Oct 31, 2019


rugged breed

The magic of moving is under estimated nowadays because most people were blinded by the other people who were successful in social media. They think that success is easy, they just wanted to feel lazy and take pictures and wait for the magic to happen. Something is always happening when you're moving, you're attracting success, your making your dreams chase you, you are magnetizing your desires. It seems like there is an invisible force pulling the opportunity towards you. Just move forward and see the miraculous things that could happen.


You can move now, you can move anytime you want. You can move if you will just force yourself, because every time you pamper yourself and feel lazy... your situation becomes worse, something is not happening when you're stuck and not taking actions, uglier situations will be attracted to you if you keep being lazy. But if you're always on the move, if you're doing something to make it happen... then it will happen, you will be surprised with the opportunity that is attracting to you. Magical things were starting to show up, surprises and breaks were starting to blossom. Just move, simply move, allow yourself to take the necessary actions to do make an improvement. Moving anytime you want is a great talent, it's the strongest skill that you can ever have, it's the most powerful tool towards success. All it takes is doing a move that you think will make your life a little bit better and then following through. Keep moving until you finally change your life and got a hold of your dreams. Just keep moving forward, just execute and do what is needed. Because every time you hold yourself back, every time you stop yourself... you are killing your dreams and ambitions, you are going backward instead of progressing, you are leveling down, and the worst is... your mind is getting blackened and poisoned, it is starting to entertain doubts and fears, it is becoming negative. Unlike in moving, your mind gets healthier and healthier, you are becoming mentally tougher, you are becoming a better person.

You are the only one who's stopping yourself because of laziness and entertaining your doubts and fears. Focus on what you can do and you will start to build a courage that will make your life better.


When you are moving and taking positive actions... you are attracting success, the universe is starting to notice you. You are starting to magnetize the best opportunities of life, greatness is starting to take over your life, you are improving, you are starting to make strides towards success. So just keep moving forward and make it a habit, you will become totally free if you're moving. So if you feel that there is no change in your life then it means you're not moving at all, or maybe you are moving but your effort is too weak and slow, you are not utilizing all of your powers and skills, you are just pretending to be doing something but your intention is so weak and unsure. Movement creates improvement, movement will change your life. So just move and do whatever it takes to go to the next level. Don't worry if you're not making any results yet, the results will come later, you will get all of it, just be patient for now and focus on the grind, keep hustling everyday, keep working hard and one day success will be yours.

So if you really want to make something happen... move, take massive actions, be relentless and always push forward, never pamper your laziness, prioritize working hard and taking your journey to another level. The formula is very simple... focus, believe and work hard, something is happening when you're moving, you may not see the big results for now but you will in the future, you will never regret that you did work hard and give your all for your dreams.


Watch yourself evolve, watch yourself grow and become successful little by little. Because instead of watching other people and waste your energy for them, why not waste your own energy for yourself, use your energy to make yourself better and get your dreams little by little. Keep evolving, keep growing, do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true. Focus on your own thoughts, focus on your own life, never mind other people's lives because doing that will only make you weak and slow, focusing on them is like killing your dreams and giving away your power and energy for free. Because the best way to waste your life is to fully live it, you can only do it by fully watching yourself and being in the moment, watch yourself closely become a little bit better every now and then, treat yourself like a super hero...keep getting stronger everyday, keep looking for something to solve, always push yourself to the limits to get what you want.

Just try this for one month... focus on your own work and own life, develop a belief that will make you stronger and work harder, develop a mindset of simply doing what you need to do and doing it fast, believe in yourself to the point where you feel that nothing is impossible anymore if you really work hard for it. Work super hard for one straight month, chase your dream and watch yourself evolve.

You will be surprised with what you have accomplished, you will be surprised with the greatness that you are feeling. Stop watching other people's lives because it's only making you slow, it is slowing the progress, it is disturbing you and influencing your mind the wrong way, in other words... it is not helping at all. Because watching yourself evolve is more fun than watching other people's lives evolve, you are only wasting your precious life if you're talking about the achievements and problems of other people instead of  focusing on your won life. If you really wanted to experience a new life then you need to move now and forget about what may happen next. 

Oct 30, 2019


rugged breed

If your reality sucks right now... don't blame anything, don't blame other people, it's only you who is suppose to get the blame. If you want to change your reality then you need to change your effort, you know what it is... you need to work harder and try to outwork everyone, you need to take matters into your own hands and do what you haven't done before. The harder your effort the bigger the success will be, that's the simplest and most effective equation for success. If you can't make results right now... add your effort, make your effort big, keep pushing, keep punching, keep moving until the opportunity shows on your way. Look at your effort, was it strong or was it weak? you should make adjustments to your effort if you're not getting the results you want in your life.


Just like I said your effort will be your reality. You can change your reality anytime you want. Increasing the effort will make a dramatic change in your life. You need to believe that hard work will rule the world, hard work can change anyone's bum life, hard work is the solution to your misery. Just work hard and you will feel good, you will feel confident and successful, there is a magic that hard work brings... it will change your reality anytime you do it. So don't ever feel bad and down whenever you're on a bad situation right now, it's ok, it's always ok. So just keep punching the wall, keep trying, keep looking for a space where you can maneuver, move your hands and feet, use your brain, use everything you can use to change your reality. It can change now, trust me, it can change now if you really push yourself to the limits and stay committed.


Focus plus unparalleled effort can create magical things. It can change anything, it can transform anything into something new. Just focus on what you want and bring your full maximum effort into it. Try so hard and never stop, be relentless, place your energy into it and never look at something else other than it. So focus on what you want and never think about what you don't want. Focus is like a water, it will run forever, it will give you something, it will give you your dreams slowly and gradually. So where are you placing your energy? what are you focusing on? that will be your reality, that will bring more of it. So be strict with your focus, always be aware if you're focusing on the right things or not, always be aware if your focus is helping you. Where are you placing your eyes? where are you using your energy?


