May 31, 2018


Overwrite your thoughts that are negative. If you have a lot of negative thoughts then you will have a negative life. Thoughts will control your life, a lot of people were talented and gifted but they let their thoughts control them, they let their thoughts ruined their lives. They thought they have a problem, they thought they were unlucky but the real problem is they cannot control their thoughts.

Thought is a very powerful thing, if you cannot handle it properly then you will have a miserable life. If you can control it and direct it towards your goals and dreams then you will have a very wonderful life, everything will become amazing, you will feel free and loose.

So if you are having a negative thought right now or thoughts that are scary... get rid of it right away, stop thinking about it, you must be aware that it's not a healthy thought, ignore it and produce a more positive one.

There will be a war inside of your head and that will produce bad emotions,  the key here it to stay calm and breathe during that war. Everything will be alright, you will not become crazy, even if your mind is crowded you will not go crazy if you're ok with it, stop resisting it but always keep in mind that you need to choose the positive thought over the negative one.

A lot of people go crazy because they resist, they were in a state of panic, they feel bad whenever positive and negative thoughts were fighting, just think that it's normal and it's ok... nothing bad will happen to you. After all, it't still just thoughts they were not yet a reality.

If you want to overwrite the negative thoughts inside of your head... always be aware that it is negative and learn to replace it with positive thoughts. How will you learn to replace it? by thinking positive thoughts all the time, never feel bad about small things that are negative, accept it and continue to live your life.

You will become a more negative person if you will feel bad about negative thoughts it will become your routine, you will see the negativity in every situation. Sometimes you even think that it is negative even if it is not.

TAKE CARE OF YOUR MIND. Your mind is a sacred place, never ruin it with negativity. Feed it with the right thoughts and you will be rewarded, rewire it with positive thoughts. You must find positivity in every negativity. You can thrive and survive from any negative situation if you have a positive mind. After all, being positive is better than being negative. Being positive will give you a better life.

A lot of people become successful by just being positive, they constantly entertain positive thoughts everyday, they were good in giving positive perspective about any kind of negative situations. That's why they feel so good, that's why it looks like everything is easy for them.

IGNORE WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL BAD. If you don't feel good about it then simply ignore it. If someone annoys you ignore him, if someone disrespects you ignore him, if you think that you're being outclassed ignore it, if you think that you're unlucky today, feel lucky today, just ignore every negative emotion and always take action. It's all about choosing positivity over negativity and that's it, don't be a cry baby, never complain about small things that you can endure. Life will become very easy if you will feed your mind the right thoughts it needed.

STOP WATCHING THE NEWS TOO MUCH. News is very negative, it will scare you, manipulate your mind and make you feel bad, you will believe something that sometimes is not real, news are overrated and over exaggerated, it's just a business for ratings, it will do everything just to get viewers even manipulating stories and covering stories that are not even worth it to hear. News will corrupt your mind, it will turn you into a negative person, it is better to watch a motivational video instead in you tube and feed your mind the right thoughts it needed to become mentally stronger. You can withstand every challenges of life if you will only develop your mind everyday and makes it stronger than before.

Thoughts are habits, the more you entertain thoughts the more you will become like it. A negative person is not born negative but because he keep on thinking about negatives... he become one, the good news is he can still change if he choose to. It takes a lot of discipline to overwrite the thoughts inside of your head, you need to be enduring, you need to be mindful and always be in the moment.

Once you caught yourself thinking about negatives, shift your focus and think about some positive things. Appreciate your life, appreciate that you're still alive... this is the best way to produce positive thoughts and emotions, if you can just appreciate the small things in your life and appreciate that you're still living then you're fine... as simple as that.

IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT BEING 100 PERCENT POSITIVE. You're just a human and part of being a human is being negative but the idea here is at least be 80-90 percent positive, don't let negativity be a larger part in your life, don't let it be greater that than positive. Even monks think about negative thoughts but the can manage to get rid of them very fast. Don't get mad at yourself if you're still thinking about negative thoughts, you're just a human, you're allowed to make mistakes. Always believe that you can control your thoughts, you can only do this if you're aware that your thought is not helping you at all. Most people will just ride on with their thoughts and will never do something about it anymore, over write it by being aware what it does to your life and go for the opposite thought that is more helpful and beneficial.

The key here is to have a mindset that a positive thought is the key to success, always think that if you are thinking positive and you pair it with actions then you will become successful, it is harder to think positive but the outcome is bigger. It is very easy to think negative but it will make your life badder.

BEING IN A DIFFICULT SITUATION IS NOT NEGATIVE. A lot people were so scared to be in a difficult situation, they think that it is bad, they think that it will hurt them, they judge it fast without studying it first and not looking for its benefits. Being in a difficult situation means you're being challenged, it means you will get a blessing if you were able to survive it, there is a prize waiting for you if you never crumble and quit during that situation. Just endure that negative situation because it will never last, it is only temporary, you will feel comfortable after experiencing it. It's only there to make you mentally tougher and physically stronger, don't be afraid of any challenges and difficult situations... they are there to make you a better person.

NEGATIVE THOUGHTS WILL NEVER WIN OVER YOU. It will always be there... worries, fear, insecurities, bad perception about different things... it will always be there but it will never win over you if you keep pushing forward towards your goals, always look at the bigger picture. Yeah it is hard but what else can you do? quit? never quit, if you don't quit then you will become a winner. Those negative thoughts are nothing, they will never even hurt you if you don't allow them.

Just keep moving forward and you will be alright, this philosophy has been working for years and will still work forever. It will never fail you so keep trusting it, never give up during hard times... just keep moving forward and your situation will never change.

THERE IS NO NEGATIVE SITUATION ONLY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. Your perception about something is what makes it negative, if you will only think that it's ok and it is not there to make your life worse then you will have an easier life. Don't ever think that something is negative, think the good side of it, if it is challenging you then it will give you something in the end. If there is something that happened and you don't really like it... just keep moving forward, that's the most logical thing to do, never complain about it never worry about it, just do something to solve it, if you can ignore it and it will not affect your life then much better. Manipulate thoughts every time you feel bad, always think that it's nothing and better things will come.

Thoughts are very powerful if you can use it the right way. Direct your thoughts the right way so you can attract the things that you want to get in life. It's not that easy but it is possible, it's just a matter of making it a habit, it's just a matter of forcing your brain to produce the thoughts that will give you a much better life.

WHY DOES PEOPLE GO CRAZY? Because they focus too much on the negative, they are not aware of what is going around with their brain, they are not moving anymore. If you're not taking actions then you will go insane... as simple as that. There is a person in our town who looks mentally ill but that person keeps moving forward, he is a garbage collector... he collects bottles, cans and anything that he can sell. The man is doing fine even if he looks mentally ill, he is not hurting anyone, he is not a liability, it only shows that he is not crazy, he looks mentally ill because he is so quiet and not sociable, all he does is collect bottles that he can collect, he does it everyday. If a person is working hard, can you say that he is crazy? he is moving forward, he doesn't let any negativity enters his brain that's why he is doing fine even if he only have less money, he is doing fine even if the society is not embracing his way of life.

A crazy person is someone who is not moving and just keep on worrying, he wants to become happy but he is not working for it. You can overwrite your thoughts it you will take massive actions, your emotions will change if you're moving, you will become a little bit happy, your mood will change. So stop worrying and just focus on taking actions... this will make your life a little bit better. Stop focusing on fear, fear will always be there but you can always ignore it, you can always treat it as your friend, if you want to input some positivity into your brain then look for little progress everyday, always be optimistic and fall in love with the little growth that you are getting.

Be in the moment and you will never go crazy. Whatever you are feeling now... embrace it, don't cry about it, don't complain about it, don't whine about it... just embrace it, feel every detail of it, don't try to change it if you can't... just learn to embrace it and always give your best to have a better situation. 

FOCUS ON SOMETHING ELSE. If your mind is crowded with negative thoughts then focus on something that will divert your attention. For example, you can focus on a small business... try to make it bigger each day and work hard for it. Focus on loving your dog, groom your dog, make it beautiful, give it the biggest love that you can ever give. Focus on cleaning your house, just clean every dirt of it and you will really feel good, you will feel that it's a new start, it will give you positive emotions.

You get what you always look into, if you're always looking for millions then you will get it, if you're always looking for trouble then you will get it, as simple as that. If you want to change your life and overwrite the negative thoughts then never think about it, feed the positive thoughts and get the benefits of doing it.

WHAT IF YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS DON'T GO AWAY? Just sleep, if your mind is not active then it will go away, it maybe there again when you wake up but your mind is calmer that time, if you can't sleep then learn to meditate, it's all about focusing on the breathing, watch your breathing come and go. Just stay calm all the time, never do anything, stay still for a few minutes... that negativity will soon go away. You will still feel bad but you are more aware of what is going on this time. It's impossible that you can't get rid of those negative thoughts, it's all about being patient and trying to stay calm all the time.

