Nov 29, 2020


Know what you want and focus on it, as simple as that. The reason behind your failure and lack of focus, the reason why you can't make a progress is because you're looking on different things that are not even helping you to make a progress. Your eyes are wandering anywhere, you are attention is easily get caught by deceitful things that only makes your life worse, you're better than that. You can double your achievements by simply developing your focus and following the gameplan that you set before. Be strict on following your gameplan, you should feel guilty every time you didn't follow your plan. 


Be good in detecting things and activities that will support you in reaching your goal. It's just a matter of being disciplined, success is simply practicing delayed gratification over and over again, it's simple not allowing yourself to get tempted and seduced by meaningless activities that are fun but are not helpful at all. Don't let anything useless entertain you and control most of your time. It's easy to have fun, it's easy to do stupid things, say stupid words but how does this help you? never. You have to be mindful of what's going on in your life, you have to admit to yourself that you're doing some silly things that are only pulling you down to failure, admit that you're the one who's destroying your own life by entertaining thoughts that are poisonous to your system, you keep doing easy things that are fun for a while but will put you on a worst spot later. Be mature enough to drop off things that are not healthy and not pushing you to another level. 


Something is poisoning your mind, an image or information is playing inside of your head and these information is not needed, it's playing with your mentality, it's controlling you and making you unproductive, you have to get rid of this right away. Be aware of what's going on inside of your head, be mindful of what you're doing and thinking. Declutter your mind, be mindful of the information that you are processing because you think it's fun but later it's already affecting you, it's making you feel negative, it's making you feel weak, that one simple negative information or image is already starting to ruin your day and you're not aware of it. 


If you need to see money then look for activities and connections that are related to money. It can be business, job, simple process, side hustle etc. Never look at unemployment, mistakes, recession, news, gossips, showbiz, poverty, politics or anything that will never even take you closer to money. Sometimes you always forget that you only need to see what is related to your intention, you're always entertaining subjects that are not even related to what you really want, and this makes you slow, this makes you confused, this creates havoc. 


You don't need to look on some problems that you have no business with, you don't need to engage on a conversation that doesn't help you at all. If your toxic friend is feeding you some dramas or problems then pretend to listen but don't absorb it. If you see something that is not related to your goal then pretend that you didn't see it. 

Nov 27, 2020


The only thing that creates depression is you want to live in the future. Yeah, you heard me right, you want to solve your problem fast, you want to change your situation fast, you want to heal your sickness fast, you want to become successful fast, you want to have money fast, you want everything to get fixed right away and if you can't fix it... you become sad, you don't want to move anymore. This is not a mental disease, it's a drama, it's you not appreciating what you have, it's you not being patient enough, it's you not wanting to endure the pain of life, it's you wanting to make shortcuts. You want an easy life, and that's why you're always getting depressed, you're thinking about what's going to happen next, you're always worried why what you want hasn't happened yet. 


You're too wishy washy, you want a lot of things, you want your life to become perfect. You feel like a celebrity, if you're a celebrity you feel like a king, whenever things aren't going your way you're acting like a lost child. Always remember that there are more people suffering than you but are not even complaining. So stop being soft and just focus on what will make your life better. Stop being too fragile, this world belongs to the strong, life is a survival of the fittest game, if you will not make yourself strong then you will be eaten alive by people who are not that strong. 


Who are you? who do you think you are? you're not a chosen one, you're not born with greatness so who are you to act like you must have a perfect life? life is all about imperfections, learn to embrace the chaos or else chaos will eat you alive, it will destroy your mind. Learn to be tough, learn to face everything. You are nothing, always remember this and you will feel much lighter, everything will become easy, there will be no pressure on your side. Stay humble, you're too arrogant and full of ego that is why you are getting depressed. You don't like when people are not appreciating you, you hate it when people disrespect you, you feel so bad if you have no attention, you feel so low whenever you can't get what you want right away. Why are you? you're not a prince, you're not even on top 1000 most powerful people in the world, who do you think you are? 


Sometimes you're thinking too much about yourself, you care about your identity, you care about how you feel. You almost forgot that it's not all about you. How about your family, friends and all the people who loves you? stop crying like a little puppy, you're better than that. It's up to you which side to go on, are you going to the strength side or the weak side? it's a choice. 


Don't curse your life, appreciate it. Any kind of life is still a life, any kind of struggle is still part of your life so be happy with it. Whatever kind of life you have right now... accept it, even if your life is a trash, even if your life really sucks... still learn how to love it because the moment you do it is the moment you start making a new and better life, your reality will change. 


Learning how to feel means being in the moment, it means you're not resisting and you're welcoming everything in life including pain and misery. If you feel negative you just deal with it, you suck it up, you feel it, you welcome it and then you let it go. 

You don't want to feel, you want to make your life fast, you don't want to face what it's infront if you, and that's why you're having a hard time with your life, that's why you're not in the moment. And if you're not in the moment you will feel more pain, your pain will become stronger if you will try to resist it. Just endure it, feel it as much as you can and it will become part of your system, it will no longer bother you. 


You don't know this but you're really addicted to negative emotions, it's becoming of your daily life. You're looking for something to blame, you're looking for something to hate. 


It will only work if you believe it, I mean really really believe it. Your belief should be insane, it should raise eyebrows and question the usual way and culture of people, it should make feel people uncomfortable, it should challenge the norm... that's how to make something work. It's the power of your belief, it's the strength of your conviction, you should be willing to go all in for it and risk everything you have... you should be willing to get criticized and mocked by people. It is what it is, no strong belief was not challenged, you will really feel the hate from other people if you believe in something and very vocal with it, so just shut your mouth and make it work, focus on your journey and just find a way how to make your belief come true. 


You don't care about what people say, you don't care about the impossible, you don't care about what's going on around you... you just believe it no matter what, you keep thinking about it, you keep practicing it, you keep using it to give you hope or make yourself feel better. No information can make you doubt your belief, you're all in and you don't even think about failing, you don't even think about suffering in the end, deep inside you feel that you already won, you already feel that what you believe is happening. If you really believe it then you will work hard for it, you will do whatever it takes to make it work, you will not stop, you will not rest, you will full invest your time and energy on it. 


You have to remind yourself what you really believe, sometimes you always forget it and that's why you're failing. There is nothing wrong in believing in something, even if it is wrong... you will find a way how to make it work, your belief can bend the reality, it can make people follow, it can fix anything broken. SO keep believing in yourself because at the end of the day... you will only have regrets if you don't go all in for your belief. Always think that every time you struggle... your belief only get stronger if you don't quit. SO just keep moving forward all the time and do whatever it takes to win, give all you've got, never quit and just keep going. 


you can do anything you want, nothing can stop you, nobody can stop you, you're the only one who can stop yourself. SO whenever you wanted to do something.... just do it, give your very best, use all of your strength, willpower and tenacity to do it, that is what it's all about, it's not about if you can do it or not, it's about the willingness to do it. Just start and believe, that's how to succeed, it's too simple, just follow this game plan and you can become the president of the united states, you can build a nuclear weapon, you can fly, you can live forever. 


You will become stronger even if you feel weak if you believe, you will become younger if you believe, you will make the right decisions if you believe, nothing can touch you if you really believe. There are some people who have the skills and talents to do something but they can't become big because they don't believe in themselves enough, they were too scared, they were cowards. 


That's your problem that's why you're not making it in life... you're only confident when the sailing is smooth, you're only confident when you're strong and not sick, you're only confident when your team is up by a large margin, you're only confident when you're sure that you're going to win, you're only confident when you have a lot of money, you're only confident when a lot of people is helping you, you're only confident when odds are on your side. Your belief is becoming weaker when the odds are against you. 