So if you're struggling or broke or sick or not having a good life for the moment... never believe it. You're on a bad situation because you're not doing the right thing. But if you will just make adjustments and change your effort from weak to strong then you will be able to change the outcome of your life. Your situation is not permanent, you can change it anytime, you will change if you change your mindset an work ethic. You will only never change if you already accepted your situation. You have to become strong, really really strong. Ignore your situation if it doesn't feel good right now and try to focus your attention on things that really matters to you. Your reality is just temporary, it will change anytime if you decided to go to the other direction. It will change if you decided to go all out and give everything you've got. Your reality is what you're doing right now, so if you're lazy now then that is your reality, if you're thinking about scarcity now then that is your reality. But if you're thinking about abundance and executing hard work every now and then then success will become your reality, as simple as that.


You can tell everyone that you're working hard and you really wanted to win but numbers won't lie. It will show on the results that you are getting, it will show on the amount of effort you are exerting. They will see if you're really working hard or not. You can make dramas and excuses, you can ask for sympathy but the real reason why your work is not working is your effort, you're lacking the effort, your numbers were too low, you're not producing the numbers needed to become successful. Working for 2 or three or even 4 hours a day will never get the job done, you really need to do more and be more, you need to stay away from your comfort zone and do something that you haven't done before. If you want massive results then take massive actions... as simple as that. So if you want to create magical results then you need to produce some numbers that not all people can produce, be a bull, be a lion, always stay aggressive and look for a place where you can operate, dominate this day and never settle for less.


It's on you, it all depends on how hard you work, always remember that effort will dictate the outcome of your reality. If your effort is too weak and not making you feel uncomfortable for a bit then change will not take place. The effort should be outstanding and one of a kind, the effort should wow other people, it should overwhelm the other people who saw it. You are the captain of your ship, you are creating your reality so don't ever complain if you're losing now, if you're losing then it only means you are taking your life for granted. So do the right thing, drive your ship correctly, exert an effort that will change the outcome of your life. Anyone can work hard, anyone can focus, it only means you too can change the outcome of your life if you work harder than anyone else.

Oct 29, 2019


rugged breed

If you have a dream, all you have to do is start and take the next steps that you can take. You are not suppose to know everything but if your vision is so clear and you're so determined to get it then you will get it. It's ok to get lost, it's ok to feel overwhelmed, you are not suppose to become so sure if you will win or not. If you know that you're going to win from the very start then you will not be challenged anymore, you will become lazy and you will not give your very best.

It's ok if you don't know where will the next money come from, it's ok if you don't know if you're going to win or not, it's ok if you don't know the best path to become successful, it's definitely ok. You need to fall in love with the unknown, you need to stay committed with the journey because at the end of the day, you will only know the answer if you will try and give your very best.

And so what if you don't know the future? you're not a wizard, you're not a fortune teller. It's ok if you totally get lost, it's not a problem because you will find your way back. Just be yourself and fall in love with the chaos, you can build your own rhythm and timing if you keep trying and push forward even if defeat is inevitable. You will get there, whatever destination you desire... you will get there if you will trust the process. It's a journey, you don't need to know how to make it right away, sometimes it's really a trial and error process, sometimes the process is brutal and really difficult but it is what it is, that's how life was designed. Life will become so damn boring if everything is so easy. So embrace the hustle, embrace the grind and simply keep moving forward all the time. You don't need to look perfect all the time, you don't need an easy path, all you need is a persevering mind and a relentless attitude to keep trying even if there is no chance to win. Because quitting and always complaining will become your attitude.


Learn to adapt to any situation you are in. It can be a really bad situation, it can be a really hopeless place but if you will just appreciate where you at right now and simply give your best then you will make it to the top. You can conquer anything, you can climb the highest mountain, it all depends on what kind of mindset do you have. Learning to adapt and adjusting to the situation is the best skill that a man can have. A born rich spoiled kid will cry once he suddenly become poor for whatever reason but a kid who was poor since birth will never cry once he become rich and poor again because he already knew what it's like of being poor. I am not saying that the rich kid cannot adapt to his new situation, the point here is if you were so familiar with a hostile environment and you were able to adapt to that place early then you will never have a hard time for the rest of your life anymore.


Just live because if you're living then you have a big chance of becoming successful. Just live and take it step by step, fall in love with the process. Never quit when it's hard, don't die when it's hard... push further when the going becomes difficult... that's how to change your life and become successful. Never care of what is happening, never care how difficult and painful your situation is... just do what is needed, keep living and surviving and try to do the next step all the time. Keep looking for steps that you can complete, keep looking for that space that you can occupy. Make yourself very close form what you are trying to accomplish. Forget about anything else, forget the obstacle, forget the difficulty... just do the next step and that's it.


Enjoy your fear, enjoy not feeling alright, enjoy being lost, enjoy your psychology. Remember that every time you face your fears... you are becoming a better person, you are getting braver and braver. It's ok if you are scared, learn to enjoy it and it will go away anytime soon. Being scared is also part of who you are, everyone is scared but the most accomplished individuals are the ones who can move despite of being scared of what might happen. As the saying goes... "despite of your fear, do what you have to do". The key on how to enjoy your fear is be aware that you're scared and try to stay calm all the time. Forget about what may happen next and just go with the flow, learn to relax while moving, stay calm even if you are scared. Don't rush too much because that will only escalate your fears. Be in a slow motion if you need to and just keep doing your thing. Always remember that it's ok to become scared, what matters is you are moving forward and you're not freezing yourself up.

