Oct 15, 2021


You've been talking a lot of shi* these days, you've been talking about success and greatness but the question is are you really living that life? are you really doing whatever it takes to win? if not then shut up, are you for real? can you really give your all and use all of your time and energy for your dream? can you really work 12 hours a day without stopping? stop fooling yourself stop fooling the public, if you can't make any progress then you're just wasting your saliva talking, shut up and do the work, quit pretending that you're something special if you can't even live up to your words. Talk is cheap, you can fool the public, you pretend to be great but when you need to prove yourself you will get exposed, people will see your lies, your weakness will be uncovered. If you told them that you're the hardest worker in the world so be it, be about it, don't talk about it... prove that you're really that person. If you tell them you're going to become successful then be about it, stop talking about failures, stop acting like a failure and behave like a real successful person. How does a successful person behave? he is no nonsense guy, all he does is for the upgrade of his life. 


If it's not taking you to the top, if it's not helping you evolve mentally, if it's not giving you money, if it's not helping you to grow... treat it as useless, never give any energy to it, never give it any importance. Focus on what makes you grow, focus on what makes you better. The reason why you're not evolving is because you haven't figured out yet how to define what is useless and useful, you think that just because something is attractive and fun then it is useful. Just like a girl with big boobs and sexy lips, if this girl can't cook or take care of you then this girl is useless, you have to get rid of here right away. If an entertainment is only wasting your time then you better get rid of it or else your life will become completely miserable. If you're spending too much time on something that's not giving you something in return... get rid of it because you're just wasting your life on it. 


The reason why you can't believe in yourself is because you didn't sacrifice enough. If you will work harder and more serious then you will start to have confidence in yourself and anything that you do. Take it seriously and the results will level up. If you're not taking it seriously then what is the purpose of doing that? are you really choosing discipline over fun and games? are you really taking actions towards your goals? or are you easily seduced by these temporary pleasures that won't even give you anything? You really don't believe that you're going to win because if you do then you will act differently. You will discipline yourself, you will work harder, you will move faster and you will do the impossible. Make the game plan simple, remove the sh*ts in your life, remove the bad habits that is derailing your progress. Go all in every single day and let's see if your life will improve. Stop getting interested with subjects that doesn't help you to improve. Choose the information that will play your mind, choose the thoughts that you are using everyday. If a thought is not forcing you to take actions then stop thinking about that thought. But if a thought is forcing you to move then keep repeating that thought and never change it. 


In an instant, life will change if you will disrupt the pattern that made you a bum. You're a bum, accept it, you're not really living up to your full potential, you're wasting the gifts that you received. You're wasting your skills you're wasting the possibilities that you can become something else... something very different from what you are today. Life will change if you will change your mind and change your attitude. Change everything about you, change your speed, change your perseverance, change your mindset, always look for an upgrade, always look to do more and be more. Take massive massive actions, push yourself to the limits and put yourself on the place that you're not very familiar with, go to a space where you're completely not sure about what's going to happen. Because that's the only way to succeed and level up... trust the unknown, do something that you haven't done before. Because you already knew what's going to happen by repeating the same approach as yesterday, now is the time to do something different. Change your life by making adjustments to your habits and mindset. 


No regrets when you fail, no regrets about any decision, no regrets when you work super hard and yet fail again. It's what it is, this is life, you stand up and you fall, you try again and then you fail gain, but if you never give up, if you keep going then one day is going to be your day. All you need to do is keep pushing, keep grinding and give everything you've got, it's that too simple... no regrets for every decision that you made so that you will feel much better, so that you will not feel heavier. What is done is done, you're just a human being, you make mistakes but you learn from them. Let go of everything that holds you back, it's time to live different, think different and put yourself on the best position to succeed. Because if you keep thinking about your mistakes, if you keep thinking about the bad things in the past then you will never become a better person, you will feel stuck all the time, you will never experience a whole different experience. You have to give yourself a chance to live differently and it will never happen if you keep on holding on to the past. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...