Oct 22, 2021


Don't look for the results, don't look for the money, don't look for immediate change in your life, don't look for a miracle, look for something you can do, focus on taking actions instead of wishing for a better life. Because most of the time, the reason why you can't take a simple action is because you want to feel comfortable fast. You want to become successful fast, you want to finish the task fast and if you can't do it... you will immediately feel so bad and get discouraged. You have to enjoy the process and attract success, as simple as that. Success will not be attracted to you if you keep on wishing for it, don't check for the results, check yourself if you're taking actions or not. 


You don't need to feel motivated before you take an action, you just need to use your willpower and that's it. Memorize this line "I need to keep moving forward" and that's it. Your life should be all about taking actions and nothing else, your life should be all about hard work. Don't worry if you don't feel motivated now, you will feel motivated later once you're already working hard and getting some momentums. The moment you wake up... work right away, don't brush your teeth, stop thinking about your stupid crush, stop pampering yourself, stop wishing for 5 more minutes of sleep, stop thinking that it is hard, stop worrying about the first step... just stand up and work, that's it. Change your energy, change how you attack the day, just be fast and that's it. You don't need motivation, you will never feel it, you will only feel it once you're already making a result. So if you're not making a result yet and you feel like a trash... work hard, double and triple your effort. 


Procrastination makes you fragile, it makes you weak, you're not accomplishing anything by holding yourself back and overthinking. Moving is better than hoping. Hoping that your subscribers multiply instead of creating a content, hoping that your money doubled instead of working, hoping that your life change instead of changing it, hoping that everything will become easy... this kind of mindset will make your life more difficult. You have to embrace what sucks, embrace discomfort, welcome chaos into your life and overcome all of it, that is what a winning mentality is life. The mindset of just doing it is super powerful, it can change your life in just a matter of months, all you have to do  is focus on taking actions, stop waiting, stop procrastinating and just do whatever it takes to get to the next level. 


Always treat everyday as a blessing because it really is, yesterday was gone there's nothing you can do about it anymore, even if you cry blood or drink a piss... it will stay the same, nobody has a power to change the past but everyone has the power to live in the present and invite a better future. What will happen in your life depends on what you're doing today. Today is a blessing, never take it for granted. Today you can reverse the course, today you can change, today can be the start of a good run of your journey, today you can forget everything and start building a better life. You can build something positive today and that will carry on tomorrow and the next day and so on. You only have the power on the present moment, you have no power over the past, it's only making you weak and useless, staying on the past is like a nightmare... it has no direction, it only presents failures and misery. 

Today you can get better, today is a new opportunity, you have to respect the present moment and never treat it as something that is not important. Time is the most important thing in your life, time is limited, time is not forever, stop waiting for a big break before you move, at least do something positive today, create a small momentum and follow through. 


The truth is, what everyone doesn't know is... they can move feeling unmotivated. You can drag yourself to taking action. The key is to just do the first step. You will never feel motivated everyday, sometimes you will even feel lazy the whole year but you have to fight it, there is no other way, you need to take actions no matter how lazy you feel, you will only feel motivated in the middle of the task, you will only feel good once you have a momentum. So just start and never stop, keep pushing yourself, you will feel much better in a while. Stop pampering yourself, stop acting like a king because you're not, you have to take actions whenever you feel uncomfortable, that's how to win in life, that's how to have a better direction. Show up and do something, at leas you did something positive today. 


Treat it as your talent, treat it as your skill. Doing something, taking the first step, pulling the trigger whenever you don't feel it. Treat taking action as your bread and butter, ingrain it into your system. Stop acting like a weak stupid clown, you have to think of yourself as a professional, you have to think of yourself as someone who is serious in making his life better. Stop talking because it will never get any job done, open your arms and use it instead of opening your mouth. Never let your mind worry, just do it, never let your mind think about difficulty, forget the result and just move. Move now and never wait for anything before you move, don't wait for an inspiration, don't look for approval... just do it, shut your mouth and execute. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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