Execute the next step and you will have that momentum again. Most people were lost because they couldn't even do the next step, they were so scared because they feel that it's a big responsibility, they feel that it's too hard. Or maybe they were just too lazy. Always remember that hard work can outclass anything, if you don't know anything but you are willing to work hard then you can beat any competition you have. Just do the first step and you're already free, you already won.


You will learn as you move forward, you will learn as you take actions. So don't worry if you're lost as of now and you don't know a lot, you will learn in the long run, it's just a matter of sticking with the process and being confident that the knowledge will come anytime soon. The right skills will be learned as you go along, the right information will be absorbed if you're determined enough to get it. 

Oct 28, 2019


rugged breed

Maybe you don't need a hero, maybe you don't need someone who will help you, maybe you don't need someone who can make you a winner. Maybe what you've waiting for is yourself. Sometimes you're always looking for something else that you think will make you happy, you don't know that the main thing that will make you happy and feel successful is yourself and nobody else. Sometimes you're not trusting yourself anymore, you thought that success and happiness was purely based on the external and not on the internal that's why you're lost, that's why you can't make it in life.

The truth is... yourself is the one you've been waiting for. You don't need to look for something else, you don't need to look outside of yourself. What you need is already yours. So stop pleasing people, stop changing people, stop trying so hard so people will like you and just change yourself, focus on yourself. The best way to become successful is to focus on yourself, if you're not focused on your journey then your journey will be over anytime soon.

Don't look too far, what you need is already inside of you. You just need to realize that you have the power to do it. Allow yourself to become something great. You have the right to change your destiny, take matters into your own hands and do it your way. Never underestimate yourself, never let your destiny fall into the hands of others, never be controlled by outside influences that you don't even like. If you have an idea on your mind... do something, take matters into your own hands and be relentless while pushing for your dreams, you can become unstoppable if you will choose to.


You think they will give you happiness, you think they are the answer, you think when something goes on your way by wishing for it will make you happy. You're definitely wrong. The answer is within you. You have to do it for yourself, you have to be yourself and do what is best to get what you want. You're the only one who has power here. So start taking actions now and never stop until you get what you want. Do it now, start now. Focus on your desires, always remember that nobody's going to do it for you, you have to do it on your own. Somebody may help you but that help is the not the permanent relief, it is only temporary, it's only a band aid solution. If you really want to become successful in life then you need to push and do whatever it takes to win.

So stop waiting because it will become your habit forever, you have to start now, take actions now and never stop. Take it one step at a time, it's ok to be slow for as long as you're committed to taking actions. Do it over and over again, be relentless and ruthless, always be on the attack mode and take risks as much as you can. Never lose your focus, never let that fire inside of you be gone.

Most people were waiting too much and that's why they can't get what they want. In this life, if you want to become successful then you need to become fast, you need to believe in yourself, you need to become one step ahead of the competition. Never mind what people say, never mind the critics, ignore everything and just push yourself to the limits.


Once you started it, once you smelled the blood... go for the kill, go for the finish. Never let anything stop you or slow you down, always move forward and do whatever you can to be at least one step closer from your dreams. Killer instinct will only be developed by pushing and going further. It's ok if you're scared a little bit but don't ever try to stop. Stay calm when you're scared, breathe, feel your feelings, embrace the fear and continue to strike, continue looking for a way. There is always a way, there is always a path, greatness will find a way. If you really want to become great then keep pushing, keep moving forward and keep looking for a way. Stop waiting too much because Just like what I said... you're the one you're waiting for.


Stop making excuses now, do it now, do whatever it takes to get there. Don't ask how are you going to do it and just do it. Look for a little space where you can maneuver, adapt to the situation and try to move little by little. There is something you can do if you will just do it, there is something you can explore and try, don't wait and just try it. Always remember that your mindset is to simply move forward all the time and let things fall into your hands. You can do it if you will just trust that taking actions and working hard is the only way to get the job done. Stop making excuses, stop making dramas and do what you are suppose to do. Be fast, move as much as you can. If you want massive results then you need to take massive actions, as simple as that.

The time is now, do it before it's over. Not all the time you have time, not all the time you can afford to wait and be lazy. If you want some magical to happen then stop playing the waiting game and do whatever it takes to go to the next level. Because anyone can make excuses, anyone can quit because that is the easiest thing to do. Quitters want the easiest path and that's why they can't achieve greatness. You have what it takes to win, everything you need is already inside of you, you just need to trust yourself and forget everything that holds you back. 

Oct 27, 2019


If you want to have a big change in your life... always think about big numbers, think about more, having more, getting more, always look for possibilities and expansion. It's not about being greedy, it's about the evolution of your consciousness and belief. It's ok to think big for as long as you will work hard and do whatever it takes to get the numbers you want. You are not allowed to think big if you're only willing to give weak efforts. You can only dream big if you will work big, but the good news is... anyone can dream big because anyone can work hard as much as they can. Another good news is... the more you work hard, the bigger your belief will become, you will become confident with yourself and abilities.


If you can do ten push ups everyday, always think that you can do more than that. Do 11 or 12 or even 20, always try to expand. Never limit yourself just because some Judas character told you you can't do it. You need to listen to yourself and intuition, if part of you is saying that you need to try it then try it, as simple as that. Do more, push more and be more, never settle for less. You strength is unlimited your potential is above the roofs, don't ever think that you have a limitation for everything. You have to lose your mind and set yourself free. You are free to try, you are free to push and see what is possible with the full maximum effort that you're willing to give. Because the truth is you an do more but you're too lazy, picky and soft that's why you're not willing to go the extra mile.


