Nov 30, 2022


The answer is very simple... DON'T GET ADDICTED TO IT. After reading a small quote or watching a random motivational video... just work right away. You don't need to feel better all the time, you don't need to feel ready. The best time to start is when you feel not read. Just work and work and work, don't look for results, don't look for instant success. Just keep going no matter what and promise to yourself that you will never stop until you win. Yes, it's going to get harder every single day but you have to make your mindset simple... just execute the plan and do as much as you can. Never look for results, never check your status, never compare yourself and work as hard as you can. Believe that a breakthrough is going to happen, the doors will open if you use your willpower to keep going. Never care about how you feel, emotions come and go, you need to focus on the execution no matter what. 


As you move your confidence gets higher, you're feeling better and your trust in your decisions is getting stronger. You don't need to feel good before you move, you just need to move and you will be alright. The harder it gets the more you should have a sense of urgency to move, it's because when things are hard... great things is about to happen. So whenever you feel like a bum... stand up and do something positive, create something that has a potential to improve your situation. Just do something and never waste your energy just lying on your bed the whole day, you need to force yourself to become a doer and not a time waster. Just do it and follow through, enjoy the process and always keep in mind that doing something is 100x better than being lazy and hoping for things to get better. Stop daydreaming, stop the mindless scrolling, stop acting like a clown and dedicate your lift to taking actions the whole day. Your life will change if you will make yourself a mover and not a procrastinator. Decide fast, move fast and never think about what's going to happen next. Be decisive and bold, know what you want and go for it relentlessly. 


If you're really chasing greatness then never give away your time for free, use it for your own journey only, use it to get better. Your time is the most important resources in your life, never let anything or anyone waste your time. Never think about something or someone for so long, never let a hater or a enemy make you mad to the point where you're not taking actions anymore. Your time will never be refunded once you waste it for a useless activity. You better take care of your time very well because it will backfire at you in the end. Success is simply about using your time wisely and investing it on things that will give you something in return. 


Face everything, embrace every moment and you will become very powerful. If you fail you fail, if you got hurt you got hurt, if you got embarrass so be it but never ever fast forward the moment. What will happen will happen, life is living in the moment it's not about worrying about the future. 


If you did everything you can and yet the you can't change anything... just accept it. Accept it but still work on it, still follow your passion, still do what is right and give your very best. Still believe, still work hard but accept that your situation now can be your situation forever, accept that you may not win but still try, never stop trying. It's like letting go, you already accepted that you can never control everything but still believe that good things are about to come. If you can accept that you may fail but still trying then you will become very powerful, you will become faster, you will enjoy the process more, less pressure will be felt, the result is you will have a higher chance or succeeding, you will enjoy the journey more and you will become more creative. 


Moving is painful, forcing yourself to take actions when you feel lazy is painful, the key is to feel it until it's over. Hammer it til it ends. You will never feel the pain forever, you have to feel it now so that it will be easier later, you will feel good in just a matter of time, you just need to keep going. If you don't have the habits of working hard then it is really painful to take actions, if you can't do something for a long time then you will really get bored, if you wanted to change you need to feel the pain, you need to embrace all the emotions. The anxiety, the stress, the anticipation of the future... embrace all of it and keep moving forward. 


The more you forget what you don't want the stronger you become. You're unmotivated because you're thinking about the people you hate, you can't move because you're always remembering your haters, you're feeling heavy because you're always reminding yourself about the unwanted events in the past. You will be able to move swiftly if you will only think about what you want and stop thinking about what's making you feel bad, your body will feel faster without any resistance if you're thinking the right way.  Just keep going and never stop, imagine yourself winning, imagine yourself succeeding and you will feel motivated to take more actions. 

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Nov 28, 2022


If you want a different route, if you're so sick and tired of living the same over and over again then it's time to forget who you are and create a new program in your mind.  It's time to forget the past, forget the pain, forget your mistakes and failure, forget what is lacking in your life and focus on creating something bigger than who you are, be greater than your situation.  Stop repeating the same bad habits that are only wasting your time but not making you better. It's time to become a different animal, someone who is willing to face the pain in order to make a small progress. Be intentional, never do something just because you need to do it, do it with intensity, do it with purpose and passion. Be someone who is willing to do whatever it takes just to make something happen. 


You can change, you can succeed, you can become something better than who you are today. Ingrain this into your mind and you will get better. You can earn more, do more, be more, succeed more, work harder, get faster, get stronger. You can double your performance anytime you want. You just need to use your willpower and discipline yourself. How easy was that? believe in the power of hard work and patience, believe that you can enjoy the process alone and achieve your goals if you focus on it and get serious about it. Most people can't reach their goals because they're not working hard enough, they're clowning around all the time. Just focus and get better everyday and everything will fall on your lap that fast. 


They will call you crazy if your idea about winning is not too common. They will call you freak, out of your mind etc. That's normal, let them be what they wanted to do, just do your work and never give up. You don't need to prove yourself to anybody, if you think you can do it then you already won, as simple as that. That's why you need to double your effort so that you will achieve your dreams, you're not insane, you have the power to dream big and become you wanted to be. The only thing that makes you crazy is if you're dreaming big but not moving at all. So what are you waiting for? do what is needed, do what will get you to another level. Be patient and keep working harder each day. Never look for results or breakthrough, it will come if it is about to come but for a moment just do whatever it takes to make a small progress and trust the process every single day. It's ok if they call you crazy, let them do it, they are entitled to do it. Just focus on what you can do and never give any emotion to critics and haters. 


Anything is possible if you will persevere, just push yourself and never give up and you will become a winner. It's too simple right? you just need to focus and accept that you have a new life now. What is weak before is stronger now, what is lazy before is working hard now, you need to accept that life is harder now but has a purpose. Persevere when there is a challenge, challenge yourself to keep pushing even if things are harder. 


When you're trap in a quicksand all you need to do is persevere and ignore your situation. Ignore that you're struggling, ignore that you're having a hard time. All you have to do is never give up and that's it, hang on there and never look or wish for an easy situation. Keep pushing and pushing until your situation change finally. You still have to go all in and stay positive even if there's no good that is happening in your life. When you're trap in a quicksand all you can do is keep fighting for your life, trust me your situation will change if you persevere enough and give your very best. 


If you want to change your life... you need to use your time efficiently. Never use it for useless ideas or entertainment. You need to stay disciplined and active, you need to become busy evolving and stop being busy degrading Upgrade your mind, upgrade your skills, upgrade everything that you can upgrade. 


At the end of the day something will play in your head, it's your duty to control your thoughts. It's your duty to filter all the negativity and start being a good thinker. Think about success, money, greatness, skills, opportunities, positivity. Never think about bad health, poverty, recession, impossible or defeats. Always think that you can become greater than your situation, all it take is tenacity and commitment to keep moving forward until something good happens. 


What is done is done, you can never change it anymore. All you can do is live in the moment and create a better future. Let the past go, thinking about it is only hurting you and slowing you down. You need to live in the present moment create a new pattern in your life. Create a new habit, create a new strategy, build the right attitude to make your life better than yesterday. Past can never help you, it's just a lesson that you must remember, you have to let go of the pain and unwanted events that happened in the past. The right time is now, the present is what will give you a new experience. Past is dead, it cannot be revive, the future is not real because you can never predict it and it will never happen. There is only now, there is only the present moment, live with it and never ever think about escaping from your life. 


