Oct 31, 2024


The real reason for success is failure. Make mistakes and fail so you will make a progress. Make a mistake now, do something now and never care if you succeed or not, what matters is the philosophy and that is taking action and not waiting nor procrastinating. All the waiting does is make you a loser, it's not giving you anything at all so just keep pushing. Never care if you're tired, never care if you keep on failing again and again, what matters is you give your all and you did whatever it takes. Never feel anything after working hard and not getting anything at all, it's ok, so what if you fail. You're already making a progress every time you try because you are trying to change your life. This has nothing to do about winning or losing, this is about the experience. You will feel much better if you're giving your all rather than holding yourself back and acting like a chicken. Fight for what you want, it doesn't matter if you are perfect or not, what matters is you are moving forward and using every ounce of your strength for your purpose. You will only become unstoppable if you keep on trying so never give up and just push yourself to the limits no matter what. It is what it is, if you fail you fail, so be it, stop making drams about it, stop playing like a victim and just keep on going. Something will click in just a matter of time, you have to put in the work if you really wanted to win but for the mean time... focus on grinding, focus on the steps that you can take and never stop moving forward, that's it. Never care about the future, stop worrying and forget what may happen next, start taking actions now and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Chase the work not the success and your result will be different. You're chasing success too much to the point where you're not giving your best anymore. You're so hooked with the outcome that's why you can't think right can couldn't even give your very best. 


You care about your image too much that's why you're not free, that's why you're not loose and you keep on holding yourself back. You're so afraid to lose and make a mistake that's why you can't make a breakthrough. Remember that you have nothing to lose here, a person who is trying is already 100x greater than a person who is not. Make up your mind, become a doer not a thinker, the only thing that is stopping you is fear of failure, what if you are not afraid anymore? what do you think will you become? you will become bigger, stronger, happier and more successful. Success is the product of multiple failures and mistakes so if you are not losing now... you will never win, as simple as that. Success is the product of pain, disappointments, heartaches, rejections and fear. You have to endure these emotions and keep moving forward all the time. If you have the ability to move forward no matter what then you will become unstoppable.

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 30, 2024


Always looking for the destination will make you stuck, it will stop you from doing the process, it will strop you from growing because you will get depressed every time you see zero results. The idea is to just keep moving forward and never give up, you will save a lot of time by doing this, you will save a lot of energy and become really productive. The progress will become very fast and lesser stress will be felt. Because a man is happier when he is moving not when he is thinking or wishing. Most people wish for luck fast results or change because they don't want their current situation not knowing that something will only change if they keep moving forward and change their thoughts. No need to worry about the things that you can't control because it will only stop you from taking actions and progressing. Make it basic and simple, just work hard and never stop, don't worry if you fail or succeed because by doing so will only make you unproductive, slow and unmotivated. You have to get addicted to the process even if you are failing. Just start and keep following through, you will be alright, you will feel much better and confident if you did your best, you will have more energy if you're moving rather than worrying about what's going on. What will happen will happen, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is moving forward and giving everything you've got. You can only place yourself on a best position to succeed if you will stop wasting time worrying and focus on taking actions instead. Stop checking for results because it also means worrying, if you really believe in what you do then you don't need to check for results anymore, you will just keep moving forward no matter what and ignore all of your mistakes and struggles, you will power through like a raging bull. You will feel unstoppable and relentless, you will force yourself to move forward even if you're tired and feeling lazy. Because it's too obvious that taking actions is the only key yet people doesn't believe it because they want shortcuts, they want an easy way out, they don't want to struggle and suffer. They don't want to undergo a long process and by having that kind of mentality puts them into a stuck position forever. You have to love the process, you have to get addicted to taking actions if you want to improve your life. Nothing will change if you keep on being the same lazy guy everyday, you need to trust hard work and avoid being afraid of failure, don't be afraid to try again and again because you are still winning even if you are failing because you are learning something, it's a win win situation for you if you are moving. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Just be yourself and the universe will adjust. Believe in yourself, use your philosophy and beliefs to everyday of life. At the end of the day you don't need to fit in, you don't need to do what other people are doing. You can speak chinese in america and still find a way how to communicate with other people. You can find a way using willpower alone, just believe in yourself and keep moving forward, you don't need a perfect life here, you don't need a perfect process... just show up and do whatever you can do. If you really believe it then you can make it no matter what, nothing can stop you, nothing can ever hold you back. What matter is your belief, use it and never doubt it for a second. 


It's the process that will change your life not the results. Looking for results will only make you lost and depressed, focusing on the process alone will make you disciplined, committed and powerful. You are in control if you stick with the process, you will be happier, stronger, smarter, faster and more productive. Rather then worrying about the results which is making you feel stuck... why not do something now that will make you better? it's your choice, people were stuck because they're too focused on the results. Try this, work hard for a few months without thinking about success, just focus on getting better and success will be attracted to you. But if you focus on success, if you focus on worrying about how to get there then your energy will be depleted and you will never be able to do more. Success requires real hard work, you will never become successful if you're lazy and looking for shortcuts. Most people win fast because they got lucky but only few people got lucky, what if you're not lucky? you will only attract luck by doing whatever it takes to get to the next level. Inject your philosophy into reality, if your philosophy is hard work alone then that is enough, pair it with a vision and you will become unstoppable, the universe will conspire. So focus on what you're trying to achieve by taking actions not by thinking about it, not by thinkin what is wrong with you. Focus is a very powerful force, if you are really focused on winning then you will do whatever it takes, you will never stop taking actions, that's the real meaning of focusing on winning. But if you're simply thinking about it then you are not focused on winning because you're simple hoping, you are using your mind not your body, if you are using your mind then you will overthink, you will entertain thoughts why you can't make it, you will always focus on what's not happening and that is not creating. Focus on the process and you will go farther than focusing on the outcome. Let the process change your life, start now and never stop. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 29, 2024


Practice delayed gratification and you're already taking care of yourself, stay disciplined and focus and you're already taking care of yourself. Stop consuming, stop drowning yourself with pleasures. All you need to do is focus on getting better, focus on your mentality, focus on having a strong mind that can avoid temptation and you're already taking care of yourself. Most people were too good in sabotaging themselves and in the end they will act like a victim, they will ask what went wrong but the reality is they destroyed their own lives by consuming too much and getting addicted with pleasures. Taking care of yourself simply means not doing anything stupid, not doing anything that will affect your health. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't use cocaine, exercise, get fit, stop being with toxic people and stop scrolling on social media. That's it, its very basic right. You don't need a doctor here, you don't need someone who specialize in something to teach you what you need to do. All you have to do is practice delayed gratification and you will be able to save more money, get stronger, get healthier and get happier, as simple as that. Taking care of yourself means being disciplined and not consuming a lot of unhealthy activities and food. It's hard because every vice on the planet is accessible in our world today, it's hard because you have to stay way from what is delicious and easy but if you can master the art of delayed gratification then you will become unstoppable, you will live a stronger and happier life. That's why you have to watch your toughs and actions, be mindful of what is going on with your life and always pick the harder but better choices. A harder option is something that is more boring and less tasty, it is something that most people won't choose because it's not making them feel better but the rule is this... the road to hell is easy and fun and the road to heaven is hard and boring. So if you're having too much fun now, if you're not making any sacrifices then you better be scared because a miserable life is waiting for you. If you're not exercising, if you are lazy and always choosing unhealthy foods then be scared because you might get sick in the future. But if you are choosing the healthier food, if you are enduring the pain of exercise or fasting then you are in a much better place because your body will get more energy. What is hard will give you more energy and stamina, what is easy will give you pain and weakness. Just like a student who has an exam tomorrow... if he choose the easier path which is playing games and scrolling on facebook then he will experience hell tomorrow because he will fail and won't have any answers on his exam but if he chooses the harder path now and use his time for studying then he will experience heaven tomorrow because he will feel more confident that he can pass the exam. Worries and fears were built through laziness and not preparing for something. Confidence and success were built through preparation and sacrifices. Just be disciplined and you will have lesser problems in the future. Discipline your mind and the body will follow, entertain the right thoughts and you will have a better life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