Your limiting belief, weak effort and unwillingness to try are limiting you. All you have to do is try and be a little bit uncomfortable. If your situation now is too comfortable and predictable then it means you're not even trying. You already knew what's going to happen and that's getting the same result as yesterday. Do something different, try harder and believe stronger. It's ok to fail but don't every thing about failing, always think that you can try something and you can go a little bit further. Just do it, just do that very small step that you think is right. Allow yourself to create and become something you haven't become before.


Feel strong and stop feeling weak, that's the only way to greatness, that's the best mindset to get more numbers. Imagine you're getting huge numbers, imagine you're slowly evolving, imagine you're more than yourself and your energy is unlimited, I'm sure you can do a lot of things... unimaginable things if you will just allow yourself to take actions and move forward all the time. Because at the end of the day you will still feel something, why not feel invincible? It's ok to feel strong, it's not being arrogant or being delusional... it's rewarding yourself with greatness.


The millionaires think about millions before they get it, the record breakers thinks about breaking the records before breaking it, the big people think about big thoughts before becoming big. The good thing is anyone can do it, anyone can think big, anyone can dream big, it all depends on how are you going to handle it and how are you going to do it. You are free to do anything with your mind, you can fill it with the most abundant thoughts that you can think of. Think about millions or even billions, think about greatness and success, never focus on what you don't want. Mind is a very powerful thing, what you keep on thinking about will soon become your reality.


Just believe it, you're free to believe it. Even if it's too big... just believe it and it will become true. Even if people were laughing at you, even if they thought you're crazy... keep believing it. If your belief is so pure and there is no contradicting thought then what you wish will be granted, you can think about anything big and you will get it if you persevere enough and work hard for it. 

Oct 25, 2019


rugged breed

If you can only give zero meaning to any negativity that is happening to your life then you will have more life, meaning you will love your life more and you will have an easier life. It is what it is, let it flow, do something if you can change it but if you can't.. . then just let it go.

The pain you are feeling now didn't mean anything, it's nothing. Don't worry about it, just feel it and it will go in just a matter of time. Ignore it if you can but don't dwell too much on it, if you focus on it then it will consume your mind, you have to protect your mind to protect your life and the dream that you are chasing. Just deal with it, never think about the past, never think what went wrong and never think about quick fixes, just deal with it and feel it. Life is so precious, life is a gift, don't ever think that it's bad luck, don't ever think that life is unfair, everything that happens to you is a gift, it all depends on how you open, receive and perceive that gift. It all depends on what meaning you give to it.


So what if you fail, at least you've tried. Failing is nothing, it's just another chapter of your life. Failing happens to everyone, failing is all part of your life and you don't need to feel so much bad about it. If you can smile after failing, if you can take it and still try again tomorrow... then you will succeed for sure. Those who can handle failing and never stick to the negative emotion that it does for a long time will attract success faster. Some people were making a lot of dramas once they fail, but the main reason why they really fail is because they lack the effort and commitment. Always remember that you will never fail if you keep pushing and keep trying again, you may not get the goal today but it doesn't mean anything because you will still get it tomorrow if your belief and commitment is still intact.


So what if a girl rejects you, so what if you didn't get the job you applied for, so what if your idea was rejected and some people intentionally humiliate you. It will only hurt you if you keep thinking about it, it will only affect you if you give meaning to it. Forget about it and live your life, try again tomorrow, look for another opportunity, hunt another goal or another chick, the possibilities are endless for people who don't know how to give up. If you can enjoy getting rejected over and over again then you will become invincible, you can get what you want, this is just a numbers game, the more you try the bigger is the chance of becoming successful.


They can tell you everything they want, they can criticize you, they can pull you down, they can say the nastiest things to you but if it doesn't mean anything then you're still the winner, the ones who talk bad against you are the ones who get hurt. If you can stay still and calm then that is real power, they can never make you feel inferior anymore. If you give zero meaning to anything then that is true power, you will live life according to your rules.

What they say only becomes powerful if you will give them attention, their words will become weak if you know yourself and you don't show signs of getting affected by any of it.


Even if you become successful today... it still didn't mean anything, you're only successful today, if you think that you don't need to work hard anymore then you will go back to the rut you are in before, you will become stuck in a mud again. Always remember that success is hard to maintain so never let it make your head big, never think that you will become successful forever. You're success today doesn't mean anything, it's just another day... an ordinary day. So stop celebrating, stop being arrogant and bragging about your success, stay humble and chase a bigger goal.


The disrespectful treatment from other people is meaningless, the hurtful words were meaningless. The bad situations and happenings were meaningless, it's only you that give meaning to different things. If you focus your energy into negativity and give something a bog meaning even though it can be ignored then you are only making your life difficult.  You are only wasting your life if you're focus on the dramas instead of focusing on the possibilities. So stop giving meaning to anything that you don't want to stay in your life, just ignore what you hate, ignore what irritates you and never show that you're affected with those useless things. Focus on the better things in your life and you will become much much happier.


If you're not affected with pain, if you're not talking about it, if you're not making any excuses, if you're not needy and if you can shield your mind with any form of negativity or ideas that scares you then that is real strength. You don't need to look bully, powerful, dominant or popular to look powerful. All you need to do is stay calm and focus on your own life, you can make yourself even more powerful if you can create your own path and keep pushing forward no matter what.

At first you will feel bad but you need to be mindful of what might happen next. If you will let your emotions control you then you're in big trouble.


You can make a move even if it will make you lose everything. So what if you lose everything? you don't own anything from the very start, you have nothing to lose in life, you have everything to gain and everything to experience. So keep taking risks because it is good for your mental health, it is good for you because your mental toughness will go to another level. 