Train yourself to become a beast. Work hard every single day, train your mind, train your soul to become a doer and not a complainant. You're not a victim, you should create everyday and see what is possible for your life. Feel the pain of doing the right thing, feel the pain of choosing the hard but right thoughts and actions. To become a beast you must make sacrifices that not all people can do, you've got to be moving all the time and never rest when not needed. You've got to be fast, you have to develop the power of hunger, be hungry in taking actions, do whatever it takes to get to the next level. 

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Nov 27, 2022


It's very simple, I will never make an intro and stupid flower words.... it's this... DELAYED GREATIFICATION.  That's it, if you can master delaying gratification then your life will become amazing. Delay rest, delay eating, delay celebration, delay spending, delay showing off, delay the laziness, delay the impregnating your girlfriend, delay the anger, delay the shopping, delay everything that pleases you and your life will get better, it's the most effective way to fix your life. Because most of the time you're rewarding yourself with rest that you didn't deserve, how many hours did you work? I mean real work. You're rewarding yourself with food even though you're already fat and that's why you're already obese, stop making excuses that it's in your genes that's why you're fat, you will never get fat if you're not eating. Stop rewarding yourself with new things that you don't even need just to show off, that's why you are broke, that's why your credit card is always on the limits and banks are calling you and threatening you. Stop rewarding yourself and family with a stupid birthday party if you're broke and in huge debt, you're only setting yourself up for a miserable life in the future. Stop rewarding yourself with a new shoes or anything that is expensive if you don't have any extra money in your wallet, this kind of mentality will make you borrow money from other people and you will become their slave. 


Every time you try to impress people you look fake even more, you're not impressing them... you're showing them how fake you are. If a person likes you you don't need to impress here anymore, your energies will co exist and will mix well. If a person hates you he will hate you no matter how rich you look. There's no need to impress people, it can be seen through your actions and how you carry yourself. Most people will try to look rich, speak rich all the time, they don't know that it's not helping them, it's only making them weak because they cannot be themselves, if you cannot be yourself then how can you become strong? your real power is within you. You don't need their opinions of you, you just need to be yourself and give your best every single day, that is enough. The only person you need to please is yourself. You don't need to become popular, you don't people to like you, you just need to accept yourself and be yourself all the time, some people will like you or more people will like you if you are true to yourself and not hiding anything. 


Work hard, do any kind of work that will give you money and save or invest. It's so much better if you have a savings because it will give you a leverage and different options, you will have the power to make bigger decisions and take more risks if you have money, in other words... you are in complete control. Saving money will give you a good direction, at least your life will be much better. Unlike someone who is broke... he is powerless and always worrying about the future, if you have extra money you will become more confident. You can resign in a job that you don't like, you can walk away from a negotiation that doesn't give you more, you can have a lot of options, you can control a higher percentage of your daily life. It's a simple hack to fix your life. Most people who doesn't have a good life were broke and drowning in huge debt so if you can just learn how to invest and save money then you will have a much better life. It's really that simple, if you want to change your life then learn how to take care of your money, it's better to be keeping it rather than spending it. If you really love money then why will you throw it away for nothing? you need to learn how to multiply it. 


The real job is not your job that gives you money, it's yourself. You make yourself better everyday, you need to find a way how to improve a little bit. It's not about getting your job done, it's about you looking for small edges that you can use to put yourself on a better position in the future. It's about you studying yourself, it's about you pushing yourself to the limits and forcing the changes. Trust me, you will never change if you're not  guarding yourself, you need to watch your actions and thoughts all the time and eliminate the bad thought patterns and bad habits that is making you slow and negative. Understand that the journey is about you, it's not about the people around you... it's about being mindful and making the right and best decisions all the time. It's about stopping yourself from being negative, it's about choosing the best thoughts and actions that will make your life a little bit better and happier. If you're not happy then it means you're not taking care of yourself, give yourself more time, watch your thoughts and actions all the time and your life will change fast. You need to stop all the BS, stop all the nonsense, there is no shortcuts to change but you can change faster than expected if you will only practice delaying gratification. Watching yourself is hard, it's a lot of work and discipline but trust me... it's really worth it. 

SO starting today be the change that you want to see from others, start changing yourself. Stop focusing on them and start focusing on your own life, remember that the real job is making yourself better. Change your mind, change your attitude, build a new character that will make you happier and more fulfilled. 

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Nov 26, 2022


What people don't know is that success is simply moving and enduring, you start the work and you endure the pain that you need to feel in order to finish it. It's too simple. Some works are really boring that's why it is more painful but you still need to finish it if you want some money or simply a momentum going on. You need to take actions if you want to put yourself on a better position, if it is hard then do it, if it is easy then do it too. Some people think that an easy task should be done later because it's too easy, and that's why the get lazier and lazier, that is why they can't find their momentum and rhythm. You need to move fast no matter how easy or hard the task is. Attack it like a beast, start it and finish it, don't wait for the right time because it will never come, the right time is now. Don't believe that you can do it tomorrow, don't believe that you can do it later, do it now and keep following through no matter what. Even if it is uncomfortable, even if you're struggling so bad... just keep pushing and you will find a way.   


Just start and stop thinking about anything else before you do it. Just do it, slap your face to wake up, count from 1 to 1 then start. You need to make yourself uncomfortable if you want to make a progress, a simple as that. The uncomfortable it is... the bigger the progress will be. Stop doing a lot of rituals before you move and just move, doing a lot of warm ups or ceremonies before you do something makes you lazier even more, it overwhelms you even more so just do it and shut your mouth, just be quiet and run, just be humble and accept that the task will take a lot of energy from you. It's ok to feel tired, it's much better than not doing something. And the truth is... overthinking and doing nothing will make you tired even more. 

The reason why you can't move is because you're so afraid of the first step. Just take the first step and never stop, that's it, it's too simple yet you can't do it because you're worrying too much about the next sequence, you're worried too much about what's going to happen. Feel the pain of moving and follow through no matter what. Never stop until you're done and you will be able to get things done. Stick with the basics, make the process simple, stop thinking too much and just push forward. You will be surprised with how fast you finish the task because you're not thinking and not worrying. Focus on the speed, forget how you feel and just focus on taking it step by step. It's ok if you're not enjoying it, just don't stop, you will enjoy it later, just make yourself move and never waste any single second. 


Forget if you can do it perfect or not, forget if you will succeed or not and just do it. Never look for a flawless process, never aim for perfection because that will slow you down, it will only make you overthink, just do it step by step and forget the outcome. What will happen will happen, you can never control the outcome but you can control yourself. You can control the way you think and move, focus on what you can control and you will feel the power. You can finish anything, you can do anything, all it takes is time and taking action. The good news is you have a lot of time, you better use it the right way or else you will fail. Focus on the present moment, use your time, trust the process and never give up, no need to worry about the future, life is happening now, enjoy every second, try to be grateful and appreciative, enjoy your life enjoy every step of the way. 