Always remember that your thoughts are your reality, whatever you think of will be your life, you are the molder of your life, no one else will create your life other than you. Try to stay positive all the time and never think about doing some stupid things, never take action if you're mad or feeling any negative emotion... the key here is to stop being emotional and always think about what are you thinking, if your thoughts are negative then shift it to positive right away. It's not a easy task but it is doable, always think about the positive benefits that you will get if you will just think positively and calm your mind.


If you're thinking about jealousy and envy then that's you, if you're thinking about failing then that's you too, if you're thinking about becoming successful and always thinking about it everyday then you will become successful, always remember that thoughts are very powerful, use it the right way and you will be rewarded. Be careful of your thoughts because you might become it one day. Any life you want, you can have it if you will think about it everyday and hold on to the those thoughts very strong. Stay committed if you want something to happen and just keep running it inside of your brain.

But the good thing about thoughts is it will not happen so fast, you need to repeat it again and again first. So if you're thinking about negativity and you hate it... don't worry because it will not happen right away, it has to become a habit first, it will not happen so fast. So you still have time to change it, be aware if you're entertaining negative thoughts and change it right away. Always think positive even if your positivity is somehow unrealistic. It is better to be positively unrealistic than to be negatively realistic.

May 30, 2018


Having weak teammates doesn't mean that you need to feel weak too, that's your opportunity to shine, that's an opportunity to show who you really are. Carry them and bring them with you to the top. Never blame the weakest in your group instead try to give him a little strength and confidence. 

Carry the whole team, never let them down, you feel that they are weak but it doesn't matter, the most important thing is what are you doing to make them strong? 

There is nothing you can do about it anymore, all you can do is embrace what you have, embrace everything that you can use and make the best out of it. Push yourself to the limits and inspire the people around you. Don't ever point fingers and find someone to blame, only weak people do that. if you feel that you're the strongest in your circle then carry the whole team and make them successful, look for what you can do for the team and not on what they can do for you, stop being selfish because every time you do that you always fail. Be selfless and give power to everyone so they will be motivated to work harder and strive to win. 

May 29, 2018


If you already failed a lot of times, if your life is full of rejections, failures, embarrassments and shortcomings... that is the time when you will become dangerous, you have nothing to lose anymore so winning will be the next in line for you.

If you're not afraid of something then it will never happen. That's why if you already lost a lot of times then you will never become afraid of it anymore, it only means you are also not afraid of winning, you will succeed in just a few more tries.

If you have nothing to lose then you will try, sometimes you don't even care about winning anymore, you will just try because it is already your habit. And the best thing about trying is you are giving yourself a chance to win, you are putting yourself on a better position to succeed.

Always feel free to try something new, always feel free to take actions... never hesitate and never doubt yourself. Remember, you have nothing to lose anymore so there is no pressure on your side.


If fear is trying to control you and immobilizing you.. go hard, go harder and harder each day so you will forget fear. Start fast and finish strong, moving forward should be the only direction you should know and nothing else.

Going hard will give you confidence, it's because you will feel that you can take actions anytime you want to, you will feel your power, you will feel relentless and unstoppable.

Fear will only be defeated if you're moving at a rapid pace, you will forget it if you're pushing yourself to the limits, you will begin to focus on becoming successful only, fear will be ignored like a useless thing that has no role in your life.

Every time you feel scared and not capable of doing something... go hard, that's the simplest plan that is very effective. Move faster, grind, make bold decisions and have no regrets. Every time you produce zero results... go harder than yesterday.

People were so scared to move every time they feel fear, they don't know that the only way to defeat fear is by trying and opening themselves for failing. Feel the pain, make mistakes, fail a lot... but never forget to go harder the next time you try.


Call me anything you want, I'm ok with that. Call me opportunistic, user, cheater, trying hard, loser, failure, not so good, wannabe... call me anything you want but I will still chase success, your mockery will never change a fact that I will go harder everyday.

You can doubt me, you can mock me, you can laugh at me and tell fake stories about me but I will never change, the mindset will still be the same... I will keep going no matter what, nothing can stop me, just a few useless words will not even hurt, it will never affect me at all, it is useless.

If you're chasing success you must have a thick skin, people will try to stop you or sabotage you, they will try to pull you down. It's normal, people don't want to see someone who is so serious about his dreams, I don't know... maybe they are uncomfortable seeing a person doing what they can't do.

They will criticize you, mock you, humiliate you and try to make you angry but don't ever let them destroy your mindset, don't let them make you emotional, if you fightback with anger then you will lose. Fightback with success and make them more jealous of your success... they will die silently if you do that.


It's only hard in the beginning.. every journey, every task, every goal, every change, every transition... it's only hard in the beginning, once you get familiar with the process and you already build the habits everything will become very easy.

It's not that hard, you just don't want to start that's why it's hard, what if you just suck it up and move forward? what if you just embrace the process and do your best? what do you think will be the outcome of your life?

It will be easier on the middle part, beginning is the hardest part because you don't know what to do and fear is trying to control you. But once you begin and do it anyway, fear will vanish, you will not even see its shadow.

It's hard because you want easy, stop expecting the easy process, stop looking for shortcuts and you will love the process, you will discover that it's not that hard. Be in the moment and take it one step at a time, take baby steps until you get to the final stage.


Motivation is will never last for so long. It will only last for a few seconds, sometimes it will never even appear, sometimes you will never even feel it.

So if you feel that you're motivated now... take actions now because that motivation will be gone in just a matter of seconds, sometimes you will even think that it's just a trap... you will do something because of it then when everything is hard you will not feel it anymore, that will make you quit.

The trick here is to create your own motivation, practice it in your brain, rewired it with pain... every tine you feel the pain... that's when you need to feel motivated, that's when you need to think that you're motivated even if you're not.

Motivated or not... do what you have to do, always think that you have no choice but to do it or else your life will go down. Never care about your emotions, you will really feel bad every now and then, don't be like other people who will only move if they feel right, they are only motivated if they are winning or if they have a big chance.

Take actions even if you feel unmotivated, force the issue, drag yourself to take actions. You will only be here for a short time, maybe 70 or  80 years, some even live for only 60 years. While you are still strong and can push yourself... move! Motivation is just a feeling, it will never last in your system forever, never trust it because it will leave you anytime it wants to, motivation will leave you once the situation is already hard, it's your job to fake a motivation that will keep you going.


If you want to have a lot of fun in your life... look for something impossible and try to make it possible. You will be tested, you will be forced to work hard and give your best every single day. Always remember that you have nothing to lose here, it's already impossible so all you can do is try, consider that you already lost but you will still give your best until the end.

Because the truth is... it is not impossible if you will not quit. You need to try, it looks impossible because you don't even dare to try at all.

What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail? are you going to give your best? are you going to work really hard and almost kill yourself just to become successful? what if success told you that it will show itself to you if you will give your very best everyday? will you do it?

Impossible is only in the mind, it will slowly become a reality if you keep on working hard everyday. It's very simple... just do it and forget about failing, focus on taking actions and that's it.

If you succeed... you will look like a super hero, the reward will be so big because the risk is so big.


If you want to change your life, if you really want to have a different outcome... stop your urge to have fun. Changing is not fun, it is stressful, you need to face the pain if you want change. You will kill your ugly habits that produces no benefits, you will stop yourself from experiencing temporary high that leads to a miserable life.

Just like when your favorite TV show is about to air... that is an urge to have fun, most people will never think twice to watch their favorite tv show but if you really want to change then you have to become boring, you have to stop yourself from watching it because it's eating a lot of your time.

Change is very hard to achieve because you have to take away your bad habits one by one but let's face it... bad habits are really fun, you can't get rid of them because you are enjoying them too much. But if you really wanted to change then you have to choice... bad habits or success? you can never choose both, the other one has to go.

The urge to go to a party whenever your friend calls you, the urge to buy the stupid stuffs at the mall even if you don't need it, the urge to drink 2 liters of soda, the urge to sleep for 2 more hours even if you're already awaken... it is fun doing those habits but it will lead to nowhere.

Always be aware of the small decisions that you are constantly doing, those small decisions have large impact, it can destroy or build your momentum. If you want to change then stop the urge to have fun, do first what you needed to do, stop choosing the good emotions because most of them will be the cause of your failure.


You can't move because you want a perfect start, you can't pursue your dreams because you wanted to win on the first try... sorry but life doesn't work that way, you have to make the first move and then make it perfect as it can be. Stop looking for perfection, stop looking for the right timing. The timing will no always be perfect but you can always make adjustments as you go along with the process.

