really don't like it.

Some people change because of peer pressure, some people change because if they don't follow others they will be left behind. You need to be yourself, if you are doing something because most people are doing it then you're in big trouble.

Always follow your heart even if you need to go alone... do it. Don't be afraid to be alone, don't be afraid to do it yourself.... never change because most people are doing it and you will look weird.

Because you will regret it in the end if you don't follow your heart, you will tell yourself that you've done the wrong thing.


You already work hard, you already sacrifice in the past, you already bleed and endure the hardship of hard work... there is no need to look for validation anymore. Don't be needy, don't try to convince them that you deserve it. Of course you deserve it because you put a huge amount of effort just to become successful.

You know in yourself if you really work hard, you know in yourself if you really pay the price. You don't need to convince everyone that you must be rewarded. You don't need to beg for recognition nor appreciation... the prize will come on the right time, be patient and work hard even more while waiting for it.

Real and legit hard work is your proof that you will get something, all of your efforts will be rewarded. You just need to patiently wait for it if it's not there yet. Just keep going and never lose hope, keep moving forward because one day it will be yours, one day the universe will give you everything you need.

Because the more you look for validation... the more you will look stupid, you will look needy and unattractive, the universe will turn its back from you... you will be ignored.

Just keep working hard and the universe will go after you, the world will miss your service if you don't do it anymore, they will be the one who will run after you.

Success will com naturally, you don't need to look for it anymore, it will be attracted towards you, just wait for it and it will come.

Keep doping your thing, keep giving your best every single day. It's all you can do, it's the best thing to do to avoid boredom.

Always remember that you will get what you deserve, if you can't get it now it means your effort is too low and you need to do more steps.


Is your belief as strong as a metal? was it a legit belief? will it remain the same even if you face a very dangerous adversity? will it remain the same forever no matter what you're going through?

Your belief is the barometer for your success, if your belief is strong then you will win in life but if your belief is weak ad fake then you will always fail, you will never have a break through.

Focus on your beliefs and try to make them stronger every day, make it bigger by taking actions and making small improvements every now and then.

If you don't believe it then you will never get it, it's better to be over confident than to have zero confidence at all. Believe and you will succeed, but of course you also have to work hard and give your best.

At the end of the day... you will still feel something, why not feel invincible and great? why not feel confident and superior?

Your belief will become stronger and stronger each day if you're taking actions. Keep believing, keep moving, make sure your belief is legit, make sure you are giving your very best every single day.


Don't be afraid of fear, don't be scared of it. Fear is your ticket to freedom, once you are feeling it... it means you're on the right path, it means growth is just one step away.

Once you fear that you will fail... you still have to try, you still need to move despite of your fears. Fear is nothing but a feeling, if you will understand that fear is your ticker to freedom then you will face it. So what if you are scared? are you going to die? feel it, embrace it. There is no such thing as  a man without fear but there is such thing as a man that is willing to become scared and face his fears anyway.

It's alright being scared, it's alright feeling it over and over again. It's alright sweating and being anxious. Those fears will go away if you embrace it and don't take it as a big deal.

So if you want to feel free... do what scares you the most, do the task that is overwhelming. Face a difficult challenge that has a big reward. Fear is your ticket to freedom, always remember that.


Being popular and rich is not a necessity to become happy. A lot of people wants to become popular and rich but once they become that person... they are still not happy. Why is that? because it's not the answer.

It's ok if you're not popular and rich by now, you can achieve those things if you work hard. Don't get jealous with other people, don't blame your parents, don't blame your surrounding. You have time to change your destiny, you have time and resources to change your fate.

Your situation now, your status now is not your status forever. You can make a change every time you want to, it's all in your hands. So what if you're an underdog? it doesn't matter. It's not how you start, it's how you finish, you can finish your life being successful or you can finis your life being a failure, it's all up to you, you have the power to choose.

Being poor is a gift, you are hungrier, you already knew what it feels like to be at the bottom. You have no other choice but to go up, you want it so bad, you are so hungry to win, you will do whatever it takes to win in life.

Unlike someone who is already rich and popular... he doesn't know how to lose, the first time he faced a difficult challenge... he will freak out, he will lose his mind, he will be traumatized. But if you're already suffering in the beginning... you are tougher, you were already hardened, you will not be shaken when something goes wrong because you already knew how it feels like to be a loser. It will be easier for you to win because winning is the only option you have.


Always late at becoming successful. Always late at growing, always late at getting money. It doesn't matter, what matters is you still get it, what matters is you still become successful.

Maybe you're a late bloomer, maybe your timing is quite different that's why you're always late.

It doesn't matter if you're late... just do it, just get it, your timing is different from their timing. You have your own time, you have your own way, you can do it you way, nothing can stop you, only you is stopping yourself.

Man, nobody cares if you are late or not, they only care about themselves, they don't care about you. You need to care about yourself, do it, chase your dream. It doesn't matter if you're the last man chasing success, it doesn't matter if you're the last man winning... what matters is you're still winning.

You care too much about what people say that's why you can't be yourself, you care too much about your identity. Forget about your identity, remember your goal, remember what you want.


It's not your ability to succeed, it's your ability to rise from failure. Everybody can become successful but not everyone can rise from failure. Some people will quit the moment they tasted the first failure, some people will get depressed, some people will take away their lives, some people will go crazy.

So once you fail... rise right away, be fast, be quick in making a come back. It's not how many success you accomplished, it's how many failures you endured and you keep trying again.

This is the best talent that you can ever have and teach to your future children... your ability to rise from failures and try again one more time.


Face your fears now, look what is scaring you and face it right away, face it like a real man, face it like there's no more tomorrow. The reason why you can't get what you want is not because you don't deserve it but you let fear get the best of you, you let fear immobilize you so you do nothing.

Facing fear is only difficult in the beginning, look at yourself and ask yourself why are you afraid of failing? Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid of what is disturbing you. If you can face what is annoying you or disturbing you like a real man then you don't have anything to be afraid of. It's just fear. Don't try to crush it... fell it, trying to crush it means you want to get rid of it right away which will never happen.

Feel the fear every second, enjoy it, enjoy feeling it, enjoy being stressed because of it. Once your system get familiar with fear... nothing can scare you anymore, you will still become scared but you are ready to become scared, you will open your heart to fear and grab the opportunity to grow or succeed.

When there is fear there is growth, the more you fear something... the more you should face it. Fear is only manipulating you, den't be controlled by fear instead... control your fear and thrive of it.

You are scared because you are scared of being judged, you are scared of looking like a stupid piece of shit. It's ok to look stupid, it's ok if you don't know it, it's ok if you can't do it, it's ok to look scared but you should keep fighting, you should keep feeling the fear and never make fast decisions. Never rush... embrace the fear and try to stay calm.


Big heart is what you need, the ability to move despite of feeling bad, the ability to fight despite of feeling hopeless. It's all about who can take actions, it's all about who can move forward no matter what.

