Mar 6, 2022


You can't run away because every time you run problems got bigger and bigger. The only solution is to face the chaos, face the pain, face the pressure. There's no turning back, there's no room for being a coward because regrets will keep hunting you if you don't do anything about it. Face it like a real man, face it with balls, stop resisting it and just embrace it, stop making excuses and do something about your life, face the chaos and look for solutions. It's either you accept it or you deny it but I'm telling you denying it will only make it bigger. Accept it with all your heart and never blame anything or anyone, take full responsibility of the situation and just do what you can do, just give your best and always look forward to do something positive. Remind yourself that it's ok, you can weather any storm, you can survive anything, it all depends on your attitude. If you're optimistic and always positive then nothing can ever stop you. The power is in your hands, you can adapt and improvise, you can survive anything and thrive in the end. Push forward and face the pain, do what is needed, pull the trigger all the time and never hold yourself back because you got intimidated with the situation. Always remind yourself that you can still take actions even if you are scared. 


Your heart can never go wrong, follow your heart and you will always be on the right path. Sometimes you're always worried and scared about what steps to take, you're always confused on what to do but if you will follow your heart then you will have a clarity. Stay busy with following your heart and doing what you are passionate about, stay busy with the positive things in your life and never let any negative distract you, your life will become much easier if you will discipline yourself to look only at the things that makes you smile, stop following the subjects, events or information that is only poisoning your mind. You have to celebrate your life everyday even if it is chaotic and tiring, you have to appreciate your life because that's your only life, never care about the ugly things around you, never care about the people or distractions that are trying to irritate you... just focus on what you want and follow your heart. 


Most men turn into a gay when they face adversity, most men will fold, most men will go crazy when a frightening adversity kicks in. Adversity may break you or make you, it depends on how you react to it. So if you have a big problem right now it means your character is being tested. So look at yourself, are you crying like a bum or are you fighting like a warrior? do you give up easily or are you trying to do something about it? it all depends on your attitude, adversity will make you know more about yourself. Do you fold down easily or do you keep fighting until the end? if you're always complaining about these little problems that you're facing in life, if you're always nagging about these little discomforts then that says your character, you're a weak and soft little trash. 


You want comfort, you want a peace of mind, you want to control everything, you want everything to go your way and what does kind of mindset gave you? more discomfort right? sometimes you have to accept that life is really uncomfortable and there is nothing you can do about it, all you can do is live it, there will always be a problem along the way, you can never stop it from coming because that is what life is all about. Face your fears, face uncertainties, face the unknown... you will have more power if you will embrace everything. Don't worry about what's going to happen and just live your life, just give your best no matter what. Don't worry about your emotions, you will feel something at the end of the day, but if you will always feel sensitive and worried then you will have a harder life. Just go with it, don't resist anything, don't fear anything and just embrace everything. Peace of mind was just an illusion, even the richest and most successful or powerful people feels terrible everyday. There's no su


No matter what happens, no matter how bad it seems to look like... you will be alright, you will never die, you can survive anything, don't be afraid of any chaos because it's nothing compare to the size of your heart. You are stronger than you thought, no matter how weak you feel... always push forward. No matter how big the problems are, always push forward. Nothing is hard forever, you will have a relief in just a matter of time but for now just persevere and endure. There's no need to panic, there's no need to feel like a weak clown because at the end of the day you will still win if you don't give up. Don't rush the process, don't rush the situation, see it, look at it and fully welcome it. You will never die of it so why be afraid of it? the only thing you must be scared of is if your life is in danger, if it's nothing but a small problem or irritation so be it, let it happen, let life flow. 


If you can just ignore your emotions and power through then you will become really really great. The problem with you is you're being too sensitive and slow, you're too invested with your emotions that's why you couldn't even take a single step when you feel bad. Discomfort and feeling the uncertainty means growth, stress when perceived the right way will make you powerful, what can never kill you can only make you strong so don't panic or feel overwhelmed when a small problem is affecting you, just embrace it, embrace the chaos, fall in love with it and you will grow from it. Just keep moving forward regardless of how you feel, your emotions is nothing, it's not as important as your goal, your emotions is just a feeling that's trying to stop you all the time so don't worry about anything that you feel because it will go away anytime soon, embrace the chaos because the moment you do that you will feel free and invincible, you will feel really good, you will have a strong energy, you will feel like there's nothing to lose because there's no really is. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...