Don't look for the perfect move, there is no perfect move, there will always be mistakes and failures. Start now and do whatever you can do to make something successful.

Those who are always looking for the perfect move will not move at all, they will stuck in their original place forever. The best thing to do is just jump in and throw yourself out there, just try it... it's ok to make some mistakes, you will learn from it, you can make adjustments later.

Do the weirdest and ugliest move you can do just to make a start and then just refine it later, be a doer not a waiter, you have to do it now while you're still thinking about it because if you decide to do it tomorrow and later then you will not do it anymore, why? because you already allowed yourself to do it tomorrow, you give yourself the authority to do it anytime you want to, you give yourself the power to think that it's ok waiting for the right moment, you have this illusion that everything has a perfect timing.

Stop looking for the perfect move, you will be chasing that forever because it will not show. Regardless of how you feel right now... do it anyway, start now and never look back, start fast and finish strong.


Don't take it seriously, give your best but don't take life seriously. Just play with it, have fun with it and never look backward, never regret your past, especially the bad ones.

Have fun with your life, enjoy it. Enjoy the process, enjoy working, enjoy failing... simply enjoy everything. Don't make dramas, never engage with negativity because that will make you suffer.

Because life is so short to make dramas and have self pity, life will is like a one blink thing. You think you are living now and tomorrow you are dying... that's how fast life is. The best thing to do is have a lot of fun but don't be a helter skelter, of course know your responsibilities and never take risks that are meaningless.

The best thing to do is pursue your dreams and have fun with the process, never take it seriously but always give your best.

The idea here it to lessen the pressure on your shoulders, you don't need to feel always feel bad, you can have fun if you want to, its all up to you how are you going to change your perspective in life.

Life should not be taken seriously, you will miss a lot of things if you will never have fun with the process. Life is not yours, you only borrowed it so don't make it so hard, one day you will return it.

Always have fun, even if you have nothing... have fun, never forget to appreciate life and focus on the things that gives you happiness.


You are the CEO of your life, you set the rules, you follow it. You set the dreams, you get it no matter what. You are the inventor of your own game and you master it very well.

Nobody can tell you what to do, you will only follow what your heart tells you to do so. You are serious about your business and you're not doing anything that will make your life miserable, you're charge of your life, anything that happens to you... you take full responsibility of it.

You don't care if you fail because you know that you can always make a comeback. You know what to do during pressure times, you always have a plan. And even if the plan is not working... you will still execute it, you will still believe in yourself no matter what.

You just keep on pushing and pushing no matter what, you are taking the risks... very dangerous risks because you are willing to accept the blame and you're willing to get laugh at. You take full responsibility of your life no matter what happens, fail or win... you will suck it and live with the results.

It's the best job in the world, being the CEO of your life, you're in control... you're really living the life, it's up to you if you're going to become successful or not.


You're so lucky if you've seen the worst, it only means that you will see the best.. only if you keep on being positive and keep working hard.

You're failing too many times, you're so depressed because even if you are working hard you are still failing. It seems like you can't get out in a rut you're in, the funny thing is... your situation becomes worse everyday.

Be happy... your life will change in just a matter of time, not all the time you will suffer, not all the time you're going to become a loser. If you've seen the worst then it means you're going to see the best... as simple as that. That has been proven a lot of times, the most successful people said it all the time, they experienced it. They experience disasters, adversities, basically they experience the hardest things in life but they manage to turn things around and make themselves successful.

It's all about hanging on and never giving up. Your life will change, you can't be at the bottom forever if you're climbing everyday. You will see the best if you're giving your best.


Change is very near from you, you just can't see it because you're not looking for it, you're not willing to change. Change is very near, sometimes it's just one decision away, it's just one big promise to yourself.

Scan all the opportunities, look for some openings, ask for some breaks. Change will not happen if you will just stand there and wait for it, you must do something, take action, take charge, use your willpower to make the change happen.

People can't change because they can't see it, they are pretending to be blind, they have the opportunity to change but they prefer to choose comfort, they get overwhelmed when change is threatening them.

Change is near, just believe that it will happen, endure the discomfort that change might bring to you. Believe that you will change, take it one step at a time, take it slowly. You will change anyway so why make it fast? enjoy the transition, enjoy your transformation. Change will only take place if you can enjoy the process of changing.


If you really believe in your dreams then you will place your bet on it, you will put all of your money on it and all of your energy on it. You will never care if it is not happening yet, you just believe it and you know that it will happen no matter what.

If you really believe it then you will get it even if it is really hard. You will never care anymore, you will just keep working and working until it comes true.

You will never stop, it's your dreams... you'r so positive with it, you're so fully invested with it. You will never let it go, you will never believe for one second that you will fail.

Every money you have, every ounce of energy left in your body... you will give it for your dreams, you want it bad that you are even willing to give your life just to make it come true.

Any impossible dream will come true if you feed it with beliefs and actions. You will never fail, you will only have temporary failures but you will be able to overcome them because your belief is too high.

You don't care if you are suffering now because you know that your dreams will come true one day. You don't care if all of your money were gone because you really feel that it will all come back once your dream has been realized.

You will never care about what people say on you. You will use all of your energy for your dreams.


Focus means knowing what you really want and knowing what you need to do. It's making your life simple and specific. It's making your mind clear, it's removing the thoughts and ideas that are not related to the target.

Look at the thing that you want to focus on and never take your eyes off it. If you're focus is to go to the office then go to the office. Don't focus on the traffic, don't focus on the rude drivers, don't focus on the smoke belchers... just focus on going to your office, you will get there on time, just relax and never think about anything else.

If your focus is to become rich then focus on the money, focus on how to get the money. Don't focus on problems, don't focus on the degree of difficulty of how to get it, don't focus on the economy, don't focus on your lack of skills... just focus on getting it and that's it, it is very simple, yeah it is hard but it's very specific and simple.

Focus means making the process faster by doing only the things that are related to the objective. You will never do something else that is not related to the goal. Focus will make your life easier and mind clearer, if you can master it then you will never have a hard time achieving something. Yeah you will have some struggles but your focus will put you back on the right track.

Focus on what you want, take it one by one. Stop wanting a lot of things because you can never get them all at once. Just one sharp focus at a time, stop thinking too much, stop thinking about different things.


Everyone is equal because we all have 24 hours each day in our lives. All of use were going to die so what is the inequality there? we all live and we all gonna die. The only difference is... successful people use their time wisely and broke people does not. But don't worry, those rich people will never be able to bring their riches with them once they die, it is still fair.

But if you really want to live then you should do everything to experience everything in life, push yourself and see what are the juices that you can squeeze in your life. Is is a sweet juice or is it a bitter juice? it all depends non you how are you going to make you life epic. If you're too lazy and not doing anything then you will squeeze the biter juice, all you will have is suffering. But if you're a hard working and positive person then you will taste the finest juice of life.

Everyone is equal, everyone can become rich and successful, it all depends on how hard you work and how you use your time.


If you really want to become successful then you must starve for it, you must stay hungry, you muse really want it bad. It should feel like you can only eat if you will become successful. That is when you will be able to create some miracles, you will be able to do some impossible things, you will take desperate measures and give your very best.

Starving to death like a malnoursih kid, starving to death like a lion who haven't eat for weeks. You will do whatever it takes to win, you will never care about suffering, getting tired or failing. You will just do it because you wanted to eat, you wanted to become successful, you can't see any obstacles anymore because your willpower is so strong, you just want it and you don't care anymore what will happen next.


If you're so stressed in life, if you're bored and you want a getaway... look for an outlet and punish it, meaning look for something that will diver your attention and play hard with it. For example if you're outlet is martial arts... punish your opponent, go hard all the time, give your very best. This technique will release all the toxins and negative emotions that is piling up in your system.

If your outlet is marathon then run hard as fast as you can until you are catching your breathe, run until you almost collapse. You will feel good after the run... really really good.

Sometimes you really need to go hard for something so that your stress will go away, use all of your strength and release. You can't go hard in your work anymore because you're so fatigued, it's time to go hard on something that you like and divert your attention there, go hard while you're playing and all of your negative emotions will go away.


If you're thinking about loaning then here is one thing you should remember... you should have the same exact amount of money in your pocket that you're going to loan. Meaning if you will loan 100,000 bucks then you should have 100,000 bucks too in your pocket.

A good debt is a debt that will be use for business and not for gadgets, television, vacation and any other things that will never produce money. You will only loan if you are going to use it for business. You should have the ability to pay that loan right away so you must have the equivalent amount of it in your pocket. The idea here is to lessen the pressure on your shoulders, you will have the ability o think clearly if you know that there is no danger waiting for you, the business will run better and you don't have to worry anymore how to pay the loan if your business is not going well.