The reward for doing the task is not finishing the task or getting something from it. It's what you become, you are getting better and better every time you push yourself to take actions whenever you feel lazy and unmotivated. Make it a signal to just move whenever you feel scared or heavy. Whenever you feel like losing already... take actions and try something, whenever you feel down... stand up right away and force fate. If you want to become powerful then never wait. Don't wait for anything and just keep taking actions, make yourself busy doing a lot of positive things. Believe that what you're doing is making your life better. If your intention is to become great then you will become great but you need to undergo a lot of process, it's ok, any process will get easier as you keep taking actions. Push yourself to do it now, start now and never wait for anything before you decide to take an action. The power is yours, nothing can stop you. 


There will always be fear but the truth is you can always move your one foot forward and then follow it through with your other foot. You can always move even if you are scared. You will feel lazy, you will feel heavy but you can always drag yourself to take actions. The more you move the more you get confident so stop acting like a bitch and just do what is needed. Forget the effort needed to finish the task, never mind if it is hard... just do it even if it is hard and never stop until you're done. Fear is part of your life, there will always be fear and worries but you need to remind yourself that all you need to do is calm down and everything will be alright. Calm down while moving, stay still while taking it one step at a time, you don't need to panic even if you are scared. Just stay calm, make your pace slower if you need to and never let anything rattle you. 


Willpower is all you need and you will get things done, just a little bit of belief is enough. It's ok if you don't believe in yourself, it's ok if you're struggling so bad, it's ok if you're doubting yourself but never forget to take actions and give your very best. The mind and body can work together even if they don't agree with each other. Your mind can become scared but you can still move your body despite of it. Whenever you are scared... don't believe your thoughts, whenever you feel lazy and heavy... just don't think and just move, your mind will agree with your body later, if the body is taking actions it will control the mind, the mind will start to believe, the mind will start to produce thoughts that will make the body even stronger. Just move and forget how you feel, get out of your mind, you need to prioritize taking actions more than anything else. The power of pushing is real, push yourself to the limits and you will be able to create miracles. 

Just push yourself and see the magic that it will create. Push yourself and never stop, keep going no matter what. Develop the fire inside of you, develop a character that all does is pushing. There are only two person in this world, one who forces his fate and the other one who accepts his fate by being weak and doing nothing, maybe he will exert a little bit of an effort or hope a little bit but sooner or later he will give up. What kind of a person are you? are you taking matters into your own hands? or are you just taking your life for granted by being weak and passive? The choice is yours and will always be yours, you have the power to move or the weakness to give up .

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Nov 25, 2022


It's because you're all about BS, you're full of BS and that's the main reason why you're not winning, you said you're going to do this but you're doing the opposite thing. You're addicted to instant gratification, you're feeling entitled of something you haven't work for. You're not focused on you, you're too focused on what people say, what other people are doing, what other people are up to. You're so full of crappy behaviors that are making you sick, weak and slow. It's time to level up your game, it's time to change your life and you can only do that by focusing on your life and doing what is best for you  mentally, physically and financially. It all starts with your mindset, it all starts with the quality of your thoughts, guard your thoughts all the time and focus on what really matters. 


Most people were making a lot of excuses why they can't start or won't start, they're always looking for what is missing in their lives. They're looking for a coach to train them, a rubber shoes for running, an education to start a business, a partner to get inspired, a motivation to pump them up, a nice environment to stay focus, a strong teammate to get stronger. They're always looking for something that they don't have instead of using the cheapest thing that they have. You can run with an old rubber shoes, you can even run with bare foot, you can start a business by selling used clothes, you can improvise and use anything you have, you can even start with nothing. It's just a matter of mindset, it's just a matter of wanting it bad. Stop acting like a weak baby that doesn't know where to start or how to start, you're a grown man now, you need to think differently, think that anything is possible if you will persevere and just do it your way. 


You're the one who is making your life harder, you're the one who is not working harder, stop looking for a reason why you're not winning... the issue is yourself. You're the one who is destroying your own life. Stop acting like a punk and start to create a better version of yourself. You need to accept that it's your habits and attitude that makes you broke and weak. You have to accept that you create your own problem by thinking and doing the wrong way. 


The most basic, positive and useful move you can execute... do it. It doesn't need to move the needle right away, just to give you a momentum is enough. Just be fast in starting, be fast in following through and never slow down for a second, it doesn't matter if your move is perfect or now, what matters is you are fast and you have no plan of stopping. 


Program your mind to feel good every time you take an action, you should feel motivated every time you try, you should feel confident every time you make sacrifices. Some people feel so low every time they work, I don't know what's wrong with them, stop feeling like them, you should feel so accomplish every time you finish a task, you should feel rewarded every time you go to your job. Feel blessed if you have a job, even if it's just a small time job. Stop getting poisoned with social media that you should only do the work that you want, what if you can't thrive on that kind of style? sometimes you just need to appreciate where you are and slowly build on that place and try to grow as much as you can. Stop being fooled by social media that you can become a millionaire in just a few weeks, that's a lie. There are no shortcuts to success, you need to really grind like hell and enjoy every step even if it's hard, the slow process is the fastest way to success. 


Think that you are winning, think that what you are doing is working, imagine yourself winning everyday, you have to be a little bit of delusional if you wanted to change your life. Train like an MVP, speak like a successful businessman, work like a millionaire, think like a genius, always think that all of your work is working. Fool yourself, you may not see the results for now but eventually you will in the future, just trust the process, there is nothing wrong in believing in yourself. Believe in your grind, believe in the power of hard work and consistency. Consistently visualize that you are winning, work hard every day and trust that the results will come on the right time. 


just try this for one month, go hard and never look for results, do the work and never expect that you're going to get on top so fast. Be patient and commit to working. Stop being lazy, stop making excuses, stop looking for an easy way out, stop hating, stop getting jealous with other people's success, stop focusing on nonsense problems and just focus on trying to reach your goal. May it be a big or small goal... chase it with all your power. Never care if you will get it or not, just chase it and never stop. Try this for a month and see what will happen. 


This is what your mindset should be, you should feel like dying whenever you're stopping or procrastinating, you should be always on the move, be like a machine that never stops, be like a beast that only rest when needed. Move or die, it's now or never, stop acting like there's always tomorrow. You have to pull the trigger now and do what is best for your life, look for that tiniest progress that you can manufacture, build that momentum and keep the ball rolling. Anything that you need to do... do it now and never stop, as simple as that.  


The unbeatable mindset is the mindset that never quits, you don't stop, you just hustle and hustle until you finally make something work. You don't care about defeats, you don't care about what people say... you just move forward and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Keep in mind that all you need to do is never quit and you will win. There will be times when you would love to give up but never let that weak thought control you, never look for comfort and always look for what is hard. Be happy that you are persevering, be happy that you are moving forward a little bit. 

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Never let your ability be judge by other people. Never believe them if they say that you're no good, never listen to critics, never allow them to define your level. You are the one who will tell yourself if you're good or not. You are the one who's going to judge yourself based on your effort and hard work. Never let anybody tell you who you are, you know who you are and you're going to live that way. Just be yourself every single day and give everything you've got, use all of your energy, make sure you are giving the full maximum effort and never rest if you're not tired, never quit, never think about going back. 


