Oct 27, 2019


If you want to have a big change in your life... always think about big numbers, think about more, having more, getting more, always look for possibilities and expansion. It's not about being greedy, it's about the evolution of your consciousness and belief. It's ok to think big for as long as you will work hard and do whatever it takes to get the numbers you want. You are not allowed to think big if you're only willing to give weak efforts. You can only dream big if you will work big, but the good news is... anyone can dream big because anyone can work hard as much as they can. Another good news is... the more you work hard, the bigger your belief will become, you will become confident with yourself and abilities.


If you can do ten push ups everyday, always think that you can do more than that. Do 11 or 12 or even 20, always try to expand. Never limit yourself just because some Judas character told you you can't do it. You need to listen to yourself and intuition, if part of you is saying that you need to try it then try it, as simple as that. Do more, push more and be more, never settle for less. You strength is unlimited your potential is above the roofs, don't ever think that you have a limitation for everything. You have to lose your mind and set yourself free. You are free to try, you are free to push and see what is possible with the full maximum effort that you're willing to give. Because the truth is you an do more but you're too lazy, picky and soft that's why you're not willing to go the extra mile.


Your limiting belief, weak effort and unwillingness to try are limiting you. All you have to do is try and be a little bit uncomfortable. If your situation now is too comfortable and predictable then it means you're not even trying. You already knew what's going to happen and that's getting the same result as yesterday. Do something different, try harder and believe stronger. It's ok to fail but don't every thing about failing, always think that you can try something and you can go a little bit further. Just do it, just do that very small step that you think is right. Allow yourself to create and become something you haven't become before.


Feel strong and stop feeling weak, that's the only way to greatness, that's the best mindset to get more numbers. Imagine you're getting huge numbers, imagine you're slowly evolving, imagine you're more than yourself and your energy is unlimited, I'm sure you can do a lot of things... unimaginable things if you will just allow yourself to take actions and move forward all the time. Because at the end of the day you will still feel something, why not feel invincible? It's ok to feel strong, it's not being arrogant or being delusional... it's rewarding yourself with greatness.


The millionaires think about millions before they get it, the record breakers thinks about breaking the records before breaking it, the big people think about big thoughts before becoming big. The good thing is anyone can do it, anyone can think big, anyone can dream big, it all depends on how are you going to handle it and how are you going to do it. You are free to do anything with your mind, you can fill it with the most abundant thoughts that you can think of. Think about millions or even billions, think about greatness and success, never focus on what you don't want. Mind is a very powerful thing, what you keep on thinking about will soon become your reality.


Just believe it, you're free to believe it. Even if it's too big... just believe it and it will become true. Even if people were laughing at you, even if they thought you're crazy... keep believing it. If your belief is so pure and there is no contradicting thought then what you wish will be granted, you can think about anything big and you will get it if you persevere enough and work hard for it. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...