Oct 7, 2024


There Is no problem if you will just live the right way, be simple, stay humble and never entertain activities that are pulling you down. Of course there will be challenges that will come to your life but you can overcome all of them. The problem is in your head, you want everything to be perfect that's why you can't win or make a small progress, you want to get it now, you want a shortcut, you don't want to struggle, you don't want to face the pain, every time you're looking for comfort... life gets more uncomfortable, you need to make your mindset right and stop looking for perfection all the time, stop feeling so entitled of success and comfort that you didn't work for. Discipline your mind, get it right and never think about something that is out of your control, focus on what you can control and that is your effort and thoughts. Once you were able to control your thought and focus only about the the good things that are about to come... you will feel more powerful than ever. The reason why you feel so problematic is because you're focused on what you can't control. Things like the feelings and thoughts of others, success, opportunities, what people might say, what will happen in the future, etc etc. Life is full of randomness the best thing to do is to train your mind to be ready for anything. be ready for hard work be ready for problems, be ready for struggle and nothing can make you feel so worried anymore. There is no problem if you will learn to be patient, wait and endure. There will be no problems if you will be just humble, simple and not wanting the approval of others. SO what if they didn't like you? so what if they think you're not good? just be yourself and try to get a little bit better each day, that's the real path to happiness. 


Live your life like the most basic that you can, make it simple, make it really direct to the point. You're creating a lot of problems because you're entertaining a lot of activities that are creating friction with your values and personal goals. You rub elbows with toxic people just to look cool or stay relevant, you do something just to feel a little bit better even if it's not healthy at all, you want to please people, you want to have a lot of fun, you are doing something that you don't like because most people are doing it, you are drowning yourself with different pleasures that are making you weak, slow, sick and broke. You are really good in sabotaging yourself, it's time to stop your misery and stick with the basics only. Live a boring life, it is much better because it is healthier, simpler and you will have a lot of fun once you learn how to have fun with the simplest form of life that you can create. All you have to do is stop being stupid, these pleasures and instant gratification is fooling you, it is tempting you, it is making you weak mentally and physically with the little pleasure that is giving you for a very short time. The exchange of it is weakness, lack of discipline, lack of direction, being slow and having no confidence at all. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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Your chances to win are always going up every time you try and made an error, it's ok if you fail, it's ok if you made a mistake... ...