Just believe in yourself. Believe that you're going to win no matter what. You have the right to believe in yourself if you're really putting in the work, just work hard so that your belief will get stronger and stronger, make unbelievable sacrifices, do everything you can to get better and stronger. Believe in your effort, believe in all of the work that you put in... one day is going to be your day, you have to be prepare when that time come. Just believe that every action you take will have a reward one day, just believe that hard work will make you thrive, keep living like this everyday and you will get on top. You can believe as much as you can, nothing can stop you from believing, nothing can stop you from trying to get what you want.  


Build that mentality to hustle, that mentality to grind even if you're an underdog, build it up, make yourself stronger, give everything you've got and never give up. Again, your effort is the judge here and not the results, not the stupid critics, not the nonsense wannabes... it's you, it's how you fight, it's how you play the game. Effort is the only thing you can control, you can never control everything, your effort and attitude is where you have power the most. Create your brand, create your style, create your own energy. Keep making it grow, make it bigger, believe in it, trust the process and force the growth. It's on you if you want to build something, it's on you if you really want to become successful, nothing can stop you, your effort will be the barometer of your success. 


You're always looking for someone to copy or someone to serve as your inspiration, don't you know that it won't work because you're so amazed with that person that you already lost a lot of time for yourself. You're following him, wanting to be like him, all of your energy goes to him. You need to be your own role model, be the best that you can be, create the greatest version of yourself. That's why you need to guard all of your actions. What do you wanted to be? what behaviors? habits? how do you speak and how do you want to conduct yourself? you need to mature now, most people are not maturing that's why they can't make an improvement with their lives. You need to think better, speak better and be more disciplined. 

Stop getting distracted easily with a lot of nonsense in social media, stop getting disturbed by the wrong people, control your thoughts and never let it wander anywhere. Be strong enough to control your mind and make it think the way its suppose to be thinking, control your mind and direct it to the right thoughts, images and information. Don't let your mind get poisoned by a lot of stupidity and nonsense roaming around, you need to make your mind stronger and disciplined. Never let it get distracted easily and get bothered easily by useless subjects. 

At the end of the day, it's your life, your responsibility is to take care of it and make it better. Your responsibility is to at least try with all your might and avoid having a lot of regrets, it will only happen if you will give your very best. So why not give your best effort? why not stop listening to them and start listening to your heart? why not bet on yourself and believe that you deserve something great? it's on you, make your life better, get stronger and faster, be the best that you can produce. 


What they say means nothing, they can call you dumb or stupid or weak but if you know in yourself that you are pushing and doing your best then there is nothing else to worry about. Power through all the time and you will never become scared again, everything is going with you, it's not against you... it's with you if you will just believe that every challenge is making you stronger and better. You are nothing, never care about your identity, never care about who you are, let them judge you, let them criticize you but don't ever stop giving your best. Stop caring about your name, if you can think this way then you will become unstoppable. There is nothing to be scared of because you don't own anything forever, you need to realize that there is nothing to lose, even your identity because none of it really matters. What people say about you doesn't matter, what matters is what you say about yourself and how hard you work every single day. 


If you can just stay disciplined and become the hardest and fastest worker that you can be then there is no reason why you should put yourself at the bottom, start putting yourself on the pedestal and make them feel that you really mean business, you are not here to just play around and become a slave of anyone, you are the boss of your own empire. You can create your own success by pushing yourself to the limits and looking for what is possible in your life. You need to think that you are great too and can compete with anyone, you need to think that you can become a winner too if you will just go outside of yourself and create a new pattern that will bring you closer to victory. You need to think that you can do anything and become anything if you wish to. It all starts now, you need to make yourself better now. 

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Nov 23, 2022


If you did something stupid again... forget it right away and forgive yourself, go back to the habits, the right habits that you are trying to build and focus on it. The key to live an easier life is to forgive yourself every now and then and forget the past, you have to stop getting hard on yourself, love yourself by praising yourself and telling yourself that it is ok and that you need to move on right away. Keep moving with your bad habits, just make sure you are doing something positive, do more positive than negative. You need to tell yourself that it's ok to procrastinate a little bit and once you find yourself doing it again, stop it right away and do the more important activity. You have to be aware that you're already getting lazy too much and stop the laziness right away and go back doing what is best for your life. You need to have control, you need to wake up right away and pick the right choices. Because most of the time you're always sleeping, you know that you're sleeping and super lazy but you're not stopping it. Stop the laziness and procrastination by forgiving yourself and telling yourself that it's alright, you're just a human, move one. 


You're so slow, weak and always thinking because you're allowing people to make you feel something. You're letting them dictate your emotions. Never let them affect your mentality, you need to setup your thoughts, you need to have your own philosophy and use it every time you are confused and distracted. You need to be ruthless and cold, you need to feel nothing about everyone, let them disrespect you, let them do their thing but never let them affect you for a second. Never let them make you behave unnaturally, never let them change yourself. Just be yourself all the time and focus on enjoying your life and own style. You will become unstoppable if you will not allow people's opinions about you affect you. You need to be yourself all the time and just follow your own values, follow your own philosophy and never let them coach you or command you about how to do things. It's your life, the more you follow your heart the stronger you become. All people's opinions doesn't matter at all, remind yourself about this if you want to experience real freedom. 


Opening that facebook account, that's useless. thinking about the person you hate, that's useless. Thinking about what people say, that's useless. Procrastinating and worrying about the future and past, that's useless. If you want a better life then you better stay productive and do something that will make your skills, character or mindset better. Just do something that will give you something a little bit, don't do something that will only make your life worse. If you want to become successful you simply need to cut all the BS in your life, if you can't cut it then just move forward and do what is more important, do what will give you an edge. Keep moving with your bad habits but you need to cut the time you use for those bad habits, you need to drag yourself into something that is more meaningful and useful for your life. Cut all the useless things, cut it all now and endure the pain for doing it. You have a lot of stupid stuffs in your life, it's alright but if you can just control yourself and pick the best thing to do then you will go to a different level within just a short period of time. Detect the useless in your life and throw them away forever, if you can be honest with yourself and get rid of everything that's slowly destroying you then you will become something special. 


You need to check yourself all the time and stop yourself if you're about to do or already doing something that is nonsense and will never make you better. Changing your life is a slow transformation, you need to be ok seeing zero progress everyday but still giving your all. It will never happen overnight, you have to make yourself understand that it's going to be a long journey. It's a step by step process, you can never take shortcuts because it's not real, you have to feel the pain of changing, embrace the stress and stick with it no matter what. It's going to be slow, if you want to make it faster then sharpen your focus, focus on your destination and do whatever it takes to get closer and closer from it. Stay calm while changing yourself, don't rush it, stop being impatient. It's ok if you're slow but stay consistent and dedicated, get serious with the process and believe it with all your heart. The cheat code here is to stop looking for results and fall in love with the process, make yourself believe that the process alone is the reward. 