Oct 24, 2019


rugged breed

So you're already good, you think you're good, you think you can do it on your own, you think you can do everything you want and become very successful. Now the next mission is how to take your idea or process to the next level. Never Sty to your present level because it's already too boring there, you have to look for another level where you can grow and become a monster. It's about going to the next level and the next one and the next one, the journey never ends... that's how to become immortal, that's how to see greatness. You keep going even if it's frightening, you keep fighting even if it's tiring, it's an endless chase, it's and endless process.


Stop comparing yourself to others, stop looking and always checking what level you are right now, just keep working. The most important thing here is the work, the results will come later, don't worry about it too much. Stay focus on the grind and the hustle, that's the best thing to do. If you're consistent with your work and you really believe that you're improving each day then your level will go higher automatically. You don't need to convince them that you're good, you don't need to convince them that you're one of the best, it will be seen in your work. Your main job is to do the next step that is related to your vision, find another step that will improve you a little bit, do it fast, train the body and mind, train yourself to claim a new leverage. Repeat the process if it's working, change if it's not. You don't need to check if you're the best already or if someone is better than you, for as long as your intention to become better is pure and serious... you will go to another level for sure.

I was a poor writer before but now people were respecting me, it's because I never stop working everyday, I write everyday, I write even if I am not feeling well, I write even if I have a problem, this makes me stronger and better, this makes me face the problem that I was afraid to deal with.


Work hard if you don't know what to do and you will find your way back, you will find a way, you will see what is needed to do, you will go to another level. If you feel so stuck but you're still working hard then try to breathe and look for some other things to do. hard work is the answer to every problem that you have, hard work alone will save you. Keep working hard and you will get rewarded, keep working hard and you will go to another level. The reason why most people were lost is because they don't know how to work hard, they don't know how to hustle and grind. It's simply about hustling and doing whatever it takes to go to another level... that's it, if you can hustle everyday then you will forget all of your problems.


Always be consistent, do it everyday, do it even if you feel so lazy, do it even if it's holiday or your birthday... that's how to go to another level, that's how to separate yourself from the pack. Consistency and determination will take you to another level. If you really want it then you can give a time for it, you can make sacrifices for it.... that's if you really want to go to another level. Repetition is the only key to success, you repeat it a million times and you will become the greatest. Don't get tired of repeating, always remember the success that is waiting for you, remember why did you start your journey, remember what you really want with your life.

Because if you will not take your life or skill to another level then what else will you do? always remember that in life, it's either you go up or you go down, there is no in between. It's up to you if you will go up or go down, it all depends on your effort and hard work, it all depends on your determination and tenacity.


Just do it, you do it and you do it and you do it. Just go, forget about how are you going to do it, just think that you can do it and take actions... massive massive actions. Nothing can stop you if you're determined, nothing can hold you back if you're serious about it. Just doing it is the best thing you can do, taking actions will avoid your brain to overthink. Thinking too much is a sin, thinking too much is for the loser because they can't take actions anymore because they were so addicted with their thoughts that are not even helpful at all. You can do it if you really want it, you will have time for it, you will have energy for it... all you have to do is do it.


Once you have an idea, do it. Once there is an urge to take an action... do it. Don't wait for something before you make it happen. Do it now, stop waiting to feel good before you do it. Stop looking for a powerful energy... be the energy. Stop waiting for an opportunity... be the opportunity. Be a walking possibility, chase that highest level that you can reach. You don't know how much potential you have, you've got to take every opportunity presented, you've got to create your own belief and take actions whenever you can. Start making your own flow if there is no flow, start building your own rhythm and timing.

Speed is the name of the game, if you can't move fast then think fast and decide fast. There is no room for slowness here.


Just take action even if you don't have a detailed plan. Don't worry because you can create a game plan while the action is going on, you can think better while the movement is happening, you can adjust and you can improvise. It's better to be moving than being stuck on the same place as yesterday, you can never make any progress if you're always thinking, you've got to be moving now and take your journey to another level.

Oct 23, 2019


The only way to create a new belief is by going further and testing possibilities. You can't just believe in something and believe it forever, your beliefs will change everyday, sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down. You can only create a belief by experiencing what you haven't experience before. If you're so scared to earn more money and you don't have a belief install in your brain that you can get it then the only way to raise your beliefs and raise a certain amount of money is to go for that money relentlessly, feel how it feels to chase that money. Remember, don't try to look for the results yet. Keep chasing that dream and you will see that your belief is slowly building up, your belief is becoming stronger and stronger each day. Your belief can only be developed by taking actions and risks, you can never believe having a house or your dream car if you're not taking actions to get it. You may dream about it but it's only just a dream, there is no strong belief behind that dream. If you really want to believe in your dreams then you've got to be taking actions by now. Because you can pretend that you believe it but if you will not back it up with experience and taking actions then that belief will soon become doubts and frustration.


Focus on your vision, do you know what you want? if you know it then you will start now and get it. Do you really believe that you can get it? can you take risks and take your works to another level? can you go the extra mile? It's simply about moving a little inch and then following through, don't look at some other things, focus on what you really want and take it one step at a time. Be patient, take it slowly but surely. Don't worry if you're not confident for now, just focus on your vision and take it step by step, little by little push further, it doesn't matter if you don't know what to do, you will be able to figure it out later. You can develop that belief and make it stronger and stronger if you will focus on your vision and do whatever it takes to create the reality you desire.


Don't worry if you don't know what to do, don't worry if the challenge in front of you is so strong. Always remember that a powerful belief can make the ocean dry, it can make the color black white. Keep believing, even if you're in pain, even if you're so tired... you have to keep believing. You will be impressed with the results that you will get even if you don't win.