WHY WILL YOU LOAN IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MONEY? Because that's what rich people do, they know how to make the money rotate, they know how to play with other people's money. Even the big companies have debts, even the richest man have debts. It's because for them money is just a toy that they can play, they can borrow it, they can use it for a better cause but they have their own money if something goes wrong.


Thoughts are very addictive but thoughts are very dangerous. Beware of the thoughts that you are letting inside of your brain because it will become the habit of your mind, you will always think about it, it will become part of your subconscious mind.. If you will not discipline yourself to get rid of that unwanted thoughts then it will come and go to your mind without any form of resistance.

Stop that unwanted thought, stop that negative thought, you can stop it if you are aware of it. If you will always let it run in your mind then it will be there forever which is even scary because it will become part of your reality. Your mind is a powerful thing, if you mold it the right way then it will give you the life that you are dreaming of.

Look at the habits of your mind and get rid of the thoughts that are not helping you at all. Filter the negative thoughts and don't ever let it control your life again.


There is only one thing you should be focused about and that is taking action. Dreams are nothing, ambitions are nothing, goals are nothing without actions. Then why are you so focused on your ambition? it is nothing, you can't even see it, you can't even touch it, you can't even eat it. But how about actions? it is so underrated, you forget how to take it, you forget that all dreams are not possible without actions.

Why not shift your focus from ambition to taking actions? why not do that instead? Let's see if you will get different result this time. Dreams are overrated, you love it too much but it can't give you anything. How about taking actions? why are you so afraid of it if it is the only thing that will give you results. It will produce momentum, it will produce progress yet you are so afraid of taking it.

You're looking to far ahead, focus on the moment so you can go to your dreams the right way. Take actions first then start dreaming, don't dream first and just dreaming at all.

Focus on taking baby steps, be consistent and you will have a chance of getting there. Instead of thinking about your ambitions too much and you're stuck on that thinking, you're stuck on that position, you can't even get started.


Refuse pain, refuse challenge, refuse the problems, refuse resistance but if it's already there then embrace it, face it and try to do something about it.

Sometimes you can refuse something and you will be able to get away from it, just ignore it and it will become powerless but sometimes there is nowhere to hide anymore, all you can do is act like a brave and face it like a real man.

Face it if you can't ignore it anymore, face it like you really want to face it. Refuse to give up and go home, face it now and act like a brave, act like your courageous.

If you will not face it now then it will become worst, the only way to solve it is to face it and do everything you can to make your situation better.


Why will you quit so fast, how many years you've been working? one? two? three? four? five? it's not enough, don't quit so soon. Better things may happen if you persevere.

Don't quit so fast, it may take decades or forever but don't ever quit. Sometimes chasing success takes forever to get, it's really hard but you have to keep moving forward and do whatever it takes to win. Quitting is for people who have no commitment, they quit on relationships, they quit on their goals, they quit on their programs, they quit on their schools, they quit on their dreams, they quit on everything that's why they don't win.

Don't quit if you don't want to become a loser, if you quit now it will become a habit, you will never get rid of it in your system forever, it's dangerous.

Give it a little more time, it will not happen as fast as expected so be patient and give your best while doing the process.

Quitters have big regrets in their lives, they can't sleep, they don't have a peace of mind. They're always thinking about going back to the past so they can change their mind but they can't anymore... what is done is done, if you quit then you can never change that decision anymore.

Try again one more time but this time work harder and faster, this time take it more seriously, this time give everything you've got and never get conservative of your actions.

It is better to continue than to quit, quitting will give you a weak feeling, it will make you weak in reality because you will lose your will power and momentum, there will also be a time when you don't want to do anything anymore, you will get depressed and you will lose your grip.

May 28, 2018


One biggest reason why you can't defeat laziness is you are always near to the builders of laziness, you are always near from your bed so every time you yawn you will just lie on your bed and sleep without caring about time. You're so near from television, every time you get bored and stressed you will open the television right away and watch for 12 hours straight, it builds laziness.

You're always looking at your social media accounts... you spend your time the whole day looking at the profile of different people, you are wasting a lot of time. There are projects, goals, clients, tasks waiting for you but you prefer to choose roaming in your social media accounts... it builds the laziness, you are developing a lazy habit that is very hard to get rid of.

You associate yourself with people who are very lazy. You jive with them and build chemistry with them, you are very near with them that's why you begin to embrace their habits and copy their lazy attitude, you learned their culture that's why you're so super lazy now.

You're very near from the refrigerator, you're always opening it and eating junk foods, soda, sweets that will make you fat and heavy. Don't you know that being fat and heavy makes you more lazy?

If you don't want to become lazy forever then do something, always stay active, stay away form the builders of laziness so you won't be tempted to become lazy.


If winning is so elusive and no matter how hard you try you can't win then keep losing, lose over and over again, become a loser... one day you will win, one day losing will get tired of sticking in your life and you will finally become a winner. Keep losing and learn the lesson from it, even if you are losing at least you're learning some lesson, you're getting some experience.

Keep losing, use the law of averages, the more you try the more you become close to winning, you will win one day, never stop grinding and never stop pushing... you will learn how to enjoy it, every time you lose just laugh at it and annoy it, losing will get tired of seeing your face and it will leave you one day... winning will become the next trend.

It's all about reversing your psychology, a lot of people hates losing that's why they will quit, but you... you have a different mind, you love losing and that kind of mentality will make you try again and again until you finally claim the victory.

There is nothing wrong in losing, it will make you though, it make your feelings numb, keep getting it and you will have no fear in losing anymore... that will make you free, that will make you very dangerous because you will become lose, you will become more creative.


Many of you want to see greatness, many of you want to become great but most of you don't know how to see it or at least be closer to it. Greatness is not the outcome, it is the process, it is the journey, it is not the final product... it is what happening at the moment. Your only opponent is yourself, you are the one who will decide if you're still going to continue if everything is so hard and you feel that you can't take it anymore. 

If you want to see greatness in just a short period of time, here is what you need to do... pick a goal or a skill that you want to develop... work on it for one month straight, push really hard and work really hard, never stop, never sleep... give everything you've got until you feel that you already wanted to quit... that is how you will see greatness, you will feel something different, you will feel every kind of emotions. You will feel excited, motivated, depressed, hungry, exhausted, crazy, weak, powerful etc. You will feel every emotion available... that is greatness, it's like you're being tortured. You are looking for something, you are aiming for something and you don't know if you're going to succeed or not. 

Push yourself to the limits for one month and see your transformation in the end, tremendous focus is needed here, you will sacrifice some parts of your life, you will just focus on that one thing you are pursuing or learning... you will feel like quitting, you would love to do something else but if you really want to see or feel greatness then you have to do it even if it is not working.

You will see a deeper version of your strength, you will be able to develop a work habit that is unbreakable, you will build a work ethic that is one of a kind and cannot be build by anyone. Try this for one month and go crazy... that is what greatness is all about... pushing hard during the process and living in the moment, you don't know what's coming next but you keep moving. 

You need to ignore everything around you, you need to create your own world, if it's not about your mission then you don't care about it, all you want is to see greatness that you will never see. 


If you love challenges then everything is a great opportunity, everything is all part of challenge. You need to face everything that is challenging your life and do your best to thrive of it.

You can use everything, try everything to overcome challenges in life. Never be fazed of any challenges because it is not there to stay forever. It is only there to test you if you can really do it, it is there to make you tough so you can face bigger challenges in the future.

TREAT EVERY CHALLENGE AS NOTHING. You can face it, you can solve it, you're always in control, you can take over anytime you want to, any challenge is nothing so it shouldn't make you weak.

If you love challenges then nothing can scare you, you will treat every problem as an opportunity to become better, you love it and you want to find a way right away how to thrive from it and produce the best outcome that you can ever produce. You love to turn things around and play with every problematic situation, you don't care if you fall or prevail, you will just give your best and won't let the challenge end without fighting and proving yourself. 


Look at yourself, if you're not creating success then it means you're not working hard. Maybe you feel that you're already working hard but it's not enough, you need to dig deeper, you need to find more ways how to work hard even more, stop thinking that you need to work smarter and not harder, you will only know that if you work hard and gain a lot of experience, working smarter is for geniuses wannabe gurus that are failures in reality. Because the truth is... the smart way of working is working hard because it is the surest path to get some results. Working smart is like trying to be lucky, it's like you know everything but you are not so sure that you're going to succeed, you are only fooling yourself if you will look for ways to work smarter because that is only looking for shortcuts.

Keep working hard everyday and success will be attracted to you, you're like a magnet that gets the finest metal in town, you will get nothing but the best.