You can reshape your heart, you can make it big, all you have to do is keep taking actions, keep failing until it hurts no more. Don't ever think about succeeding, just keep moving forward and set yourself free.

There are lot of people who could have been successful but they didn't because they don't have a big heart. They have skills, they have the gifts but they don't have the heart. It's all about the heart, talent is not needed, just have the biggest heart in the world and you will succeed.

There is no other formula for success other than having a big heart and determination to succeed. You can use willpower alone to succeed. Never stop until you make a significant change in your life, just do it... don't worry about failing, don't worry about getting mocked... just do it and never change your game plan.

You have a small heart that's why the universe is seeing you as small. But if you have a big heart then probably they will see you as something big. All you have to do is trust yourself that you can do it, take the risk and never hold back. Once you find that rhythm, once you have that momentum... everything will become easier, you will be able to decode what is needed to be decoded.

Pretend that you have a big heart, pretend that you can do it. Fake it till you make it. You will become confident if you keep trying and keep failing.

Endure the pain of failing, endure every second that the universe is stomping on you, you will be able to rise from the ashes if you persevere and do your best to succeed.

Some people were born with big heart but some people made their heart big by taking risks and grabbing all the opportunities that were in front of them, once you see an opportunity... devour it and never let it go. Grab it and treat it as the last opportunity in your life.

Aug 30, 2018


Go and cry little dramatic boy, will that help you? will that make you progress? you're only putting yourself on a terrible position every time you cry and make excuses in life.

Stop crying like a coward, stop making excuses not to continue. Everyone was treated bad, everyone got unlucky at some point in their lives, you are not special, you are not suppose to be treated special. It happens because you are only being challenged, bad things happen for a reason.

You need to reassess and do something instead of crying and point fingers to anyone.

Start again, stop looking fora  sympathy, stop looking for an alliance. If you need to do it alone then do it alone, you simply need to trust yourself to become successful.

So what if you are weak? so what if you can't win? just keep trying and never make excuses again... ever.

Crying will never give you anything, it will only make you weak even more. Instead of crying why not take actions instead? Your situation will only change if you will focus on making small progress, if you are focused on making baby steps that will somehow give you small results that will lead to a bigger success in the future.

Push yourself to take actions, push yourself to evolve, never stop until you made it, be relentless, be brave.... give your best and stop crying again.


Fear will eat you alive if you're not aware that you are experiencing it, fear is a strong stopper of actions. Once you're scared and you're not aware of it... the thing that scares you will control you. You need to retaliate from fear, you need to be aware of it, know why you are scared and know the possibilities of ending it.

Fear is nothing, fear is just an emotion, it can never really kill you nor move you. If you will learn how to manipulate your fear then you will be able to move faster than ever before.

Fear is easy to conquer if you understand it and know what it is all about, if you know that fear is just a random feeling that naturally comes out when you experience something that you don't like then you will be bale to neutralize it fast.

Nothing bad will happen to you, never be afraid of that emotion, it's just a feeling and it's nothing more than that.

The number one solution to fear is to face it, if you will always be scared then nothing good will happen to you. You will always be scared, you will always shy away from pressure, you will never get what you want.

Because what you want is always hiding behind the fear, what you want is not easy to get, you will have to face the fear and work hard before you get it. You have to pay the price, as simple as that, you will never get it for free, nobody will hand it to you, you have to crawl if you have to crawl, you have to suffer if you have to suffer.

Always remember that fear is only temporary, it is not there to stay forever. If you will face it now then it will go away so fast, but if you will always try to postpone facing it then it will grow bigger and bigger. It will consume you, it will eat you alive.


It's not about being violent on tough situations, it's not about trying to look like savage. It's about being calm, calmness is powerful, it will make you think right, it will make you do the right decisions in life.

Just breathe if you are feeling the pressure, just take deep breathes and never do anything stupid. Face the tension, face the pressure... don't be afraid of anything because all you will do is stay calm and nothing can touch you, nothing can harm you. A calm mind is untouchable, a still approach is better than going hysterical and doing something stupid.

You will never regret that you stay calm during tough situations, you will never regret that you didn't do anything stupid or something that you will make a big damage in the later stage of the situation.


It's hard because you want an escape, it's hard because you don't want to be on that situation. The reality is... everything will be easy if you will just accept that there is nothing you can do about it anymore, it's easy if you will try and push it bit by bit.

If your're on a bad spot and there is nothing you can do about it anymore... just accept it, you can only move if you will not feel bad about anything that is going on with your life.

It's all about enduring, you are tough if you can endure anything, you are weak if you're always complaining about yours situation but you're not doing anything to change it.

Just fake your feelings, embrace the situation... pretend that you love it, pretend that you are fine being on that situation. Because if you will keep on resisting then you will go crazy, you will never find peace. You will have a peace of mind if you will never worry about anything that is not worth it.

If there is a problem then make sure that problem is something that will contribute to your growth, never focus on something that will only destroy your life.

Look at those players who were feeling the pressure, they don't want to be on the court, they want to go somewhere else that's why they are feeling the pressure even more, that's why they keep making mistakes, that's why it seems like they can't figure out the right thing to do.

Just like it, put the pressure into your system, put the discomfort into your system and never resist. Accept everything and never expect anything. Just live your life, go on with your journey and keep moving forward.

Everything is easy if you are ok with it, everything is easy if you will let go of the things that you cannot control. Focus on what you can control and you will have the power over anything.


Brainwash yourself because everything can brainwash you, if everything can brainwash you and you let your mind be controlled by them... you're in big trouble. The media, the news, the people around you are feeding you something that will benefit them and not benefit you. They are conditioning your mind to their advantage.

Make yourself believe that you can do something great, make yourself believe that you're unstoppable.

Success is all about believing in yourself, it's all about working hard and not stopping until you reach the place where you wanted to be. It's very simple... work hard, do something that will make you very near from your dreams. It's not easy but it is possible.

You can control your brain, all you have to do is fill it with thoughts that are helpful and will make you a better person.

Your brain can be manipulated. What occupies the majority of your brain will become your reality. If you're thinking about getting money all the time then you will get a lot of it but if you're thinking about getting broke then you will really get broke.

Your mind will be hard to convince in the beginning but if you're persistent enough then you will be able to finally do it.


Alignment of the stars is not real, it's for people who believe in luck, if you will always believe that there is destiny then you will never take actions anymore, you will just take everything for granted.

People who believe in luck never get lucky because they will never take actions... they will just wait for their luck that will never come, they are hoping for nothing.

There is no such thing as the chosen one, there is no such thing as destiny... destiny is for the weak. You can always change the outcome of your life if you will work hard now and stop thinking about getting lucky. There is also no such thing as being unlucky, bad luck will come to you if you're acting like a bum and doing nothing in this world.

If you want to become lucky then try to be the hardest worker in this world. Luck will come to those people who deserve it.