A change of feeling is a change of direction. Don't focus on the results because it is making you depressed, weak and slow. If you are focused on the process you will feel much better and confident, you will feel alive, you will feel good about yourself because you knew you are giving your all. Giving your all will give you strong confidence, it's the best feeling in the world because you are using all of your strength, you will feel powerful and sure rather than exerting a mediocre and weak effort because you're too worried on winning and all of your energy and time goes on worrying. If you believe, if you really trust yourself then you will never doubt the process, you will go all the way and push as hard as you can no matter what. You get better and better every time you push, you have nothing to lose here you have everything to gain so own the process, do whatever it takes to get to the next level and never stop taking actions every time you fail. This is a lifestyle already, this is a culture, stop comparing yourself to other people who are winning and focus on yourself. Let them win, let them live their stupid lives, they will lose power over you if you're not watching them. Watch yourself, watch your own journey, this is hard to do because you are too distracted but you can still change, you can still discipline yourself. Most people were unhappy because they're watching other people's lives, they can't watch themselves grow because they're too lazy to work, they don't believe in themselves anymore because they're too addicted watching other people's lives. This is stupid, this is the highest form of stupidity because it will never make them grow, it will never teach them anything, it will only make them envy and bitter. If you want to feel happier, stronger, faster and younger... watch yourself, take care of yourself and make yourself better by working hard and learning something. Practice, develop a new skill, never compare yourself to others because by doing so will only make you weak and slow. If you want to progress fast then focus on you, this is not about being a narcissist because narcissist doesn't work hard, they feel like a winner and special but they're too lazy and feeling entitled. You have the right to dream big if you're working really hard and taking the process seriously. So stop checking fore results, stop checking other people's work and focus on your own project. The best project is taking yourself seriously and being the best version of yourself. 


Feel it and take actions anyway, you will only feel good if you are moving because your mind will keep on overthinking if you keep on checking everything, stop trying to control everything and focus on taking actions... that's the best way to immobilize fear in your system. Accept that it is normal, you will get scared every now and then but don't ever let fear stop you. It's all in the mind, stay calm and never think, focus on giving your best and doing whatever it takes to win. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Once you fail... forget it and try again so fast, don't wait, don't stop, don't be a dramatic spoiled diva that is whining every time you fail. Stop being lazy, this is just a matter of being fast and building the right habits to become successful, as simple as that. Once you were able to build the right mental attitude... success will be easy. Be patient with the process, don't be afraid to fail again and again just to become successful, it's just a matter of being persevering and tenacious. 


Look for another opportunity, try again, be fast in taking actions, be fast in trying again and failing again. Take the process seriously, do whatever it takes to win but never feel bad every time you fail. Even if you fail you can still do something else, there are lot of things to do so why worry about failing? you can try again, you can tweak the process, you can try something new, your work will never end. And even if you succeed... it's a short term happiness because another challenge will come so why will you feel the pressure? the work and challenge will never end, just like a basketball team who won the championship, they will celebrate and get recognized for a few days and after that they have to practice again, the world doesn't know them again because a new season will start, their championship was meaningless again because another contender will challenge them. Success is fooling you, it's telling you that there is a finish line but the truth is there is none. Focus on the journey, going up or down doesn't matter what matters is you are showing up every single day and doing what you can do, there is no pressure if you're simply enjoying the process and not expecting anything in return. What's for you will be yours, don't be afraid to get nothing because if you're really working hard and giving your all then you will get something one day, something will click, something will show on your door, a better opportunity will come. If you can't see an opportunity then you better create one, the power is in your hands, you can never lose in this game because you are in control of your life. You are not in jail, you're not hospitalize so don't worry about anything else, don't worry about failing because you are free. You can become unstoppable if you want to, nothing can hold you back, just make sure to give a relentless effort and always push yourself to the limits no matter what. 

Always attack you dreams no matter what, always give your all and never stop even if you failed a million times already, always remember that you're not losing when you're failing, you are getting better, you're already a million steps ahead of people who couldn't even try because of being afraid to fail. Failing is normal, losing is good because it will teach you a lesson, it will show you who you really are. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


You're always looking online and looking for something to buy but you're hesitant because you are worried about your budget. You are thinking if you're buying what you want that is expensive or buying something that you really don't want but is affordable, this is taking a lot of your time and energy, you missing every opportunity to make money because of overthinking, you're focusing on the wrong things that's why you can't win. And in the end you will never buy anything because you can't decide. The real issue here is you're afraid to spend because you don't have an extra money, you're worried about the future. That's why your focus must be on earning money and not on buying what you want. If you have enough money, if you have extra money then you can decide fast, you will be able to save a lot of time and energy. So focus on hustling and side jobs, focus on finding a way how to earn more so that it will never become a problem if you want to buy something. Earning more money will give you a lot of room for flexibility and control. Stop wasting your time thinking if you will buy something or not and focus on earning more money instead so that you will be able to save a lot of energy and time, so that you will never be stressed again. Because the truth is you're spending hours and hours online looking for something to buy and in the end you will never buy anything or maybe you will buy something that you really don't like. You have to be smart here, buying the cheaper product is not being smart because you really don't like it, you want something better but you're so afraid to buy it because you don't have an extra money. Change your mindset, if you are saving time and using it the right way then that is being smart. You have to prioritize time over money, you can earn a lot of money but you can never earn a lot of time. Time is running out everyday, time is the most important thing in your life not money or any stupid product online. If you are using your time the right way then you will lessen the stress in your life. Make sure you have the right habits, build the right mindset, start now, start taking care of your time, start valuing your potential instead of wanting something everyday. You can buy anything you want once you establish the right habits of making money. This is only hard in the beginning but once you get use to it... everything will be easy. Focus on the hustle, focus on being free, focus on working hard and building the right habits to become successful and you will never have problems about buying something again. The real problem is how to get richer not how to get more things. Be smart where your time goes because you are either making yourself richer or poorer. Looking for something to buy online is stupid because you are burning a lot of time that you can't get back anymore. Every click, every scroll, every second of overthinking and not being able to decide is making you stuck, it's making you worse and you're not aware of it. So practice delayed gratification, practice focusing on the better activities and start changing your life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 27, 2024


