Mar 15, 2022


It doesn't matter if you don't know this, it doesn't matter if you don't have that, it doesn't matter if you're getting bullied, it doesn't matter if you're an outcast, it doesn't matter if nobody loves you, it doesn't matter if you're struggling. The word "it doesn't matter is too powerful" it takes away the resistance, it takes away the pain, it will teach you how to let go, it will teach you how to become free and not take things personally. It will help you to move forward. Because at the end of the day suffering is only in the mind, the lack of something was caused by focusing on it, problems exist because we always look at it. But if you think that anything doesn't matter then you will feel free. The only thing that does matter is your love for yourself, it's you prioritizing your goals and wants, it's you taking care of yourself and appreciating the life that you have and everything that you have. It doesn't matter if you're in pain right now or being emotional right now, don't worry because it will go away too soon. Never care about anything that is lacking, never care about anything that doesn't want you, never care about everything that makes you suffer. What matters is you move forward and you get better everyday, you groom yourself, you love yourself and you do get everything that is possible for your life.


Being comfortable is so overrated, you will never feel comfortable all the time, actually you will feel more uncomfortable every time you seek for it. Don't ever feel suffocated with the circumstances in your life. Discomfort means growth, stress when embraced properly will make you evolve mentally. Don't be afraid of pain, don't be afraid to embrace what you don't want. It's your duty to focus on what you want and learn to feel life, learn to love life, learn to love everything that's part of your system. Your feelings were so overrated, you can feel good even if chaos is happening around you, you can still feel better even if people around you were so disrespectful, you can still feel at peace even if there is a war going on around you, you can still take actions even if there is a lot of obstacles along the way. It's really up to you, it's how you protect your mind, it's where you are focusing on that will dictate the outcome of your life. If you don't want to feel uncomfortable then just ignore the noise surrounding you, just focus on doing better, just focus on making your life great and ignore all the subjects and information that are not helping you to evolve. 


Stop looking for security, stop looking for a perfect life, stop looking for guarantees, you need to focus on the now, focus on getting better and appreciating the moment, this will make you feel much better, this will make you more powerful. Nothing can stop you if you will never take anything personally, nothing can bring you down if you will just move forward and focus on your own greatness. If you want to become productive, always think that you're not special, always think that you're not entitled of something, just take actions, execute and never think about perfection, never focus on the outcome, simply enjoy your work and never look back. Take it one step at a time, breathe, stay still and relaxed, stay confident and peaceful with your own actions. If you can just enjoy life and forget about perfection then you will have a really good life. 

Detach from everything and life will become easier, just give your best and have peace with it. Never let your idea of a perfect image, a perfect process, a perfect emotion and a perfect life make you hate your life. The more you're longing for perfection the more you will feel stuck and weak. It's time to cut the ties, detach from everything and do what you want.


Stop reacting to things, stop reacting to events and choose to become a creator instead. Stop being a watcher and be a doer. This kind of lifestyle will make you very busy minding your own business, it will give you freedom, it will give you power and control. If you keep on minding other people's business then you will feel weak and hopeless, you will feel powerless because you will just watch them grow and win, you will watch them moving and progressing while you feel stuck on the same place forever. Stop being too emotional and reacting to everything, stop feeling disrespected all the time, stop being too overly sensitive, stop being a diva. Be a tough person that creates everyday and looking for a small progress every now and then, get addicted with the process, if you can find a hobby that you can enjoy and will give you something in return then you will have a very good and enjoyable life. You will live a happier life if you choose to become creative and avoid watching other people's business. Their business is none of your business, you have to focus on your life, get better and stop getting jealous with other people's success. You will never become successful if you're always bitter and comparing. Stop comparing your life to other people's lives and focus on winning. 

The only thing that matters is are you chasing your own goal? are you focusing on your own life? are you doing whatever it takes to win? Everything outside of your goal doesn't matter and even your goal, it doesn't matter at all, what matters is you are enjoying every second of your life and you're doing everything you can to see what is possible for you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...