Nov 26, 2020


If you have a mindset, let's say a right mindset, a mindset that will make you go through any obstacle then you're already one of the best. Most people now are complaining about how hard things are, how unfair the world is, why is something happening to them because they don't deserve it, why they can't get what they want even if they are working really hard. But if you want to become the best, if you want to thrive and stop being loser in the end then you need to protect your mindset. Your mindset is everything, it is your guide, it is the one that will carry you and will lead you to the right way. SO if you can choose the right mindset then you're already have a chance to have a very good life, it's all about the mindset, it's alla bout how you run your mind. 


Mistake is part of the process, the more mistakes you make the more you will become successful. So try to create as much mistakes as you can, do more, take risks, that is what it's all about .

Nov 21, 2020


You're becoming too arrogant now, you think it's too easy that's why you don't want to start. You think you can do it just like what everyone did, you think you're better than everyone else and you think you should get rewarded with the ideas that you don't even execute. If it's too easy then why not start? why not do it? why not put yourself on a position to make some progress? why not enjoy the tiniest progress that you can make? It's the journey not the destination, as corny as it sounds but even if you're already successful... you will still look for something to do, you will still look for a challenge, destination is overrated and journey always overlooked but the truth is you will become more happier if you're moving instead of just waiting or celebrating for your success. 

Because you will get bored, let's say you already have all the money in the world... you will get bored, you will look for something that will make you struggle a little bit. Look at those children of wealthy people... they have everything that's why they don't know what to do with their lives anymore, they were lost, they were making a rebellion because they want something to challenge them and they couldn't find it, that's why they're creating problems on their own. 


Starting is the most difficult part because it's the time when your mind wanders and worries the most. It's the stage where your mind is entertaining a lot of fears and useless information that destroys your courage. You have to force yourself, and once you start... keep following through, always remember that once you start you can finish, once you try you can win. So stop looking for excuses why the process won't work and simply give your best no matter what. Create a mindset of just moving forward and looking for solutions every time the going gets tough, there is a way, all you have to do is find it. Stop thinking that it can't be done and just do it. 

So develop a habit of just starting it and following through, develop a mindset of forcing yourself to take actions no matter what. Don't be afraid of having a hard time, don't be afraid of making mistakes and starting again, start again if you have to but don't ever stop yourself from taking actions and doing the right thing. 


There is no right way to start, you just have to start and that's it. Face discomfort, whatever you can do... do it, whatever positive thing that you can start... start it, stop questioning yourself, stop questioning everything, thinking too much will make you suffer, it will make you do nothing. Focus on moving and not on thinking, just start and always think that there is something you can do, dissect the steps, take it one by one, little by little move forward and never think about finishing it fast, never think about succeeding so fast because you will never be able to follow through if you keep thinking that way. Always think that it is a process and the only way to succeed is to take consistent baby steps, one step at a time, one day at time... inch by inch make a little progress. Forget about taking shortcuts, forget about hacks or cheats... you can't escape the process, you really have to face the pain of moving or else you will never going to win in life. 


You can only get to where you want by starting where you are. You have to start where you are with what you have, stop thinking about the future and focus on the now, you have to dominate the now and enjoy whatever you have in your hands. Whatever you can do, you need to be proud of it, you need to enjoy it and try to make it better everyday. Try to improve day by day, discipline yourself, watch yourself evolve, watch your thoughts and actions and focus on trying to improve all of it. Because you have no other choice but to enjoy it or else you will never win, enjoy the struggle, enjoy the conflicts, enjoy the chaos, enjoy the stress. It's possible to have fun while you're uncomfortable, this is what separates the greats from the mediocre. Allow yourself to take actions whenever you need to, push yourself to work hard. 

Keep grinding, enjoy the grind, enjoy the hustle, if you can train your mind to do this then you will become unstoppable. Because it's all about the work and nothing else, no matter where you look at to see the right and short process you will never find it because it's all in the grind, you already have what you need and that is your body and mind. Develop a strong mind to become successful, invest in your body, take care of it because you need it to be strong to do a lot of work. Because it's going to become bloody and messy, it's not going to be easy, you will really have to crawl and face the most difficult situations in order to become successful. So take care of your body and mind because these are the most important things you need to become a winner in life. 


The problem with you is you think you can do it, you think you're a genius. You think you're entitled of getting more by giving less, you think you're so special that's why you couldn't even get started. You're criticizing other people, you think you're better than other people, you think you can do much better but you couldn't even draw the first blood, you don't have the power to pull the trigger. Stay humble, be quiet and focus on taking steps. Never think that you know everything, never think that you can do it right away and make it successful so fast. Accept that you have to grind it out, accept that you will also struggle and never get jealous with other people who are not working hard but making it in life, it is what it is, you have your own timing, you have your own journey. Never compare what you do to other people because that will ruin your journey to become successful, comparison is the thief of joy, focus on your life, focus on improving everyday and that's it. 

Nov 18, 2020


At the end of the day, whether you like it or not, whether you accept it or not... your life is all about fear. Fear is controlling you, fear is manipulating you and you don't even notice it. But it's ok, you're just a human being. You have to deal with it. Fear is part of our lives and it's our duty or obligation to fight back. You're not normal of you're not being scared anymore once in a while. So be happy if you're scared because it's an opportunity to evolve mentally, it's a sign that growth is very near and all you have to do is devour the situation no matter how difficult it may seem. Embrace any situation and you will be able to create some power. Accept what may hap[pen with all your hear, free your mind from fear, but if you can't do it then be one with fear. 


This is the truth and you must be aware of it. Fear is taking over your mind all the time. Fear of getting tired so you won't work hard. Fear of getting rejected so you won't even ask. Fear of failing so you won't even try. Fear of getting left behind so you will do everything just to stay relevant. Fear of not bein accepted by the society so you will conform and do what they do. Fear of pain so you won't even retaliate. Fear of losing money so you won't invest. Fear of losing your job so you will submit to your abusive boss. Fear of not knowing so you will study everything even if it's only making you worried all day long. Fear of getting lost so you won't even go further. Fear of getting criticized so you won't even express yourself. Fear of confrontation so you won't speak your mind. Fear of getting bullied so you will follow orders. Fear of being alone so you will try to fit in even if you don't like it. 

Fear of losing something that you really don't have. Always remember that you really don't own anything, just because you can hold it doesn't mean it will be yours forever, one day you're going to die and you will never be able to bring something with you. If you can accept that nothing is so important then you will feel so free.  


It's impossible to stop being scared. At any given time fear may strike you and stab your heart, it can penetrate your mind all the time and control every decision that you're going to do. But if you have a philosophy, if you always know whenever you are scared then it will be easier to neutralize fear. You can't be fearless, there is no such thing as a fearless man. But there is a man who understand fear. There is a man who is aware that he is scared, and this man always control the outcome of his life, it's because he will not make decisions based on fear. He will not let fear get the best of him. He is aware that he is scared and he will embrace it with all his heart and still do what he is suppose to do. He understand that it's just a feeling and nothing more than that. He understand that fear will soon go away. 

Embrace everything, accept that you may lose, may get tired, may die, may lose everything, may get rejected, may go back from the start, may feel the pain, may lose your mind, may get secluded from everyone else, may get laugh at, may get humiliated or embarrassed. Accept defeat, accept the possibility that you are wrong, accept that you may struggle or suffer... that is the best way to liberate yourself from worries and fears. Look at yourself as someone who is willing to persevere and move forward for as long as you are still alive. Feel unstoppable despite of fears, never let anything stop you, or even if you can't do anything about it anymore, if there is no really chance then just let it be, accept it, it is what it is. 