Stop thinking about losing, stop thinking about not making it, stop worrying about the future because it will destroy the process. Keep cooking, keep moving forward and never let any fear stop you. Think about winning and taking actions, focus on taking it one step at a time and never give up. Never let any problem or challenges stop you, you can become unstoppable if you want to. All it takes is using your willpower, being discipline and doing whatever it takes to get to the next level. You can make it if you really want it, if you are hungry enough then you will be able to create a miracle, you can make a breakthrough and change your life. So stop being lazy, stop being a coward and just face your fears, do something that will give you a better chance of winning. The time for being weak is over, stop being a worrier and start being a doer. Do something now that will make your life improve. If you can be a fast starter then you will become unstoppable, most people don't want to start because they're so afraid of failure, they're so afraid to try. Just become a trier and sky will be the limit for you. Stop following the norms and do it your way. You can become really creative here. You are free todo anything you want, set your own plan and execute it. Follow your heart, believe in your instincts and never be afraid to fail a lot of times. You can make something work if you will never give up. Just do it and never think about the future, all the worrying does is making you feel bad, it is corrupting your mind and destroying your creativity. Feel loose and do what you can with all your heart and strength. Be at the edge of your skill, make sure you stretch yourself and didn't make any reservations. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 26, 2024

you just need to move

Don't look for the results because it's making the resistance stronger, it's making your body heavier and mind slower. You need to focus on taking actions, focus on trying and never be afraid of failure. The faster you move the more confident you become, as simple as that. So take the first step and never stop. Make moving as your lifestyle, make trying as your culture and philosophy. At the end of the day it's not how much success you acquire... it's how many difficult situations you overcome. You will become proud of yourself if you do what is hard and never back down to any challenge. The real challenge is in your head, a situation becomes more difficult if you think that it's difficult, think of it as something easy and it will never become a burden anymore. You can become a master of embracing difficult situations, how good was that? if you can force yourself to take actions, take risk, just try and never be afraid of the outcome or what people say then you will become a very powerful human being. You will become unstoppable, sky is the limit to you. Just keep moving forward no matter what, try this and see if it makes you feel better, I am 100 percent sure it will make you feel better rather than thinking what should be done or what could have done. Stop thinking too much because it will only make you crazy and stuck, you need to keep on trying, that is the only way to live a better life. You will love yourself even more if you will turn yourself from procrastinator to a doer. Move now even if you don't want to, this will make you feel better, it will give you a strong momentum that will lead to productivity, success and creation of good habits. If you will not move now then you will start to become scared, fear will take over, that's what happens when you are overthinking. Stop thinkin too much and start taking actions so that confidence will be felt. You will only feel good whenever you are taking actions and not wasting time. You will feel so bad whenever you are procrastinating, comfort will make you weak and unproductive. You have to start now and do something about your situation, make it better, improve and do whatever it takes to produce something. Be creative, be fast and enjoy the process, that's all you need to do. The time for being weak is over, you've got to change yourself, you have to force yourself to become a doer if you want to attract a new experience. Moving will change how you feel, it will give you a relief, it will make you feel better about yourself and a change of feeling is a change of direction. Your life will change if you just do something. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Don't be surprised if you're making a huge stride already. Don't be surprised if you're making it, you work hard for it. You are making a big progress now because you work like hell and didn't waste any single second. You deserve it so don't feel guilty of it, don't feel like you don't have the right to become big too like others. Making progress is simply about you, if you are getting better and more disciplined then you already made a progress, as simple as that. Don't look at the results because you will only get frustrated every time you don't feel it. You are already making results if you are working hard every single day, it's only just a matter of time before you touch it. Progress means you can move fast, you can move on fast every time you fail, you keep on trying again, you keep working hard every single day and trying to get a little bit better, that's what progress means, you get more and more disciplined than ever and you have no more time for BS that makes you weak. You own your time, you never waste it for stupid activities that makes you slow, you keep getting faster and faster and you have no plan of slowing down. It's so easy to make a progress just don't be lazy and work as hard as you can, that's it. 


Train your mind to unlearn the difference between hard and easy, always think that every step is easy because it's jus a step. Just like for applying for a job, all you need to do is do the resume and then apply, pass it to any company that you can think of. Just take the first step first, create the resume and then follow through. Never think about the second step, never think about the third step, never think about the outcome and just do the first step, that is the best way to beat the resistance and make any challenge or task easier. It's all about the next step and nothing else. After finishing the first step go to the next step right away. It will be easier if you will dissect the steps and forget about the big picture right away. Because you will never go any further if you keep on thinking about the outcome because it will overwhelm you, it will make you stressed. Stop thinking too much and just focus on the next step. Enjoy the steps, enjoy the process, this will make your life and journey easier. Most people are having a hard time making a breakthrough because they always think about the final outcome, they always think about winning that is why they are so afraid of losing, that is why they can't pull the trigger, they put too much pressure on themselves. They thought that it is a race not knowing that it is a journey, it is a battle of who can endure more and stay alive for a very long time, it's a battle of perseverance, victory belongs to the most persevering. So train your mind to become a doer, train your mind to enjoy the process so you will never give up when times are hard. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 25, 2024


Just don't give up and that's it, keep the fight alive, keep moving forward no matter what. You can always make a next move, you can always find something to do and you can do it. When something is not working you have to keep working, if you keep on failing you have to keep fighting. You should never stop because stopping will never help you, act like a brave warrior even if deep inside you're badly beaten and defeated. Nothing can ever beat you if you will just make up your mind to never give up. Just go and never give up, never care about how you feel, you can still take actions even if you're feeling bad and unmotivated, you can force yourself to move forward, once you mastered this technique... you will become unstoppable and invincible, you will get on top, you will be able to overcome any kind of challenge and win in the end. Keep the fight alive, never give up because only losers do that. Take it one step at a time, be patient and never complain about your situation. Stop all the dramas, stop all the nonsense complaints, be strong and never entertain weakness into your life. Believe in yourself, that's the most important thing to do.. believe that you can make it, believe that you can find a way, believe that something will click in just a matter of time. At the end of the dah it is not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up. Train your mind to see things that will help you to have more energy and motivated, think about thoughts that will pump you and and will remove your fears and worries. Keep the fight alive, be like a warrior who never give up. Always remember that you can overcome any difficult situation, it's all in the mind. Sometimes the challenge is not too hard, you're just making it harder because you're complaining too much and doesn't want to embrace the challenge. Stop being a diva, get hard, brace yourself and continue the fight. You have to free yourself, let go of worries and fears because it will never help you at all. Be loose, be creative and playful, have fun with the difficulty so it will get easier. Treat this like a game, enjoy it and have fun as much as you can. You have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain because it is a wonderful experience, life is a great experience. Neve care if you're feeling bad, go against your emotions, never believe your feelings because it will tell you to stop all the time, your mind will always look for comfort but you should never stop especially when you have a small momentum going on, once you're moving.. never stop and keep the fight alive. You got this, believe in yourself, believe that anything is possible with a little courage and strong mind. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


The key to happiness and success is doing what is hard first not doing what is easy and then you will have a miserable life in the end. Doing what you don't like so that you will have a better life. Exercise, studying, learning a new skill, taking care of your health and well being, these things are boring and not fun at all but you need to do it to become happier in the end. Because it is the only way to live a better life. If you will not work hard then you will become broke in the end. If you will not take care of yourself then you will suffer in the end. Procrastinating is easy, getting addicted to pleasures is easy but it will only make you suffer and struggle in the end. You have to enjoy living a hard life so that you will never be in a position that you don't like. Practice delayed gratification, make sacrifices so that you will be able to level up. It's not going to be easy you will not like it but it's the only path to greatness and security. If you are feeling too comfortable now then you will have an uncomfortable life in the end. Force yourself to do what is needed, do what is necessary and never stop. It's ok feeling uncomfortable, you are not suppose to have fun and be happy all the time. If you're a happy go lucky guy then good luck to you because you will suffer in the end, you will struggle like a broke man that is so helpless and powerless. If you want to have power now, if you want to become strong then do what is hard, be responsible, be mature enough to know what is right and wrong. Because most people doesn't know what is good for them that is why they were stuck in a mud forever, that's why most people are broke because they have bad habits that they can't get rid of. Doing what you don't like is the key, if you want to evolve then prepare to make sacrifices, build the right habits. But building the right habits is hard, it is simple and known but hard. That's why you need to be patient, take it slowly but consistently, you don't need to rush here, this is not a race, your time will come, you will get on top in just a matter of time if you exert the right amount of effort. Once you get use to what is hard then everything else will become easier. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time and never stop. Invest in yourself, make yourself better each day, make yourself the best version of yourself. Be fast,  hard working and persevering. Doing what is hard is not fun at all but very beneficial, you are doing it for yourself, you are not doing it for others... you are doing it for yourself because it is the only way to get happier in the end. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Start now, move fast and endure the pain, that's the way to become successful, that's the way to succeed. There is no other way but to push yourself or else your life will never improve. You will become stuck forever if you will not face the pain, you have to keep going once you start, follow through and keep going further as much as you can. 