It's true that some people really get lucky, the best example is the people who won the lottery. They become rich by working hard but look at what will happen to them after a few years... they become broke again, it's because they don't have the work ethic to maintain that money. They don't know how to earn it so they don't know how to sustain it, all they know is how to spend it that's why they become broke again.

What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail? are you going to work hard? are you going to give your best? are you going to push yourself to the limits?

Always remember that there is no such thing as something for nothing, if you want to get something then get it with all your might, get it with all your power. Never stop, never settle... keep pressing forward and keep giving your best.

The destiny is for people who wants to get the best things in life but are not doing something for it. Stop hoping and start doing.


You almost forgot your dreams that's why they are not happening. You're not excited with your life anymore, you're not happy with the struggles and process anymore. If you want to make your dreams come true then you should be happy to face all the struggles and uncertainties of life, you should feel blessed even if there is nothing more to be appreciative about.

Your dreams will die if you're not thinking about it anymore, it will be forgotten if you are not doing something for it.

Your dreams will all come true if you have the tenacity and dedication to get all of them. Don't be a bum, don't be lazy, if you're working hard then you're already on the right direction. All dreams are possible, all people have the right to dream.

Just make sure that if you're dreaming big then you're also doing big. Stop looking for big results if all you do all day is day dream and wish for something to happen. Nothing will happen if you're not doing anything, everything will remain the same if you're not pushing yourself to the limits.

Feed your dreams with actions. Every action will make you one step closer to your dreams.

All you have to do is look for the next step that you can do then do it. DO it as much as you can, do it over and over again, never stop until you're done... that is what it is all about.

It will never be easy but it's worth it.. all the pain and sacrifice will have an equivalent reward, you will get what you want in the end.

So forget everything that is not feeding your dream, focus on making your dreams come true... step by step do it, make improvements gradually.

Stop holding yourself back and just do it, stop over thinking, stop over planning. You always knew what to do, you always knew what will set you free and that is taking actions.

So give your best every single second, give everything you got and be relentless all the time.

Never care if you're making a lot of mistakes, it's ok... just keep pressing on and make yourself a little bit closer from your dreams, it may take years or decades but it will happen for sure. Be patient to wait, be patient to take actions every now and then. You have to do it because nobody will do it for you.


Look for the deepest pain that happened in your life and make it as an inspiration. If you already experienced something tragic in your life then you will no longer be afraid of it, you will never be afraid of anything anymore. You will embrace everything that might happen in your life. You will welcome everything, nothing will intimidate you anymore.

Pain can be your friend, it will make you brave, it will make you do something spectacular, you can make your life epic through it. Face the pain and never shy away from it, face it like a real man, don't be afraid of it because all it can do is make you stronger and tougher, you can become a better man because of it.

Just keep pushing, always remind yourself that you already experience a deep pain in the past so you being afraid is not an issue anymore, you know how it feels, you know that it will never kill you so why be afraid of it?

If you are experiencing some pain now... don't panic, don't ever feel so bad because it's not there to make your life harder, it's there to make your life easier.


Your mind is a very powerful tool, it's the most powerful weapon that you can ever have.

There will always be a dry season, times when you can't find the water. What people don't even understand is that not all the time you will feel pain, not all the time your situation is bad, it will become good once you keep pushing forward and face the pain that is infront of you.

Just put some positive things on your mind, never put anything negative because you will become weak once you did that. Condition your mind that you can overcome all of those challenges that comes into your life.

There is no such thing as a difficult life, what makes it difficult is your attitude towards it. You're always complaining, you're always making dramas about it.

Everything will be alright if you are patient and taking actions, don't think about getting the results so fast, don't think about comfort... just face the pain and do your best to make something happen.

Not everyday is Christmas, not everyday is a good day, there will be bad days and you must accept that.

Everything will change if your mind change, if you feel powerful then you will become powerful, if you feel weak then you will become weak. You are what you think of yourself.


Success is all about growing and learning everyday, it's a trial and error method. The more mistakes and errors you make the more you will become wiser and knowledgeable about the world, money and how it works.

Get as many references as you can, the more experience you get... the more you will become a better person, success will com to you naturally, you will never be afraid anymore. It will make your mind and body stronger, you will be able to overcome any challenges along the way.

Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to suffer, don't be afraid to look stupid. Always remember that every sacrifice has an equivalent reward, if your intention is good and you keep moving forward you will get results one day, you may not get it now but you will get it one day. Never get sick and tired of trying, this is a journey, always remember that you have to enjoy the process before you become successful, you need to pay the price first, there is no such thing as something for nothing, if you're wishing for big money then make sure you will make big efforts every now and then.

Experience life, experience the danger of taking risks, it is fun, if you have the right mindset and you know that you're going to become successful in the end then eventually you will.


Life is all about movement, life is all about taking risk and imposing your will, you will get what you want if you're not afraid to struggle. You will only experience real life if you will face the pain and not be afraid of falling hard.

Failing is normal, don't ever make it a big deal, don't ever think that you're not good if you fail. Know your strengths or create your own strength. If you don't know you strength then just create it. You can create it by choosing what strength you want to develop and keep doing something to make it stronger than before, it's a skill, you can be anything if you will become consistent everyday.

Aug 29, 2018


Keep being scared, keep feeling that fear because your fear is already running out. It's just a matter of minutes before it leave your system. Feel it, embrace it, show it that you're not scared to become scared, show it that you're willing to face any kind of fear.

Take more actions.. that is the best way to kill your fears, take actions every now and then, become unstoppable. If you want to be a force to reckon with then take massive actions. Make sure you will never stop until you win in life... that is what it is all about... moving forward and looking to see your full potential.

Once you feel that there is a resistance, once you feel that you can't move... that's the time that you should move.

Your fear is almost gone, keep pushing forward and it will be removed permanently. Keep grinding and hustling, all of your problems will be gone once you push forward and give your best.

Look at yourself, you're freezing because you don't want to take actions. Your in fear because you have no intention of doing it. Just do it and you will feel free, just do it and you will find out that it's not really hard doing it. Move gradually, be fast in making decisions, Never stop because that is what it's all about, never stop because stopping is only making your fears stronger than before.

Fear is just an emotion, it's not real, the reality is your actions... what you are doing now is your reality. So if you're broke now, if you're in trouble now... it only means you're not taking actions, it only means you're being lazy.

Always remember that your action is your reality, if you're doing something to make you a millionaire one day... that is your reality, it may not look good for now but if you're committed enough then you will be able to make it happen one day.

Never lose the belief in yourself, once you have that small momentum... keep it rolling, that momentum may die a little bit for whatever reason, your fear may come back once again but if you keep pushing forward and you power through then you will be able to produce a break out, your life will change, you will be able to go to another level.

Just stick with the process, keep doing something positive in your life, never take away your eyes off from your goal. Just keep believing and keep moving... one day you're going to become a winner, it may not happen fast but for sure it will if you don't give up.

