Jan 17, 2023


It doesn't matter if you are inspired or not, it doesn't matter if you are passionate about it or not... just do the work. Start now and stop acting like you're entitled of being lazy. Push yourself to take the first step and then follow through until you're done. Stop being too weak, stop thinking too much. Overthinking will create negative emotions. Just do the work and give everything you've got. There's no need to become scared, there's no need to become a worrier because you can become a doer, over power your fears with actions. Force yourself to move even if you're feeling frozen, stunned or heavy. Because you will feel much better when you're moving, you will become more scared and stressed if you're not taking actions What the hell are you waiting for? just move now and give your 100 percent effort. It's that simple, it's nothing complicated, if you want to do something... just take the first step and follow through until the end. 

Your mind will always look for what shoes to wear, what kind of place to go, what food to eat, what kind of school to go, what kind of coach to listen to, what kind of look you need to have, what kind of skill or knowledge you need to have in order to start. Your mind will always look for excuses why you can't continue. The reality is... if you really want to do it then you will do it no matter where you are or what time it is. You will never look for excuses, you will just go for it no matter what. You will go further, you will try with all your might, you will never look for what is missing in your life, you will just give yourself a chance to win. 

Your mind will always look for imperfections

Your mind will always look for excuses to stop you from taking actions. It will look for a missing shoe, an absent coach, lack of resources, lack of skills, weak teammates, weak body, sick mind, bad weather, traffic, snowy road, already late, bad looks, ugly face, fat tummy, slow body, weak support, bad government, wrong program, not ironed clothes, wrong timing, dark place, slippery floor, small space... your mind will always look for imperfections because it's always seeking for comfort. The truth about life is it will never get easier, life gets harder and harder if you're looking for easy ways. You need to embrace the discomfort so that your life will never feel hard anymore. Accept that life is really imperfect, life is a challenge, it's a puzzle, you need to embrace everything that is about to happen with open arms and try to extract what is good from it. If you want to make a breakthrough then face your fears and feel it, feel it while moving forward, never let it poison your mind, never let the scary thoughts immobilize your whole body, fight it. Even if you are slow, even if you are shaking, even if you feel so weird, even if you feel so heavy... just do it, do it despite of your fears. 


It's easy to scare your mind, you're always scaring yourself by thinking negatively. You're always frightened because you're focused on what you can't control. No matter how scared you are... fear will go away. It's just a matter of conditioning your mind, it's just a matter of feeling it over and over again. Look the fear into its eyes. It's just a feeling, it's not the reality, you're respecting your fears too much that's why it's controlling you. But if you will not respect it, if you will just treat it as a normal emotion then you will never be controlled by it. Whenever you're scared to take actions... do it, whenever you're scared to speak... speak up, whenever you're scared to try... try it. Go towards your fear, fear is the compass, it is the way. Whenever you're uncomfortable doing something... do it and never hesitate, never think twice, never think about the outcome, don't worry about the result... that's how to feel free and fast. Never care about your emotions, never care about imperfections and just move... that's how to make a progress. It doesn't matter if you get tired, it doesn't matter if you fail... embrace your failures and try again. Always remember that it's not over until you succeed. 


Not the social media, not the television, not the sexy girl on Instagram... the real distraction is you, you are distracting yourself by getting too interested with different things that doesn't matter at all. You are distracting yourself all the time, you easily get tempted by things that has no meaning or essence at all. You're focused on things that has no potential, it's better to just grind on something, it's much better to just go for a run outside at least your body is getting better a little bit. You have to make yourself uncomfortable if you want a better life, it is what it is, there is no such thing as something for nothing.  


The real strength is having nothing but still going. You still show up, you adapt to what you have, you survive the day but you never complain nor ask for someone's help. Maybe you will ask some questions but you will never seek for sympathy nor a helping hand. You will do it your way, you will survive the day and continue to move forward. It's not about the nice rubber shoes, it's about the willingness to run and train. It's not about having the money to date a hot chick, it's about showing up and being there for her whenever she needs you. It's not about having the skills to dominate, it's about having the willpower to fight for what you want. The real strength is having nothing but you keep on fighting, you never give up... you just do what you think is right. You just do what will put you on a better position to succeed. 

Just push forward and forget what will happen next. Be in the moment and never feel inferior even if you don't have anything. Don't compare yourself, don't get jealous with anybody and just live your life, it is too simple... don't look for what is missing in your life, don't be afraid of what people say and just survive the moment with whatever you have. Stop being needy because you don't need anything to live, you just need to breathe and do what you can. What you want to get will be yours if you really work hard for it. Hard work is the key, just exert an effort and never let what is lacking make you feel weak. 


Just do it, that's how you set yourself free. Because most of the time you feel jailed because you need to do something but you're not doing it. Start it now even if you feel so bad, you will feel good in just a matter of time especially when you already made a momentum. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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