So stop chasing for success, just work harder and success will come to you naturally. You don't need to worry about it anymore, you don't need to beg... just work hard and success will come, you don't even know that it's already yours because you're too busy working.

Success will come to you just be patient and focus on hard work, let hard work be your assurance of getting success, keep on working and forget about the rewards, don't think about it because every time you do... you get impatient, that will lead to quitting.


Get the most out of your life, squeeze it so hard and get all the juices from it. You can get more, you can do more, all you have to do is work super hard and give everything you've got, because at the end of the day... all you will have is regrets if you didn't try.

Why not try so hard? why not give yourself a chance even if it looks so impossible? get the most out of your life, you can always try hard, there are many opportunities out there waiting for you.

You can't get something from your life because you're not squeezing it, even if you think that you already get everything... keep squeezing, there are more drops of juice that will come out. Squeeze as hard as you can and get as much as you can, be ready to catch the juices with your beautiful glass.

If you will not try hard then you're simple wasting your life, you're just taking it for granted.

Become the most successful as you can be, get rejected for a million times, lose a million times and try to win as much as you can. You have to squeeze it hard, live like knowing that life is short and you have to seize every opportunity that is in front of you.


Big money is coming, can you feel it? you have to feel it because it all starts in your emotions, it all starts in your thoughts. Thoughts creates emotions, if you can see it in your brain then you will see it in reality, you have to feel it, you have to believe that you can have it before you have it. It's all in the belief, the more you believe it and work hard for it... the faster it will come into reality.

Big money is coming because you're hustling everyday, you think about it 24 hours a day, you didn't just wake up and do nothing, you really work for it and give your best even if you're having a hard time.

Believe that it will come, believing is free, there is nothing wrong in believing too much. Things will happen for those who believe, you are giving yourself a bigger chance if you believe.


Having your own business is a great blessing, you have too much control, you are the boss, nobody can bully you and command you, you're the man, you can do anything you want. But the best thing about it is you can close anytime you want to, nobody can force you to work overtime.

You can close right away if there is an emergency situation, you can go home and do what is urgent. If your wife is pregnant then you can close it and be with your wife. You have the power because you are the real boss and you operate it. You can just open early so you can compensate what has been lost on the day that you close early.

Be the boss, build your own business, it doesn't matter if the earnings were too small in the beginning it will become larger if you give your best and already know how it runs.

Nobody will force you to work if you're super tired, you can take a vacation whenever you feel so stressed and you won't be able to encounter co employees that has an attitude. Everything feels great because you have the power, all the people under you will follow your plan.

Make sure you will take care of your business and give your best to make it rich, a business that is not consistent will never make a name, it will never last for so long. Having a business is a responsibility, you still need to sweat and put an effort into it. A lot of people thinks that once they have a business then they don't need to work anymore. That is a wrong perspective, that is why a lot of people fail, you will still work hard if you have a business, you are still hands on, the only difference is you are the boss and you are in control of everything, you have more freedom, the earnings has not limit, it all depends on your hard work and decisions.


Let's face it... money is so important nowadays, without it you will feel weak, without it your happiness will be shaken, you will feel not blessed and poor. Money is not the sources of happiness, don't ever think that it's the only way to make you happy but let's face it... money will lessen the sadness that you're feeling.

Make money from your creations, try to put a business side on your work. Don't just give your work for free because you can always get something from it. You can give a free work but not all the time. Just like an artist, don't just paint everyday... sell some of your paintings, you can do it if you will only try.

Because sometimes you have the passion, you have the drive but it's fading away because you are not getting any money to support your passion. It's never a sin to ask something from your creations, you work hard for it so you deserve to be rewarded.

Sell your articles, sell your paintings, drawings, sell your ideas. Stop acting like you don't need money, how will you eat if you have nothing in your pocket? if you can earn from your creations then you're good, there is nothing to worry about anymore.


Don't feel satisfied yet... you're not done, you have a long way to go. What you get is not real success, you need to work more and achieve more, stay hungry because if you're not hungry anymore then that will be the start of your falter.

Your first success is your smallest success, it is nothing, you can always break it, you can always do better than that. For example, if you become successful today and got your highest paycheck of $5,000... that is nothing, that is your smallest success, you can always earn more than that if you will work harder and stay hungrier.

Destroy satisfaction because it will make you slow, it will make you unmotivated anymore, you feel that you already made it and that will make you avoid taking massive actions.

So stop being satisfied and stay with the journey, keep making yourself better. It's better to over achieve than to under achieve.

Stop being arrogant and stay humble, always do what will give you a little success everyday. Always improve everyday and make it a habit to keep evolving.


If you are willing to take action, if you are willing to work hard then there is nothing to be scared of anymore. Hard work works, you don't need to doubt yourself if you're doing it, results will come, opportunities will be attracted, you have nothing to lose if you work hard.

A lot of people were depressed, they don't know what to do but that's just an excuse, they just don't want to take actions.

If you are willing to work hard everyday then you don't directions anymore, the path will be revealed to you naturally, you will see the next move, you will become more excited of your journey.

You will see the real life if you are willing to work hard, you will see opportunities, you will feel good and proud about yourself because you are trying to see what is possible for your life, you know that you are not taking your life for granted.

You will feel more confident if you're working hard, you will have pride in your work, you don't need to worry about the small things anymore because you're so focused on the bigger picture.

You will feel more blessed if you are working hard, you will begin to appreciate your life even more especially if you love your work. Your work will be your world, you will not ask for anything else because you have something to become busy about, your life is not that easy but it is in harmony.

You will not be afraid of challenges anymore, you will not worry about money because you know you can get it through hard work, you know that you can solve any problems through hard work, everything is easy... nothing is difficult.


Do it because you want to do it and it makes you feel good, don't do it because you want to please people. You should prioritize yourself first because it's your life, they have their own lives so why will you care about their feelings?

Do it for yourself, do what makes you feel good, forget about everyone else, if you are doing it for yourself then the result will be good, it will look natural and amazing.

Never think that there is someone watching on you, never think that the results of your action will be judged, feel free and loose, never mind if someone will not like you. After all, it's how you feel that matters, you need to please yourself and feel good about yourself, never mind about how they are going to react in a certain way regarding about your decisions.

If you do it for yourself then you will become more motivated to take actions, if you stop thinking about what people say then lesser pressure will be felt, you will never care anymore, you will experience a different kind of freedom.

So even if they are watching your work, stay natural and be true to yourself, so what if they din't like your work? at the end of the day.... what matters is you are enjoying your work and you see your true self from it.

If you are doing it for yourself then you will never follow some specific rules anymore, you will become more creative, you will become faster, the result will look genuine.

Pleasing people is for the weak, why will you do that if you know that there is a better way? why will you follow someone else if you know what makes you feel good... and that is following your heart.


What are you doing now? be careful because what you're doing now is molding your life, it means it is becoming a habit. Just like the drug addicts... their drug usage starts in just one day then they became addicted to it and they can'ta stop anymore.

What are you doing now? are you sure you're not going to do it again? if it feels good then for sure you will do it again next time.

So if you want to build a habit that will make you successful in the future... do it now, do something that is connected to your dream, do it again and again until you can't remove it in your system anymore.

Rich people became rich because they make money every minute, they don't stop, it became their habit and they can't remove it from their system anymore. That's why you will wonder why the billionaires are still working, it's in their system for so long and they will become weak if they remove it.

What you are doing now has a large impact in your future, what you are doing now will be your life.


You've been chasing it for so long but the chase is not serious and fast. You're just putting on a mediocre effort and do you think your dreams will be attracted to you by doing that?

Your dream is already overdue, you could have got it a few years ago but here you are still chasing it because you're so lazy in the past, you're not taking it seriously, you think that a small effort here and there will get the job done. But it's not, you have to really work hard and give everything you've got to make something happen.

The soft effort will not make any impact, being inconsistent will only make your status work, it will only create more bad habits.

You can get your dream now but you have to be insanely serious this time, never take every opportunity for granted because they may not come back again.

Make your dreams happen now before it's too late and you're too old and you cannot move anymore.


Everybody gets tired, of course you will get tired, it's not a big deal but what separates successful people from not so successful is the successful people keeps pushing even if they get tired, they don't care at all, what mattes is their goal, they don't want to fail so they will sacrifice their sleep and fatigue just to become a winner.

You only worked for 5 hours and you're tired already? now wonder why you're not succeeding. What is the real definition of hard work for you? working for 5 hours and wanting to have rest right away? that's so funny, the legends will laugh at you.

Stop complaining if you're tired, stop looking for rest, you can rest everyday if you're already dead. But while you are still living... push yourself to work more until you accomplished your dreams. Getting tired is not a valid excuse, the only valid excuse is when you're dead.