Move now and stop thinking, don't you know that success is just a matter of takin actions, sometimes you don't even need to think about the next step, all you need to do is allow yourself to move and do something positive. Your willpower will find a way, the universe will make a way for you. Stop thinking too much, stop overthinking, stop over analyzing and just do the work. Life will become so much easier if you will just do it. At the end of the day your knowledge is very useless if you didn't move, all of the information stored in your head is nothing if you will not execute. Just move now, do something and never think about the future, focus on the now, focus on the present moment. Stop acting like a punk, stop acting like a clown and just do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Blank your mind, block the negativity, think about nothing and just do what you need to do. Just breathe and relax because the right step will be unfold if you trust yourself. 


Don't just stay in one place forever, you know you can improve, don't allow yourself to get stuck for a long time. There is something you can do, you just don't want to do it because you're afraid to fail and you're afraid to get tired. You don't want your efforts to get wasted. You have to drag yourself into taking actions and stop acting like there is an unlimited tomorrow, you have to start now, do your best and never hold yourself back. It's hard, it's heavy but it is what it is, you really need to drag yourself into taking actions if you want a different result.  

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Nov 22, 2022


You will know it yourself, you will judge yourself if you have it or not, you will feel it if you can win or not. The answer is very simple.... look at what you're doing, are you still trying or did you already quit a couple of minutes ago. If you're still pushing and giving everything you've got then you have what it takes to succeed. If you will persevere until the end then you have what it takes, but if you will listen to your fears then you will fail for sure. It's simply about moving forward as much as you can until the end, it's simple about deciding that you're not going to quit no matter what. 99 percent of people will quit when it's hard, are you one of them? that's why only few people become successful, it's because only few will give their all even if there's no more reason to do it. It's up to you, it's really up to you, the power is in your hands, do you really believe that you have what it takes? do you want it bad enough? or do you just want it because it feels good dreaming about it? dreaming is for losers, don't hope for it... work hard for it. 


Even if you're bleeding, even if you're making a lot of errors, even if nobody believes in you anymore and even if you're already doubting yourself... keep trying and never stop. That's the only way to succeed, you have what it takes if you have no intention of quitting, if you still believe a little bit that you're going to win then you will win, as simple as that. No excuses, no more dramas, just pure grit and perseverance, you don't need to worry anymore... for as long as you're moving forward then you will be alright. Never care and just move forward, whatever you think will make your situation better... do it without any form of hesitation, do what will give you a chance to win even if the percentage of winning was very low. 

Find a way how to make it happen, your willpower is unlimited, it can move mountains, it can dry an ocean, it can unlock a close door or even create a key to open any door. Use your will power, keep pushing and grinding and never stop. That's the simplest and most effective formula... don't stop until you win, don't stop until you finally believe in yourself that you can do it and take matters into your own hands. 


Stop hoping for others to like you or admire you because it will only make you slow and unproductive, stop hoping to be like because what if they don't like you? it will only destroy your mentality, stop trying to be so nice and just be yourself. Loving yourself means being yourself, loving yourself means using all of your time for yourself only and not caring about what people say, it's simply giving your best because it's for you, it's hard and very exhausting but giving your very best is for you too, it's giving yourself a chance to win and become great. SO if you are doing something hard... you are not suffering, you are growing, you are developing a mentality of a winner. 


It's a war between you and yourself only, you are the who's going to decide if you will win or not. You will decide if you will continue or not, it's hard to move forward when you're struggling and can't see results but it is what it is, just because you can't see results doesn't mean there will be no results, you are just being tested. You have to beat laziness, fear and doubts. You have to conquer your demons and tame your thoughts, always believe that you can do it. Always believe that anything is possible if you will give everything you've got. You will only win the war if you don't give up, still trust yourself no matter what, still move forward and do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. 


Don't do it for other people, don't do it for the results, don't do it for the money, don't do it for fame. DO it for yourself, do it because you need to do it and it's the best thing to do. DO it because it will make you better, do it because it will make you feel happier and more confident. Doing it is 100x better than not doing it. Detach from the external things, detach from the outcome and focus on the process and you will become unstoppable. 


Avoid these statements because these are the statements of the weak, stop dwelling with the past. What is done is done, you can never change it anymore, there is no more going back, you have to go all in with the present and create the future that you like. Stop worrying about what will happen next or what you should have done in the past... life is only happening now, forget the mistakes in the past and devour the present moment. DO everything you can with the time you have, still give your best and create a new life now, create a new story, never let your story end like a shitty story, create a new narrative, do something that will put you on a better position to succeed. 

Stick with the basics and simply don't give up and that's it, as simple as that. Don't ever give up and just keep trying, you never know what will happen next if you give your all despite of the obstacles and the problems you are experiencing. It's now or never, make it happen now and never stop until you win, you have what it takes to win if you will believe in yourself and give your all until the end. It will never be over until you win, just keep pushing and forget everything that is trying to mess up your mind, forget what scares you and do what you need to do. 


If you keep on failing... keep failing more, failure will get sick and tired of you, you will make a breakthrough, you will find a way, it's only just a matter of time before you win. Be patient and try for one more time, failure will leave you because it knows you will never give up. 

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Nov 21, 2022


It's hard because you're not pulling the trigger, it's hard because you're always waiting and hoping, don't you know that everything will become very easy if you will just pull the trigger and do whatever it takes to succeed? just push yourself to the limits and you will make a progress. Taking actions is not that hard, what makes it hard is you're thinking about the results too much, you're thinking about the money, you're thinking about the output. You have to be patient and treat the process itself is the reward. You have to be happy working, you have to be grateful that you were able to do something. Don't ever feel like you're being punished, just keep working and never stop. Everything will become a lot easier if you will pull the trigger and forget about what will happen next. The results will attract naturally, the reward will come on the right time, and even if it didn't come... still do the work and never get discourage at all. 

Be fast in taking actions, stop thinking about the steps, stop thinking about the effort and time you need to give in order to finish it and just do it. Don't think about the future, focus on the now and always give your best, do whatever it takes to succeed, do everything you can to make your life better. Create habits that will give you an edge. Creating a habit is simply stopping all of the nonsense activities that you're been doing in the past so that your time will be free and will be use for useful activities only. It is what it is, you need to stop all the nonsense entertainment and block all the information and thoughts that is only making you weak and lazy. Hard work is the only key to success and nothing else, it's focusing all of your time for small progress everyday, just do the work and forget the results, you will be surprised with the rapid progression that is happening to your life 


There is something you can do, don't ever think that you're hopeless and all you can do is wait. Stop waiting, stop wasting your time, you have to do something positive now and keep following through. take the first step and never mind if you are right or wrong, just take it and follow through, keep pushing forward and always look for the next step even if it looks like repetitive already. The concept is to pull the trigger whenever you can, and the truth is... you can pull the trigger anytime you want. You just don't want to because you're thinking too much, if you will stop worrying about the future and just focus on the now then you will be alright, you will be able to move faster and do more. Stop wasting time, stop overthinking and look for something you can do, don't think for a second and just do something. Stop making excuses and always fight your laziness, you become lazier and lazier every time you think about the future. 