You're watching television now for 8 straight hours right? good, it is the best time to stop. You're scrolling on social media for 5 hours already right? good, this is the best time to stop. Learn to stop whenever you find yourself wasting time. Stop the procrastination now and start moving. Most people already knew what to do, they have a game plan but they can't stop their vices, they can't stop their bad habits, they're so addicted to their pleasures like a drug addict addicted to cocaine that's they they can't start something, that's why they're stuck in a mud. Learn to stop, study it, master it and let it be your number one skill. If you're not good at anything then just be good in stopping, stop your vices, stop wasting time now and you will automatically do what is better for your life. Even if you're at the heat of the moment, even if you're having so much fun... stop now, learn to stop and control your emotions, learn to practice delayed gratification and you will become unstoppable. That's all you need to do... discipline yourself and you will be attracted to better situations. It's all about focus and determination, are you hungry enough to win, if you are then you don't need a game plan, you don't need to force yourself to work... you will just move, you will face the pain, you will start fast and never stop even if you are so damn tired. If you're a good stopper of yourself from doing your vices then you will become unstoppable, you will become the best version of yourself. So watch yourself all the time and never let any stupid actions pull you down, stop drowning yourself with laziness and pleasures that will make your life miserable in the end. What you're doing now will have an impact in your future so be careful where you're getting addicted at. Endure the pain and never complain, you are acting like a spoiled child that's why you can't win in life, you have to go all the way and allow yourself to become the hardest worker that you can be. Hard work pays off, discipline is the magnet of success, you know if you're wasting time or not so stop pretending that you're doing well if you're wasting a lot of your precious time. You will only become a machine if you will learn how to stop yourself from procrastinating. There is no other way to go up but to get strict with yourself and stop acting like you have an infinite time, be in a sense of urgency, force yourself to do the first step and carry on. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 24, 2024


Forget the past, forget your mistakes and failures, forget everything that is weighing you down. The most important thing is today. You can make this day a better day, you can improve now, you can correct your mistakes, you can live positively, you can work hard and be the most productive as you can be. Nothing can stop you, just be fast and take the first step so your mind won't have any time for overthinking. What will you do next? forget the past, forget your failures because the next step is what matters. 


You can make your muscles big, you can make your dream big, you can make your money big, brain and heart big. It all depends on your hard work and dedication, you can make something great, you can become great if you will just give a lot of time and effort. Perseverance is the key, patience and belief will make you big. You just need to trust the process and stop giving up when tough times are testing you. Yes there will be challenges, there will be adversities, there will be tests that will try to make you give up. Trust hard work and consistency and you will make anything big, it's like laying brick by brick, you need to trust that every action is the right action, you need to believe that one day is going to be your day if you keep on working hard and pushing yourself to the limits. The next step is all that matters, forget the past because it has nothing to do with the present moment, live in the moment and give everything you've got.

Stop thinking about other people, stop thinking about what they do and just focus on what you do, that's all that matters now. You will never be able to make a breakthrough if you're always worrying about what other people are doing or thinking. They don't matter at all, what matters is what you do with your life. Focus on day by day, you don't need to rush here, just be patient and learn to wait while working hard, what is yours will be yours, all you need to do is work hard while waiting for what you want and you will win, as simple as that. The next step is all that matters, the question is what is your next step? is it related to your goal? or is it making you worse? are you procrastinating like others? or are you forcing yourself to move so that you will create a little bit of momentum? the choice is always yours, the decision is yours, nobody can stop you if you will go for it like your life depends on it. Watch yourself, watch yourself, what will you do right now? what is your plan? are you really giving your all? or are you pretending like others? you need to take the first step now and follow through as much as you can, you will only win if you're so hungry to win. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


You can become unstoppable if you want to, all it takes is creating a mindset that will make you relentless. All it takes is using your willpower and tenacity to keep moving forward even if you don't like what is going on anymore. Most people will stop when defeat is evident, they will stop if they can't win anymore, they will stop if they are sick and tired of the process. And that what makes them a loser. That's what make them stuck forever. 


Don't stop, don't slow down, don't sleep like a dog that has a master, nobody will feed you, nobody will change your life, you have to go hard or else your life will get harder. It's a must to keep moving forward no matter what and go all the way, the time is now, you can't be living so comfortable when you have so much to do. The time for being great is now, don't postpone your greatness because the more you delay your actions the more you get lazier and scared of taking actions. You will only become confident if you will push yourself to work even if you don't want to. Moving is a a great skill, you don't need any master or teacher to learn it, you can learn it by yourself, if you're a fast mover or starter then you can become anything you want to, it's just a matter of conditioning your mind and trusting the process. Trust that every action is the right action. This is too simple, once you're awake... go hard and never stop, keep pushing forward and never stop until you're done, until you win. Moving is a great skill, practice moving everyday, force yourself to take actions no matter what. Even if you are tired, even if you feel so lazy and stressed... just do it, your emotions will change once you start moving. The time is now, never let laziness take over and start training yourself to work harder. You've got this, you will only win if you are a fast starter, you will always fail if you keep on procrastinating. 


Change your thought pattern change your reality, study your thoughts... these are the reason why you keep getting the same results over and over again, watch your mouth, watch your habits, your cycle and pattern is what stopping you from making a breakthrough. Study yourself, get rid of your bad habits and you will be able to change your life. You are the one who is creating your own life, you need to stop doing the same thing over and over again if you want a new life. The power is in your hands, you will only improve if you will start feeling uncomfortable, it means you need to move more and start thinking less, overthinking is killing you, it's stopping you from making a progress, start taking actions and now and keep going further no matter what. If you will develop a new skill it has to be moving, start taking actions and do your best to improve. You don't need to see big progress right away, take it one step at a time and enjoy the process, you got this, just trust yourself and go all the way. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 23, 2024


One productivity hack that is surely effective is stop looking at your cellphone for a very long time. Don't scroll, don't check messages, don't look at your favorite channel. If you can stay away from your cellphone for a day then you already made a progress. Because the reality is your time goes to your cellphone all the time, you're like a useless zombie that is very slow and unproductive because your apps and posts from scammer influencers are eating a lot of your time and you are allowing, that's the saddest thing you are giving them time but you are not giving yourself some time to grow and get better. Take your work seriously, start fast and finish strong. Avoid all the distractions and you will become a super human, you will become a machine, you can break quotas, you can break boundaries, you can break any record, your growth will become rapid and inhuman. That's what discipline does, it will turn you into a beast, use your time very well and you're already ahead of the competition. At the end of the day those stupid influencers, vloggers doesn't deserve your time, why will you give your time for free? they are earning and you are getting broke by doing that, the worse this is your mentality is getting messed up, you are developing laziness and weak willpower by supporting them. Support yourself and stop scrolling all the time, the energy you're giving to them must be use by you only because it is yours. 

