Mar 30, 2022


What happening now is all you've got, your life is happening now, it's not happening in the past and it will not happen in the future. There is no such thing as future because you can never go there, you can only plan and expect your dreams to come true, you can only imagine your future but you can never get it now. You can become successful in the future but it all starts now, life is happening now and being in the present moment is the best way to enjoy life. It's not about planning for a vacation and going there, it's not about wishing to have a new house and living there, you can wish for all the things you want but when you get it all... you will wish for more. 

Life is hard because you're always looking to go back to the past or maybe go to your future desired life, but no matter how hard you try... you can never escape the now, so all you can do is live in the moment and devour what is in front of you. Never live in the past nor try to live in the future, enjoy what is happening now and create a better life little by little. 


Is because you're not in the moment, you're in a hurry, you're worrying too much. Just like looking for a lost key of your car, you can't see it because you're panicking and worrying, you're thinking about the future already. You're thinking about what will happen if you can't find it. You're thinking about the cost of replacing the key or somebody with bad intentions might find it and steal your car. You're thinking in advance instead of focusing on the now. What you need to have you already have, stop looking for what you can't get, never look too far ahead and just focus on getting better each day, be patient and take your time, enjoy what you have at the moment and never stop growing. Never stop evolving. Go all in with the present moment, confine yourself with the present moment and never stop taking the next step. It's all about the next one and the next one, simplify your life by going further as much as you can without rushing or feeling bad whenever things are not going your way. Stop comparing yourself, stop getting jealous of what other people have. Focus on what you have and do it your way, be the best that you can be and always focus on you own growth, focus on your own journey only. 


There's nothing to worry about, all you need to do is move forward and you will be alright. Stop being stuck in the past, stop living in fantasies like getting rich but not doing anything to get it. You have to life in the now. Thinking about the past is the worst thing that you could ever do, it will never do good to your life, it will only make you weak. Past is past, there is nothing you can do about it anymore. Confine yourself with the present moment and believe in the power of now. Just enjoy life, even if you're badly struggling or nothing good is happening with your life... learn how to enjoy it, learn how to appreciate every second of your life and have zero regrets. Leave everything in the past and just do what can make you happy. Even if you're not happy with the moment, just learn how to appreciate that you're still living, there is a big chance that you can still become happier in the future, all you have to do is never give up and hang in there. 


Hustle for what you want, make hustling as your entertainment. You go out there, you show up, you do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true. You take your goals seriously and you see yourself as your own hero, you enjoy yourself, you idolize yourself, you're so you, you're so fully present in the moment and trying to have fun in life s much as you can. Because you're the only one who can save yourself, you're the only one who can make your life better. Treat yourself as a hero, believe that you can do anything, believe that you can overcome anything and never give up when things gets rough, you have to sail and do the best you can to win in life. You are your only company, nobody is going to do it for you so stop acting like you're entitled of free handouts. Love yourself, praise yourself but don't be a narcissistic 


Don't worry about taking actions, worry about inactions because it will make you broke and useless. Most people are worried about moving not knowing that it's the only thing that will make their lives better. They were scared to solve a problem, they were so scared to try. Believe in the power of now, consider that your life is a journey and not a completion, don't ever forget to move forward and try to improve a little bit everyday. Whether it's about mentally, financially, physically or spiritually... keep getting better a little bit and have fun with the process, always look for the next step and get excited with it, never complain and always learn how to motivate yourself because life is simply about facing your fears and trying to get something positive from it. Whenever you feel overwhelmed with something always think that you're just enjoying life, take it slowly but don't ever stop, always do the next step and follow through. Have fun taking baby steps and learn how to feel your senses. Don't just do something without feeling something about it, being in the moment means learning how to enjoy even the most difficult situation by breathing and being totally aware and engaged of what's going on. 


Detach from the outcome, detach from what people are going to say, stop worrying about the future, stop thinking about the results because it will destroy your creativity, it will make you scared of trying. Detach from everything and set yourself free, express yourself to the fullest and always think that it's alright to make mistakes, it's alright to try something new. Just make a stand for what you believe and finish what you've started until the end. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who are you to teach anybody anything? What you accomplished in life?


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...