Every time there is an idea that pops out from your brain and you wanted to do it, let's say you're lying on your bed but suddenly you remember your favorite TV program, of course you will stand up and open the TV but don't do it, just stand up and do something else. Do something that is more meaningful and related to your goal, this may be hard in the beginning but once you mastered this technique... you will never waste time anymore. You will feel excited every once in a while, you will remember a hobby entertainment, food, TV program, gossip etc. You will remember something and it will trigger your motivation, don't do it... shift your mind right away to something that is more useful, focus on the better activity that will make you grow. The idea here is you will use your excitement to move, once you feel triggered to watch TV or do your bad habit... do something else, it's a very good technique to make you started, it's hard but if you will give it a try then you will be able to take massive actions. That little excitement that you felt must be use for a better activity that will put you on a better position to grow. 


What are you doing? are you doing something? are you even trying? or are you just taking this day for granted? stop acting like you have all the time to become lazy and not get punish for you. Time will come and your punishment will be served for the laziness that you did for the past few years. You better step up your game now and push yourself to become a hardworker. The most important thing is you cut all the BS habits in your life and start replacing it with better habits like studying, exercising, honing your skills, being mindful, watching your emotions, watching your thoughts. Guard yourself all the time and make sure you are doing what is best for your life. Not all fun is really fun, it is only fun in the beginning but once you're being punished for it... it is no longer fun, it will become a misery. 


Who can stop you? who can hold you down forever? you can move now, you can decide now, you can stop the abuse now, you can change your life now. It's just a matter of being intentional and committed to change, it's just a matter of moving fast and stop dealing with the BS that stops you or makes you slow. Be fast in pulling the trigger, be fast in starting and just go with it, just follow through and never care if you're going to fail or make a mistake. That's the mindset should be... all work and not caring about the consequences of your actions. Because at the end of the day if your intention was to make your life better and you're not hurting anyone.... how can you be wrong? all of your actions were right if your goal is right. 


It is "it doesn't matter". If you can recite this to your head over and over again then you will be able to move faster, you can decide bolder and become braver. Coz it really doesn't matter at all, what matters is you execute and you live your life. What matters is the most important thing. It doesn't matter if it is hard, it doesn't matter if it's already 3 am, it doesn't matter if you're sick, it doesn't matter if there is a lot of obstacles... you just do it, you just start, you just give yourself a chance to win. Nothing else matters other than your moves. 

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Nov 18, 2022

what are you going to believe?

It's the question that you must answer seriously... what are you going to believe? who are you going to believe? is it yourself or what other people are saying? are you going to believe in your own goals or are you going to take commands from other people? People can say whatever they want, even if they don't know everything about you they will still say something, even if they're just clowning around and literally knows nothing at all... they will still punk you and will try to bring you down. 

don't try to look so cute

If you really believe in yourself then you will work hard, you will never waste time and you will give everything you've got every single second. If you really believe then you will push yourself to the limits and do the impossible. Stop trying to look so cute, stop being soft, stop trying to be perfect and most of all.... stop trying to please people. The process is going to get ugly, it is what it is, it's not going to be clean and easy. Throw away the idea of being perfect, stop judging yourself and just give your very best. 


Pushing forward will give you happiness, it's not the result, it's not what you get... it's what you give. Some people already have a BMW or ferrari but still not happy, they're still looking for something. Some people were already billionaires but are still not happy. It only means the process and challenging yourself to get better is the only way to happiness. 


Never let people make you angry or make you happy. Your feelings should be checked all the time, if you need someone to become happy then you will become fragile, you will be easily depressed. You don't need other people's approval, you don't need to impress them nor try to make them feel good, you just need to be yourself. DO what you've got to do and never let anyone affect your decision or mindset. Never let people make you angry, what angers you controls you, it's about how you feel towards them. IT's better to feel nothing about them, even if someone did something bad to you... never feel angry, never give any emotion because it will make you less productive, it will affect your mentality and that will lead to a failing life. 

nothing can stop you

The lack of something, lack of support, lack of skills, critics, haters, lack of knowledge, unfair treatment, bad luck, unexpected problems... these are nothing. Nothing can stop you if you will decide to move forward and do whatever it takes to succeed. If you have the willpower to push forward and just make baby steps then nothing will stop you. You will become unstoppable, you will be able to make it on top, as simple as that. You are the only one who is stopping yourself, your nonsense beliefs, nonsense activities and nonsense excuses are making you weak and immobilized. You are paralyzing yourself with your fears and inactivity. You nee to wake up and remind yourself that nothing can stop you if you will use your willpower and just do the next necessary step to make your life a little bit better.  


There are unlimited chances to become successful, you can try as much as you can, that's the beauty of life. The only problem is your time will run out, you only have limited time so you better believe in yourself now and do what you are suppose to do or want to do. 


Be a doer and not a procrastinator, be the king of do it now, if you need to do something... do it now without any form of hesitation. do it now and you will have more time and options, do it now and you will get more confident. The reason why people are not happy is because they're procrastinating a lot, they're thinking about the future too much and that kind of mentality is making them stuck. They're so afraid of the future so they just overthink and wish that their problems will be solved by itself. 


To believe more in yourself... you need to be consistent. Stop looking for results right away because it will only make you lazy, unmotivated, frustrated and needy. Looking for results will destroy your focus especially if you can't see any progress. Create your own program and do it everyday. Focus on the process, trust your own actions, trust hard work and always remember that all of your sacrifices will be rewarded one day. 


Compound effect is real, if you want to something to grow... you need time. If you want your beliefs to become solid... you need time. You need to repeat something over and over again. You can't train your body to become stronger for just one week, you can't reprogram your mind for just 3 days, you need times so be patient. If you want your confidence to soar high... give time for yourself, train your mind and body to become stronger. That's why you need to start now, you can't be starting tomorrow, you need to start now because an opportunity will be missed if you're not training yourself now to get better. Keep getting better by starting now, start fast and finish stronger. You need to remind yourself that time is your ally but it can be your baddest enemy if you didn't use it properly. Prepare late and you will never gain any confidence at all, you will only become worried. You will worry if you already prepared enough. Waste your time and you will regret it in the end because you will miss a lot of details and opportunities to grow. 

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Nov 17, 2022


Just because you own the store doesn't mean you're going to eat all your products. Just because you're the coach of the team doesn't mean you will give a lot of playing time to your son. Just because you're the head of the family doesn't mean you will no longer do the household chores and pass it to your sons instead. Just because you're the owner of the bar doesn't mean you're going to make love to all of the beautiful waitresses there. Don't abuse your power too much because it will backfire at you in the end, it will bite you in the ass the least you expected it. 

Just because you're young doesn't mean you're going to eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of beers and party all day long. Time will come and your body will deteriorate bit by bit, you need to strengthen your body now so that you will have to power to endure any kind of pain in the future. Don't abuse your power because not all the time you are powerful. You have to stay humble and stop acting like you can control everything, stop thinking that you're invincible because that will be the start of your falter. You have to do the right things, take care of your body, take care of the people that really matters to you, take care of your position and never act like you're entitled of just taking it easy. Work harder every single day and still make sacrifices that will give you prizes in the future. 