Do affirmations, visualize everyday, only remember the images and words that you wanted to happen. And even if sometimes you're so scared... just keep visualizing over and over again. The process is so simple, just feed your mind the right thoughts to become successful. 

Oct 22, 2019


If you want to become strong then you need stop feeling weak, condition your mind for power and greatness. You created it on your mind and now it's manifesting in your reality. There is no such thing as weakness, it happens because you're not willing to go further, it happens because you're not working hard and too focused on being weak. But if you will have an assessment about yourself and simply go a little bit further and never stop until you win... you will become powerful, as simple as that. Weakness will turn into greatness. Weakness will become power, you will have more confidence, you will see the other side of you that you haven't seen before. Always remember that weakness is just an illusion, you believe it that's why it becomes real, but if you will believe that weakness is nothing then you will become something.


It all starts with the thoughts that you entertain, you believe in your teacher, you believe in your parents, you believe in your friends. They were all realistic, they were all telling you that you need to do this or do that. And that's why you don't want to test yourself anymore, you don't want to challenge yourself anymore. You are free to test yourself, you are free to try something new. Disconnect from reality that they are trying to teach to you and create your new world. It's ok if they call you crazy, it's ok if they call you a rebel or something. The most important thing here is you believe in yourself and you're willing to do the hardest things just to prove to yourself that you are strong. If you keep on believing the poisonous thoughts that are stopping you and avoiding you from trying then you will never become strong, you will never evolve.


You have the power to believe that you can do something great. It's all in your mindset, it's all in your power to move and do something. If you believe in yourself hard enough then you can do the impossible things, you can become something, you can create something out of nothing. Make your mind stronger than before and keep pushing forward, never entertain thoughts that will stop you from moving. Plant the right beliefs in your mind and try to water them everyday, make them grow everyday... as simple as that. Anyone can believe but their beliefs become weaker when they face an adversity, their beliefs become meaningless once they feel that something is stronger than them. A real belief is something that never fades, a real belief is something that


Focus on your strengths and not on your weaknesses... that's how to get the job done. You keep on believing that you are weak and that is why you keep on getting weaker and weaker each day. Don't believe in what you don't want to happen, don't believe on the things that will make you scared or not moving. It's true that you have some weakness, it's true that you are not perfect but that weakness will be overwrite with strengths if you focus on your strengths. What you focus on will be your reality, what you feel will be your life. Some people were strong but they don't believe in themselves enough and that's why they can't evolve and make things happen. It's all about your belief, the stronger your belief is... the more powerful you will become.

Only believe your power, believe in your ability to go further and see what is possible, see what you can do if you will just do whatever it takes to become successful. Anything is possible if you will allow yourself to become free and creative.


At the end of the day you will feel something, why not feel invincible? why not feel you are the greatest? why not feel you can do it? you're so weak because you feel so weak, you are not pushing, you are not trusting your own skills and capabilities. If you can't think right then don't think at all and stay still, once you do this sooner or later you will feel powerful, you will be able to entertain the right thoughts inside of your head. If you created your weakness it only means you can also create your own power, you can become very powerful if you start to build your beliefs and habits that will make you strong.

It's about time to feel powerful than ever, you can feel it, you can create that emotion of invincibility and being sure of yourself. If your vision is clear and you really believe in it then you will get anything you want in life.

So if you want to become strong then be strong, as simple as that.


If you keep pushing, if you keep using your power, if you keep utilizing your skills... you will have an unlimited power. You haven't seen your full potential yet, and you can only see it if you will do something that you haven't done before, if you will trust your power and be confident as you go all the way. Just go further, this should be your mindset, go further and further until you win. You will only be able to see your full potential if you go further and do whatever it takes to win. Trust the process, look for something that will give you results, look for something that will make you consistent about it. You can have that unlimited power to create if you will train your mind, body and soul to become a creator. 

Oct 21, 2019


What you do not know is the real power is inside of you. It doesn't come from the outside forces, it doesn't come from other people, it doesn't come from material things. Look at yourself, what are you believing in? what are the thoughts and ideas that you believe, what are the images that keeps running inside of your head? if you look on the inside... nobody can harm you, only you can harm you, only you can touch you. What makes you weak is because you're always looking at the outside, you're too focused on the things that you cannot control and that is why you are being controlled. If you focus on the things that you can't control... you will be controlled. 


Focus on what you can control, you can never please everyone, you can never force people to follow you. Focus on the inside and your life will change, you will feel happier than ever before. Inside is the real world, it is your real power, focus on your inner strength and you will never feel inferior anymore. It's your emotion, mindset, goals, vision and willpower that matters the most, everything outside of all of it is irrelevant to your life. So don't worry if you feel powerless on the outside, don't worry if you don't have the support, material things, money, achievements, recognition, houses, cars etc. For as long as you keep on working on your inner game then your world will change, as simple as that. 

Most people were only confident once everything is going well with their lives but once a big problem visits their lives... they're in complete panic, they don't know what to do, they were rattling, the were lost, they don't know where to go. 

But if you have a strong mind, if you have a strong mental game and you know who you really are... nothing can pull you down, nothing can beat you, you're unbeatable. Your inner strength is your reality, if you're weak on the inside then you will become weak on the outside... as simple as that. 

The funny thing is... some people look so strong but they were really weak because they have a weak mind, they were so scared when they feel bad, they were just surviving during pressure times and they cannot thrive anymore. 


Nothing else matters other than what you feel and what you think. Forget about everything, never believe anything that is disempowering you, believe in yourself and the process that you can do. 