Stop acting like a spoiled diva who needs to have rest every now and then, you're not half successful yet so work.

The more you take action the more you forget about being tired, just keep moving until you're done.

Forge about your emotions, it's just making the process very slow. Your feelings has nothing to do with success, if you want to become successful then stop being emotional, emotions doesn't play any role for being successful.

You are still breathing, stop complaining and just work. The more you complain, the more you will get tired. So reserve that energy and never waste it for useless complains. You're not dead yet so you don't have any right to stop.


The plan is already laid out all you have to do is follow it, it never works because you're always changing it, it never works because you have a poor execution. It's already well ironed, why will you still change it? a lot of plans never work because people were so impatient, they can't wait for a little more time.

The plan B is to follow the plan A, never change the plan... always follow it no matter what. Even if something goes wrong... still follow the plan, sometimes your faith is only being tested, you don't need to change the plan right away even if there is a huge problem.

And what is the use of building a plan if you will not follow it? follow it no matter what, have faith on it and always give your very best to make it perfect.

The plan may not be working because the execution is very poor, as simple as that. If you will work very hard and give nothing but your best then any plan you have will work.


It's only a momentum builder, you will not do it forever, or you can do it forever too if you fall in love with it and you're so happy doing it. Any job is useful, why reject something that will pay you money?

That low paying job can be your starting point for success, it can be the start of your growth, the money that you will earn from it can be used in many ways.

Any job can save your life for as long as it is legal and decent. It can change your life if you will take it seriously and consider it as a blessing. The salary maybe low but the opportunities around it is so high, you can earn more money if you will just become creative, passionate and has a clear vision of what are you trying to achieve.

Why will you feel unlucky with a low paying job if it is paying your bills and buying you some food? people can't get rich because they were too picky, they feel that they were entitled of something great, they feel that they should get paid higher even though they haven't prove anything yet.

Take any kind of job if you're unemployed, it is better to be doing something and staying busy than doing nothing at all.

Give your best and you will be rewarded, you can be promoted or you may get an increase. There are many opportunities waiting for you if you keep doing the right thing.

Just appreciate that you were still able to work, never take any second for granted, think that you are just playing so the stress will be lessen. Build a strong reputation from that job and you will have greater opportunities in the future.


Feed yourself, feed yourself with the right energy, feed yourself with the right information, feed yourself with the right thoughts, feed yourself with the right habits... feed yourself with anything that will make you grow.

You can't evolve because you're not feeding yourself with the right materials that will make you better. You are always feeding yourself with negativity that will only make your life even worse.

Look at your daily life, look at the things that you are feeding for yourself, was it good or was it bad? if you can't tell the right answer then look for the results, if you're getting good results then you're feeding yourself the right things but if you're not getting the results that you want then you're feeding the wrong materials into your system.


You already addressed your point of view, you already made the drama... what now? you already create an attention, you already whine like a little kid wanting his candy, what now? it's time to take actions now, nobody will help you, they are just laughing at your dramas and excuses, you think the are listening? you think they understand you? of course not, they will treat your scene like a garbage.

You're still the one to blame, you're still the one who is in misery. Start taking actions now and change your situation, the drama is over, the show is over, it's time to make a change in your life.

If you keep on being an attention seeker then nothing will change in your life, you will be the same bum forever.

Stop making dramas now and take actions instead, if you keep on making dramas then it will become your habit, you will never take action anymore, your focus will be getting sympathy from other people which is bad, only weak people does that.


If you really want to get rid of all your debts and borrowed money, if you really want to pay all of your loans and get back your life... eat sardines for one year, meaning you will never spend anything, you will use all of your money for paying all of your gigantic debts. Because having a debt is really a curse, you feel so weak, you feel that anytime the bank will get your loaned car. You have to choose... eating sardines for one year and not spending any of your money or getting burned by your debts.

Having debts is more stressful than eating sardines. Even if you look like a fish, even if your breathe stinks, even if you can't eat it anymore... eat it because it's the most logical way of solving your problems. You act like a king before by spending all of your money now is the time to act like a slave. One year is very fast, it is a learning curve, you will already know that spending money that is out of your budget is like inviting hell into your life, it feels like you're burning in hell if the banks keep on calling you ins't it? they will scare you with different things, they will embarrass you and humiliate you, it's such a hard life.

Eat sardines for one year, that is your punishment, at least you will be able to pay your bills, at least you bring back your life again and have a financial freedom. It sucks if someone is calling you every minute because of your debts, it sucks changing the number of your cellphone just to hide from the debt collectors. But eating sardines... it is so easy, it will give you momentum, you will now learn how to value your money and avoid being in a huge debt.

Swallow your pride and stop being a social climber, eat sardines, what's wrong with it? it's so delicious and affordable, it will save you a lot of money.


They call it weird, I call it confidence because I still use it even if it look so ugly and odd looking. I will use it forever because it is working, even if they call me crazy... so what! this is my life, I will use the technique what I want, I will use it whenever I want to and however I want to.

It looks strange, it looks funny but it is giving me results so why in the hell will I stop it? stopping it  is the stupidest decision that I will do in my life, why stop something that is working?

They can't accept that it is working, the can't accept that I'm better than them because I am making larger numbers, I can't blame them if they are jealous.

I will make it even weirder, I will take it to another level and be the best at it, one day some people will also use it, they will ask me how I did it and of course I will stay humble and generous, I will give them the secret recipe which is... CONFIDENCE. Knowing that I will make results even if it is hard, knowing that I will succeed no matter how ugly it gets, now matter how messy it gets... I will still thrive and show this punks what I am made of.

Doubt it, make fun of it, call it whatever you wanted to call it, the point here is it is working and it will keep getting results... bigger and bigger results in the future. Some people will even have no choice but to study it and apply it in their lives.

May 27, 2018


If you're not the start player in your team and you want to shine... take the ball and take the last shot. It's ok, call for the isolation play, act like a brave and use all of your energy for that shot. Even if the ball didn't go in at least you take a chance, at least you did your best to win the ball game.  Be ready to take the blame if it didn't go in, that's what stars are made of... they take the blame and they also take the rewards.

If you're sick and tired of your situation then prepare to steal the night, make it yours by acting brave and take the last shot. Don't be afraid to take it, it's yours, it will go in. It's once in a lifetime opportunity so don't ever waste it.

Once you see an opportunity to shine... go and take it, be willing to get embarrassed because it's the same... if you will not take the chance then you will remain the same ordinary unknown guy forever. But if you will take a chance to take it then you might win, it's a 50/50 situation but it's ok, there is a beauty in the unknown face that fear and try to make the shot. Even if you didn't become successful, the real reward is setting yourself free, it's giving yourself the freedom to take risks even if the punishment for not making it is big. People may blame you, they will get mad at you but so what? at the end of the day, you will feel really happy because you were able to express yourself  and not like any other else who just sit and watch their lives pass by without even trying.

What if you made it? people will kiss your ass, they will call you a hero, they will love you and praise you... how good was that?

It's better to be doing something about it rather than not doing anything at all, if you're so sick and tired of your situation then try to alter it by doing something risky that has a high reward.


If a job interviewer ask you if you know a certain type of skill just say yes, if he heard an answer no then he will never hire you, just say yes even if you really don't know it, you still have a time to prepare if he's going to hire you, you can still study some basics of that skill. Say yes but make sure you're really going to study it.

If your Mom on a vacation trip called you and ask you if you already did your assignment, say yes, say you already finished it. Just make sure you will do it right away after the call has ended, never do something else, do your assignment right away.

If a client ask you if you can finish the project in just one week... say yes, say yes even if the deadline is too short, say yes and start doing it right away after the negotiation is done.

Saying yes and doing it is a good technique to push yourself to really do it. Saying yes is like programming your mind that you can take any challenge even if it is big and impossible. Take the opportunity, say yes and prove yourself that you can do it. This is an effective technique to keep your mind alert, you will be in a sense of urgency, you will be forced to move and take actions without even knowing if you can really do it or not.

If you say yes, you have no choice but to do it or else you're in big trouble... really big trouble. It's time to put your life in danger and take the risk that has a reward.


Once you already hit the target, look for a new target that you want, aim for it and never stop until you hit it, keep trying to hit it, try as much as you can, you will never regret that you try a million times.

If you don't have a target then you will never move, you will become lazy and unmotivated, you will slowly die everyday, you will never grow and you will become bored in your life, your soul is getting poisoned and blackened everyday.

