Mar 26, 2022


Even the millionaires are struggling, even the most popular person was struggling, even the presidents were struggling. Nobody was immune to struggling, it is part of life, you don't have the right to complain. Everyone has his own problem and you will only survive if you have the right thought process in your head. Everyone was having a hard time so who are you to complain and make excuses? who are you to think that the world was so unfair? There is no such thing as an easy life, you have to get rid of this idea and just be yourself. 


If you fail you fail so what? are you going to die after failing? are you going to get broke? failing is only in the mind, you're a failure if you give up. Try again and never give up. You should feel happy when you fail because that means you're trying. Failures will make you grow, if you wanted to win in life then keep failing as much as you can, it will mold your mentality, it will make you mentally stronger, so keep failing and never give up. Just try again whenever you fail, do it your way, never let anything stop you from trying. It's ok to look insane, it's ok to look weird because you don't give up, always remember that giving up is for losers, you're not a loser, you're a fighter, you have to give yourself a chance to succeed, never stop and just keep pushing forward. 


Every time you're scared you go forward, every time you fail you go forward, every time you're doubtful you go forward, every time you feel lazy you go forward, every time you're not passionate you go forward, every time you feel unmotivated you go forward, every time you're unfocused you go forward. That's how to win in life, you do something during the most uncomfortable moments, you embrace the fear and you never let it stop you. Just move forward and you will become unstoppable. Because the truth is nothing can stop you if you will just push and do whatever it takes to move forward. Your emotions will change if you will stay busy and active, don't ever waste your time complaining and wishing for things to change and get better. You have to force fate and take matters into your own hands, your situation will only get better if you will do something about it. So stop whining like a little bitch and keep moving forward, time is still on your side, no matter how worse the situation looks... you still have a chance. Never let your emotions ruin your day, never let feelings stop you from doing something great. 


If you want to make a comeback then don't ever think about making a comeback. Just take it slowly, do one positive thing at a time and never stop. Focus on taking baby steps, don't rush to make a strong comeback, don't wish for an easy win. That's what gamblers do, when they lose some money they will try to bet all of their remaining money and that's why they keep losing. You have to learn how to become patient, you have to learn how to weather the storm when luck is not on your side. Stop being too emotional and be technical, be smart, don't use your emotion, use your brain. Take it slowly, learn to wait and never give up. You will struggle every now and then but that's part of the process. You can rise from the ashes, you can become something greater than who you are right now, all it takes is hard work and dedication, all it takes is boldness and decisiveness, decide to just do it and never look at the future. Always feel like a winner already and never give up no matter what. Keep pushing forward, keep moving forward and just give everything you've got. Just don't waste time and you will be fine, stop spending most of your time to information that will not even help you at all, stop spending time to nonsense that will make you weak and slow. Be fast, just do something real quick and never look back.  


When you're having a hard time change your mindset, think that it's easy, think that's doable. When you're struggling change your mindset, think that soon it will be over, think that you're going to win no matter what. Most of the time your mindset was so weak that's why you're giving up so fast. You have to stay with the problem and never give up, enjoy life as much as you can even if you're struggling so badly, you have to take chances and always think that you can enjoy anytime, it's all about how you think, it's all about your perspective. Now is the time to win, now is the time to get better. Never waste a  single second complaining about how hard your life is, if your life is hard... make it harder by working hard and powering through. You will be able to make a breakthrough in just a matter of time, change your mindset and become very strong. 


Every time you fail, stand up and try again. Every time you got embarrassed or rejected go back and try again. Every time you're in pain, push forward and show then who you really are. Be tough as nails, never give up when things gets hard, you have to keep going and keep pushing forward. You can be tough as nails whenever you want or wherever you want, just don't give up and you will become a winner. Because it's on you if you will chose to become strong or weak, stop acting like a weak clown and be the best version of yourself. You have the power to move forward whenever you want to, you're in control of your life, stop acting like a victim, stop having that weak mindset and just do the very best thing you can do with your life. 

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