Aug 28, 2018


Are you having a hard time selling what you are selling? it means you're not doing it right, it means there is something wrong with your technique. You need to make adjustments if you're working really hard for one month and you haven't earn any money yet. One month is a very long time, you can do a lot in one month, you can change your life in one month so don't ever make an excuse that you're unlucky that's why you can't make it in life.

1. Grind and find. Grind and you will find, hustle and you will succeed. Robert Greene is a big fan of hustle, he became successful just because of hustling and hustling everyday. He has 4-5 jobs a day, he is a monster of work. He is not afraid to get tired, he pushes the pace everyday. He do all the jobs that he can think of until he became a millionaire and produce a top selling book.

2. Grind harder. You need to grind harder, you need to double your effort. Sometimes you think you're already working hard but the truth is you're not. Your effort is not enough, if you can still do something today then do it. Never mind if it is Friday, saturday or sunday. Rest is a garbage, know what you really want... was it rest or money?

3. Never make excuses, destroy excuses and you will see success. Destroy all of your excuses now, throw it all outside of the window, making excuses is the number one habit of poor and unsuccessful people. So what if you're tired? so what if your tooth aches? Everyday, every meeting, every call, every effort is a potential to become successful. It is an opportunity. Hustle 365 days a year and your life will become totally different from others.

4. Don't be afraid to imitate. You don't need to look original to become successful, so what if you're copying someone's style? what you need is success not originality. Copy someone's technique and make it better, copy someone's lifestyle. Look at Kobe Bryant he copied the mindset and work ethic of Michael Jordan that's why he became successful too. There is nothing wrong in imitating somebody, don't be afraid to be labeled as an imitator. Remember that once you become successful you can produce your own original content or style.

5. Don't wait for the right timing. The right timing will never come, it's just an Illusion Tony Robbins once said that the right timing is now, keep pushing, keep dreaming... never wait for the right timing because the more you do it... the more you put yourself on a bad spot, it's like a quick sand... the more you wait the more you run out of time.

6. Don't be too pushy. If your client doesn't want it, if your potential customer doesn't want it... never be too pushy, accept their decision. Never beg for them, there is always a better client waiting for you. If you're looking needy then success will not come to you. Don't push potential customers so hard, let them make the decision, accept their decision and always say thank you after hearing their final decision. being appreciative is one best way to attract success in life.

7. Remember that it's not them... it's you. Always remember that it's not the number of customers that you must have, it's not their decision to buy your product or not, it's not how kind the world is to you... it's you, it's on you if you will take actions or not. The weather can be kind today and avoid raining, the customers may all come out today and say yes but not all marketers will grab the opportunity, some will rest because they think that they still have a lot of time selling tomorrow.

It's up to you if you will take actions or not, it's up to you if you will sell or not... it's not about them. The rain may fall hard today but the most successful people will keep pushing no matter what. It's their discipline, it's their life style.


If you're going to become rich b simply doing it over and over again then why not? why not chase it? why not do it? you can do it if you try, you can do it if you will act fast. DO it now, start now and make it happen.

There is no harm in trying, don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to fail over and over again. It is what it is, you will fail, you will get disappointed but what else can you do? you have no choice but to take massive actions, you have no choice but to do it.

There is no other way, you have no choice but to give your very best.

Why are you so afraid to succeed?

1. You think you don't have the skills. You get overwhelmed by those people who are making it in life. You are not getting better everyday by simply watching their lives. You need to watch your own life and do something about it. Any skill can be fully developed if you're willing to work hard for it and give your very best every single day.

Never underestimate your own power. You have what it takes, remember that perseverance will always thrive, it's a law that cannot be broken. If you know in yourself that you're going to succeed and you keep moving forward then one day you will. It's just a matter of time before you reap the fruits of your labor.

2. You are not moving. That's why you're scared, that's why you are froze. Don't you know that laziness is poisoning your mind? it's building fears and doubts that will kill you, it's manipulating your mind. The more you become lazy the more your life will become miserable. So take actions now and build your confidence little by little.

ACTION - This is the best way to become successful. Push yourself a little bit everyday, you need to see the progress, you need to enjoy the process. If you're enjoying your life, if you're enjoying everything around you then you're already successful. 

Just move, just give your best and you will be surprised at how big you finally become.

Aug 27, 2018


Life is all about movement, if you're not moving then you're dying... as simple as that. So make sure you are moving every now and then, make sure you are progressing a little bit because feeling stuck is the worst feeling in the world.

1. You want to finish fast. You don't want to get tired, you don't want to undergo the process. You are a big fan of shortcut, you can't even get started. If you want to make a move and make a significant change in your life then stop looking to finish fast. Just start now and embrace all the bad feelings that you are feeling. embrace all the negative emotions. Yeah, it's really uncomfortable but you have to deal with it, you have to face all those bad emotions and keep moving forward. Resistance is nothing, if you will push forward then resistance will fade, it will become weak and you will become strong.

Life is all about movement, keep that in your mind. The more you move, the more you will feel alive, the more you will feel powerful. So keep taking actions every now and then, it's the key to your freedom. Keep pulling the trigger that will be the source of your power.

2. You are always looking for greatness. You are so afraid to get criticized, you are so afraid to make mistakes. You want everything to become perfect. The truth is... there is no such thing as greatness. It only comes to who is willing to take the blame, who is willing to make mistakes and keep moving forward, who is willing to feel the pressure and make epic results. Greatness is just an illusion, don't be afraid to destroy your identity, don't be afraid to start again once you commit a mistake.

3. You want to become successful. You want to become successful but you are not willing to pay the price. There is always a price for accomplishment, there is always a price for wishes and goals. Even if you're just doing a small task... you still need to pay the price before you finish it, you need to move, you need to take actions, it is what it is... you will get tired and stressed out because that's the price of wanting to become successful.

Aug 26, 2018


Luck is not to be chased, it is to be attracted. Luck can be yours, you  can become successful in your own way.

1. You have the right mindset. You are not jealous with other people's success, you are very appreciative. You are happy when your friend is getting successful. You are in control of your own mind, you never let any negativity enter it. You're in control of your emotions too

If you're in control of your mind then your feelings will follow, so if you want to get luck and attract abundance... always think about positive thoughts. Your mind doesn't necessarily need to become pure or perfect. Of course some form of negativity will still enter it, of course you will still get visited by dark thoughts but it's your obligation and responsibility to bring the positivity back. It's a big challenge but you can do it, it's hard but it's worth it.

2. You work so hard and you don't care if you're making results or not. The more you work hard the luckier you get, that's the formula. It's very basic, everybody can work hard but not all are doing it that's why there are lot of broke people in this world. Always remember that hard work is the solution to any problem, you will forget all of your problems if you work hard, you will become a different person if you work hard. Good situation, riches, success.... you can have it all if you trust hard work and stop being needy and always asking an assistance from people that are not even that close to you.

