Nov 26, 2022


What people don't know is that success is simply moving and enduring, you start the work and you endure the pain that you need to feel in order to finish it. It's too simple. Some works are really boring that's why it is more painful but you still need to finish it if you want some money or simply a momentum going on. You need to take actions if you want to put yourself on a better position, if it is hard then do it, if it is easy then do it too. Some people think that an easy task should be done later because it's too easy, and that's why the get lazier and lazier, that is why they can't find their momentum and rhythm. You need to move fast no matter how easy or hard the task is. Attack it like a beast, start it and finish it, don't wait for the right time because it will never come, the right time is now. Don't believe that you can do it tomorrow, don't believe that you can do it later, do it now and keep following through no matter what. Even if it is uncomfortable, even if you're struggling so bad... just keep pushing and you will find a way.   


Just start and stop thinking about anything else before you do it. Just do it, slap your face to wake up, count from 1 to 1 then start. You need to make yourself uncomfortable if you want to make a progress, a simple as that. The uncomfortable it is... the bigger the progress will be. Stop doing a lot of rituals before you move and just move, doing a lot of warm ups or ceremonies before you do something makes you lazier even more, it overwhelms you even more so just do it and shut your mouth, just be quiet and run, just be humble and accept that the task will take a lot of energy from you. It's ok to feel tired, it's much better than not doing something. And the truth is... overthinking and doing nothing will make you tired even more. 

The reason why you can't move is because you're so afraid of the first step. Just take the first step and never stop, that's it, it's too simple yet you can't do it because you're worrying too much about the next sequence, you're worried too much about what's going to happen. Feel the pain of moving and follow through no matter what. Never stop until you're done and you will be able to get things done. Stick with the basics, make the process simple, stop thinking too much and just push forward. You will be surprised with how fast you finish the task because you're not thinking and not worrying. Focus on the speed, forget how you feel and just focus on taking it step by step. It's ok if you're not enjoying it, just don't stop, you will enjoy it later, just make yourself move and never waste any single second. 


Forget if you can do it perfect or not, forget if you will succeed or not and just do it. Never look for a flawless process, never aim for perfection because that will slow you down, it will only make you overthink, just do it step by step and forget the outcome. What will happen will happen, you can never control the outcome but you can control yourself. You can control the way you think and move, focus on what you can control and you will feel the power. You can finish anything, you can do anything, all it takes is time and taking action. The good news is you have a lot of time, you better use it the right way or else you will fail. Focus on the present moment, use your time, trust the process and never give up, no need to worry about the future, life is happening now, enjoy every second, try to be grateful and appreciative, enjoy your life enjoy every step of the way. 


The reward for doing the task is not finishing the task or getting something from it. It's what you become, you are getting better and better every time you push yourself to take actions whenever you feel lazy and unmotivated. Make it a signal to just move whenever you feel scared or heavy. Whenever you feel like losing already... take actions and try something, whenever you feel down... stand up right away and force fate. If you want to become powerful then never wait. Don't wait for anything and just keep taking actions, make yourself busy doing a lot of positive things. Believe that what you're doing is making your life better. If your intention is to become great then you will become great but you need to undergo a lot of process, it's ok, any process will get easier as you keep taking actions. Push yourself to do it now, start now and never wait for anything before you decide to take an action. The power is yours, nothing can stop you. 


There will always be fear but the truth is you can always move your one foot forward and then follow it through with your other foot. You can always move even if you are scared. You will feel lazy, you will feel heavy but you can always drag yourself to take actions. The more you move the more you get confident so stop acting like a bitch and just do what is needed. Forget the effort needed to finish the task, never mind if it is hard... just do it even if it is hard and never stop until you're done. Fear is part of your life, there will always be fear and worries but you need to remind yourself that all you need to do is calm down and everything will be alright. Calm down while moving, stay still while taking it one step at a time, you don't need to panic even if you are scared. Just stay calm, make your pace slower if you need to and never let anything rattle you. 


Willpower is all you need and you will get things done, just a little bit of belief is enough. It's ok if you don't believe in yourself, it's ok if you're struggling so bad, it's ok if you're doubting yourself but never forget to take actions and give your very best. The mind and body can work together even if they don't agree with each other. Your mind can become scared but you can still move your body despite of it. Whenever you are scared... don't believe your thoughts, whenever you feel lazy and heavy... just don't think and just move, your mind will agree with your body later, if the body is taking actions it will control the mind, the mind will start to believe, the mind will start to produce thoughts that will make the body even stronger. Just move and forget how you feel, get out of your mind, you need to prioritize taking actions more than anything else. The power of pushing is real, push yourself to the limits and you will be able to create miracles. 

Just push yourself and see the magic that it will create. Push yourself and never stop, keep going no matter what. Develop the fire inside of you, develop a character that all does is pushing. There are only two person in this world, one who forces his fate and the other one who accepts his fate by being weak and doing nothing, maybe he will exert a little bit of an effort or hope a little bit but sooner or later he will give up. What kind of a person are you? are you taking matters into your own hands? or are you just taking your life for granted by being weak and passive? The choice is yours and will always be yours, you have the power to move or the weakness to give up .

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