Nov 5, 2020


You keep getting the same results because you are being controlled by a cycle that you do not know. You're in a rat race and you hate to admit it. Why? because you're addicted to the emotions you are feeling right now even if you don't like it. You feel comfortable with negativity, you feel safer with your negative emotions. That's why a wife getting verbally abuse by his husband everyday doesn't want to leave, that's why a kid getting bullied doesn't want to tell his parents what's happening, that's why a failure keeps failing. It's because they were so addicted with those emotions even if they don't like it. If they don't want to feel it anymore then why they can't change? why they can't do what they are suppose to do? why they can't fight back? they get use to it, they experience it everyday and they already feel comfortable with it. They were already controlled by a cycle, it's already their lives. The only way to get out of that rut is to feel uncomfortable. How? fight a bully, learn to fight back, learn to express yourself, learn to shout, learn to risk everything for a change. Have you ever wonder why a beggar who is still a little bit young and still fit to work doesn't want to work? it's because he's so comfortable begging, he will feel so weird and uncomfortable if he tries to look for a job. Of course he doesn't want to beg anymore, he's so sick and tired of it but he can't leave it because it's already giving him comfort and security for years. His mind was already programmed that he can't do anything, he has been begging for years and it's making him survive so why will he try some other things that are outside of his comfort zone? it will make him sick, it will make him feel so uncomfortable. 


You're already addicted to comfort that's why it's so hard for you to change. What you've been doing for a long time is making you feel safer than trying to pursue the unknown. Change is hard because it will really be uncomfortable, that's why if you're trying to chase success you must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and do something you haven't done before. SO if you want a different result in life then it's time to think different and do different, it's time to do something great, something spectacular. Speak different, dress different, stand different and do something different. It's time to leave the past, it's time to change yourself, force yourself to do the things that you haven't done before to produce a different outcome. Change can happen to you if you will just be patient and committed. You need to start now or else you will be controlled by the old cycle forever.  

At the end of the day, if you really wanted to change then you will change, the power is always yours, you can create a new life that is inline with your rules and values. It's all about making big sacrifices for your goal, it's all about using your time the right way and thinking about your dreams all day long. 


Be completely aware of what you're doing now, what was it? are you procrastinating? are you just wasting your time? are you doing something stupid? are you doing something that is entertaining but useless? you know who you are you just can't admit it. Always guard yourself, be aware if you're doing something useless and stupid and stop yourself immediately from doing it. Be a no nonsense guy, be someone who is trying to make your life a little bit better everyday. 


This is the easiest way to win in life... use all of your time for your goal, don't waste any second, always think that what you're doing is for your goal. This will correct your actions automatically, this will guide you to the right path. 

1 comment:

Cel Literatura said...

Hi nice reeading your post


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...