If you hate living the same life over and over again then be fast, never let your mind think, never look for pleasures because it's only making you weak and slow. Just do it, just start it and forget about the outcome, freedom from outcome will make you creative and fast, it will take you to another level, you will feel powerful, you will feel loose, nothing can stop you. Be in the moment and just give everything you've got, you have what it takes to change and experience something better. It all depends on you, what are you going to do today? what will you do now that will make your situation a little bit better? Force yourself to work harder, grind like hell and never stop. Be all in, take it or leave it, it's now or never. It's ok if you are progressing slow but just don't waste time, just don't take this day for granted because it will make you ten times slower. Whatever you can do... do it now, have no regrets, have no conscience when taking actions, always think that you are doing this for yourself, always think that you are getting better every time you force yourself to take actions. So stop engaging on social media, stop checking notifications, stop stalking somebody if you want to level up. Tremendous discipline sis what you need, it's easy to become great nowadays because most people are soft, most people are not improving because they're just wasting their cellphones the whole day and acting like a useless zombie that couldn't change his life. At the end of the day you only have one life so why use it for nothing? why waste it like most people do? time is fast, you need to do whatever you can do today and force fate. Speed is the name of the game, just be fast and do more and your life will get better. No need to become fancy or flashy here, no need to learn a lot,  just use your willpower and develop and insane discipline and you will be miles ahead of your competition. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

reserve your energy

If you have a goal and it is really really big you need to master conserving your energy because you will need a lot of it. People get tired not because they're doing a lot of things but because they're doing a lot of stupid activities that is making them even more tired but not accomplishing something. If you're doing lazy activities then you will have lesser energy, it's because your body is adapting to a lazy pace, it's not producing a lot of energy because you don't need it and the result is being unproductive, slower, unmotivated and lazier. Your energy matters, look at your habits, it is your motor, is creates momentum, if you have bad habits then you will never be able to do something great, you will never be able to maximize your day. 

how to have more energy

AVOID COFFEE, energy drink, junk food, social media, smoking and any other pleasures because it's draining a lot of your energy. If something is making you comfortable, lazy and giving you instant gratification then it's making you weak. Make sacrifices, stay disciplined, don't waste your energy procrastinating and you will have more energy. Manage your energy and reserve it for meaningful activities that will make you better. The more you stay disciplined the more energy you have, as simple as that. People think that they are blocking stress every time they take energy drink, coffee, smoke or anything that is numbing the stress but the truth is they are only making matters worse. Sugar, pleasures and useless entertainment will drain your energy even more, procrastination and delaying your important work will make you weak. If there is something you need to do... do it and you will have more energy, start it and you will find the energy to finish it. Distracting yourself and falling into temptation will make you weak and unproductive so beware of your choices because it is critical and will make an impact to your productivity. Instant gratification has a negative effect on your journey, it's making you slower and dumber, it's making your willpower weak. 


You can take one small step every now and then, nothing can stop you. You are the one who is stopping yourself because you're acting like a soft diva. Just take one step and follow through, even if you're feeling uncomfortable... just take it and you will feel much better in a while. You can take actions whenever you want to, you are the only one who is stopping yourself, you can move now even if there is an obstacle, nothing can stop you if you will force yourself to move. Your mental strength will get better every time you force yourself to take actions even if part of you is trying to make excuses. Don't believe in your excuses, defeat your laziness by taking it one step at a time, enjoy the process and never complain.

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


The reason why people can't start something or accomplish something is because they want to overthink first before they move, they are thinking and worrying too much that's why they couldn't even get started. They want to be perfect, ready, motivated and equipped with the right knowledge before they start that's why they're so afraid to take the first step. They think they're a genius, they think they are something special that is not allowed to make a single mistake. That's why they are stuck, that's why they feel lazy all the time and always feeling lost and stuck. If you want to become very productive, if you want to become a hard worker then you need to master the art of just starting. Just start it, do it now regardless of what the situation is, face the challenge now, be scared and embrace the negative emotion but do it anyway. Do it no matter what, whatever happens... embrace it but never procrastinate, never delay the process and never play safe. Moving and taking action means you're already on a different level, you just need to iron the clothes even harder, push for more and never care if you fail or make a mistake. It is what it is, the challenges will really try to test you, you will see your imperfections but you need to be very good in ignoring it or else you will never advance. Just do it, it doesn't matter if you are perfect or not, stop looking for perfection, stop trying to look cute and become a doer. You are worrying too much about what people say, you are scared of their perceptions about you, you are so focused on the outcome that's why you can't put yourself on a better position to succeed. 


Remember that the concept is to keep getting better everyday by working hard and pushing yourself to the limits. Never care if you're getting more money, never care if you're making a lot of mistakes, the idea is to create more and be faster. You will get better and better each day if you are consistent and serious so stop acting like a stupid bum and just do the work, execute whatever idea you have in your mind and never stop. Just keep moving forward until you finally made a breakthrough. It's on you if you want to change your life, never care just work because when you are moving you are improving, as simple as that. Just because you can't see any progress now doesn't mean you are not getting better, trust the process and never give up, you're on your way to greatness, all you have to do is embrace the moment and look for something to do that will make you better. At the end of the day you know in yourself if you did everything you can or not, you know if you really gave your all or you just clown around, you can never fool the universe because it's watching you. Never care about anything else and just focus on pushing yourself to work, take the next step and keep following through no matter what, this is the only way to become unstoppable... stop thinking and start doing. You can correct your mistakes later, you can make adjustments later but for now... do the work and never stop. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


If you are so sick and tired of your life, if you are bored, if you feel weak, if you feel so disgusted because you're stuck in a rut, if you want to change a little bit then do something today that will make you proud of yourself. It means you need to take things more seriously. Stop being a bum, stop playing around and wasting your time without conscience because it will backfire at you in the end. Go harder, work more and focus on what you're trying to finish. Lift weights, do 100 repetition. Run for a few minutes, study a little bit, learn a new skill, clean your house, don't eat junk food. These little actions will make you proud of yourself, an activity that is a little bit harder will give you confidence and power. Most people are weak and lack self esteem because they're always comfortable, they're always doing the easiest activities that's why they don't have the willpower and tenacity to do something hard. You need to exercise your willpower, start something and finish it no matter what. Finish it even if you are feeling uncomfortable, never let anything distract you, you have to go harder and work for longer hours if you want a change in your life. Greatness is something that is not hard to achieve, you just need to stay consistent and serious about getting better everyday, build habits that will make you do more, build the habits that will make you stronger and better not the habits that will make you weak and slower. So start something now, pursue something, focus on yourself and never engage in a mindless scrolling on social media, stop itching to open your phone and waste your whole day there. Move faster, work harder and never give up. You are building yourself every now and then, it is either you get better or get worse, there is no in between. Don't give up, don't slow down and keep moving forward. If you want a new life then study yourself, watch yourself all the time and never engage in activities that will make your life harder. If you're doing what is easy then your life will be hard but if you're doing what is hard then your life will get easier in just a matter of time. Just stick with the process and don't look for shortcuts, you need to embrace the difficulty because it is the only path that will make you stronger. Easy times creates weak men and hard times creates warriors, if you want to survive then you need to force yourself to do the right thing every now and then and stop wasting your time for nothing, don't just burn your time on activities that will never give you any leverage, make sure you are doing something that is setting you up for a better life. This is not going to be easy but it's worth trying, you want to change right? then what the hell are you waiting for? do something that will make you proud of yourself, don't be lazy like others, chase something, push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 22, 2024