Look at yourself, why are you lazy? is it because you don't want to get tired? you don't want to try because you're so afraid to fail? you think it's just a waste of time? it's never a waste of time to try, trying is the best thing you can give to yourself, giving yourself a chance to succeed and do something positive is so rewarding. Look at yourself, why are you making safe decisions? is it because there is something on the line that you can't afford to lose?

Why are you thinking that way? why are you selling yourself short? why do you think you don't have the skill and power to do it? why are you always looking for comfort? it's because you're so scared of something that hasn't happen yet. You are predicting the future based on your fear. You are creating an illusion that makes your body and mind weak. 

If you always know what is going on with your mind then it will be easier for you to control everything. It will be easier for you to calm and reclaim your power. Be happy with what's going on with your mind and body and you will be able to create a power that you can lean on whenever you feel weak and scared. 


If you have this kind of mindset then you will become unstoppable. You can lose your identity and reputation, you can lose your money, you can lose your business, you can lose your car, you can lose your peace of mind but you are still alive. You can still stand on your own, anything that you may lose... it will never kill you. It's your attachment from something that makes you weak and playing safe, it's your weak emotion that is stopping you from progressing. The truth is... you can live forever without even smiling or being happy. Happiness is overrated, chasing for happiness is inviting misery into your life. You don't need to feel happy all the time, if happiness doesn't want you so be it. 

Nov 17, 2020


You don't need to become super brave to succeed, you don't need to act like a super alpha male or look like a savage to conquer pressure and get what you truly desire in life. A little courage is all you need, you just need to feel brave for a few seconds and follow your gut instinct, everything else will follow. You don't need to have supreme confidence to win, all you need is the ability to act and embrace looking like a fool, be ready to become a loser, feel ok getting rejected, never feel bad every time you fail. It's just a matter of giving yourself a chance to win, allowing yourself to try and not being afraid to fail over and over again. 


I know you're almost peeing on your shorts every time your crush is around, you're blushing like a stupid boy, you're armpits are sweating like maniac, you're so scared, you love her but you can't be near with her, it's because you don't want to get judged, you don't want to get rejected. You're so conscious of your breath and smell, you're so insecure of how you look. But if you will never ask her then you won't be able to taste here, you will just dream about her forever. A little courage is all you need, you don't need to be super confident or super cute, just try your luck. Always remember that fate favors the bold. All you need to do is be courageous on the first step and let the next sequence be taken care of by itself. It's all about trying and showing up, because at the end of the day... you will only regrets the shots that you didn't take and not the shots that you miss. 

And what if that girl also want you? What if she's just waiting for your first move? You better hurry up because some predators would also love to take a bite of her. Some guys are also watching her and wants a piece of her. You have nothing to lose here, you're already a winner if you try so keep trying and keep winning. It's better to try than to just watch something go away without having to fight for it. 


You wanted to create your own album or music, you wanted to leave your partner, you wanted to start a new business, you want to leave your country or community, you wanted to start a new life. All it takes is a little courage, you don't necessarily need to become super brave here, you don't need a heroic bravery, all you need to have is a little courage to start. Just start, always think that once you started... you have a chance to win, always remember that every decision is right for as long as it is related to success or evolution. Never think that you might have gone wrong, always think that you are right, taking matters into your own hands and not waiting is the best thing to do. It should be your culture, never wait for someone to do it for you, if you want something go and get it... period, no more questions, no more hesitations... just get it. 

Nov 16, 2020


What you almost have forgot is you can move forward with your damaged goods, you can always do something with your life, you can make it great, you can make it better, you can feel a little bit positive about it. It's ok if you are broke, it's ok if you're damaged, you can still live a better life even if there is something wrong with you or if there is something lacking in you, it's a choice, there are even some people who literally have a big disadvantage in life but still manage to do better than you. Being strong is a choice, it's not with what you have, it's what you do with what you have. So decide that you're going to fight back no matter what, decide that you're still going to do whatever it takes to win in life. 

Move forward even if you have a damaged car, move forward even if you have a sick body, move forward even if you have a damaged soul, move forward even if your shoes were too old, move forward even if your talents are too raw, move forward even if you're mentally disturbed, you can stay positive and productive despite of those imperfections. 


So what if you believe in yourself too much? there is nothing wrong with believing in yourself, it's better to have some self confidence than to have no confidence at all. Believing in yourself is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself, without belief there will be no miracles, without self belief you can never achieve anything. Believe that you can make something happen, believe that you can become great despite of your damaged goods. Stay confident all the time, stay that way, there is no need to doubt yourself, there is no need to worry about a lot of things, move forward even if you don't have something, always give yourself a chance to win no matter what the odds are. 


Happiness is just a matter of choice, real happiness has nothing to do with what you have or where you live, you can become happy by simply engaging in some process. You can become happy with a damaged and old house that has a roof with a lot of holes, you can become happy with a damaged relationship, you can put a smile into your face even if your business was damaged by a disaster, you can still do something that will make your life a little bit better. 

Nothing should be the basis of your happiness, treat happiness as something that is easy to get. Treat happiness like it has no value, always think that it's easy to get. Just being appreciative enough can make you the happiest person in the world. 


Trust me, you will feel much better if you're fighting for something. You will feel good, you will feel proud of yourself. It's much better than just taking your life for granted without trying. 

Nov 15, 2020


Right away, do it, stop making your life anymore difficult, let go of what you can't control... NOW! Set it free, set the pain free, don't make your life miserable anymore. Let go of what you can't control, you know these things, you know what makes your life a struggle. Your expectations, what people think of you, success, perfect condition, a perfect life, trying to win all the time, trying to please people, trying to stay dominant, trying to get respect... these things will not be yours. You may get some, you may control some things that are hard to control but you can never control them forever. The only things you can control is your mind and your actions, your reactions and perspectives. You can never control everything because by doing that will only give you a very stressful life. 


Life is full of surprises, it is full of randomness, today good things are happening to you and tomorrow is a little bit bad. Today is shining and tomorrow is raining, it is what it is. Life will surprise you all the time, it will stun you, it will bring you down on your knees. You just have to face it, you just have to accept it and never let it defeat you, keep fighting, fight back no matter what. No matter how big the challenge is in front of you... always learn how to fight back and never let life destroy your mind. Let the challenges make you grow, let it make you stronger and better. Life is so unpredictable and you must get use to it. Sometimes you even feel that you're in charge and you're in control of everything then suddenly something will shock you. And you will feel like a little puppy who's so helpless and weak, you will freak out in just a blink of an eye. 


You may win or you may not. Success will only be yours if you're 90 percent in control of everything but most of the time you are not. But if you place it in the hands of other people, appreciation from other people, judgement of people, perspective of people, definition of other people then it will never be yours. That's why you need to define your own success. Me my personal definition of success is if I've give everything I've got and if I go to the extreme... for me this is success. The best thing to do is just give your very best and that's it, no need to worry if you will become successful or not. Most of the time, success will come into your life naturally if you're simply focused on giving your best and not giving lesser than what you can give, give your all and big things will come into your life. 


Life is happening now, it's not happening tomorrow or in the past. Be happy because you still have now, you can still do a lot of things. Appreciate the now no matter how ugly it is, because this is where your life resides... in the now. You can never transfer your life to past or move it to the future. All you have is now, it's what you can control, it's what you can appreciate or hate but it's much much better if you will just appreciate because it will make you feel much better. There is an endless possibility on the now so never take it for granted, you can become happier now, you can attract better opportunities in life now, there is so much in the now so never waste it, never waste your time thinking about what you don't want and can't control, use the power of now to make yourself happier and better. 