The more you abuse your power the weaker you will get. There is a prize you have to pay for abusing your power for too long. Abusing your strong and young body with alcohol and different vices, you will get weak faster, the worse is you might get sick. Stay humble and never let pleasures mislead you. Pleasure is not happiness, eating too much, drinking too much, don't party too much, don't be lazy everyday. Stay grounded and never think that you will forever be strong. Your mind and body will never peak forever, time will come and you will feel some weakness. What you need to do is conserve your power, make it last longer through sacrifices and delaying gratification. Never think that forever you're going to have the strength to make you thrive. Once you reach the peak of your powers the next of it is declining, you have to decline slowly not fast. That's why prioritize longevity, prioritize discipline and making sacrifices to make yourself last longer. 


You think you can get away all the time with your vices, you think you can get lucky everyday. Your luck will run out one day, you have to be careful, you have to accept that what you're doing is stupid. Not all the time you will be able to get away with your stupid and nonsense actions, time will come and your luck will turn from 100 to zero, you will experience some problems and those problems will be based on your arrogant decisions from the past. stop thinking that you're invincible, always be on a sense of urgency, always think that your time and energy is limited, it will run out one day so make sure you are giving your all every second of the day and not taking any second for granted. Every day, every second is an opportunity to evolve and make your life better, don't ever think that you already did your best, there is so much more you can give. 

Never get complacent, never feel so lucky, never feel so sure. Always be on a sense of urgency, be powerful through taking actions not through abusing your position. Time will come and the people that you are abusing or the body you are abusing will never give love to you anymore, time will come and you will get punished if you are not handling your business well. 

So don't ever take any single day for granted, don't be lazy, don't ever feel that nothing will change. Life is changing everyday, you have to be ready, you have to be really tough. 


It's not about you have the power to control your kids and abuse them whenever you want, it's not about abusing the people below you, it's not about being feared by a lot of people, it's not about posting your fake success on social media... real power can be seen through difficulties. A real king is not afraid to take the challenge, he is not afraid to go to war, he is not afraid of pressure, he is ready to go all in any time of the day. He will push himself to the limits no matter what pressure is he feeling. So if you're struggling, losing, weakening or about to quit... don't give up, that is where real power will be seen and felt. Greatness can't be seen through easy times, it can only be seen during times of despair and pain. Your character will be revealed if you feel weak, are you going to push and move forward or quit like everyone else do? 

real power is simply moving forward and doing the right thing, doing whatever it takes to win, doing whatever it takes to put yourself on a better position to succeed. It's simply about not stopping and just grinding for a better life, it's providing for your family and the people that you love. It's not about being ruthless or being feared by a lot of people, it's not about being cool and telling everyone that you're only giving a little effort but making it in life. Real power is handling pressure and challenges with class, it's about not backing down to any problems or pressure, it's about facing the pain and giving your all. 

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Nov 13, 2022


What's making you scared, go and do it, go out and face it. Stop hiding, stop being defensive, stop doubting yourself. You need to face it because if not then you will have regrets in the end. Life is simply about facing your insecurity and fears, it's simply about going further and pushing yourself to the limits. Ignore what troubles you, look at your mind and study what it is thinking, do you really need to think that way? do you really need to give attention to your fears? problems gets worse the moment you focus on it. 


Why will you panic? is your life in danger? is it the end of the world? there's no need to panic if you know you can persevere and stick to it until the end. Relax, stay cool because everything will be alright. Life is simply breathing, if you want to give your best then do it but if you're cool with being lazy then there's nothing wrong with it. What's wrong is you want to achieve something but you're not doing whatever it takes to get it. There's no need to panic, just stay relaxed and collected. What will happen will happen, you don't need to live in fear or worries, just be yourself, feel yourself and let what scares you go. Let it go, if it doesn't want to go then just feel it but don't ever panic and crumble like an out of control freak. 


Detach from the results, detach from what people say, detach from the past, detach from what is going to happen. If you are free, if you don't care about what they are thinking then you will become more confident. Detach form your fears, detach from your expectations and simply use your skills and knowledge, if you prepare enough then what the hell are being scared of? And even if you're not prepared... just show up and handle the situation with calmness, what will happen will happen, you don't need to worry about anything else. 


Nobody cares if you are losing, nobody cares if you are winning, nobody cares if you are hurting. What are you being scared of? you're not scared about the situation, you're scared of people, you don't want them to criticize or mock you, you just want them to be nice to to you all the time and that will never happen. This is life, some people are mean, some people are nice... it's not a big deal. You have to be mentally tough, you have to focus on your own energy and never give it to people. The moment you think about what people say is the moment you stop growing, you are giving away your energy to them, you're not being creative and strong anymore. 


When it feels so uncomfortable then that's the time you're going to attack. When you feel lazy, when you feel tired, when you feel stressed... you push even more because that's where growth is going to take place. Don't look for comfort, don't look for harmony or assurance and you will feel much much better. You don't need peace at all. Peace is overrated, what will happen will happen, stop anticipating the future, stop hoping for the best because it's only destroying the power of now. Be in the moment and you will feel much better. So what if you suck? so what if you fail? it's still part of your life, embrace everything that is about to happen and stop looking for comfort all the time, stop looking for an easier path because only weak people do that. You will never experience greatness if you're always resisting the pain and challenges. 


Train your mind to stop caring about anything and you will become loose and more confident. A mind that doesn't care is a free mind, you will be able to do more and be more if you don't care, you will be able to express yourself honestly and do it your way. 


This is your time, not his time, not their time... take matters into your own hands and make it happen. Stop being a chicken, stop being slow and just do it. Do whatever it takes to take your situation to another level. Get closer and closer from your dream, if you really want it then you will risk everything you have just to give yourself a chance of winning. The time for being slow and scared is over, you're a different animal now, from a gazelle to a lion, from a turtle to a daredevil.. that's who you are right now. The time is now, you know what time it is... it's game time, it's time to win. Stop acting like there is still tomorrow, stop acting like you can take it easy to day and just go hard later. Stop being weak, the time to show your strength is now. 

perfection doesn't have any room in your heart

If you're striving to become perfect all the time then you will never be able to make a progress but if you're striving to take one step at a time then you will be in a better place. You don't need to win right away, you don't need to make a strong come back right away, you don't need to solve the problem right away, life and success is a journey, just keep moving forward and you will be alright. Strive to be a doer not to be a perfectionist. Perfection is not real, execution is the game changer. If you want to have a happier and more meaningful life then get excited with everything, appreciate every second of your life no matter how bad it gets. You will feel alive if you will embrace everything with open heart and without any form of resistance or regret.

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Nov 10, 2022


I will go straight to the point... it's simply not caring about the RESULTS. Don't think about the future, don't worry about what's going to happen next and you will become unstoppable. You will have a very powerful will, your energy will tripled and you will become faster and sharper. You will become very confident, you will just do the process and forget about what worries you. The results is what's stopping you and making you scared, if you're simply in the moment and just enjoying yourself then you will become more creative and loose, nothing will make you stiff, nothing will make you slow and cautious, you will go all in and have fun with what's going on, you will be on the attack mode and not on the defensive mode. 


Thinking about what they're thinking or trying to say is also thinking about the future. It hasn't happen yet, sometimes you're thinking that people were already judging you even if they're not. If you're too worried about other people's opinions of you then you will become weak, as simple as that, you will not be able to express yourself honestly, you will become conservative. What they say is only making you weak, it's just a distraction, it's just a resistance. Never believe in what they say and focus on your gut instinct, focus on following your heart and never doubt yourself for a second. These people who keeps on coaching or criticizing were nothing, they don't know what's inside of your heart, the can't measure your willpower, you have a lot of strength, you have a lot of power... use it and never think about what they're thinking. 