3. You don't mind failing. You keep trying again and again, you don't mind failing. You just keep pushing because deep inside you know that your situation will change. You make your life simple.. you just take the opportunity that is presented and you don't mind if you fail one hundred or million times. You are confident enough to know that every situation is temporary and you can find your way out if you persevere and stay committed with the grind.

Aug 25, 2018


Are you one of these guys who believe in luck? are you avoiding hard work and just hoping to win the lottery game one day? are you a big believer of luck? do you think that you're not succeeding because you're not lucky?

That's why you are losing, that's why you can't make a significant impact in your life... you always believe in luck but you are not working hard. Only hard work can make results, not hope, not wishing... only hard work. Just try to remember it everyday... hard work.

Look at those people who believe in luck.. they were stuck forever, they cannot even make a small improvement with their lives, they were completely stuck in a mud and they were frustrated. They were lost and nowhere to be found.

But those people who are working hard, they are the ones who are making it in life, they were succeeding. Some are succeeding slow but they are still succeeding, it's because they fully believe i hard work, it's because they are not taking anything for granted at all.

The truth is... you will only get lucky if you work hard, you will only have results if you keep moving forward. There are no shortcuts in life, you have to pay the price, you have to exert a very hard effort if you want to achieve something great. It is what it is, you can never escape the process, you can never cut corners or else you will fail in the end.

All the failures in this world blame bad luck that is why they are not succeeding, they blame a lot of things, they make a lot of excuses. They blame the world, they blame the government, they were so negative and full of funny excuses. They even invent out of this world excuses, you will never win an argument with them.

Why are people relying on luck?

1. They simply don't want to work hard.
2. They want to succeed fast.
3. They are negative thinkers, they blame the past, people around them etc.
4. They have this illusion that there are short cuts and all they have to do is wait for their turn.

If you want to succeed in life then stop believing in luck, stop thinking that there is a magic pill, just work hard and results will come in naturally.


Just move forward and that's it. It's really frustrating if you can't make results, it really feels bad if you can't impress people and make them believe that you're great. What can you do? there are some things that you can't control, sometimes all you need to do is focus on yourself and keep moving forward even if it feels bad, even if it feels like nothing good is happening in your life.

Do what you can do and never mind if you get tired, never mind if you get exhausted. Maybe it's true that one day you will get a reward but if that's not true then accept your fate, let go, let go of the expectations but never stop working. Because if you stop then you will have a lot of regrets in the end. Just still do what you are doing, maybe one day your situation will change.

It will become easier if you will treat it as a game, just have fun with it, never stop until you're dead. You will get tired, you will get frustrated but you will become depressed if you stop, you will feel like a loser if you quit.

Even if you look like a crap, even if you look funny and a garbage... just keep moving forward. Crawl if that's all you can do, enjoy the slow pace but always keep moving forward and never stop.

Never let your mind get stuck, if you are not moving then your mind will start to dominate and control your system. It will entertain fears, it will entertain doubts... you will never be able to move again.

Success is all about moving, it has nothing to do with talents or blessings or luck, it is only about movement. If you can still try again despite of failing a lot of times then you will become successful... as simple as that. It's just a matter of time before you get it, it may take longer than expected but you will still get it, success has no choice but to submit itself to you.

So entertain your mind and fill it with hope and positive thoughts. Always remember that it all starts in your head, if you're thinking that it's hard then it will get hard but if you're thinking that it's easy then it will be easy.

Always choose action, always think that it's easy, never think about the amount of effort you need to become successful, just move and stop thinking about anything else.

Everything will become easier as you make momentum, don't stop once you have that rhythm, never stop once you have that confident and everything is doing well. Keep the fire burning, keep the momentum alive, it's all about continuity and feeding your mind with beliefs again and again.

Be fast, once you decide to take actions move right away, never procrastinate because once you do that then it will be game over for your journey, keep pushing, keep grinding because you will find the right timing and technique if you keep on moving forward.

Aug 24, 2018


When everything is on the line, when the pressure is there, when the end is near and time is running out. It all goes down to this... who wants it more? do you want it? does he want it?

Ask yourself, do you really want it or not? if you have some doubts on your mind then you better go home and stop dreaming about big things. Big things are for people with big heart, the big stage was owned by people who are scared but are willing to die for their dreams. Because it's impossible that you will never feel fear, it's impossible that you will never become nervous, there is no such thing as a man without fear. You're just a human being, you're not even special. Stop thinking that you don't have the right to become imperfect, stop thinking about perfection, stop thinking about perfect record and just do what you need to do... that's it.

Be ready to destroy your identity, be ready to fail big time but of course give your very best until the end.

If you really want it then you will deal with all the pressure that you are feeling, you will never care if you're losing, you will just do it no matter what, you will use every skill that you know, you will use every ounce of energy left in your body.

Stop thinking and just do it, you want it right? so show them that you want it bad, show them that you are willing to die for it.

You need to push yourself, you need to become brave, you need to think that it's your only chance left, you need to put so much pressure on yourself to perform very well.

Try everything you can just to win, try everything in your power and never thin about losing even if the situation is so hard and it seems like you can't do anything about it. Just keep moving forward, keep plodding and never have any regrets with every decision that you made.

If you really want it then you will face all the pain that is in front of you, you will trust yourself, you will have tremendous belief in yourself and you will never care about what is going on around you. You will seriously focus on every movement that is happening inside of your system.

Just ask yourself... do you really want it or not, are you wiling to give your all? If your answer is yes then push the pace, create your own energy, create your own momentum.


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WHAT IF YOU TAKE MASSIVE ACTIONS AND NEVER STOP? The only way to see your full potential

You want more but you are doing less. You want to see your full potential but you are always stopping and complaining. If you will only change your mind then you will be able to change your life... as simple as that.

Just take massive actions and never stop, it's a journey, always remember that if you don't move then you will never go anywhere.

Success will only come to those people who are willing to push themselves to the limits, just like me. I already post 5000 whooping articles, I am already successful but I am not stopping. This blog is already popular and emails were popping everyday but I am not stopping. I guess that's what lions like us do... we never stop until we die.

All the gazelles do is run. That's why they are losers, they run away from pressure, they never face the challenges, they don't want to get hurt, they don't want to fight back. That's why they keep running, that's why they are going to become a prey forever.

Go all out, do your best and never hold yourself back... that's the only way to become successful, that's the only way to win in life.

Taking actions is 10 times more fun than procrastinating, trust me... it's so cool to move especially if you're already making a progress in life.

A lot of people have talents, they have potential but they never made it to the top because they were all stopping themselves, they were all getting conservative.


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Your mind is your number one weapon to become successful, without it you will never go further. If your mind is crowded with negative thoughts then you will never become what you wanted to be. Your mind should be filled with positive thoughts, it should be occupied with hope and excitement not fear and worries.