You will get stronger and will be able to forget weakness if you will just move forward even if it's hard. Life is hard and you have to deal with it, but it will only get harder if you will get lazy and blame the things or people that you don't want all the time. 

Nov 11, 2020


How good is this game, this is the best game that you can ever play, think of an idea, create a belief and make a million or even millions out of it. Create an invention or simply a process, create a belief that will encourage people, create your own product, make yourself, create money from your ideas, you are free to do anything. Money is a strong motivator, you need to believe that you can earn a lot of money from your idea, anything is possible if you will work hard and give everything you've got. Any idea has a monetary equivalent, you can sell anything, all it takes is making your product valuable. It should be useful can can help people. Because you can never sell a useless product, you can never 


You will only succeed if you're willing to do whatever it takes to win in life... that's it, as simple as that. You're failing now because you haven't done everything yet to win in life, if you need to eat some garbage then do it, if you need to starve yourself for years then do it. If you really believe it then you will do everything that is hard and impossible, you will do what most people are afraid to do, you will bet all of your money on your belief, you will give tremendous time and effort, you will go the extra mile and push as hard as you can. You will never care if it is hard, you will never care if people say that it's impossible. You really have to do the unimaginable things if you want to get on top, if you need to catch flying bullets then do it.  

That's why you have to accept that it's going to get harder, that it's not a walk in the park, you have to accept that you will really bleed and suffer, it's part of the game, if you can accept that it's hard then you will never look for an  easy way out, you will never look for shortcuts and that's a good thing. 

Never underestimate yourself, never underestimate the power of working hard and doing whatever it takes. You can do so much, you're just hesitating and thinking too much that's why you're unproductive. stop thinking and just do it. 


It's just a matter of growing everyday, it's just a matter of improving everyday and working harder than yesterday, as simple as it sounds. Make your idea big everyday, make your belief stronger than what it was before. You can make anything grow if you are consistent in nurturing it, you have to do something for it everyday, ever small action counts, every one positive thought counts, every little thing that you can do to make it big... do it. Never hesitate even if the action looks like will never work, just do it, go hard and just do it... be one with your dreams, make it your life, make it your heart and soul, let it control you. Just like planting a tree, just like building a website or a you tube channel, just like trying to learn how to drive a bike... you can make improvements everyday, you just need to do the process everyday and handle the business. Stick with the basics and make it grow, as simple as that, you don't need a very talented mind here, you don't need to become an Obama or Einstein, you just need to stick with the basics and trust the process no matter what. 


Can you sacrifice fun? can you sacrifice all of your free time? can you sacrifice happiness? can you sacrifice your other dreams? you can only dream for one thing at a time, it will be hard to get your dreams if you're thinking too much. Your energy must be focused, it shouldn't be going to different places at the same time, you need to practice placing your energy in one place only so you can make progress faster. Never feel bad if you're making sacrifices because it will give you a better life in the future. Believe in the power of delayed gratification, you have to give up what you have now so that you can have something bigger in the future. 

Because success lies in your ability to make sacrifices, it's in your ability to do the hardest things, work longer and make the right but hard decisions. You can only make a huge progress if you can enjoy big sacrifices, it is what it is, if you want to win big then you need to sacrifice big, focus on winning and never do something stupid that will make you slower. 


If you are failing just think that you're still winning, if it is hard never think that it is impossible, just keep moving forward. Always think that everything you do is brining you closer and closer to your goal. And the truth is... you really never fail, you just learned some lessons, you just experienced a not so fun experience. But failing will make you tougher, smarter and braver. Once you're no longer afraid of failing you can try everything, you can take huge risks even if the cost for failing it is so big and damaging. Just don't think about it and give your very best every single day. Keep failing and keep trying because one day success will fall into your hands naturally. 


Once you have chosen a process... fully trust it, never doubt it, never think that it's not going to work because it will work. Hard work works, any process will work if you put in the time and effort. It will only now work if you get lazy and didn't take it seriously. Do the process everyday, consistency will make you thrive. If you work on the process long enough then it will show you something, it will make you feel better, your confidence will go higher and you will see something that not all people can see. Focus will make you a better person, you just need to love your work and your work will take care of you for the rest of your life. 


What's your mindset? do you have a mindset? if you have a mindset then you can create millions, you can create a fortune. Mindsets like: all work is easy work, I will never give up until the end, everything will be alright as long as I move forward, I will always choose courage over fear, I will use speed to give me an advantage, massive actions creates massive results. If you have a mindset like these and you will really live for it then you will become unbeatable, you will thrive no matter what, you will win even if it's so impossible to win. Nothing is unattainable to a powerful mind. So create a mindset and never change it even if a lot of storm is testing you, create a plan, create your own philosophy in life and fully believe in it. 


Money will come naturally, yes it will if your effort was already enough. Millions will flow, you will never have to worry about money again for the rest of your life. You just need to show an effort that is so hard to match. You just need to prove to yourself that you too can work hard like a lion that keeps hunting and never stops until the meat or food was finally caught. So stop worrying about money because it will come on the right time, it will be yours, just keep pushing and everything will be alright, give your best and the rest will be taken care of by itself. 

Nov 10, 2020


Why not think differently this time, everyone is talking about thinking big, winning big but where did it take them? to nothing right? why not think small this time, I mean think about just making a small and enough progress to get you going. Why not just think about just starting and getting a little bit successful just to build some confidence inside of you. You've been thinking about being a millionaire so fast, you want it to happen now but you couldn't even take the first step towards that goal. Why not think about just earning money this time? just small amount of money, just build a small business this time. Don't think about building an empire, don't think about being a king, don't think about being on the table of the presidents and chosen ones, why not be satisfied of what you have right now and try to make it bigger... a little bit bigger than what it was yesterday. 


You're always thinking about your big dreams, you're always checking yourself if you already have it or if you're close to it and if you feel that you're very far... you will feel bad, it's a lot of resistance, you feel that it's too impossible to get it. It creates frustration, it creates negative feelings. So what you need to do is focus on the process, don't worry because it will never take forever, one day will come and you will own your dreams. So forget about getting it fast and just focus on the process alone, be the best that you can be, give your best and never give up no matter what. Never mind if you're not succeeding for now, just keep moving forward all the time and you will be alright. 

That's number one reason why you're not making a progress... you want it fast, you want it now but you're not willing to grind, you're not willing to suffer and make sacrifices, all you have to do is focus and give everything you've got and you will get it, no need to rush because the right time will come. You don't have to worry anymore if you will make it or not. 


It's all about doing the small and repeating the process a million times. It's all about being consistent and seriously committed to the goal. Some people want to do big things but they couldn't even master doing the small things first and that's why they can't succeed in life. Appreciate the small things, be happy with a small success, be happy with a small progress and keep repeating it everyday. Sooner or later you will see that you're already very far in life. You only have the right to dream about big things if you can master the small things, don't underestimate doing simple tasks because most of the time you think you can do it fast but you couldn't even get started because of being too arrogant and overconfident, if it is really easy then do it now, what are you waiting for? if you think you really can do it then why not start now? 


There's no need to rush too much. You still have a lot of time so take your time. But it doesn't mean you can afford to get lazy. Work hard and take your time, appreciate the small wins everyday. Being successful is not a race, it's a marathon so don't be afraid if you're the only one who's not successful yet, your time will come you just need to be patient a little bit more. You have a lot of time, you have a lot of freedom, don't rush too much because it's only making you fail over and over again. Always trust the process, never give up when things hard... keep pushing, keep grinding because you will find a way. It's on you if you will succeed or not so don't be needy of the results because it's only destroying your motivation. 


