Nov 13, 2022


What's making you scared, go and do it, go out and face it. Stop hiding, stop being defensive, stop doubting yourself. You need to face it because if not then you will have regrets in the end. Life is simply about facing your insecurity and fears, it's simply about going further and pushing yourself to the limits. Ignore what troubles you, look at your mind and study what it is thinking, do you really need to think that way? do you really need to give attention to your fears? problems gets worse the moment you focus on it. 


Why will you panic? is your life in danger? is it the end of the world? there's no need to panic if you know you can persevere and stick to it until the end. Relax, stay cool because everything will be alright. Life is simply breathing, if you want to give your best then do it but if you're cool with being lazy then there's nothing wrong with it. What's wrong is you want to achieve something but you're not doing whatever it takes to get it. There's no need to panic, just stay relaxed and collected. What will happen will happen, you don't need to live in fear or worries, just be yourself, feel yourself and let what scares you go. Let it go, if it doesn't want to go then just feel it but don't ever panic and crumble like an out of control freak. 


Detach from the results, detach from what people say, detach from the past, detach from what is going to happen. If you are free, if you don't care about what they are thinking then you will become more confident. Detach form your fears, detach from your expectations and simply use your skills and knowledge, if you prepare enough then what the hell are being scared of? And even if you're not prepared... just show up and handle the situation with calmness, what will happen will happen, you don't need to worry about anything else. 


Nobody cares if you are losing, nobody cares if you are winning, nobody cares if you are hurting. What are you being scared of? you're not scared about the situation, you're scared of people, you don't want them to criticize or mock you, you just want them to be nice to to you all the time and that will never happen. This is life, some people are mean, some people are nice... it's not a big deal. You have to be mentally tough, you have to focus on your own energy and never give it to people. The moment you think about what people say is the moment you stop growing, you are giving away your energy to them, you're not being creative and strong anymore. 


When it feels so uncomfortable then that's the time you're going to attack. When you feel lazy, when you feel tired, when you feel stressed... you push even more because that's where growth is going to take place. Don't look for comfort, don't look for harmony or assurance and you will feel much much better. You don't need peace at all. Peace is overrated, what will happen will happen, stop anticipating the future, stop hoping for the best because it's only destroying the power of now. Be in the moment and you will feel much better. So what if you suck? so what if you fail? it's still part of your life, embrace everything that is about to happen and stop looking for comfort all the time, stop looking for an easier path because only weak people do that. You will never experience greatness if you're always resisting the pain and challenges. 


Train your mind to stop caring about anything and you will become loose and more confident. A mind that doesn't care is a free mind, you will be able to do more and be more if you don't care, you will be able to express yourself honestly and do it your way. 


This is your time, not his time, not their time... take matters into your own hands and make it happen. Stop being a chicken, stop being slow and just do it. Do whatever it takes to take your situation to another level. Get closer and closer from your dream, if you really want it then you will risk everything you have just to give yourself a chance of winning. The time for being slow and scared is over, you're a different animal now, from a gazelle to a lion, from a turtle to a daredevil.. that's who you are right now. The time is now, you know what time it is... it's game time, it's time to win. Stop acting like there is still tomorrow, stop acting like you can take it easy to day and just go hard later. Stop being weak, the time to show your strength is now. 

perfection doesn't have any room in your heart

If you're striving to become perfect all the time then you will never be able to make a progress but if you're striving to take one step at a time then you will be in a better place. You don't need to win right away, you don't need to make a strong come back right away, you don't need to solve the problem right away, life and success is a journey, just keep moving forward and you will be alright. Strive to be a doer not to be a perfectionist. Perfection is not real, execution is the game changer. If you want to have a happier and more meaningful life then get excited with everything, appreciate every second of your life no matter how bad it gets. You will feel alive if you will embrace everything with open heart and without any form of resistance or regret.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...