The more you think the more you become stupid. Stop thinking and start doing, this is the only way to get more ideas. Execution, making a lot of mistakes, not being afraid to fail.. that is the best and fastest way to learn. Most people can't learn because they're so afraid of failing and making a simple mistakes. They thought it's a sin to commit some errors, that's why they can't express themselves, that's why they are so sad and stuck in life. If you want to make a progress then start now, stop thinking and just do what you can, as simple as that. If you will not do it then nobody will do it for you, it will be stuck in your head and you will think about it all day long that will result to more stress and suffering. You have to focus on doing so that your mind will have a breathing room. Because your mind will keep on thinking every time you postpone a work, your mind will feel the pain and the cycle will never end. Start taking actions now, even if you are losing... take actions. Even if you keep on struggling, take actions. Even if nothing is working at all... choose taking actions over procrastination and wasting time. Just do it now and never hold yourself back, it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, what matters is you pull the trigger and you do what you need to do, do what you can do and that is enough, just give your best and never overthink again. You can find a way if you will do it your way. So stop wasting time thinking about what you need to do, just take the first step and more ideas will come, take action and you will become more creative. You have the ability to adjust, you can adapt to any kind of situation or problem so don't worry if things go wrong. 

So just do it and never judge yourself, never judge your actions, it doesn't matter if the outcome is perfect or not, what matters is you follow the philosophy, you follow the concept of just doing it and you keep moving forward, that's all you need to do. If you are afraid to fail then you will never take action, if you don't take action then you're going to fail, it's not about the game plan, it's not about the details.. it's about the execution. You can have the finest details, plan and blueprint but if you're not willing to force yourself to move then you're never going to get anywhere, you will become stuck forever, so start now and just do it, keep moving forward until something shows on you way. Something will click, trust me your willpower can bend your reality, your hard work and vision can create a different type of experience, something that is much better and satisfying. You have to start now and stop wasting time overthinking, thinking is for the losers, you don't have to think if you wanted to win, you just need to take the first step and follow through. Be in the moment, be present and enjoy the ride, all you have to do is embrace any kind of experience no matter how bad or good it is. It's ok to fail, it's ok to feel the pain, it will make you grow, it will make you a better person, you have nothing to lose if you try, you have everything to gai. So stop feeling special, stop protecting yourself from failure and mistakes and just do it, you're just a human being, you ware allowed to make errors, you will never grow and learn if you're always trying to be perfect. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 19, 2024


The reason why you're always stuck and depressed is because you're always trying to know what they think. You care too much, you want to know what they think and feel. You are wasting your energy and time trying to know what they think, they have their own minds, you can never control it, the only thing you can control is your thoughts, think the right way, use your mind the right way to gain some advantage in life. Stay in the present moment, thinking about what they're thinking is only making you weak, it's thinking about the future because you are worrying, you are losing your strength every time you worry, worrying is for losers, why worry if you can be happy. Choose to be happy, choose to be positive, choose to get stronger each day by fortifying your mind and protecting it from harmful thoughts and wrong way of thinking, the best way to think is to think for yourself, think about what you're thinking, is it making you better or worse? Stop trying to know what they think because you can never control them ever, you can never force them to like you, you can never force them to stop thinking wrong about you. Focus on yourself and you will become happier and stronger, you will only get weaker every time you think about other people. What they think of you is none of your business, you can never control nor stop them, all you can do is move forward because that is the best choice, that's the best thing to do. 


The power of small actions is real, if it is towards your goal you will feel much better and stronger. Small progress is still a progress, whenever you are moving you're already making a progress even if you can't see it yet. Just like in lifting a weights, you're already making our muscles bigger even if you can't see it yet, just keep doing it everyday and you will see results in just a matter of time. Be patient and never rush, this is not a race, this is a marathon, stay consistent and you will win, you don't need a special formula here, you just need to force yourself to do it even if you don't like it. 


The biggest lesson after an embarrassment, after failing to please people or after failing in front of other people is not caring about what people say, it's learning to accept yourself despite of what the result maybe, it's becoming true to yourself no matter what and still giving your best, it's trying again and showing up. At the end of the day the most important thing is to become free and feel free, you will never achieve freedom if your actions were always based on what people say.

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 18, 2024


Always think for the long term, this life is simply like investing. Where are you investing your time and energy? what are you doing now? what are you risking now? just because you're losing doesn't mean you're failing. The plan is to move forward, the lifestyle is to keep fighting, as simple as that. The culture is to never quit. Just because you're losing money doesn't mean you're really losing money, if you're using it for investing and for some business then you will get it back later. If you're using it to study something, if you're using to to get better then you're really not losing. Just because you're losing in games doesn't mean you're really losing, you are still winning if you are learning something, you are getting better, your skills are leveling up. You are winning if you're doing the right thing, as simple as that. Believe that you are getting better, believe that everything will be alright in just a matter of time. Failing is just a learning curve, it's just a phase, keep moving forward and never quit, you will make it if you really want it, it doesn't matter what your situation is, the only thing that matters is if you want it bad enough and willing to go the extra mile. So keep trying and never stop, you can win if you will give everything you've got. 

Start again, try again and never be afraid to fail, always believe that every action is the right action, the next try will click, he next move will make a traction. Stop feelin unmotivated and weak, stop feeling like a loser, you're nota  victim at all. You can win if you will take it seriously and put your heart to it. All it takes is focus and determination, just because you're losing now doesn't mean you're failing, you are getting better and smarter, you are getting hungrier and faster, you are getting more dangerous, you can do something special if you will believe in yourself. Your willpower is just being tested, you can make a breakthrough in just a matter of time if you don't give up. So don't be sad, don't feel bad because this is just a phase, it's just another stage that you must conquer. The hardest part is believing, condition your mind to believe in yourself no matter what, always think that the next step will click, always think that you are deserving to succeed because you are working hard and doing whatever it takes to win. Ignore all the doubts in your head and start pushing yourself to the limits no matter what, the time is now, go and get your goal, do everything you can to get on top. 

If you want to make a progress always push yourself to try again after failing, this is simply like punching a wall for a million times and finally breaking it. Nothing can stop you if you will decide to never quit even if the going gets tougher, you can become relentless, this is just a matter of choice. Dedicate your life to greatness and see what happens. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Every small step is helping, that is the truth about growth and improvement. If you really wanted to change then you need to get addicted to small steps and keep repeating them. Just do what you can and never check if you are right or wrong, you will only overthink by doing that, you will know if you're right or wrong along the way. Just take one step now and forget the future, just do it, start now and keep moving forward. 


Your mind is behaving right, it's not wandering anywhere, you feel stronger, you feel more comfortable when you're taking actions. You feel motivated, great and energetic, this is what happens when you're moving but if you're procrastinating... you feel weaker, you're stressed even more, you feel like your mind is going to explode, you feel so weak, you feel like a useless clown. The conclusion is keep moving forward even if the results are not that great, don't stop moving because that is what life is all about... trying and doing what you can do. If you want to feel better do something now even if it is hard, do what you are suppose to do now what you want to do. What you want to do is your bad habits such as watching TV for 2 hours or even 5 hours straight, scrolling on facebook like a maniac, clicking the clickbaits on you tube, gossiping and eating a lot of junk food, these are bad habits that you need to stop, you know they are harmful to your system but you keep on doing them because it is very easy and accessible. You know then offer no rewards in the end but you keep on doing them because they make you fee comfortable, but the truth is these bad habits will make your life miserable and uncomfortable in the end. Consuming too much information, scrolling too much on social media, thinking about everything that you watch... this will make your brain explode, it will make you crazy and depressed, this is weakness that you need to stop. You see it is very easy but it is making you weak, weak habits and bad habits will make you sick and old, it will slow you down, it will never give you energy at all. What you don't want to do is exercising, starting your business, studying something, facing the unknown, doing what is right... these are the activities that will give you peace, yeah they are hard and uncomfortable but the feeling in the end is really good. Practice delayed gratification all the time, stop falling into the trap of gadgets and social media, they are very harmful to your mind and will weaken your immune system, you need to pick the right choice, be the creator not the slave. 