Aim any kind of target, even if the target is impossible to achieve... aim for it, go for it, be relentless in hitting it. Because if you will never try then you are just wasting your life, you will waste it for nothing. It's ok if you fail, you will still hit something if you fail, you will hit a lower number but that's ok, at least you still hit something it's enough because to keep you motivated and wanting to try again for the next time.


You need to be aggressive and assertive all the time, there is no room for weakness and shyness. Be the authority and do what you need to do without even hesitating, never think... just do it and give your best every single second.

That's what winner does, they were so addicted to execution, they never stop, the go and go until they can't go anymore. They were so dynamic and always growing.

You can move faster, you can be the aggressor, don't be a prey, don't be a follower or a watcher... be the real action taker, take matters into your own hands.

A lot of people were good but they lack the killer instinct, they crumble during pressure times, they are not willing to get the responsibility because they were so afraid of getting the blame, they wanted to win but they are not willing to take risks.

Be aggressive and stay aggressive, good tings will come if you have a strong energy, stop being conservative and always go all out. If you will go all out then your opponents will be afraid of you, you will hit the target, the universe will give you a favor.

So stop waiting, the right time will never come, the right time is now... go and grind all day, remove the worries inside of your head by taking actions every minute or every second of the day.

Always be ready to devour the opportunity, once you see it... jump into it like a ruthless lion dying to get some meat for his family, always move like a hungry man who will never stop until his dreams come true.


You are who you associate yourself with. If you're joining  a club of losers then you will become a loser, if you're associating yourself with winners and competitive people then you will become a lion too, you will also look forward to win.

Stop joining the losers club because they will never teach you anything, all they can do is pull your life down and teach you how to make excuses in life, you will never learn something good from them, they will not even help you to become successful.

Join the winners, join the action takers and doers, join the people who have a competitive nature and copy their actions and words. Never join the people who are satisfied of what they have and will never push themselves to win. If you want to become a wolf then you should join the pack.

The pint here is you will absorb the attitude, habits and thoughts of successful people, you will learn from them. If you can't see a successful people in your circle then just read books, you tube videos and articles of successful people and absorb their insights, you need to copy their brain, you need dissect what is running inside of their heads and apply it into your life.

Losers and dreams will never give you anything, they will only share regrets and "what ifs" with you, they will never share you greatness or competitiveness.


You're always wondering everyday, you're always wondering every now and then if you can do it or not, you're hesitating, you're thinking what could have happen if you will try.

Destroy the wonderwall now, stop being a part of it, try now... start now and try with all your might. Fate loves a tryer, fate will favor the brave. Destroy all your "wonder thoughts" by trying now and going to the extreme.

You will only know it if you will try, you will discover your true potential if you will try, you will only know what you can really do if you will try the hardest and never stop until the end.

Doubts and regrets are the worst feelings in the world, you can only get rid of those feelings if you will try and work hard, never be scared of anything if you can work hard and never give up even if something goes wrong. Keep going and going until your situation changes.


If you want to force yourself to work harder then always think that there's no more tomorrow, always think that the right time is now. Never think that you can always do it tomorrow, what you need to do... do it now. Because it will become your habit to always do it tomorrow because you feel lazy today, your laziness will dominate you, it will take control of your life.

Think that the world is going to melt tomorrow, think that a meteor will strike the earth and everyone will die. Tomorrow is not real, do it now, because if not now then when? stop cuddling laziness, do it now, go hard and never stop.

Because it's true... tomorrow might never come, it might end today, it's not being negative, were just thinking about the possibilities here, you need to avoid regrets for the rest of your life and you can only do that by going to the extreme.

Yeah some of your regrets will never go away, you will think about it forever but it will be overpower by the big things that you can get today, if you will change your attitude and be a doer now then you might forget some of your regrets.


Yeah it is your time, nobody can deny that. It is your time because it's yours, it's not someone else' time, it is yours and you must work hard because wasting time is just a waste of time.

If it is your time then you must be giving your best every single second, if it is your time then you really feel it and you really believe in yourself. Anytime can be your time, it can be now, tomorrow or next week, it all depends on you when you are going to unleash the beast in you.

It's your time, use it wisely because you can never get it back anymore once it is gone. It's your time so you must be selfish of it, you must use it to give you an edge not a problem. Some people are using their time to make their lives worse, if you can use your time wisely then your life will improve... as simple as that.

You have a lot of time if you're not wasting it and using it for a good cause, you will run out of time if you keep on wasting it everyday.

So if you're telling everyone that it is your time then prove it, own your time, make it yours, don't give it to anyone.


Being fearless doesn't exist, everyone gets scared once in a while. Even the president got scared, even a champion fighter gets scared. Fear will always strike you, there is no such thing as a man without fear, if there is... that man is not normal, that man has some serious mental problems.

Don't wish to become fearless, wish to become a fear challenger. You will challenge fear every time you feel it, you will let in run into your system, you will feel every detail of it, you will face it and never run away from it. It's like being scared but taking actions anyway, it's being scared but willing to become scared even more.

Every time you stop yourself from taking actions... that is where fear grows even more, it will freeze you and just make you stay in one place without moving, it will manipulate your mind, you will entertain a lot of thoughts that will immobilize your body. You will be ok being controlled and dominated, you will never retaliate. It's because you keep on resisting fear, you hate it, and every time you wish for fear to go away... it will scare you even more.

The technique here is to feel it with all your heart, be near of danger, take the risks and accept the outcome.

Face the embarrassment, face the overwhelming feeling, face the laziness, face the critics, rejection and failure. Face these type of emotions and you will begin to learn how to manipulate fear. It's just a state of mind, it's not real. People don't care for you at all, they are not watching you, they may laugh at you at the moment but it will never stay in their minds forever. If you don't think about it then it will never affect you. When you're scared about something, just stay calm and face it. Express yourself and be ready to face the consequences. Good or bad outcome... suck it up.


Sometimes you don't know that you are playing the wrong game, you can't win because it's not your game, it's not yours style, it's not the process that fits you, you are playing it because a lot of people were playing it, you play it even if you're not enjoying it... it's not your game, you will never win in it, ever.

Find the right game for you, experience a lot of things until you find the right game that you will love and enjoy. If you honestly love it and you feel that you're growing then it's the right game for you but if you feel that you're just doing it because you don't want to look bad then you're only fooling yourself, you will leave it one day because you will become sick and tired of it.

If you want to become a winner then you need to find the place that will accept you, you need to play the game that you can play and will dominate. It's about being in the right place and in the right time.

Look for it, play a lot of game, experience a lot of things, find a game where you are winning and you're loving the process.


Believe it in your heart, believe it in your soul, you should know that it's going to happen one day. Create this unshakable belief and indomitable spirit that you will succeed no matter what. If you're really dying for your dreams and doing things that not all people can do then one day it's going to happen, never get tired of waiting, never stop trying. The more you try, you are becoming one step closer for your dreams.

Never doubt the process again, stick with your journey and do whatever it takes to win in life. It is hard but it is worth it, if you're not going to work hard then you're just wasting your life, your life is your biggest chance to succeed and taste everything that you want in life, never waste your time, never waste your life.

It's hard to believe especially if you're not making any progress that will somehow make you happy but believing is the first thing that you should do, if you can't believe anymore then it's all over.

It's going to happen one day no matter what, you should pay the price first, you should show the universe that you really deserve it and you work hard for it. You don't know the exact time when it's going to happen but for sure it will happen, you have to prove yourself first, show them what you've got and never stop until you win.


Love your work and grow from there, the reason why you're mad and can't become successful is because you don't love your work, you're just doing it because you need to, you can't appreciate it.

Even if you have the most bad smelling work in the world... you still need to love your work, it's giving you money, why you should be ashamed of it? even if it's the lowest work, still appreciate it because not all people can work like you do.

Find the growth in your work, grow form there, if you can't see it in your work, if you're really hopeless about it then find some things where you can make the growth.

Appreciate your work and find some ways how to evolve, you can evolve from it or you can evolve on some other things while doing your work. Your work is your support, it is your backbone, never curse it because it is keeping you alive, it's all up to you how are you going to use your work to do some other things that will satisfy your definition of success.

If you love your work and you're happy about it then you're successful, as simple as that.


The game plan stills remain the same... it's to keep moving forward, squeeze the ideas in your mind, work hard and never stop. It will never change... ever, the game plan should be protected, it should be executed.

Never change the game plan, let it change you. You grow from it, you become a better person because of it. If the game plan is not working then you should be working. If it is not working the it means you're lazy, you are not changing, the game plan is not making an impact in your life because you're not serious about it, you're not consistent.

Never change the game plan, change yourself, you better change for the better and not for the worse. If the game plan is hard, don't change it, don't feel lazy because you got overwhelmed, change for the better and work harder.