It will come in just a matter of time, you just need to trust and have faith in your own system. Trust the process, make small results everyday and just try to become better than yesterday, that's all you need to do. It's not going to become easy but it's too simple. Stay consistent, do what you are suppose to do and develop the laser focus that makes you finish a small task so fast and efficiently. Once you start something... finish it no matter what, avoid procrastinating, avoid doing some other things that will not help you to evolve. If you're really working hard and giving everything you've got then it's only just a matter of time before you become successful, just be patient in waiting while working hard. 

Be patient, keep working hard, never give up and that's it... too simple, there is no need to look for a magic formula here, all you have to do is keep pushing forward and your time will come. Just believe, develop a power to believe and you will get anything in life, it's just a matter of believing and working hard... that's it. 


Once you have proven to yourself that you can do big, once you have mastered working hard and you already have a strong foundation... you can now think big, you can now dream about the most impossible things you can ever dream of, it's time to go to a different level. Because it's simply about building a structure, a habit that gives you small success every now and then and then trying to go to that harder level. You have the right to dream about big things now because you already have a track record of working hard and pushing yourself to the limits, you have the audacity to dream about bigger things now because you already have what it takes to win.

Nov 9, 2020


Stop pretending, stop backing out and trying to postpone what needs to happen. It needs to happen now and it is happening now, it all depends if you will devour it or not. Don't pretend to be blind, don't pretend that you can't do it, stop acting weak, when it's there it's there, stop looking anywhere else and just devour the moment, be an opportunistic dude that is willing to take over and win at all cost. Because acting like there is still next time will never get the job done, you never know maybe this is the only time for you, maybe this is the moment you've been waiting for and there will be no next time anymore. So learn to capitalize, give your best no matter what, try to win and do whatever it takes to get what you want. 

Everything you want and need is already there, its in front of you. The reason why you can't see it is because you really don't want it. Maybe you want it but you don't want to make sacrifices for it. Wanting something means you will struggle and face the pain, you don't want to feel bad, you don't want to feel uncomfortable and that's why you can't get what you want. Because the reality of life is if you want something then you need to show it, you need to prove to the world that you're willing to do whatever it takes even if it takes embarrassing yourself, getting to exhausted, feeling too much stress or getting out of your mind. It is what it is, there is no something for nothing. You can never get what you want if you're always waiting and pretending that you're alright and making progress, there is no progress in comfortable situations, you need to take risks, you need to push yourself to the limits. 


Even if the chances of winning is very slim... take it, even if it looks too impossible... still try. You need to be an opportunistic person if you want to succeed. Treat everything as an opportunity. Every day is an opportunity to grow, there is success behind every struggle, you can make something from scratch, you can do great things in an environment that is lacking resources, you can improve today and put yourself on a best position to succeed. There is hope in every corner of your world, you just need to see it. You can even sell garbage if you want, you can even take any job out there just to earn some money, you can even swallow your pride and ask help from your enemy. You need to take every chances, treat everything around you as a golden opportunity and never feel that there is something lacking in your life. 


Success loves speed, look at the most successful people in the world... they were too damn fast you can't even see them, they don't care about making their lives perfect, they don't care about the difficulty of any project... they just move fast, they don't wait, they keep moving forward for as long as they can, they're not afraid of failing, they're not afraid of trying, they will just do it even if they feel bad about it, they can force themselves to take actions even if they feel too lazy and heavy, they can make quick but calculated decisions, they never procrastinate, all they do is dominate. Because that is what life is all about... it's moving fast, life is fast but you should be faster. Because if you're too slow then leftovers will be served for you. Just like in courting a girl, you can't be thinking too much because another guy is looking at that girl and if you are too slow then the other guy will take her home and when he's done... the leftovers will be served for you. Do you know what I mean? 

It's so simple, if you want to get something... go and get it, it's not the victory that counts here, it's not about getting it... it's about trying and giving yourself a chance to get it. Because most people will not even dare to try, and that's why they already failed even if they're not ding anything yet. You're already labeled as a failure if you will not even dare to try. 


It will only make you good, why are you so afraid of failing? why are you so afraid of trying? it will never make you bad, it will make you more experienced and smart, you will become stronger and more equipped with knowledge, why will you be afraid to fail? Fail as much as you can and you will become a different person, you will have guts to take risks because you will finally discover that there is nothing wrong in failing, it is the right path for you because you will know the answer to your questions, it will make you discover who you really are and what you can really do. The number of failures you have is how honorable you are, they may laugh at you, they may thing you're not good but they don't see the bigger picture here. The real big times, the real successful people will applaud you because of your courage, they will see themselves from you, you will remind them the journey that they have before. Because you have the same journey as them, they were all failures too like you before. 


There is an opportunity everyday, you will find it if you believe in it, you will see it if you're looking for it. Sometimes rejection, bad timings, failures, heartaches, lack of resources were opportunities in disguise. You have to look deeper into everything for you to see what's really behind those things. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's not an opportunity, just because you are struggling doesn't mean you can never make it work, of course you can make it work, you just need to commit and take it seriously. That's why it's so important to stay positive all the time, you need to be very optimistic about your journey, you have to enjoy everything for you to make something work. Everything is an opportunity, every second is an opportunity to either grow, make a progress, create a momentum or simple change something. 


Stay ready, ready your mind for everything that may happen, ready your body to take actions when needed. Be like a spider who is so prepared for a food, he is simply waiting, his traps were very strong, he is just waiting for the victim, he is always ready to eat, ready to go for the kill, and when the opportunity is there... he never let it escape, he eat it like it's the only food on earth, the prey has nowhere to go, it can't escape, it can't make a move, it's stuck from the arms of the spider. 

Be ready like a lion, always ready for a war, always ready to hunt, always ready to get wounded. Like a lion that never backs down, you have to make sure that when the opportunity is there... you will devour it and never let it escape. 

Nov 7, 2020


Play a game today, it's called detecting the procrastination. If you can play this game for the whole day then you will become a beast for today, and you can repeat it again tomorrow, repeat it for a few days or weeks and you will become a different animal. You will become very productive, you will be able to finish a lot of things, you will become happier and satisfied, you will feel stronger than before, you will feel that you have a purpose. You will feel empowered, it feels like you have a new life, it feels like you're born again and you finally discover the best version of yourself. So watch yourself, are you procrastinating or not? be brutally honest with yourself, is what you're doing now taking you to another level? or is it making your life even worse? 


What you are doing now has an effect in your life later. The effect can be good or bad, it depends on what you're doing. So if you're super lazy now and doing nothing then you will get zero opportunities tomorrow, as simple as that. Every action has an equal reaction so every time you waste your time your life also gets wasted. Always remember that you are always in control of your life, you have the power to direct your life, it all depends if you will take your journey seriously and commit yourself to success. So stop blaming other people or circumstances why you are failing, you are at the bottom because of your bad habits, as simple as that. You drive the steering wheel of your life, you are the director of your fate. You are the one who made the decisions and take actions, nobody is trying to stop you. 


A lot of people were so depressed because they were so addicted to procrastination. They love it to death, they will choose laziness and making stupid dramas inside of their room rather than taking a walk outside or doing a simple household chores. You will never become depress again if you are moving all the time, it's because your blood will flow, it will circulate at its best and it will result to a healthy mind and healthy body, it will create hormones that will make you happier and calmer. So if you will just stop procrastinating now and simply start moving then your life will become much much happier. So stop focusing on what you don't have and start focusing on what you can do, this will change your mood in an instant. 

