Oct 31, 2019


rugged breed

The magic of moving is under estimated nowadays because most people were blinded by the other people who were successful in social media. They think that success is easy, they just wanted to feel lazy and take pictures and wait for the magic to happen. Something is always happening when you're moving, you're attracting success, your making your dreams chase you, you are magnetizing your desires. It seems like there is an invisible force pulling the opportunity towards you. Just move forward and see the miraculous things that could happen.


You can move now, you can move anytime you want. You can move if you will just force yourself, because every time you pamper yourself and feel lazy... your situation becomes worse, something is not happening when you're stuck and not taking actions, uglier situations will be attracted to you if you keep being lazy. But if you're always on the move, if you're doing something to make it happen... then it will happen, you will be surprised with the opportunity that is attracting to you. Magical things were starting to show up, surprises and breaks were starting to blossom. Just move, simply move, allow yourself to take the necessary actions to do make an improvement. Moving anytime you want is a great talent, it's the strongest skill that you can ever have, it's the most powerful tool towards success. All it takes is doing a move that you think will make your life a little bit better and then following through. Keep moving until you finally change your life and got a hold of your dreams. Just keep moving forward, just execute and do what is needed. Because every time you hold yourself back, every time you stop yourself... you are killing your dreams and ambitions, you are going backward instead of progressing, you are leveling down, and the worst is... your mind is getting blackened and poisoned, it is starting to entertain doubts and fears, it is becoming negative. Unlike in moving, your mind gets healthier and healthier, you are becoming mentally tougher, you are becoming a better person.

You are the only one who's stopping yourself because of laziness and entertaining your doubts and fears. Focus on what you can do and you will start to build a courage that will make your life better.


When you are moving and taking positive actions... you are attracting success, the universe is starting to notice you. You are starting to magnetize the best opportunities of life, greatness is starting to take over your life, you are improving, you are starting to make strides towards success. So just keep moving forward and make it a habit, you will become totally free if you're moving. So if you feel that there is no change in your life then it means you're not moving at all, or maybe you are moving but your effort is too weak and slow, you are not utilizing all of your powers and skills, you are just pretending to be doing something but your intention is so weak and unsure. Movement creates improvement, movement will change your life. So just move and do whatever it takes to go to the next level. Don't worry if you're not making any results yet, the results will come later, you will get all of it, just be patient for now and focus on the grind, keep hustling everyday, keep working hard and one day success will be yours.

So if you really want to make something happen... move, take massive actions, be relentless and always push forward, never pamper your laziness, prioritize working hard and taking your journey to another level. The formula is very simple... focus, believe and work hard, something is happening when you're moving, you may not see the big results for now but you will in the future, you will never regret that you did work hard and give your all for your dreams.


Watch yourself evolve, watch yourself grow and become successful little by little. Because instead of watching other people and waste your energy for them, why not waste your own energy for yourself, use your energy to make yourself better and get your dreams little by little. Keep evolving, keep growing, do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true. Focus on your own thoughts, focus on your own life, never mind other people's lives because doing that will only make you weak and slow, focusing on them is like killing your dreams and giving away your power and energy for free. Because the best way to waste your life is to fully live it, you can only do it by fully watching yourself and being in the moment, watch yourself closely become a little bit better every now and then, treat yourself like a super hero...keep getting stronger everyday, keep looking for something to solve, always push yourself to the limits to get what you want.

Just try this for one month... focus on your own work and own life, develop a belief that will make you stronger and work harder, develop a mindset of simply doing what you need to do and doing it fast, believe in yourself to the point where you feel that nothing is impossible anymore if you really work hard for it. Work super hard for one straight month, chase your dream and watch yourself evolve.

You will be surprised with what you have accomplished, you will be surprised with the greatness that you are feeling. Stop watching other people's lives because it's only making you slow, it is slowing the progress, it is disturbing you and influencing your mind the wrong way, in other words... it is not helping at all. Because watching yourself evolve is more fun than watching other people's lives evolve, you are only wasting your precious life if you're talking about the achievements and problems of other people instead of  focusing on your won life. If you really wanted to experience a new life then you need to move now and forget about what may happen next. 

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