Nov 4, 2022


Your bad habits is stopping yourself, you better check yourself all the time because those bad habits are stopping you from progressing. Your thoughts, actions and decisions plays a vital role to your life. Your habit is your life, your habits manifests all the things and situation you have. It's your mentality that will dictate the outcome of your life. What is your mindset? before you start a day do you have a game plan? or do you just go with the flow and let distractions control you? you are in complete charge of your life. If you want to become great then you need to make sacrifices and get strict on what you're doing, you need to check your mind and actions all the time, you must have a built in CCTV in your system and stop yourself every time you're about to do something that is stupid and useless. You are the one who is making yourself a failure, you are the one who is holding yourself back and stopping yourself from succeeding, you're better than that, you need to take control of your life right now and do what is needed in order to level up. 


It can overpower any kind of difficult situation, it can change anything, if you really believe in something then the universe will yield, it will conspire and help you, it will stop blocking your way, you just need to believe and work for it. Don't just believe it... work for it, do whatever it takes to make it happen. Don't look for fast results, look for better work, look for giving your all. No matter how hard the challenge is... you can withstand it, you can weather any kind of storm if you really believe in yourself. The power of belief cannot be measured, it can create miracles, it can open any doors, it can humiliate science it can break the rules. Just believe in yourself no matter what, don't believe in what people say... just believe in yourself because it's the best gift that you can give to yourself... believing, if you will believe in something why not believe in yourself? if you will believe your coach, teacher, critics, fake friends, fake information... why not believe in yourself instead? once you believe in something back it up with relentless effort and you will be able to make it. 


Your instincts is telling you to not try, don't do it, don't take risks and just be safe instead. Your instincts is stopping you from growing, you will only grow and evolve if you will face your fears. You will only become better if you will take risks, as simple as that. Your instincts is always telling you tp play safe and never go hard, it's telling you to stop believing in yourself and just stay in your comfort zone. Instincts is not right all the time, it's not too powerful. Willpower is the real game changer, you force fate, you drag yourself into taking actions and then you grow, you will fail a lot of times but you will get stronger and smarter, in other words.... you're already on a different level. 


To strengthen your willpower you must think about your goals all the time. You must do what what is hard but needed, you must accept the required work and never complain about it. Keep pushing forward and list everything that makes a small impact then repeat it a million times. Consistency is the key, you will never use a lot of willpower anymore if you are doing something every single day. Because using a lot of willpower can be depleting sometimes, if you have the habit of doing something fast, if you can have the right habits to succeed then you don't need to use a lot of willpower anymore. But for now, if you're just starting then you really need to use a lot of willpower, it will be hard in the beginning but will be very easy as the time goes by, it will still be hard but you will never have a hard time starting anymore because you just knew you can do it because the good habits were already ingrained into your system. 


Even if you're not making any results, even if you're getting overlooked, even if you're really frustrated and you can't see any progress... still believe in your work, be proud of yourself because you're taking actions. This is a journey, you will get what you deserve on the right time. You don't need to feel needy about the results, it will come on the right time but you have to keep on going and never stop.


If the improvement is slow, if your pace was too slow... don't worry about it. Just don't waste your time doing nothing, don't spend your time with the dramas of other people. Spend your time only for yourself and the things that you are trying to accomplish. The truth is you have a lot of time, you're just not using it the right way, you're wasting a lot of it but you're making excuses that you don't have much of it. It's a matter of priority, where are you placing your energy on? are you using all of your energy for the right things and activities that are giving you a good life? or are you using most of your time for stupid social media posts that are only poisoning your mind? you better pick the right path because time is fast, time will come and you will become slower and weaker and older, while you still have strength... use all of your time for better things that has a potential to give you a brighter future. Watch yourself, it's hard to stop the stupidity because you've been doing it for a long time but if you can just control yourself and stop these bad habits then you will become something else. That's what greatness is all about... it's simply about making sacrifices and believing that one day all of it will pay off. 

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