It's not the problem or hardship of life that creates depression, it's lack of action. Once you are moving you will feel much happier and confident. One small action creates a progress, it will give you something positive to focus on. If you feel so stuck and frustrated then just do something, if you're burned out in your work then do something else, it's either you exercise a little bit, clean your room, cook your wife a special food etc. Do something that will detach you from your current situation, never do something that will make you think about your problem anymore. Drinking too much alcohol is not detaching from stress, it makes you focus on the stress because you're still thinking about your problems while drinking beers or whines. What you need to do is stay active, use your hands and feet and do something else that is more positive. 


Wasting your time means wasting money, wasting your time means wasting an opportunity. Every second is crucial, treat every single second as the air that you breathe and stop wasting it because you are putting yourself on a bad position every time you procrastinate. Time is so precious, it's not just a gold... it's everything. Why waste your time on the stories of other people? being concerned with the new president, being so interested with the latest Korean who commits suicide, being so hooked with the latest gossip, it will never help you at all. Focus on your life and your life will change, as simple as that. The main reason why you can't have a good life is because you're too focused on wasting your time giving it to others. Be selfish with your time because it's the greatest gift you have.


This is the best habit that if you mastered then will change the course of your life. Start fast, whatever you need to do... just start it. Trust me, you will feel much better if you will start than just waiting for the good feelings to come before you start. Draw the first blood, just do it, forget about anything else and just do it, forget about doing it right, forget about doing it great and just do it. You need to be a fast started to have an edge. Because most people were slow like turtles, they've been waiting all of their lives before they start. And this is becoming their habit... delaying the things that they need to do. They feel like they can do it better tomorrow, they feel like they will have that sense of urgency later, but it's not happening. They keep on postponing the things they need to do and it's making them depressed and worried all the time, it's poisoning their minds. 


It's good that you can start fast but it's much better if you can fast start and then finish strong. Most people were just good in starting but they don't have the killer instinct. You need to have both, you need to be very aggressive in starting and also maintain the same energy level as you have when you start. Don't feel tired in the end, you must have the killer instinct. You must remain hungry and determined if you really want to become successful. Maintain that fire when you started, maintain that willpower and tenacity, you even have to double your effort when it comes to the end, you must have that sharpness and desire, don't relax when the process is almost done, stay hard working. This is what separates the great ones from the frauds... the great ones never relax until the end, they keep pushing and pushing because they know they are very near. Most people have the tendency to relax when it's almost over and that makes them achieving lesser than what they really can achieve. 


Later will never happen, it's just a myth. You will never do it later, you will never do it tomorrow. Your bad and ugly cycle will continue to loop and there is nothing you can do about it if you will not force yourself to take actions now. You have to use your willpower, force yourself, drag yourself to move or else you will remain the same bum forever, is that what you want in life? You have to force the issue now, stop waiting for the right time because it will never come, you're just fooling yourself if you keep believing that. The right time is always now, life is happening now, you have to use all of your willpower to make yourself move and do what is needed to attain a much better life. 


You need to watch your life, it's a journey, this is a journey about yourself getting better each and everyday. Great people watch themselves carefully, they only observe their lives, they never observe other people's lives. It's because they need a lot of time for themselves to become better. That is what greatness is all about... being selfish with your time and doing your best every single day to improve. Hard work is your religion, getting better is your goal and nothing else. Just focus on becoming better, see yourself if you're procrastinating and stop that stupid mentality right away, you need to step out of your comfort zone if you want a different result in your life. 

Nov 6, 2020


The truth is life is you can learn how to love anything, you can control your emotions, you can study how to feel good on something or someone. You can even fall in love with an ugly person, you can love an ugly shoe, you can appreciate your place even if it stinks, it all depends on how you control your mind. Loving what you need to love will make your life easier, it will make you feel much better and you will become more productive and creative. Just like your job, I know you hate it a lot, I know you're so sick and tired of it but what if it's the only job you know? what if it's the only thing that gives you money? you have no choice but to love it, accept everything about it and never curse it, never hate it, never tell people how bad it is. It all depends on your perception, you can appreciate anything if you will just think deeper. 


You don't need to live it with all your heart right away because it won't happen. Just take it slowly, decide that you are going to live it no matter what and study all the angles, study why you need to love it, give it a chance. Look at it, feel it, look for something you can appreciate on it. Because if you will keep on hating it then it will never help, it will only make your life a hell. If you can't leave it then love it, if it's the only thing in your life then love it to the fullest without condition. This is the only way to make your life easier. Just like in your work, if you will just learn how to love every step of it, every moment then you will become good on it, it will become easier and faster. Appreciate it little by little, a little love can go very far. Small love can become big by nurturing it and doing things that will even make it stronger day by day. 


Thinking about your enemies, thinking about your problems, getting jealous with other people's success... this stuffs will make you weak. Too much hate will make you sick, you need to fill your life with love and appreciation, that's how to make a progress and become successful. Hating will make you procrastinate even more, hating will never go anywhere. So stop hating and just focus on trying to love everything about your life. If you can't love someone or something then just ignore them instead of hating them because it will only ruin your day, it's not good for your health, it's not healthy for your mind, you need to focus on the things that you want instead of giving attention to things that doesn't really matter in your life. Hating will make your body paralyze, it will poison your mind, you will even imagine negative things that are not even real, your mind will always look for something to hate, it will become your attitude, it will become your reality. 


The Beatles were right, all you need is love. If you don't know what to do, if you're lost, if you're depressed, if you're failing... all you need is love, love is all you need. Love your work, love your environment, love everything about your life, you don't need someone to love you, if it's not there then it's not there, you can give love without asking for a return, giving love feels much better than giving hate. Look for something you can love and place your energy on it. Don't ask for something in return, love unconditionally. If you can't be appreciated so be it, because the real meaning of love is loving without rules, loving without bragging, loving without guarantees. Love is so powerful, it can make anything grow, it can make anything big, all you have to do is trust it, give more love and love will come back. 

You can command your feelings, a hate before can become a love now, an anger before can become a happiness now. It all starts with your thoughts. You need to control your thoughts, you need to control the way your mind behaves, it will be easier to create positive emotions if you're aware of what you're thinking of. So learn to love now, try to love now and never let fear or anger enter your system. It's possible, you can love your enemy or simply ignore him, ignore the thoughts that reminds you of him. You can ignore any kind of difficulty, you can love your struggle. Once you learn how to love your struggle and suffering... everything else will become much easier.  


So if you can't find a way how to succeed or just be a little bit happy... look for something you can love. It could be your job, a goal, a process, a hobby, a dog, a partner, a collection, a way of life... look for something where you can place your time and energy. Look for a positive something, look for something that you can love so that you will have a direction. It can be art, it can be music, it can be an impossible dream, it can be anything. For as long as you're not doing something bad to love it... you are right, you will grow with it, you will make the right decisions in life. It could be your car, design it. It could be your younger brother, teach him the best lessons that you can give. It could be your parents, give them back some love for caring about you when you were young. It could be anything that will make you love. It's better to love than to hate, it's better to be giving than to just getting all the time. 


It can heal your sick mind, it can heal your chronic disease, it can heal your bitterness and trauma. Use love because it's free. It's easier to hate than love but love has more benefits, it will give you a good life. Love is positivity, love is opportunities, it will open up the opportunities for a peaceful mind and productive life. With love you will become stronger, faster and younger. With love there will be less pressure, there will be lesser anxiety and fear, with love you can conquer everything in life. So just try using love, try focusing on the things you love, stop feeling it an applying it in anything that you do. Trust me, you will never regret it. Love is so powerful, nothing can stop it. 