Oct 20, 2019


Go all in, that's the best thing you can do, that's the best gift and reward you can give to yourself. Go all out, go all in, do whatever it takes for your dream and never back down. It feels good to go all in, that's the only way to avoid having regrets in the end. If you're going to try then go all the way, if not then don't even try at all. If you're going to dream then dream big, if not then don't dream at all. What's the use of dreaming if you will not dream big? the real meaning of dreaming is going all out, doing whatever it takes to get it, imagining the unimaginable things and pushing yourself to the limits.


Start now and build yourself, create the life you want. Build the mindset to become successful. Stop getting interested with other people, instead get interested with yourself and the monster that you could become. You can become a beast, you can become the best, you can become anything you desired of. All it takes is tenacity and willpower to become the best. You're just scratching the surface, your skills can go to another level. It's simply about practicing, working hard, dreaming about it and believing that you can have it. Focus is all you need, focus is what it takes to reach your full potential. Stop letting your mind be crowded with negative thoughts that will stop you from achieving your dreams.


Once you go all in... you will feel good after doing it, and even if you lost... you will still feel good because you experience how it feels like to become powerful. Not all people will fee it so you must be proud of it. Just go all in, do whatever it takes to win and never feel any form of regret if you lost. So if you're bored with your life... go all in, do whatever it takes to push yourself to the limits. Stop thinking about getting tired, stop thinking that all of your efforts will be wasted. Going all in is one of the best things to do if you want to change your life, push through pain, push through difficulties. You can have a lot of fun if you're going all in, you will see the real you, you will see how powerful you are.


If you believe in what you do, if you keep pushing even if you're tired, if your mind is not giving up, if you can push through pain and still fight until the end... that's how to go all in. So if you still think that you can move but you're just letting things flow naturally without doing something... you're not going all in, you're taking your life for granted. Sometimes you have to use force, you have to push yourself to the limits and use your willpower. If you always have regrets then it mean you're not going all in, if you always think that you can achieve something only if you work hard before then you're not going all in, if you think that you have a potential but you haven't reached it yet then you're no going all in... as simple as that.


With hard work, anything is possible. Don't worry if you don't have too much, don't be scared if you don't have anything... for as long as you're working hard and doing whatever it takes to take your skills or journey to another level... you're good. Don't worry about anything else, just focus on working hard and going further all the time. You may fail, you may loser everything you have but if you work hard then you will get all of it back, you can even beat all of your achievements. Trust hard work, it can give you anything you need. You can fail all the time but if you're focused on what you can do then you can go to the top. So if you can't trust anything, if you don't know any process then simply work hard and that's it.

For as long as you have a time to work and improve yourself, for as long as you have the time to chase your goals... go all in, have that shark mindset of always moving forward, if you don't move forward then you will die. Forget everything that is making you feel bad, forget everything that is stopping you... just go all in. 

Oct 19, 2019


rugged breed

If you're stuck in a mud, if you can't get out of a rut you are in... you better look for something that will give you a little bit of a momentum... that's how to change your life.

WHAT IS A MOMENTUM BUILDER? A momentum builder is any positive action that my lead to changes in your life. It can be a strong momentum or a small momentum, what matters is you pull the trigger and everything you do is connected to your intention. Momentum is very easy to create if you will just do it now, start now and never hold back, what is the point of not doing anything? what is the point of taking your life for granted? you can change your life today if you will create a momentum and sustain it forever. Once there is something positive going on with your life... just keep repeating it, keep doing it, keep getting that small results over and over again until it becomes big. Always remember that any positive action related to your desire is good, it is acceptable. Even if that action is not perfect at all, it is still good, it is still helpful. Always do the first step, focus on the small things that you can do and stay consistent all the time, sustain your hard work and never give up when it's hard, keep pushing when it's hard because that's the only way to become successful. Momentum is a very powerful force, once you're hot... keep staying hot, keep that burning desire burning, keep that flame flaming. You will feel it when you already have a momentum, your confidence is getting a little bit better, you will feel that you're already winning.

Some people have a great momentum in their lives but they don't know it so they let it go, the saddest thing is they don't know how to create it again, they don't know where to start.

If you don't know how to start, remember what made you successful before, try to analyze your past experiences and meticulously remember the first step that leads to success. Once you finally remember what gave you momentum in the past... do it again, follow the same routine, repeat the whole process. You can duplicate any form of success in the past, all you have to do is repeat the actions that made you successful. 


That first step is all you need, execute it, stop stopping yourself. Whatever form of action you can do... do it and never stop until you become successful. That one step can change your life, that one step that you're so afraid to take can be a big time life changer. So every time you are itching to take the first step... don't think twice and just take it. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to embarrass yourself, your aggressiveness should be on another level if you want to succeed in life. Success has no room for people who were always over thinking. This is a game, success is a game mastered by people who can take actions fast and ignore what may stop them. So what if you fail? it's ok, it feels better to go all in rather than to sell yourself short. So don't be afraid to take the first step, it's ok to fail, it's ok if it didn't work, just keep taking the next step and the next one and the next one... take this approach and you will never even notice that momentum is already on your side and you're having a great time getting small success every now and then.


Always be aware if you're having a momentum or not. Once you feel that it's your time then make it your time, own it, be big as you can be regardless if you're feeling confident or not. Once you feel weird and excited... that's already a momentum. If you're working hard for no reason, that is a momentum too. If you're making strides and breaking your own personal records... that is a momentum too. If you're going up then keep going up, never do something that will make you go down, never create self resistance, stay focused and make that momentum stronger and stronger each day. Be aware, be mindful and conscious of what's going on, watch your life carefully, watch your actions and results... because momentum may already happening but you haven't recognized it yet.


