Mar 1, 2022


So you really wanted to change huh? you must first know the real meaning of change. A lot of marketers out there were trying to convince you to buy their products and the guarantee you that your life will change. Stop letting them fool you, you don't need anything to change, change is simply accepting your situation and deciding that you're going to make the moment a little bit better. Again, it's not about making your life a little bit better because you can never make results right away but you can make the moment a little bit better, meaning you can do something positive for now, you can work harder now, you can practice discipline now. 

Most people's mistake when they're thinking about change is they think about getting rich so fast, losing weight so fast, getting the cars and houses and all of the money. They think that once they decided to change then there will be a miracle that show up. And that's why they can't change. Change is not about rushing, it's about feeling. You need to feel yourself, you need to feel the discomfort of choosing the right things. Most of the time you're choosing the wrong things and thinking the wrong way. If you wanted to change you need to take your life slowly, you need to think slowly and stop worrying about having a grandiose life so fast. No need to haste, no need to panic, you just need to live in the moment and see what you can do to make this moment better. Be present, stay alive, don't let the fancy objects in social media fool you, so what if you don't have those type of success? you will never die even if you're broke, what you need to do is appreciate the moment, appreciate that you're still alive and make your situation better than yesterday. Fall in love with the small things, be happy with the small steps that you can execute. 


Work really hard and fast for an hour and you've already made an impact to your life. Turn off the damn TV, it will never help you create a momentum to get some money or improve your health or pay your debts. Stop gossiping, stop focusing on your social media account, stop resting even if you didn't do anything. One hour can set the tone for the rest of your day, it can serve as a training, it can serve as a preparation for the hard work that you are about to do, it can condition your mind and give you confidence that you can do anything. Just try it, set a timer. Work as hard as you possibly can for an hour and see how it makes you feel. Don't open your facebook, don't chat with bitches, don't open the porn hub, don't open the stupid netflix and just work for one straight hour with all your speed and all your might. You will be surprised with the things you were able to finish in just an hour. The things you've been doing for 5 hours can be done in just an hour if you will go full speed ahead with no brakes. It's just a matter of speed, if you can force yourself to work extremely hard without thinking then you will become a superb human being. The reason why you're failing is because you stop too much, you think too much and you're not giving yourself a chance to elevate to the next level, you simply want to work mediocre and you're so afraid of getting tired. So what if you get tired? that doesn't mean you can never push forward anymore, you can still work even if you're damn tired. 


Well it may sounds hard and scary but the truth is these little sacrifices will make you really big. make sacrifices as your entertainment, it should be your mindset. If you wanted to grow then prepare to do the harder things hat has benefits. Never do something that will make you dumb, lazier and unproductive. You have to go hard every single hour and become a nonstop machine that hunts your dream relentlessly. You have to go all in and give everything you've got. Believe in the work that you're putting in even if you're not making significant progress. The equation is this: if you're not sacrificing you will never gain anything. You have to go all in every single day and punish yourself with hard work, dedication and focus. This life is very short, why will you be scared of hard work if it will take you to the top? why will you be afraid of making sacrifices if it will make your life better? It's simply about feeling the difficulty every now and then and being patient with casualties. You have to face the obstacles because obstacle is the way, you have to go all in and give your very best every single day. Never waste any second because it will become your habit. 


Be super selective of our activities and stop everything that is making you worse. You know if an action is making you bad and lazier, you just can't admit it because you're having too much fun. Not everything that is fun is healthy, sometimes having too much fun is directing you to a miserable life. Something that is cool, easy and entertaining is not fun in the end because they have ugly consequences if you abuse them. Procrastination is making you worse, laziness is making you worse, overthinking is making you worse. You think these are small things but they are the ones responsible for your bum life. You need to wake up and accept that you really needed to work hard if you want to change your life. It's going to get hard, you will feel stressed and uncomfortable but change will happen for sure. Just stop procrastinating for an hour and discover how fast you can be. Always be conscious of what you're doing and stop right away when you're about to start a stupid activity. It's better to be doing nothing and resting rather than doing something that is addictive and useless. 

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