Love can give you anything you want, it can make you learn any new skill you want by simply loving the process. Love can make you rich by loving money, love can make you stronger by loving the pain, love can make you faster by loving hard work and being relentless, love can show you the way by loving being faithful to your belief. Love is the only way to your freedom, if you are stuck or jailed right now all you need to do is love your place and you will feel free again. Love can happen in the mind, once you entertain thoughts of love then you will manifest love in reality. 

Nov 5, 2020


You keep getting the same results because you are being controlled by a cycle that you do not know. You're in a rat race and you hate to admit it. Why? because you're addicted to the emotions you are feeling right now even if you don't like it. You feel comfortable with negativity, you feel safer with your negative emotions. That's why a wife getting verbally abuse by his husband everyday doesn't want to leave, that's why a kid getting bullied doesn't want to tell his parents what's happening, that's why a failure keeps failing. It's because they were so addicted with those emotions even if they don't like it. If they don't want to feel it anymore then why they can't change? why they can't do what they are suppose to do? why they can't fight back? they get use to it, they experience it everyday and they already feel comfortable with it. They were already controlled by a cycle, it's already their lives. The only way to get out of that rut is to feel uncomfortable. How? fight a bully, learn to fight back, learn to express yourself, learn to shout, learn to risk everything for a change. Have you ever wonder why a beggar who is still a little bit young and still fit to work doesn't want to work? it's because he's so comfortable begging, he will feel so weird and uncomfortable if he tries to look for a job. Of course he doesn't want to beg anymore, he's so sick and tired of it but he can't leave it because it's already giving him comfort and security for years. His mind was already programmed that he can't do anything, he has been begging for years and it's making him survive so why will he try some other things that are outside of his comfort zone? it will make him sick, it will make him feel so uncomfortable. 


You're already addicted to comfort that's why it's so hard for you to change. What you've been doing for a long time is making you feel safer than trying to pursue the unknown. Change is hard because it will really be uncomfortable, that's why if you're trying to chase success you must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and do something you haven't done before. SO if you want a different result in life then it's time to think different and do different, it's time to do something great, something spectacular. Speak different, dress different, stand different and do something different. It's time to leave the past, it's time to change yourself, force yourself to do the things that you haven't done before to produce a different outcome. Change can happen to you if you will just be patient and committed. You need to start now or else you will be controlled by the old cycle forever.  

At the end of the day, if you really wanted to change then you will change, the power is always yours, you can create a new life that is inline with your rules and values. It's all about making big sacrifices for your goal, it's all about using your time the right way and thinking about your dreams all day long. 


Be completely aware of what you're doing now, what was it? are you procrastinating? are you just wasting your time? are you doing something stupid? are you doing something that is entertaining but useless? you know who you are you just can't admit it. Always guard yourself, be aware if you're doing something useless and stupid and stop yourself immediately from doing it. Be a no nonsense guy, be someone who is trying to make your life a little bit better everyday. 


This is the easiest way to win in life... use all of your time for your goal, don't waste any second, always think that what you're doing is for your goal. This will correct your actions automatically, this will guide you to the right path. 

Nov 4, 2020


If you will not stop then fear can never take over your mind, it can never penetrate and control you, it can never freeze you. So if you can have the habit of just going at it then you will prevail, most people can't succeed because they were stuck for whatever reasons. They make excuses, they look for reasons why they can't move, they let fear control them. So if you can just move move and move then you will become unstoppable, the results will come, opportunities will show up. Because taking actions is all you need to do and nothing else. To become unstoppable is to simply move forward all the time, be relentless. Know what you want and use all of your willpower to become very close to it, once you're so close to it.. you can get it easier, it's all about going further and further, go to the extreme, do whatever it takes to put yourself on the best position to succeed. 


Be aware of how you are feeling, you can choose calmness over fear. If you are aware that you are scared... don't do anything. Just breathe, stay still and never resist the feeling. Don't rush. Feel it, feel the pain, if you want to become successful then you need to enjoy feeling the pain. The pain of sacrificing your happiness for success, the pain of doing whatever it takes to win, the pain of not being able what you really wanted to do, the pain of not buying what you want because you're reserving all of your money for your dreams. 

Just ignore fear and it will go away, stop thinking about it, stay still for a moment. You will become more productive if you will just start something. What are you waiting for? start not now, do the process and never quit until you're done, that's how to win in life. Ignore your fears and focus on moving forward, you will be able to do a lot of you're simply focused on taking actions and doing whatever it takes to become successful, as simple as that.  You can ignore any emotions, even happiness you don't know that you are ignoring it everyday. Being with your loved ones is already happiness but you are ignoring them it means you are ignoring happiness. So if you're always ignoring happiness everyday then why not ignore your fears everyday. Try to become happy, feel free, enjoy life as much as you can, do whatever it takes to become better. Ignore fear, you can do this by trying to focus on what really matters in your life, it's easy if you will just try. 

You can play with fear, you can feel it and ignore it. It's all about practicing it, feel the fear and understand that you are scared. Once you realized that you're scared, look at your thoughts, ask yourself why are you thinking that way and let go of that thoughts. The key here is to stop attaching yourself with things. Detach from yourself, forget about yourself, forget that you will lose a lot of things, forget that you haven't done a lot of things yet. If you are ready to lose and ok not winning then fear will go away, if you can simply enjoy your life and what is going on no matter how worse it is then fear will start to become a weaker and weaker. Always remind yourself that you are ok even if you are scared, nothing will happen to you, don't be afraid to become afraid... that is they key. Sooner or later that anxiousness, nervousness and worrying will be gone. There is really nothing to hold on to, all you have to do is be ok with life, embrace everything and you will be able to conquer fear. 


It's easy if you will just enjoy the process and trust hard work. You can't move forward for a very long time because you're not focused, you want to become successful fast, you wanted to see results fast. It won't happen because you are being needy, the universe doesn't respond too needy people, it only respond to people who are enjoying the process. So accept that it's going to be a lot of work before you become successful, accept that you will really struggle and you also need to enjoy that part. Nothing can stop you if you will not think about the future and just focus on the now. Believe in the power of NOW as Eckhart Tolle is always preaching. Being in the moment will make you faster, stronger and better. Never think that it's too difficult, never think that you still need a lot of work to do. Just take it one step at a time and give your very best to become successful. It's easy, just try it, never look back, never hold yourself back. Just define what you really want in life and let it pull you towards it, let it force you to take actions. 


It's through actions and trusting that you can overcome anything no matter what. All fears are similar, it's just a feeling, you are the one who's creating it by giving it some power, by not taking actions and procrastinating all the time. Fear can be overpowered by actions, just choose doing something, choose pulling the trigger and don't be afraid to fail... that's it, if you're not afraid to fail, take the blame, get rejected, lose then you will become so free. Nothing can stop you anymore, so what are you waiting for? go all the way, give everything you've got, once you fail... stand up and try again, don't give up, keep pushing and never quit... ever. 

Fear is just another type of emotion, it's only making you feel something. It becomes stronger and stronger because you are procrastinating and worrying about what might happen next. Just let go, free yourself and go for what you really want. 

Nov 3, 2020


Hype is not real, I'm telling you it's just full of promises and lies. Hype is just fooling people. While some hypes are making a statement and small results, the truth is that result will not last forever, it will only last for a short period of time. 

A number one draft pick in the NBA was predicted to be the next Michael Jordan, he is the headlines of the news, everyone is counting on him but after a few years of playing this player was already considered as a bust. On the other hand, there is this undrafted player who just outworks everyone, after years of hard work he is now an all star and one of the highest plaid players. 