The only thing that makes you unproductive is the temptation and the distraction that is stopping you from taking actions and making you weak. You will have a weak mind if you keep on clicking click baits that are eating your precious time. All you need to do is stop wasting time, stop exchanging your time for short time pleasures that makes you weak and you will feel much better. Smash your cellphone if you need to, throw away the junk food if you need to, use your mind the right way, pick the right choices, never do something that makes you weak and you will get stronger each day. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 17, 2024


Let life punish you, let life hurt you, let it make you cry, don't protect yourself from pain because you attract more of it every time you resist it. Accept pain and learn to manage it. Nothing hurts will stay forever, it will go away anytime soon. Pain will make you stronger, it will teach you something, it will make you a better person. 


If you don't want to feel more pain then create a system, create a counter thought every time something you don't want happened. Create habits and patterns that you will follow everyday that will give you a little bit of success or momentum, live with it, follow it and trust that it will give you a better life. It can be  program, it can be a small habit that will somehow give you something in the future, it's like investing, you are developing a skill, you are cultivating something in your subconscious mind that you can use in the future, that will give you an advantage. Here is one example of a mind program, if something happen that you don't want always think that it is making you stronger mentally. If you are feeling lazy sometimes always think that one small action will kill that laziness. If you miss a shot always think that the next shot will go inside .


try something new, this will change your perspective as being stuck, this will give you more motivation and energy. The reason why you feel stuck and depresses is because you're not trying something new, you have to change the pattern of your life, change the way you feel, change the way you think, try something risk but rewarding, change the process a little bit, develop some new technique, develop a habit, rewire your brain, this will make you feel much better and energetic. The reason why people feel so old is because they're not trying something new. Of course it will be uncomfortable but really rewarding, let life stomp on you, feel the pressure of the critics, feel the embarrassment and failure, don't shy away from any kind of challenge because it will make you better, it will make you grow. 

Be in the present moment, give everything you've got and welcome any kind of experience, you don't need to rush, you don't need to resist, you don't need to react, it's ok to get hurt, it's ok to fail, just try again and keep pushing, enjoy the journey, enjoy everything in your life, you will only be able to do it if you will let lie stomp on you. Start taking actions now, take risks and never give up when something is hard, it's ok to fail, remind yourself that you're just a human and you are suppose to feel something negative, any kind of emotion is helpful if you will embrace it and not whine about it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Because you're working harder than them, you think big, you believe in yourself more and you're making unimaginable sacrifices. Stop thinking that you're a bum, you can become something if you want to. All it takes is hard work and dedication and you will win, as simple as that. You need to start now and keep pushing, keep grinding and find a way to succeed. It is what it is , it's going to be hard, you're not going to make it fast but so what? time is flying anyway, the key is to stop wasting time, stop whining and making excuses and just start. Just do it no matter what, give everything you've got and push yourself to the limits, this is your time now, you can make it if you really want it. If you want to go to the next level then do what most people can't do, don't change the results change yourself and you will attract a different kind of experience. You must think differently and behave differently if you want to live a new life. 


Work as hard as much as you can, create as much as you can, believe as much as you can, be patient as much as you can, be positive as much as you can. Stop creating dramas, stop focusing on something that is making you negative. Try as much as you can, stop looking for results as much as you can, do whatever i takes to get to the next level and never give up. Stop trying to change the outside and try to change the inside and see what happens. If you want to change your life you need to change yourself first. Stop trying to make everything perfect if you're not doing anything to get better. Try to become healthy as much as you can, focus on something that is making you better and stronger not something that is making you depressed and lazy. Look at yourself, you are becoming unproductive and negative because of your thoughts and habit. Weak thoughts creates lazy habits, negative thoughts creates negative feelings. If you really wanted to change then you need to start now, watch yourself 24 hours a day and believe that everything that is happening is contributing to your growth. Any negative, anything that you don't like is only making you stronger and better so you don't have anything to lose here, you are growing every time you endure the pain and face it. Stick to the process, eat healthier and work harder, stop wasting your time and that's it, just do what you can do now and do it again, repeat the process and stick to it no matter what. Define what is stopping you and cross them all out in your life, you are in control here, you are in complete control, start changing now, start being the best version of yourself now and never give up, never try to control everything, focus on what you can control and see what can it do to your life. Start now, if you fail then start again, don't give up on yourself, bet on yourself no matter what. If you want to see greatness then stop wasting time and start doing something now that will give you a better future. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 16, 2024


Your chances to win are always going up every time you try and made an error, it's ok if you fail, it's ok if you made a mistake... that's normal, what's bad is you didn't even try. Don't be afraid to stumble, don't be afraid to repeat again. It's really not that hard if you will never complain and act like a loser, stop acting like the world is unfair, if you can't make it then so be it but never give up, you have to keep moving forward and try again for one more time even if you're so sick and tired of it because that's the only way to grow. You will never improve if you're always stopping and feeling bad every time you fail and made a mistake, you're just a human being, you are allowed to fail, you are allowed to lose. Stop avoiding pain and failure because by doing that you are closing the door for growth and development, you will never make a progress if you're always trying to play safe and feeling comfortable. Discomfort is the only path to change, if you're not willing to feel uncomfortable then you will never advance, you will only evolve if you're leaving your comfort zone. Just make this a game, keep trying and never feel bad every time you fail, it is normal, the reason why you can't succeed is because you're so afraid of failing, if you're afraid to fail then you will never win, as simple as that. 


You will always doubt yourself, you will become scared, you will thin twice, you're jut a human being and it is normal, even the great ones felt it so it doesn't matter. Your feelings is not important, the most important thing is you try again and didn't give up. You will always feel negative every now and then, if you are pursuing something you will always feel that there is something wrong and it is your duty to neutralize those feelings and get better. Emotions are overrated, never follow it, never believe it. 

Without error there is no effort at all, you just accept that it's ok to chill out and accept that life or result that will be given to you by other people. Negative emotions will come and go, you will never be able to stay away from them forever. If you want to become stronger, open yourself up with any kind of experience. 


Love your state, love your emotions, embrace everything about you, fall in love with your internal and you will become a very strong person. Love your negative emotion, stay calm and never resist them. Be like a rock, always be cold and never react, keep creating, keep pushing, life is to be enjoyed not to be cursed. Fall in love with life no matter how hard it is and you will become unstoppable, never let anything outside of you control you, master yourself and you will master your fate, as simple as that.

