Oct 30, 2019


rugged breed

If your reality sucks right now... don't blame anything, don't blame other people, it's only you who is suppose to get the blame. If you want to change your reality then you need to change your effort, you know what it is... you need to work harder and try to outwork everyone, you need to take matters into your own hands and do what you haven't done before. The harder your effort the bigger the success will be, that's the simplest and most effective equation for success. If you can't make results right now... add your effort, make your effort big, keep pushing, keep punching, keep moving until the opportunity shows on your way. Look at your effort, was it strong or was it weak? you should make adjustments to your effort if you're not getting the results you want in your life.


Just like I said your effort will be your reality. You can change your reality anytime you want. Increasing the effort will make a dramatic change in your life. You need to believe that hard work will rule the world, hard work can change anyone's bum life, hard work is the solution to your misery. Just work hard and you will feel good, you will feel confident and successful, there is a magic that hard work brings... it will change your reality anytime you do it. So don't ever feel bad and down whenever you're on a bad situation right now, it's ok, it's always ok. So just keep punching the wall, keep trying, keep looking for a space where you can maneuver, move your hands and feet, use your brain, use everything you can use to change your reality. It can change now, trust me, it can change now if you really push yourself to the limits and stay committed.


Focus plus unparalleled effort can create magical things. It can change anything, it can transform anything into something new. Just focus on what you want and bring your full maximum effort into it. Try so hard and never stop, be relentless, place your energy into it and never look at something else other than it. So focus on what you want and never think about what you don't want. Focus is like a water, it will run forever, it will give you something, it will give you your dreams slowly and gradually. So where are you placing your energy? what are you focusing on? that will be your reality, that will bring more of it. So be strict with your focus, always be aware if you're focusing on the right things or not, always be aware if your focus is helping you. Where are you placing your eyes? where are you using your energy?


So if you're struggling or broke or sick or not having a good life for the moment... never believe it. You're on a bad situation because you're not doing the right thing. But if you will just make adjustments and change your effort from weak to strong then you will be able to change the outcome of your life. Your situation is not permanent, you can change it anytime, you will change if you change your mindset an work ethic. You will only never change if you already accepted your situation. You have to become strong, really really strong. Ignore your situation if it doesn't feel good right now and try to focus your attention on things that really matters to you. Your reality is just temporary, it will change anytime if you decided to go to the other direction. It will change if you decided to go all out and give everything you've got. Your reality is what you're doing right now, so if you're lazy now then that is your reality, if you're thinking about scarcity now then that is your reality. But if you're thinking about abundance and executing hard work every now and then then success will become your reality, as simple as that.


You can tell everyone that you're working hard and you really wanted to win but numbers won't lie. It will show on the results that you are getting, it will show on the amount of effort you are exerting. They will see if you're really working hard or not. You can make dramas and excuses, you can ask for sympathy but the real reason why your work is not working is your effort, you're lacking the effort, your numbers were too low, you're not producing the numbers needed to become successful. Working for 2 or three or even 4 hours a day will never get the job done, you really need to do more and be more, you need to stay away from your comfort zone and do something that you haven't done before. If you want massive results then take massive actions... as simple as that. So if you want to create magical results then you need to produce some numbers that not all people can produce, be a bull, be a lion, always stay aggressive and look for a place where you can operate, dominate this day and never settle for less.


It's on you, it all depends on how hard you work, always remember that effort will dictate the outcome of your reality. If your effort is too weak and not making you feel uncomfortable for a bit then change will not take place. The effort should be outstanding and one of a kind, the effort should wow other people, it should overwhelm the other people who saw it. You are the captain of your ship, you are creating your reality so don't ever complain if you're losing now, if you're losing then it only means you are taking your life for granted. So do the right thing, drive your ship correctly, exert an effort that will change the outcome of your life. Anyone can work hard, anyone can focus, it only means you too can change the outcome of your life if you work harder than anyone else.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...