Believe it, feel it and embody it. If you really want to become unstoppable then do more, even if you are tired do more, even if you feel like not doing it... still do it. Being unstoppable doesn't mean comfortable and dominating, it means you feel so tired and uncomfortable but you still take actions. Create your own philosophy, believe in what you believe and never let anything poison your mind. If you really believe that you're unstoppable then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. Never think that something can slow you down, never let the advices of people make you disbelieve yourself, the only one who needs to believe in you is yourself. Because the truth is your power comes from yourself and belief, it doesn't come from other people. If you really believe that you're unstoppable and you will work hard then nothing can ever slow you down.  


You need to change everything in your mind, stop thinking like the way you think in the past. Change everything in your mind, reprogram it, if you think you're slow before think that you are fast now. If you think you're just an average joe before think that you're great now. Always believe that you can do anything and overcome any problem, always think that you are fast, aggressive and bold. You need to be assertive and intentional all the time. Be a finisher not just a starter, be a doer and not a waiter. Push yourself to the limits all the time and never give up, revolutionize your whole life, change the whole process, tweak the patterns in your life. You need to think differently and believe that anything is possible with your willpower and tenacity. 


Just be fast and you will become super unstoppable, never let your mind think, never entertain worries, if you need to do something... do it, make it simple and just do it. Never worry about the things that you can't control and just do what you think will work, just follow your heart and execute now. You have the power to move anytime you want, use your speed, use your strength, start now and never stop, keep going, keep moving forward and do your best to take it to another level. Speed is the name of the game, just be fast and you will be able to attract success. DO it now, stop overthinking, stop attaching yourself in the past, you have to go all in and focus on taking actions, take baby steps, take it one step at a time. Get rid of what slows you down, throw away everything that is eating your time but not giving you anything in back. Focus on the most important things in your life, focus on speed, focus on being a doer and not a dreamer. 


Trying to look good, trying to look cute through their eyes is weakness, it will only make you cautious and stiff, you are not being yourself by trying to impress anyone. Impress yourself, feel good being free and creative, feel happier because you are expressing yourself honestly. Never try to impress anyone, don't compete with anyone rather compete with yourself. Watch yourself if you are improving everyday, watch yourself if you are always doing the right thing. Because at the end of the day what they say doesn't matter at all, they're nothing, they will never feed you they will never help you when things are not good. They will never be at your side if you hit the rock bottom so ignore them and just follow what your heart is telling you to do. Become a believer of yourself, it's not about being selfish or narcissist, it's about giving yourself a chance to become free and expressive. 


Every time you push, every time you take an action... you are getting better and better, you have nothing to lose here, you are gaining every time you are moving. You are progressing every time you choose to just do it even if it feels so uncomfortable. Just do one positive thing at a time that is related to your goal and you will go to a different level. Focus on your onw life, focus on the process and fully trust it. 

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Nov 8, 2022

Execute the game plan now

If you have something in your head, if you have an idea budding from your heart you have to execute it now, do something and start now before it's too late. Time is fast and you will never notice that you're already too old to chase your dreams, you better keep moving forward now and forget everything else that is not even related to your dream. Catch yourself every time you want to procrastinate and wake up, choose the more important thing to do. Look for the push, don't look for the results, concentrate on your efforts and never get discourage if you're not getting the results that you are expecting. 


At least your discipline is getting a little bit better, at least you're not getting worse. The fastest way to change is to do nothing. Don't use your cellphone a lot, don's waste your time in social media, don't remember the past, don't eat a lot, don't spend a lot of money for stupid things, don't doubt yourself, don't stop believing, don't stop working, don't waste your time for nothing. It is better to be staying still or staring at a blank wall if you will just use your time for nonsense information, it's because your mind will be occupied with negativity and useless information, your mind will be poisoned, it's better to be doing nothing than doing a lot of activities that will make you and your mind worse. 

Never care about what's going on around you, caring about all of the things in the world will never make you better. Never care about the lunar eclipse, never care about Elon Musk's new girl, never care about the man who rise from dead, never care about the pandemic, just care about what you're doing and focus on every action you take. Every step is critical, you can't be clowning or fooling around and expect the universe to grant your wishes. This is a serious thing, you want to succeed right? then you need to block all the garbage in your life and start focusing on what's best for your life. And speaking of what's best in your life, what are these things? the process, the goal, the right thinking, the hard work, the motivation, your family and real friends, these are the best things in your life, not all the stupid activities and entertainment that is making you a zombie that can't take actions for the better. 


That little fear inside of your head is nothing. It's normal, you already doubted yourself before but you never quit. You can doubt yourself all day long but don't forget to take actions, you can still move despite of your fear, you can still make an impact, you can still reverse the course. Emotions are nothing, you should never prioritize how you feel and just focus on taking actions instead. You will become scared every once in a while but you need to remind yourself that it is normal and that you can still do whatever you wanted to do. You can still become unstoppable despite of fear, you can still do a lot of things, you can still enforce your will. Fear is nothing, it's just an ordinary feeling, you should not give it any attention. The reality about fear is the more you give it attention the stronger it gets, once you accept it and realize that you are scared but can still move... fear will go away. Relax while being scared, don't panic, don't rush and always try to be in the moment. Just breathe, learn to let go and always remind yourself that it is nothing, nothing is important to you. Any challenge, any risk, anything that looks important means nothing to you, if you can have this kind of mindset then abundance will flow, you will be able to control the situation, you will become more confident. 


How special life is, you are very privilege but you're not using all of your advantages. You're a freeman, you don't need anything to take actions. All you need is determination and the willingness to move. You can jog now, you can run now, you can start a business now, you can learn now, you can improve now, you can create your own content now, you don't need anything to start. Stop making excuses like you don't have money, knowledge or support, stop fooling yourself and stop playing weak. You can move even if you don't own anything, all you need to do is work hard, be patient and believe. Take it one step at a time, do whatever it takes to succeed and never stop. Stop looking for comfort because it's just an excuse, stop looking for fancy things like shoes or exercise machine before you exercise, stop looking for help because it's weakness, just do what you need to do even if it feels so uncomfortable. You don't need anything to take actions, you can move whenever you want to, the situation doesn't matter, place doesn't matter, your skills doesn't matter, if you have that desire to win then you will do something now and push until you make something happen. 


The more you think about perfection and try to become perfect, the slower you will become. You will avoid making mistakes, you will avoid risks and difficult situations. You will look for an easier path that doesn't exist. You want to become a sure winner but that will never happen. You will lose and you can never stop it, you will make mistakes and that's normal, stop looking for perfection and just do what you can do. Being perfect doesn't exist, the more you think about it the more stressed you will become. Stop worrying about what will happen next and just enjoy the process, stop trying to control everything because the more you do it... the more chaos will happen, you will go crazy, just do your best and let everything take care of itself. What will happen will happen but you need to take actions and stop overthinking because that will make your situation worse. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...