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 12, 2024


If you are really working hard, if you are taking the process seriously and devoting your life to it... your idols will become ordinary, you will never praise them anymore because you know you can do something great like them too, if you're really busting your ass and sacrificing like nobody then you will feel powerful and confident, you will think that your skills is one of a kind too, you will feel that your idols were so ordinary because you can do what they can do too. You think they are great before because you are not working hard on yourself, you think they are special because you are focused on them not on yourself. But if you will focus on yourself, if you will really use all of your time to get better and better then you will never feel the need to praise them anymore, you will never watch them anymore, you will never waste a lot of time for them, that's what will happen if you are chasing greatness too... your life will change, you will feel so powerful, it's not that you are becoming arrogant, you will just begin to realize that every human being in this world has an opportunity to become great, they're just not doing it because they're too afraid to chase dreams, they are too afraid to work hard and get tired. They simply want it fast, they simply want to become successful that's why they never work hard. That's if you work really hard and focus like a sniper that doesn't sleep until his target was down. It is what it is, if you want to see greatness then you really need to go hard and persevere like a rock that doesn't break down to any kind of challenge or storm. The truth is you can become anything you want to if you will really take the process seriously and be patient no matter what. Life will challenge you, problems will come and go, there will be tests that will try to break you and make you quit and if you're strong enough, if you trained your mind to never quit then you will prevail in the end. So face what is hard now, do what is hard and never give up. Never let anything disturb you or make you feel bad, focus on what you're trying to achieve and be the best that you can be, as simple as that. Life will get easier if you will push yourself to the limits and stay disciplined all the time. Stop making excuses, stop looking for a shortcut and endure the path that you are on. It's really that simple... just do what you can, just take it one step at a time and never give up. Do whatever it takes to succeed and give your all, giver everything you've got even if the whole world is against you. If you want to see the best version of yourself then you need to practice delayed gratification, practice working hard everyday and make it your culture. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


You will never become stuck if you are fast, serious, consistent and working hard... that's it. There's no need or a detail plan here, if you want to get out of the rut you are in all you need to do is push yourself to the limits every single day and never waste any single second... that's it. It's a change of mind, it's a change of lifestyle, you need to get faster and avoid being lazy. This is too simple and easy, you don't need to act like the world is against you that's why you can't make a progress, you feel stuck because you are lazy and not forcing yourself to move every single day, you want fast results but you are moving slow that's why you can't make a breakthrough in life. If you want to get better then stop hiding, stop shying away from pressure... feel the pressure and do what you need to do anyway. Don't be scared if the process is hard, if it is hard then do it hard, as simple as that. You don't need an easy life, you don't need to become dominant, you don't need to look cute all the time, stop trying to look cute and great, you don't need that mindset, what you need to do is work as hard as you can and stop trying to play safe. You need to believe in yourself, believe that every sacrifice and every endurance is taking you to the next level. Believe that every action is the right action, believe that you are getting better every time you move and do what you are suppose to do. Make your life amazing, through hard work and dedication you can make it, you can become anything you want to be if you will just focus and stay locked in even if the process was really hard. Manage your thoughts and emotions, never give any single second for useless things and people that is making your life even more difficult. You are responsible for your emotions, you can become great if you will choose to become unstoppable and relentless. Don't look for an easy life don't look for a shortcut because it will only make you stuck even more, look for a system that will somehow give you a little momentum to get bigger and bigger, look for something that will give you a little bit of energy, look for something to do that will make you grow. Being stuck is just a perspective, you feel stuck because you have no discipline, because you're always sabotaging yourself and wasting your time. Time is limited, it is very precious so why waste it for useless actions that will make you a bum? if you want to grow you will grow, just take the right actions even if it is hard, don't be afraid if you are progressing slow, it's ok to be slow, just don't stop, stay consistent and disciplined forever. Because you know if you are wasting time, you know if you're not doing the right thing, you know if you are being lazy, stop stopping yourself, think only about the things that will make your life better, do only the steps that will take you to the next level. Life will get easier if you are disciplined and trying to grow slowly, you don't need instant results... you just need to create a system that will give you a small progress, focus on it and try to upgrade it as much as you can. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Money should be moving, production should be moving, something should be moving, your numbers should be moving by now. Look at your numbers, it can be any number. Your number of pushup, money you have, the amount of work you can do... something should be moving by now, because if you're still at zero it means you are lazy, it means you are not doing something about it. You can make anything big with effort, discipline and consistency. All you need to do is stick with the process and work as hard as you can. Don't be afraid if you are progressing slow, at least you are still progressing, don't be afraid if it is hard, if it is hard then it is right because you are working and you are doing everything you can to make your life better. Look at yourself what are you doing now to increase your numbers? are you pushing or are you procrastinating? the choice is yours, you will become stuck in a mud forever if you're not doing something to make your situation a little bit better. You have to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. Start doing something now, stop thinking and just force your body to move. Stay busy and keep moving forward, don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to go all the way and still fail, once you fail... try again and give everything you've got. Power through like a desperate maniac and never stop, as simple as that. You've been holding yourself back for so long that's why your numbers are not increasing, you need to be patient and face the pain of exerting a lot of effort. 


What's stopping you from progressing and making your own numbers is your garbage habits, your garbage activities and useless programming is stopping you from growing. You can become unstoppable if you want to, you just need to do what is right and think the right way, you just need to focus on taking actions that are more useful for your future. Never do something that is only pulling you down and making you weak, you need to wake up, you know what is right, you know what is best for you and you have to do it. Stop doing something stupid that is making you poorer and slower. Life is fast, in just a blink of an eye you're already old, stop wasting your precious time, stop being a coward in taking actions, just do it, start now and go all the way. It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed, trust me you will feel much better if you are going hard and enduring the harder path because it will give you more confidence in the end. Being drowned with pleasures and a lazy life will never give you anything, it will only give you misery. So stop wasting your time and just take actions now. Do it even if it is uncomfortable, do it even if you are scared of starting it. There is no harm in trying, treat everything like a game, you are the star of your won life you are also the director. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 11, 2024


You forgot the concept again that is why you feel like a failure and cannot make a small progress. You're always focused on the results not on the concept that is why you are lost and cannot go back to the right path that is laid out for you. Remember the concept again and actualize it. You will become stuck if you're locked in with success, you will feel bad whenever you can't make a progress but if you're locked in with the process then you will make a small progress every single day, hard work will pay off, something will work, something will give you a momentum, all you need to do is be consistent and stay disciplined all the time. The concept is to keep trying again and again, keep working on yourself, enjoy the process because it is the only ticket to success. If you're already working on yourself, then you're already successful. Even if you just started now... you're already successful if you didn't waste time, you're already transformed if you're serious with the process and working hard to make yourself a better version because that is the truest path to success... focusing on trying to improve your work and your attitude. Just do it, start now and never look back, you have the power to change if you will take it one step at a time and never rush anything. Remember the concept again, it's ok if you failed yesterday or earlier, start now even if it's already too late. 


It's fun to watch other people succeed, it's fun to hate the too for no reason, it's fun to watch something that interests you but the question is are you getting something from watching? are you gaining something from it? if you're just a watcher then you're a slave to them, they are controlling you because your happiness was based on the external, without them how can you become happy? the best form of happiness comes from within, it's an internal work, you will become proud of yourself and happy for yourself if you are focus on your own journey. It only means you need to work hard on yourself, prioritize your growth, prioritize the building of your character rather than entertaining yourself with pleasures that makes you weak and slow. If you want to change choose the harder path, choose what is boring, choose what makes you better rather than being interested with fun that is not giving you anything at all. Growth comes from harder situations, it will never come from the place of fun and enjoyment, it is what it is, that is why only people can change because only few are willing to take the harder options because the easier ones are available. Discipline is the best game changer, if you want to level up you need to focus on disciplining yourself rather than focusing on the results. If you are focused on making yourself better, working harder, being productive, being earlier, being more serious then you will be able to  double your income or whatever you wanted to double. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...