A talk of the town business, it's making a buzz seducing everyone to join because it promises easy money. The leaders were flashy displaying the most expensive cars and holding stacks of money but after a few months they discovered that it was a scam. People who joined it were crying because all of their savings were taken away by this scam. On the other hand, there is this vendor who's working hard like a mad dog, he is working 15 hours a day sometimes even more, little by little he expanded his business and already hired a few workers for some of his business. It only shows that consistency can outlast any hype. 

Conor McGregor, knocking out everyone in the UFC for 2 years but after that where is he now? nowhere to be found, sometimes even punching an old man in the bar because he can't accept that he loses to Diaz and Mayweather. Ronda Rousey, the same fate as Mcgregor, she thinks she can even beat Floyd Mayweather but after getting defeated by Amanda Nunez... this girl decided to leave the promotion. These people are making the loudest noise in town, making hypes and making everyone believe that they are the best only to give up in the end, they lose their motivation fast because they can't accept losing. 

A politician is promising the people that he is going to change the country, he will do this and do that but after a few years people discovered that he is just like other corrupt politicians. It only shows that hypes are not real, you must not believe it if it's not yet tested for years. You need results, you need the real thing, you need an evidence before you believe in a hype. 

A religious leader is creating a cult promising people that they will go to heave. But after a few years people found out that he is a rapist and a criminal. On the other hand there is this one quiet person in the community that was so humble, he is not even telling everyone that he is doing small charities for the poor. 


It's ok to believe in someone, it's great to believe in hype but don't expect too much. If something has not proven anything yet then don't fully give your faith on that thing. It will only disappoint you. It's much better if you will wait for the hype to become a real deal. Because anyone can pretend, anyone can fool anybody, making hype is too easy. Just show your money, talk loud, be arrogant and that's it, most people will believe in you. But beware, if you're this kind of person who's all about hype then you will get your punishment later, if all you do is talk too much and never work then that kind of attitude will backfire on you in the end. Because most people nowadays will fool you just to complete their own agenda, they will try to use you and manipulate your mind, you should be aware of who's fake or not.

Hype is just an excitement, it's not proven, it doesn't guarantee success, it's all about making your emotions high, there is no work in there. 


Everyone can create his own hype, everyone can fool other people, you too can fool the public but beware because they will find out later that you're a fraud and you will have to pay for it. You can lie, you can pretend to be great but at the end of the day it all goes down to if you can really prove something or not. It's not what you can say, it's not what you talk about... it's what you can do. If you're just goo in making hype but cannot prove it until the end then you will be labeled as a fake clown, nobody will believe in you anymore. Even if you're telling the truth... nobody will believe you anymore because that has been your identity for a long time, the will just laugh in everything you say. 

Most people now are trying to create a hype because they want to become successful fast, they want to become popular and get money fast. But look at them closely... they will never persevere when things gets hard because they don't have the mental toughness to endure the most difficult situations. 


Nothing can beat hard work and that is for sure. Hard is what you need to trust because it's the number one requirement for success. Without hard work and dedication you will never achieve completion. The harder you work the luckier you will become so stop looking for luck if you're not getting tired because of work. Getting exhausted and stressed is normal, you just need to handle it well and never let your mind break down. Hard work pays off, all you need to do is work hard and believe everyday, you will get rewarded for sure, that is guaranteed. You don't need to become fancy or very detailed here, you don't need to look smart or try hard to become a genius... if you want to become successful all you need to do is work hard and that's it. 

If you really want to become big, you can never take shortcuts, you can never run away from hard work, it's like an initiation to join a fraternity... you need to feel the pain, you need to make sacrifices in order to produce larger sums of rewards. 

Nov 1, 2020


The process is very easy, success is very easy if you're not needy of results. The process becomes harder because you don't trust the process, you're not all about the process... you're all about results. 


The number one reason why you can't make results is because you're always trying to look perfect all the time, you're trying to look cute, you don't want to get criticized, you don't want to get laugh at. Trying to look perfect will make you stuck. Always remember that you're not a celebrity, you don't have a name, never care about your identity because it will only make you stuck in one place. You are not here to have a perfect record, you are here to make your hands dirty and experience a lot of things. You will never succeed if you will always try to feel comfortable all the time, that's not the case, that mindset will never get you anywhere. If you're moving from one place to another it's uncomfortable right? but the potential for progress is every big. Same as trying to make an improvement in your life, it will always be uncomfortable if you're looking for an evolution. You will never learn anything or improve in some areas of your life if you're too comfortable surfing the web the whole day or watching TV the whole day, there should be a discomfort if you want to evolve. 


If you want to make results, make it simple, just break a boundary, break one of your limitations, break your own records. It doesn't need to be big right away, just keep pushing and try to break your own record. If you have one thousand dollars now try to make it $1,100 or just $1,050. That's a result already. The best way to get your momentum back is to simple do something, give your very best and do whatever it takes to win in life. 

Look for something you can break, it can be a simple achievement or routine. If you're always doing 20 pushup everyday and it becomes so easy and boring, it only means it's time to break that number, do 21 or 22 pushups tomorrow and stick with that number until it becomes too comfortable, then try to break it again. 


The one thing that you can't live without is your family, that's it. Your heart will be broken into pieces without your family. So anything that is not on your hands... you don't need it. If you want to release the tension, anxiety or pressure then accept that you can live without it. Because sometimes wanting it so bad is stopping you, it's freezing you and avoiding you from taking actions. Because not expecting for anything is power, you will become free, nothing will bother you, it's easier to become successful because there's no pressure at all. All you will do is move and that's it, you don't care about the results, you don't care about getting zero, you're simply having fun with the process and you feel that it's the reward already. 


How many times do you have to hear it before you believe it... always trust the process no matter what. Keep believing it all the time and never doubt it for a second. Always believe that everything that you are doing is making you one step closer from your goal. Always believe that big things are waiting for you. The harder you believe the bigger you will achieve. Just work and let the results come naturally, don't worry about it, don't think about it and just focus on taking actions, if you can apply this this style into your life then it would be easier to become successful. 

Being ok getting zero, being ok getting nothing, being ok failing or simply being ok walking away... this is real power, you have nothing to lose, you don't feel bad about the efforts not getting any rewards, you are free to do anything you want, nothing can make you feel bad, the results is more creativity and freedom. 


Go back to the plan as fast as you can, go back to the process, execute the plan and never stop. That's how to become successful, it's all about making yourself free and unstoppable. How are you going to do that? not minding other people's business and fully focusing on your own business. Do something right away, execute the first step. Regardless if you feel good or not... pull the trigger, never let your mind think. Because every time you procrastinate and overthink... you will lose your sanity, you will lose your momentum, don't let the mind overthink... that's the key, once you have an idea... execute it to the fullest, never give up, never stop... you have to move forward all the time. 

Your mind is powerful, it can also become destructive, you have to control it or else it will control you. Direct your mind to your goals, focus on what you want and never focus on what you don't want... that's what it is all about. 


The worst thing that's stopping you is your mindset, you don't have the right mindset to get the results that you're looking for. Correct your mind and your life will be corrected too. You have to think of a goal or a plan that you must follow, you have to have references that you may use on different difficult scenarios that you might encounter. For example if you encounter a situation in your job that is really stressful what will your mindset would be? how will you react? what are you going to do? or if you lose your job or you got sick, what will your mindset would be? 

If you have a strong mindset or philosophy in life then nothing can break you. You can survive anything, you can make anything succeed, you will become unstoppable, you can conquer the world. 


Never let your mind be occupied with something that is not related to your own business. Subjects like a rumble in basketball, Lebron James being a Goat, Donald Trump having a fever or any stupid news that will only mess up your mentality. Focus on minding your own business and results will come faster than expected. Focus on your own business and it will grow everyday, it will become bigger and bigger. 


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...