Oct 25, 2021


If you need some spark before you move, if you need an instructor to guide you, if you need some motivation, if you need a trigger to pull a trigger then you will never become successful, as simple as that. The most successful people doesn't need a motivation, steve jobs doesn't need a motivation, bill gates and elon musk doesn't need a motivation. They just do it, they don't care about failing, they don't care if they can't succeed fast, they will just do it no matter what. That's what your mindset should be, you just do it even if you're not motivated, you just do it even if you feel that there's something wrong, you just do it even if you feel tired and not feeling it. You just do it because you believe in taking actions and not in feeling good. Most people wanted to feel good, they wanted to feel perfect before they move and that's why they can't move. You have to train yourself to just do it even if you don't have confidence in yourself. 


It's very simple... just take actions and you're good, you must be fast, you must not let your mind think if you're going to do something, if you need to do something then just do it, as simple as that. Forget about your feelings, forget about the results, forget about the future... just do it. If you can make this a habit then you will become very powerful. If you're not afraid to fail over and over again, if you're not afraid to get a zero then you will become unstoppable, sky is the limit for you. Don't even underestimate the power of small actions, you can go further by just taking it one step at a time, don't stop, don't quit and you will see in the end that your decision to stick with the process is right. Just be patient because perseverance is powerful, it can break anything, it can get anything. Always remember that nothing can stop you, you can choose to become unstoppable, you can break any boundary and limitation, you can beat your laziness if you will just start. Stop entertaining negative thoughts, stop overthinking and just move now. It's not that hard, it doesn't require a lot of strength to pull the trigger. You have to move now before it's too late, time is running out, time is fast, never take this day for granted. 


Move when you don't feel like it, move when you feel it's not time yet, move when you feel lazy. Trust me, good things will happen if you force yourself to move, you will get unexpected opportunities, you will attract great circumstances, you will make a progress and build a momentum. Embrace the suck, embrace the negative feelings and still move forward. Because you will never be able to do something great if you're always procrastinating. You have to force yourself to take actions and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Don't be afraid to get tired, doing nothing is more tiring, you will have more energy if you're moving. Take it slowly if you need to but don't ever stop. Whenever you feel lazy and scared, whenever you feel hesitant and heavy... move and never hold yourself back. Move your hands and feel, think a little bit, believe in yourself, you will gain more and more confidence every time you're taking actions. Moving should be your happiness, it should be your peace. Being stagnant and complacent should feel like hell, it should make you feel guilty. 


You're not stuck if you're not moving, the reason you feel stuck is because you hate your situation, you want to become successful fast, you want to make a huge progress right away. It won't happen if you're always expecting huge results, you have to appreciate the small improvements everyday. You and your situation are getting better everyday every time you work hard and focus on taking positive actions. Focus on stretching yourself and doing the right things, focus on trying to make your life better. Just keep moving forward and you will be alright, stop thinking that you're doing wrong, there is no perfect process, there is no perfect path. Of course there will be mistakes along the way, there will be adversities but you have to keep fighting, you have to keep pushing yourself and go to the edge of your skills. You will never feel stuck if you will not judge and hate yourself, stop comparing yourself to others, stop getting jealous with other people's success. Mind your own business and keep growing, develop the intangibles, work harder, move faster and persevere more. Be patient because it will really take some time, instead of complaining and acting like a victim, focus on working hard everyday and you will make a difference. 


You don't need a life coach, you don't need someone who can make you realize that what you have a potential to become big. Do it your way, don't let anybody tell you what to do. Just believe in the power of focus and hard work. What you keep on thinking, what you keep on doing will manifest, it will materialize one day, stop trying to look for what is wrong with you, you don't need someone to tell you what to do, it's your life, you can become super creative with it. Just start now and do something, force yourself to take actions and push yourself to the limits. It's too simple... just work hard and never stop, that's it. be the authority, do whatever you want, do it your way, for as long as your actions are positive and your intention is right... you're on the right path. Stay on your lane, have that laserlike focus and simply do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. It's all about maximizing your capacity and using all of your energy, it's simply about going all out every single day and not feeling regretful if you can't make big results. Make the process simple just trust hard work everyday, just keep on pushing and pushing and pushing. 


Believe in the power of now. Improvement will happen now, progress will happen now, it will not happen tomorrow, you can never go back to the past and change your mistakes. Focus on the present moment because life is happening now, it's not happening in the future nor past. If you want to feel powerful then focus on the now, forget all of your mistakes, don't worry about the future, enjoy the present moment and try to squeeze everything you can squeeze from it. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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