Always treat your mind like a scared place, it should never have any place of negativity. It should be filled with passion, desire and excitement to keep moving and keep taking actions all the time.

If there is something bothering you, get rid of it right away. If there is something disturbing you focus on the more positive things of life, that's how to make your life easier and lighter.

Forget about the heavy thoughts, forget about the heavy feelings... you need to make your life more promising and epic. You only have one life so why waste it for stupid things that doesn't even matter? Take care of your mind, treat it as an investment, treat it as your wealth, protect it from the harmful thoughts.

Your mind is your investment, if you invest good thoughts on it then you will have a good life but if you invest bad thoughts on it then you will have a bad life, as simple as that. Take care of your mind and your body will follow.

AVOID NEWS. News is full of negativity, it is full of crappy information and false information, it is full of fake news that will scare you and make you freeze. Turn off the television if you feel bad about it, news is manipulating your mind, it is feeding you useless data that will set yourself to failure.

AVOID TOXIC FRIENDS. They are not really your friends, if you feel bad about someone because he is pulling you down or making your confidence low.. he is a fake friend, get rid of him right away, he is no good for your business.  He will make you broke, he will only make you feel bad. It's better to be alone than to be in a company of toxic friends. They are energy draining, they will only make your life worse.

Aug 23, 2018


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You should know your feelings, the reason why you're not successful is you don't know it. If you have a headache or you're stressed... you will just feel bad, you will just think that it's a bad day for you and you can't work anymore.

What you don't know is you can still feel good even if there is something wrong in your system, you can still feel amazing, it's all about conditioning your mind that everything will be alright, it's all in your head. You feel bad because in your mind you feel bad, you feel good because what you seeing is good... your situation is good.

Successful people were so successful because they know that feeling bad and having bad emotions is just part of the design, it's all part of the play. You don't need to panic if you feel bad because it will all be gone in just a while, all you need to do is endure the pain and keep moving forward... that's it.

Good things will happen if you stay positive, bad things will happen and will always be attracted to you if you're a pessimistic human being.

Success is easy, it's all about moving forward and looking for what is working in your life, it's all about trial and error method. You try something, test it for a long time and see what progress can it give to you.


1. Know that emotions are not permanent, life is a roller coaster of emotions. It will change in just a matter of time, all you have to do is stick with it, endure it, never quit. You will feel good later, never let depression eat you alive, fight it, be courageous because life is all about facing the storms.

2. Appreciate what you have. Look at your life, you have millions of reasons to be happy. Some people have worse situation than you but they are not complaining. It's easy to be happier if you're appreciative, it's easy to become sad if you're always complaining about life.

3. Just work hard. Keep moving forward and you will feel good, never stop, it's like pushing the wall until it breaks down, it's like kicking the door until it opens. Always work hard, always push forward... that is what it's all about.

4. Look for something to do. Anything that you can do that is productive or will give you some reward in the future... do it, don't be afraid to take actions. Moving is the only thing that will make you strong, there is nothing else other than that.

5. Treat someone with love. Be generous, give back to the people who are less fortunate. Do something good, making somebody smile will make you feel good. It is a good feeling, trust me... being kind will give you a very light feeling, there is something unexplainable that is happening in your body, you will feel a different kind of bliss. 

Aug 22, 2018


Sometimes you are rushing too much that's why you can't produce the results that you are looking for. You are worrying, you wanted to do more but you can't move because you're stunned. You want to finish fast, you want to produce great results but you don't want to do the process of getting there.

If you have a goal don't focus on getting it fast, focus on being one with it. What does it mean? it means you are ok with all the challenges of getting it, you are ok experiencing the hard things just to get it, you don't mind getting tired, you don't mind getting frustrated, you are never rushing anything, you just want it and you will never stop until you get it.

Because speed doesn't matter if you are consistent, consistency overtakes the speed. You can be fast now, you can make significant progress now but can you sustain it for a long time? can you repeat it again and again? But if you're slow but consistent then you will go further, you will achieve more.

If you're one with your goal then you have nothing to worry about anymore, you will get it no mater what. Just like in getting a million bucks, if you really want to get it then you will get it even if you're slow. You will enjoy the process, you will save money, you will never waste any opportunity, you will never throw your money away for useless things. You will grind, you will never mind if it takes too long to get it.

If all you want is the results and you don't want to undergo the process then you will never win, you will feel bad once you can't see results happening in your life.


1. Think about it everyday. It should be on your mind everyday, it should be in your system. You are obsessed with it, you don't want to spend your time for some other things other than with your goal. Again, it should be an obsession, it should be the one that is making you motivated to take actions, it should inspire you.

2. Dedicate your 90 percent of time for it. Your dedication should be one of a kind, you should feel bad if you're wasting a lot of time that is not related to your goal. It is impossible to dedicate your 100 percent of time for it because you have some other things to do, you have some other obligations. At least 90 percent of your time is good.

3. It should be your number on priority. Not your mom, not your girl, not your favorite show on television... your goal should be your number one priority and nothing else. Just like what Tony Robbins says... where the focus goes the energy flows. If your focus is your goal then you will get more results out of it. It's that simple, all you have to do is focus, work hard and never quit.

4. You should be serious about it. Again, it should be your life, your world should revolve around it. You should feel bad if you're not doing something for it, you should feel dead if you're being lazy about it, it should be in your system 24 hours a day, it should be the air that you're breathing.

5. Accept not only the success but also the failures. You should accept that you will fail every now and then, you should accept that not everyday is Christmas. Being one with your goal means accepting the bitterness of the journey, you should not expect that everything will work out, there will be hard times and you have to endure those difficult moments in order for you to succeed.

Again, forget being fast, this is not a race, this is commitment, this is marathon. If you're ok with taking it slowly and little by little then you're on your way to success.

Aug 21, 2018


They say that time management is essential to success. They say that you need to master spending your time to become successful. But what if you can't really manage your time? what if chaos is dominating your life? what if you're almost going crazy because your mind is too crowded. You want to achieve something, you want to do something important but you can't tame your dark version.

The solution for that is very simple... just focus on your goal, think about your goal and do something for it, focus on being closer to your goal, focus on taking small steps that you think will somehow make an impact.

Time management is very hard to do but if you're single minded and you are thinking about your goal all day then you will automatically do something for it. You will stop what you are doing now that is useless, you will start to do something for your goal.

Forget about the time management, forget if you're late... just start now, start something for your goal. If you want to cut weight then just run, never mind if it's already late at night, never mind if it's too early... just run, put your shoes on and run til you sweat. It's all about forcing yourself to do it, it's all about having the discipline to do it now and stop believing that you can do it tomorrow with much stronger effort.

Some people always think that they can pass now and they can work harder tomorrow, that thing won't happen. You are only making life difficult for you if you have that kind of mindset.

Always think about the goal... that's the secret, think about it start right away, never think about perfection. Motivation will only come if you're taking actions, that's the secret to get motivated... start fast and finish strong.

