Mar 19, 2022


The reason for your failure is you're only giving your 17 percent not 20 not 25 not 100, only 17 percent or maybe even lesser than that. You're playing the weak game, you're making a lot of dramas and excuses, you're not pushing yourself, you're not excited about taking actions, you're even allergic to moving. You're always tired, you're always complaining you're always acting like a bum, you're too lazy. You're not trying to reach your full potential, you're just happy surviving, you're not even trying. If you want more, if you want a new life then commit to giving your 100 percent or more, never settle for a weak effort, never be scared of working too damn hard because at the end of the day hard work will reward you, hard work pays off. 


Don't ever think that just because your mom is a police doesn't mean you don't need to work anymore. Don't ever feel like you don't need to study anymore because your teacher has a crush on you or your parents were rich, don't ever feel like you don't need to exert more effort anymore because you already knew a lot. You will fail every time you feel so entitled of having a free pass. Don't look for special treatment, don't try to look cute. You owe it to yourself to work hard, you need to test yourself how far you can go by being focus to getting better each day. It's ok to get overly fatigued, there's nothing wrong with that, you can rest anytime you want to but don't rest too much, rest for a bit an then work hard again, it's a grind, it's a hustle you really have to do whatever it takes to become successful, there's a price you have to pay if you're wishing for something big so don't ever feel like you've been treated unfairly because it's not real. 


The best lifestyle in the world is simply moving forward all the time. It's possible, it feels 100x better than being stagnant and over thinking, moving forward all the time will make you feel very confident and secured. You just knew that you have this thing called hustle and it will save your life from misery and being broke. The trick here is to just start, stop aiming for perfection, stop competing with others, stop trying to rush the process and simple enjoy every step of the way. Enjoy takin it one step at a time, this lifestyle will make you avoid wasting a lot of time. Whatever you need to do, just start it, don't aim to finish it fast, just do it, just enjoy every second of it and never worry about what you're going to do next, never be scared of what's going to happen next. Just keep moving forward, stop making excuses. Even if you are failing, even if nothing seems to look right, even if you're making a lot of mistakes, even if you're already late, even if your client was already mad at you, even if you're lost.... just keep moving forward and do what you need to do. You will feel invincible by having this kind of mindset, you will forget all of your problems, your worries will go away. Because you will believe in yourself more, you will think that it's ok if something is uncomfortable because you can still move forward and do something about it. The scariest thing is if you know what to do and you know you need to do it but you're not doing something about it, that's the scariest thing because it means you're already a lazy bum that has no future. This is the best mindset ever, it will take away stress in your life because you're just flowing, all the worries are gone because you're not afraid of time anymore, you're just focused on moving forward and that's it. Mistakes doesn't bother you anymore, failures doesn't make you scared anymore, you just do your thing and give your best. There's no pressure anymore, there's no feat that's trying to freeze you because you just knew at the end of the day you will still move forward. Having this kind of mentality will make you faster and more productive, the resistance will go away, you will forgive yourself if you're making mistakes and you're so excited to try again and do your next move. 


Forget about perfection, forget the result, forget about what's going to happen next and just be faster, do it now, never mind if you're doing it perfect, don't worry about failing and just do it now. Give everything you've got and push yourself to the limits. Never hesitate, when you're in doubt... take actions, that's how to become confident. Give your all, even if you're not feeling comfortable at all... still take actions because that's how to win in life, take chances and never take an opportunity for granted. Just do it without any form of attachment, fall in love with the process, take it one step at a time. There's no need to panic here, just start fast and finish strong. Just make sure your intention all the time is to finish and win, never complicate the process, make it as simple as it can be and simply do whatever it takes to win. Always remember that there are no mistakes if your intention is to win, every action is the right action if it's directed towards your goal. hard work pays off, hard work can get the job done, hard work alone can take you to places. Persevere when you're struggling, never give up when you can't see hope and always remind yourself to give your 100 percent or even more. 

Because the reason why you failed in the past is you only gave your 17 percent, you're not pushing, you're not dragging yourself to do more. There's no such thing as something for nothing, you have to fight for what you want, you have to struggle for it, you have to make sure you want it so bad more than anything else. 

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