Nov 11, 2020


How good is this game, this is the best game that you can ever play, think of an idea, create a belief and make a million or even millions out of it. Create an invention or simply a process, create a belief that will encourage people, create your own product, make yourself, create money from your ideas, you are free to do anything. Money is a strong motivator, you need to believe that you can earn a lot of money from your idea, anything is possible if you will work hard and give everything you've got. Any idea has a monetary equivalent, you can sell anything, all it takes is making your product valuable. It should be useful can can help people. Because you can never sell a useless product, you can never 


You will only succeed if you're willing to do whatever it takes to win in life... that's it, as simple as that. You're failing now because you haven't done everything yet to win in life, if you need to eat some garbage then do it, if you need to starve yourself for years then do it. If you really believe it then you will do everything that is hard and impossible, you will do what most people are afraid to do, you will bet all of your money on your belief, you will give tremendous time and effort, you will go the extra mile and push as hard as you can. You will never care if it is hard, you will never care if people say that it's impossible. You really have to do the unimaginable things if you want to get on top, if you need to catch flying bullets then do it.  

That's why you have to accept that it's going to get harder, that it's not a walk in the park, you have to accept that you will really bleed and suffer, it's part of the game, if you can accept that it's hard then you will never look for an  easy way out, you will never look for shortcuts and that's a good thing. 

Never underestimate yourself, never underestimate the power of working hard and doing whatever it takes. You can do so much, you're just hesitating and thinking too much that's why you're unproductive. stop thinking and just do it. 


It's just a matter of growing everyday, it's just a matter of improving everyday and working harder than yesterday, as simple as it sounds. Make your idea big everyday, make your belief stronger than what it was before. You can make anything grow if you are consistent in nurturing it, you have to do something for it everyday, ever small action counts, every one positive thought counts, every little thing that you can do to make it big... do it. Never hesitate even if the action looks like will never work, just do it, go hard and just do it... be one with your dreams, make it your life, make it your heart and soul, let it control you. Just like planting a tree, just like building a website or a you tube channel, just like trying to learn how to drive a bike... you can make improvements everyday, you just need to do the process everyday and handle the business. Stick with the basics and make it grow, as simple as that, you don't need a very talented mind here, you don't need to become an Obama or Einstein, you just need to stick with the basics and trust the process no matter what. 


Can you sacrifice fun? can you sacrifice all of your free time? can you sacrifice happiness? can you sacrifice your other dreams? you can only dream for one thing at a time, it will be hard to get your dreams if you're thinking too much. Your energy must be focused, it shouldn't be going to different places at the same time, you need to practice placing your energy in one place only so you can make progress faster. Never feel bad if you're making sacrifices because it will give you a better life in the future. Believe in the power of delayed gratification, you have to give up what you have now so that you can have something bigger in the future. 

Because success lies in your ability to make sacrifices, it's in your ability to do the hardest things, work longer and make the right but hard decisions. You can only make a huge progress if you can enjoy big sacrifices, it is what it is, if you want to win big then you need to sacrifice big, focus on winning and never do something stupid that will make you slower. 


If you are failing just think that you're still winning, if it is hard never think that it is impossible, just keep moving forward. Always think that everything you do is brining you closer and closer to your goal. And the truth is... you really never fail, you just learned some lessons, you just experienced a not so fun experience. But failing will make you tougher, smarter and braver. Once you're no longer afraid of failing you can try everything, you can take huge risks even if the cost for failing it is so big and damaging. Just don't think about it and give your very best every single day. Keep failing and keep trying because one day success will fall into your hands naturally. 


Once you have chosen a process... fully trust it, never doubt it, never think that it's not going to work because it will work. Hard work works, any process will work if you put in the time and effort. It will only now work if you get lazy and didn't take it seriously. Do the process everyday, consistency will make you thrive. If you work on the process long enough then it will show you something, it will make you feel better, your confidence will go higher and you will see something that not all people can see. Focus will make you a better person, you just need to love your work and your work will take care of you for the rest of your life. 


What's your mindset? do you have a mindset? if you have a mindset then you can create millions, you can create a fortune. Mindsets like: all work is easy work, I will never give up until the end, everything will be alright as long as I move forward, I will always choose courage over fear, I will use speed to give me an advantage, massive actions creates massive results. If you have a mindset like these and you will really live for it then you will become unbeatable, you will thrive no matter what, you will win even if it's so impossible to win. Nothing is unattainable to a powerful mind. So create a mindset and never change it even if a lot of storm is testing you, create a plan, create your own philosophy in life and fully believe in it. 


Money will come naturally, yes it will if your effort was already enough. Millions will flow, you will never have to worry about money again for the rest of your life. You just need to show an effort that is so hard to match. You just need to prove to yourself that you too can work hard like a lion that keeps hunting and never stops until the meat or food was finally caught. So stop worrying about money because it will come on the right time, it will be yours, just keep pushing and everything will be alright, give your best and the rest will be taken care of by itself. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...