Start fast, start with a small step and then do the other steps. Speed is the name of the game, you can be late because of some other reasons but if you can start fast then you're still in the game, you can still win.

But it doesn't mean that you can always afford to become late, of course not, what I mean is of for some other reasons you are late and you feel like not doing it anymore... you still need to do it. It's ok if you're a little bit rushing but don't ever feel bad if you think that there is little time left. Just push, just do something to finish it and that's it. The universe will make a way for you if you're serious in what you're trying to achieve.


1.They think that their time is always running out. They were always rushing, they were always worried, they think that they have to be always on time so that their lives will be in the right path. It's ok if you're always on time but never feel bad if you accidentally fell asleep because of being tired too much and your schedule for the day is already broken. That's why it's good of you're not working for somebody, it's better if you are your own boss because you have your time, you're always in control.

2. They think that they have a lot of it. They were not taking actions now because they think they have a lot of time, they think that they can do it tomorrow or later that's why once they felt that they were already tired... they will never do it now, they will do it tomorrow. Their heads were making excuses that they can't take actions anymore even though they were not doing anything the whole day.

3. They think that time is not important. They don't value time, they value perfection over time. They thought that once their feelings are perfect and the situation is perfect then that's the time they need to start. They don't know that time is the number one ingredient for success, if you're taking care of your time and using it for productive activities then you will become successful one day. You need to value your time very well and be mad if you're wasting it for nothing. Always remember that you can earn money but you can never earn time.

That's why successful people were so mad if their time were being wasted, they were so dead serious about valuing their time because they know that they don't have a lot of it. And that's the reality, you think you have a lot of it but the truth is not. That's the difference between a successful person and a broke person... the broke person is so arrogant and he thinks that he has a lot of time that's why he waste a lot of it.

So the moment you wake up... start fast, forget about brushing your teeth, forget about looking good and smelling fresh... just start, if you really want it then you will do something for it right away. No dramas, no excuses, no spoiled diva attitude... just do it now.

The key here is to think about your goal, get serious about it, think about it everyday and focus all of your energies into it. The universe will find a way, the universe will give you opportunities, it will give you more time. Just trust yourself, trust your actions and keep pushing.


Your time is always enough, even if you're a little too late... your time is still enough. So don't ever feel bad if something goes wrong, just focus on your goal, be one with it.. attach it into your system. If you really want it then you will have time for it, you will find a way how to finish it. Time scarcity is not real, it's your priorities that matters, you will find a way how to do it if it is your number one priority.

People who are always saying that they don't have time is just making an excuse. They have time but they don't have time for it, they don't want to give it a try, they don't want to engage. 24 hours a day is a lot if you will just know what you really want and do it as fast as you can.

Aug 20, 2018


You need to go crazy about something, that's the only way to become successful... go crazy, go hard, do everything you can do to become successful.

Go to the extreme and never stop until you have it. You need to become a different person than yesterday, that is what it is all about, that is how to become successful, if you will not go wild then nothing will happen to you... ever.

You are powerful beyond measure, you can do something great in your life if you are willing to push yourself to the limits, all you have to do is take it one step at a time, one push at a time and you will get there. You have to lose your mind, you have to be at the edge of your skills, stop wasting time thinking about what you need to do... just do it and keep doing it, never stop until you become successful.

It's time to go wild, it's time to make a stand for your dream, do whatever it takes to get it, do whatever it takes to take your life to another level.

Being extreme is a one of a kind experience, not all people can experience it, it's scary but it's worth it because it means you're living your life to the fullest and you're really using your life, you're not taking anything for granted at all.

Being crazy doesn't mean you will literally go crazy and do negative stuffs, it means you will really push yourself like never before, you will do the most uncomfortable things just to become very successful and get what you really want in life.

You have to want it more than anybody else does, you have to be really obsess about it, if you will not do something spectacular and your effort is weak then nothing will happen in your life, as simple as that.

It's all about looking for what else you can do and doing it right away, it's all about the continuation and keeping the fire alive. Never care about what your position is, never care about your status in life... just do it, just keep moving forward and that's it.

If you're doing the same thing over and over again and you can't see a little bit progress, it's time to do something different it's time to exert a stronger effort.

The question is do you want it or not? that's the only question, if you want it then show them that you want it, never show any signs of weakness, show them that you are willing to die to have it.

The time for being slow is over, the time for being scared is over, you need to test everything to change your life. Fail more and come back stronger. Fail a lot of times so you will be able to feel nothing anymore if you failed next time, immune yourself to failure.


1. Don't be afraid of what people say. Just do what you think will make an impact for your dream, just do what your heart tells you to do so. Don't be afraid of what might happen next. They will call you crazy or stupid, they will make fun of what you're doing but that is what it is all about... chasing greatness will attract mockery from other people.

2. Just go all out. Go hard as you can, you can do it, you can work hard, just don't think and let your body move. Let your body loose, feel free and go all out. It's fun, going all out is fun because you will see how powerful you are, you will know what you are made of.

3. Imagine that you're already great. Even if the results were not there yet, imagine that you're already great, imagine that you're already winning in life. If you can just use your imagination and convert it into actions then you will get more results, you will have an extra ordinary life. It all starts in your brain, success all starts in your brain. Plant the right thoughts in your brain and never think about negativity.

4. Stop thinking, stop worrying. Just do it, thinking will only produce fears, if you will take actions now and just do it then your life will become so much easier. You must be a doer, you must be an animal, you need to keep doing it over and over again until the door opens for you. Start now, start fast, never stop until you have what you want. Always remember that it's better to be moving than not doing anything at all.

5. You must be willing to die for it. Give your life for it, get it, do whatever it takes to get it, even the most unimaginable things... you have to do it. It's either you die or you win. Losing is not an option. Do something that give you small results and do it over and over again, do it a million times. Your life is already a bust, you have nothing to lose anymore so why not do the best you can do and make your life successful? 

6. Forget about your useless activities. You have a lot of useless activities in your life, you must be aware that they are all useless, you must be aware that they are nothing. If you can just eliminate all the useless activities in your life then your will get more results, you will experience the life that you haven't experience before... as simple as that.

7. Be ready to offend someone. If you're really chasing greatness, if you're really serious about something then you might offend somebody, you might hurt other people's feelings, that is normal, it's their fault if they are too sensitive, you must keep on pushing forward because that is what you want, that is what you need.

8. Forget about your identity. You care so much about your identity that you already forgot how to take actions, you wanted to look perfect that's why you can't even move.

Going crazy about something is a one of a kind experience. Not all people will experience it because they are so afraid to push themselves to the limits, they were so afraid of failing, you will never know how good you are if you're so afraid of failing. 

Most people were really good but they weren't able to use their skills to the fullest because they were so afraid of failing, they don't want to even try. If you don't want to try then you will never succeed, as simple as that.

