Jul 31, 2024

life will change once you value your time

Time means money, improvement, development, progress and chances. If you want to change your life then you need to value your time, force yourself to stop wasting time for nonsense things that doesn't even matter. It's ok if you support something or get entertained by something but you should know when to stop. Know your situation, where are you now? what are you getting? how are you progressing? if you don't like the results of your life then you better make an inventory of your time, where does your time go? where are you wasting it? how much of your time are being wasted everyday? be honest with yourself, if you want to get to the next level then you must have a high level discipline. Always think that your time is the most valuable thing in the world. If you disrespect it you will suffer but if you treasure it you will prosper. 


You are not working harder because you don't believe in yourself, you don't trust the process you don't believe that you can make a breakthrough. You're acting like a clown because you don't believe in yourself, that's why you're behaving like that. You're not giving yourself a chance to win, you're not giving your best, you're exerting a very weak effort and you're always get distracted by a lot of stupid things that doesn't matter at all. If it is not making you better then why the hell will you engage with that? Focus is the key here, if you're always doing something that is making you worse then you will go down miserably. You are the only one who is sabotaging yourself, you're making yourself a failure by being lazy and squandering time everyday. Time must be taken care of, never waste it for useless entertainment or pleasures that will give you a hard time in the future. Difficulty happens because of being irresponsible and lazy. That's why broke people cannot make a comeback, it's because they're too lazy and always prioritizing pleasures. If you want to increase your value then learn to value your time, that's it. You are a very low value person because you're not prioritizing things that needs to be prioritized, the result is being weak and having a low level skills. If you are prioritizing success and discipline then your skills will be developed automatically and the result is going to the next level. Focus is the key and starting fast. Start fast and focus on what you do, never do anything else until you're done. Take the first step now and never stop, as simple as that. This is not going to be easy but it is very doable. You will change if you will put discipline first before anything else. With a strong discipline comes a strong a mind and a strong mind will create a very good life. So stop wasting time doing a lot of things that will not even help you to make a progress. You need to be mindful of what you do. Value your time and you will become valuable. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com http://moveigniter.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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