The game plan should make your grow and not make you slow. A lot of people has a perfect game plan but it's all just a plan, there is nothing going on behind it, they never execute it, they just look at it, it made them lazier because they think that it's too hard, it made them a dreamer and not a doer.


Do you really want it? are you willing to face everything just to win? are you willing to become scared and move anyway? are you single minded and will never change your thoughts about success?

Do you have the balls to win? don't pretend to be brave if you're not willing to feel fear and move anyway. Chasing success is really scary and stressful, if there is no pain then it's not real success, it's a  fake success. Are you willing to stick with the process even if it is not working? are you willing to face all the challenges in life and thrive over them?

Chasing success is not a joke, it's for the real men, it's not for boys. If you're not serious about it then just go home and do some other things because it's not for you, it's as a serious business, you must take care of it very well.

If something goes bad and it's threatening your financial or social status are you still going to continue? do you have a thick skin to face all the critics and haters? this is not a dream that you will just use your imagination and feel happy about it, it's real, you will really fail again and again.

Do you have the will to try again one more time even if nobody believes in you? can you still believe in yourself if your life is slowly falling apart? your answer should be bold, "Maybe" answers is not allowed here.


You know in yourself if you still have something to give, you know in yourself if you can still push forward. You're just overwhelmed because you feel that the universe cannot see you nor hear you, you want to be rewarded, you want the prize now but you can't get it, you feel that you're too far and you can't take it anymore.

Don't feel that way, you still have a lot to give, you're still alive, you're still breathing and can think clearly, what is the point of giving up, don't tell me you're just going to waste all of your efforts in the past? don't me you're just going to end your journey just like that.

You are still strong, you have a lot of energy left, all you have to do is forget what is happening and keep pushing, keep working and working until you're finally there.

You know in yourself that you can do more then why are you not doing it? you know in yourself that there is a lot of air left in your tank, just do it now, start again and never stop. It's ok to slow down, it's ok to rest a little bit but go back to the fight again and never let your dreams escape this time.

You're down but not out, you're wounded but not yet dead, all of those pain will heal, ignore all of your emotions, stay neutral and just keep fighting.

Don't stop, don't quit, you're not a loser, you wanted to win right? go and get it, it's just a matter of wanting it so bad.

Get desperate, do whatever it takes to win, have fun during painful times, stay motivated even if you don't know what will happen next.


There's no need to panic even if you're down, even if you're in a pressure situation. All the people who have panic attack always lost. Because you will never be able to make decisions clearly, your mind will not operate the right way.

Why will you panic if you can take actions? you're still in control, there is no need to act like it's the end of the world. Go back to your game plan, make a game plan if you don't have and then execute it... as simple as that.

You need to be mindful and be in the moment, panicking means you want to escape the situation, you don't want to face the pain and feel the pressure. It's all about how you feel, don't get overwhelmed, just live with the moment and breathe.

So what if you suck? so what if you look like an idiot and all of your actions looks awkward and pointless? you are panicking because of the people around you, you think that they are in control, you were so scared about how they think and what they are saying. Go back to your inner strength, feel what is inside of you, embrace the negative emotion and never panic.

If you want to win in life  you must learn how to handle the pressure, you must not rush in making decisions, suck it up and try to make the situation slow. Move slowly, make decisions slowly, make sure you are confident in any actions that you're trying to execute.

What's the worst thing that could happen? nothing right? you're not going to die, have fun with any kind of situation and learn to fight back, never choose the flight option, always choose to fight.

If you can't think then don't think at all, calm your mind, be still, let your mind breathe so it can make the right decisions later. Again, you don't need to rush anything, you have to feel yourself first and be aware of what's going on around.


You still have to believe it even if it's not working, that's how to win in life, remember the core process, tweak it a little bit but you have to really believe it and use it everyday . One day it's going to work, the universe will hear the cry of your heart. All of your works will be rewarded, you will get what you want, put that on your mind and you don't have to worry anymore.

It is not working for now because the number of tries was not met yet, you have to keep trying again and again and will yourself to succeed. If you will not try then you already lost.

Just believe it, it's not hard, don't expect too much so you won't get disappointed if it didn't work. It will work if you will work hard to make it work, no need to doubt the process, no need to change ways.

A lot of people almost made it, they were there, they only need to wait a little bit more and work a little bit more but they were so impatient that't why they didn't succeed.

See the dream happening in your mind, imagine that it's your already. If you can make your belief stronger everyday then eventually you will get there no matter how difficult it is.

If you're already working hard and it's not yet happening then it means the belief is not enough, you have to believe more so you can elevate your hard work, believe so you can triple or quadruple your hard work. Even if it's a crazy belief... take it, do it, entertain it.

What is the point of not believing in yourself? you're just insulting yourself every time you do that, believing is free so why not do it?

Trust your style, trust the process, trust your belief and hard work, it will happen in the right time, it may not happen now but one day... it will all be yours, you will be the king.


In any kind of situation where you wanted to thrive and you don't know where to start... all you need to do is feel, improvise and then rise. Feel what is going on, use your instincts and gut feelings, adapt with the environment and then succeed, as simple as that.

Feel it, if it is hard then feel it, endure it, never quit until your system and emotions begin to adapt with the environment, until you no longer feel the stress and resistance, feel it over and over again and when you already feel comfortable... it is time to rise, it is time to take risks or do some other things that might make you successful.

It doesn't mean you're in trouble if you feel bad about something, you feel bad because you're not familiar with it or you don't want to be there, what if what you are looking for is there? you need to feel that emotion, don't be afraid and adapt with the situation, when you feel that you can take actions that you will never regret then it's time to rise, it's time to fly and dominate.


Even if you're the greatest or the nicest person on earth... you will never please all people. Haters will always hate, even if you show them nice gestures... they will still backstab you and say nasty things against you.

You have no choice but to ignore them, their main agenda is to make you mad, they are so happy if you are acting negatively, they will never stop until you explode and do some stupid things, they were annoying as hell and you will never win if you argue with them.

All you can do is shut up and focus on your work, focus on becoming more successful, show them that you're happy. If they saw you being happy then they will feel bad, especially if you're ignoring them again and again.

You have haters because you're growing and succeeding, have you seen a failure who has a lot of haters, if you're doing something good then there will be different reaction from different people, some will love it and some will raise their eyebrows. That is life, you can never impress all people even if you're succeeding, some will try to pull you down and if you're weak enough then you will let yourself go down.

Go high as you can so haters can't touch your legs and pull you down, become big as you can be and ignore the people who are making you feel bad.

Stop being sensitive and too much emotional, just do what you can do and give your best, focus on your journey, focus on your vision and just do positive things that will further improve your life.

Stop thinking about other people, just do what makes you happy, for as long as you're succeeding and not hurting anyone... there is nothing else to worry about. They can think whatever they want to think, they can say whatever they wanted to say... if you can ignore them completely then they will feel powerless, they will leave you alone.


Any brand can sell, any product can sell, any idea can sell... if it is not selling then sell it. Selling is all about not quitting, it's all about focus and giving your all to make your product sell, just because the product is finished doesn't mean you don't need to work anymore.

If it's not selling it means you need to do something about it, you need to work more, work harder and see what you can do to make it sell. Your effort is not enough that's why it's not selling, never give up on the first day of selling it, sell it forever if you need to, try to make the brand better, make your efforts stronger.

If it's not selling then it means there is something wrong with your marketing strategy, it's either you're doing the wrong move or your effort is too weak.

Grind it, pound it, never stop selling it... some people will buy it, just trust your brand, trust your hard work and everything will work out.


Why will you think about losing and now winning? why will you think about that? don't you believe in yourself? why entertain negative thoughts that will not even help you? why will you think about the problems instead of solutions? you know how to take actions, you can focus on what you can control. Sop thinking about negative things because it is not helping at all, why will you think about it if you can think about something better?

Use your brain the right way, stop entertaining thoughts that are making you weak. Feed your mind what it needs to make you successful, make it a habit to think about positive things and not not negativity.


You can learn from different types of people, you can learn from anyone, you can even learn from someone who is younger than you. Stop feeding your ego, even the young ones have a lot of knowledge, especially if that someone has more experience than you about a specific thing. Don't be shy to ask questions, don't feel ashamed to learn from him. If that person is humble enough and really want to teach you then grab the opportunity... learning is free, once it is there you need to take the opportunity.

For example, if a 25 year old guy has already tons of experience about business and you're a 32 year old guy who is just starting... why not learn from that guy, there is nothing wrong with that, don't ever think that you are more knowledgeable than him because you're old, stop feeding your ego... learn from him because he knows better than you.

Learning has nothing to do with age, it has something to do with experience, if you have more experience than someone and you have proven track records then you can teach him even if you're younger than him.


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...