You're already crazy thinking all day about what you wanted to happen, why not go crazy taking actions? take massive actions, I mean super super massive actions and forget about the results.

Look at those most successful people in the world... they don't care at all. They don't care if people hates them, they don't care if they look ugly, they will just do what they feel will work. Forget about looking great, just focus on taking actions and that's it.

It's time to do something different, your dream is already overdued. You could have tasted it a few years ago but you're so lazy and you're always holding yourself back.


1. Forget about everything. Forget about the result, forget about what might happen next. Just do something, that's it. Never mind if you're making a lot of mistakes, never mind if you don't know what to do next. Just do something now, be in the moment, enjoy what is happening now. If you can enjoy the now and you feel really happy then life will become easier for you. Always remember that it's all in the mind, your mind is always worrying that's why you can't move.

2. Don't try to control everything. Learn to let go, never try to control everything. Always remember that you can only control yourself, never try to control anything because it will only produce a lot of pain. Just give your best and that's it, if you win you win, if you lose you lose, what matters is you keep moving forward and you give your very best no matter what, never take anything for granted because if you do that then you will surely fail.

3. Stop making a lot of rituals before you move. Just do it, start, forget about perfection, forget about doing warm ups... those are the things that are making life more difficult for you. Forget about what to do to make you stronger, just throw yourself out there and take it one step at a time. Rituals are for people who are just making excuses. Some people will meditate first for an hour, that is complete nonsense because you can use that hour for more productive activities, some people will try to read some books first, that is a waste of time, if you need to do something then do it now regardless of how you feel.

4. Enjoy the discomfort.  It's really uncomfortable but you don't have any choice but to do it or else you will fail, it's only uncomfortable in the beginning, you will feel good in the end if you start to keep moving forward, that is guaranteed. Forget about your emotions, that is the secret to success, success has no room for divas and drama making machines, it only cares about progress and momentum.

5. Stop looking at your position. Your position is ugly now, you're in a bad spot now but who cares, it's not your permanent place, you can change your life if you start taking massive actions now. Stop comparing your position from others, your path is different from their paths, you have your own journey and you can  make it successful if you will focus on it and never look at other people's journey.

Remember that efforts and pain has an equivalent reward, just be patient and it will be yours, be patient and you will get the results that you want.

Results will come naturally if you keep working hard. It may not come today, it may not come tomorrow but it will come to you if you don't stop. The more you stop... the more you make yourself far from your dreams, don't ever stop and keep pushing forward, you will see what is effective in just a matter of time, you will get your rhythm, you will get the right timing, just keep being patient and make your dreams come true.

Being unstoppable means you are not holding yourself back, it means you are allowing yourself to take actions and move forward even if the progress looks very little. Motivation will be achieved by doing something, motivation is fake if you're just watching.

Aug 18, 2018


Working and not working are the same, there is really no difference, you are still wasting time, your time is running out. The difference between a successful person and not is a successful person is wasting his time for good, he is doing productive things. If you want to become successful then work should be your default, it should be the first thing you do when you wake up, you have the right to rest but not so much.

If you're not working your time is still running, if your working your time is also running, there is no difference between the two. It's up to you how do you wanted to trade your time for. Do you want to trade it for things that has no benefits? or do you want to trade it for activities that will bear great results in the future? You will never get tired if you are working especially if you can enjoy what you're doing, you will get tired even more if you're not working because your mind will worry, you will be stressed, you will feel bad and weak, you will feel slow and sick. If you're busy you will never worry anymore because your time will run so fast.

So if you want to become successful in life... work, time should not be wasted. There's no secret here, it's work, keep working and you will see the answers. It's so lovely to work, it's the greatest thing on earth because you are experiencing life even more. If you can just love working then life will become pretty amazing.

A lot of people were so lost, it's because they were not moving at all, they simply want to have a better life but they are not willing to sweat for it. You don't have the right to ask for anything if you didn't even work at all, you have to sweat for it and die for it if you really want to get it.

Work so hard and give everything you've got so you won't have any regrets in the end, it's ok if you get tired, it's better to get tired by working rather than getting tired by thinking all day about what you wanted to happen in your life.

Just work as hard as you can and see what will happen to your life, always trust the process, always trust hard work because it can give you anything.

You are only killing yourself if you're not doing anything, it's a suicide, you will feel bad, you will get depressed. You better be moving fast or else nothing will happen to your life, you will die slowly, yuo will never get better. You will become sick and weak. Moving is very easy if you incorporate it into your life, you will get better each day so make it a habit and your life will change fast.

Work is the best thing you can do, there is no other way better than work, if you learn how to love every movement and activity in your life then your problems will become smaller, you will begin to enjoy life even more. Life is all about work, look at the most successful people in the world... they are all working even if they were already rich, they don't want to get depressed and weak that's why they keep moving forward. Even if they were already old, they still work because they don't want to lose their edge,

Aug 17, 2018


If you're just good in giving an advise then you're still a loser. What advises can you give? what if you're the one who's on the bad situation? will you follow your own advise?

You're always saying to other people that hard work pays off, the question is are you really working hard? are you really giving your all? that's the biggest question, if you're just good in talking and you can't even take actions on your own then you're still a loser.

A winner is someone who always moves, he's not someone who's just giving advise and not doing what he told other people. If you want to become a winner in life then stop giving advises and do what you are suppose to do. Talk is cheap, actions are real.

If all you do is talk and you can't take actions then just shut up, you're not the man, you're just a talker, you can't produce results.

The world will only reward the people who can take massive actions, use your hands and feet... don't use your mouth.

Talkers are losers, they were never happy from the very beginning because they can't even take actions. They were too lazy, they cannot even move at all and make a stand for what they want.

You can give the best advise in the world but if you can't apply it into your life then you're still nothing, you're still a loser, you should look at yourself first before giving an advise, can you do what you are talking about?

People who will thrive are the ones who are good in taking actions, these people are bad assess, these people are killer, they will never wait for the right time or right feeling to move, they will take actions now, they will force themselves to produce results, they don't care if they get tired or not, all they know is they have to move or else they will be in big trouble.

Look at yourself, are you just a talker? or are you a mover? can you make decisions fast and take actions right away? that's the biggest question in your life.

If you cannot move, if you cannot take actions then it's game over for your dreams, you will never achieve anything, you need to go further, you need to push more, if you can take actions more than anybody else does then you're there, you're on the right path.

Most people were so lazy, most people were just good in talking, they can never take massive actions at all, most of them were losers in life.

Change yourself now, stop giving advise that you know in yourself you cannot do, stop being fake, don't talk if you can't do it. If you want a different results in your life then you better be real, be legit, be authentic, stop dreaming if all you can do is dream. Stop asking if all you can do is ask. What matters is if you can take actions or not, ask yourself... can you work 24 hours a day? can you really dedicate yourself for something? can you sacrifice? Everybody can talk, it is the easiest thing to do but not everyone can walk the talk.


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...