Always remember that no matter how good you are and no matter how hard you work... a momentum can die anytime, but it's ok, you can still create another one. It's just a matter of repeating the whole process and taking charge for one more time. Momentum come and go, so once you have it... try to best to keep it alive for a very long time. Momentum will never run out, you can experience it over and over again granting you are doing the right thing and always taking the process seriously. Focus is what you need to create the momentum again, focus is a very powerful force, what you are focusing on will be your reality. You have the power to crate the momentum if you will take matters into your own hands, never let anyone hold your fate, never let anyone dictate the outcome and tempo of your life.


You can't create your desire momentum because you're too scared. You can't have a great run because you're always hesitating, try to set yourself free, try to free your mind from what is blocking you and you will create a very powerful momentum that will lead you to success. The only way to beat fear is to take actions and make a bold decision, once you made a decision... never change it, live with it and try to make it work. You can succeed, you can create a momentum, the only problem is you're entertaining fear too much and you're not focusing on what you really want to happen. 

Oct 18, 2019


rugged breed

The dominant thought will be your reality, as simple as that. Look at yourself, what are you thinking of? what are you doing? what are you dreaming of? what usually run inside of your head everyday? you can think about all things but at the end of the day your dominant thought will be your reality. If you're thinking about success everyday then you will become successful, if you're thinking about sickness everyday and entertaining your fears then your disease will become worse. But if you're thinking about you getting stronger then you will heal automatically. Your fear is a liar but it can also manifest if you keep on feeding it. The moral lesson of the day is to just think positive and focus on what you want, never focus on what you don't want.


Definitely, just think about what you want all day long and it will manifest. Some people will ask how are you going to do it because you're just thinking about it, don't worry because your body will follow later, your body will automatically move, it will go towards your dreams, you will even do things that you don't normally do. It will feel automatic, your hands, feet and body will do something that will create a momentum to make your dreams come true. So keep thinking about your dreams, make it your dominant thought. Your confidence will go higher and higher if you keep on visualizing your dreams. Your body will follow, if you can't move then it means you don't believe it yet. So keep thinking about your dreams, see yourself getting it and holding it, next is the step, do something that will at least make you closer from it. Later or tomorrow you will already see yourself doing something to make your dreams come true. Even if your move is just small or not making any impact at all, don't worry because you're already there, all you need to do is keep moving forward until your dreams manifest.


Whether your work is just a low paying job or not giving you a lot of money... keep doing it, for as long as you love it keep doing it. You will find a way, your work will be your foundation if you really love it. Something will attract, opportunities will open up. Just be fast, stay positive and take small risks every now and then, play with the 50/50 opportunities in front of you. Something will open up, just keep moving forward while thinking about your dreams and it will manifest, it will become a reality anytime soon. Anything is possible if you hold on to your vision so strong and doing something positive everyday, there is a way, there is a bridge between you and your dream, all you have to do is make the gap smaller and smaller each day. Your work is good, you just need to increase your confidence and belief in yourself. There is even a street vendor who became a millionaire, there is even an ordinary office worker who became one of the most successful person in the world. It all depends on how are you going to mix things up and come up with a bigger success.


If you're focused on what you want, you will be attracted towards it. If you believe in yourself then the attraction of success will become faster. Just focus on what you want and believe that you're going to get it, as simple as that. Set your mind into one thing, never change the subject, never change your dream and belief even if the going gets hard, keep pushing til you make it, it's only just a mater of time before you get it. Taking action is the best thing to do, it will give you feedback, it will give you a momentum, it will give you everything, it will show you the way. Just make yourself closer and closer from your dream and you will get it one day. So focus on hard work, focus on taking it one step at a time and believe that your dreams will come true one day. It is very simply, just be dedicated and consistent, keep increasing the faith in yourself and create a work ethic that is very hard to match.


It all starts in your mind, if you want something to happen you have to make it happen on your mind first. Believe it and you will see it and touch it. Cultivate a mindset of abundance and positivity. Optimism is better than pessimism. You can create the reality you desire if you have the proper mindset that will conquer any kind of obstacle and will make you feel motivated all day. Your mind if healthy will give you a healthy life. Invest on your mind, train it to think properly, just keep on entertaining the positive thoughts that will give you hope and confidence. Mind is the most powerful tool that you can ever have so always take care of it, never let it be poisoned with negative thoughts that will make your life ugly and difficult. You can create the reality you desire by building a mind that is filled with abundance, greatness and success.


Make it simple, make your mind simple, make the process simple. Don't think too much because that will make your life more difficult. Make it simple, make the thoughts simple. Use a thought that makes you feel good and motivated and just think about it everyday... as simple as that. Use a process that is working and use it over and over again until it brings you to another level. You will become faster and more successful if you're not complicating your life. Don't let your mind be crowded, don't stress yourself too much with too much thoughts, just live your life the simple way and know your priorities. Just believe that what you want will happen, just believe that something will work along the way, use your willpower and keep pushing forward until you make something happen. Focus and stay committed, know what you really want and put all of you energies on it. 

Oct 17, 2019


Being the boss of his own life is what everybody wishes to be. It's really hard because you're clueless of how are you going to do it. But it is possible, it's up to you which side are you on, are you going to be the boss of your own life or are you going to follow like others. There's nothing wrong about being a follower, it is good too, if you're ok with that then that's totally fine. But if part of you is itching to become a boss then you need to follow your heart.

1. Pursue your passion. Once you pursue your passion... everything else will follow, it feels like everything is connecting the right way. Pursue your passion and never let it go, do it even if you feel like not doing it, give your best. You will become the boss of your own life by doing this because you will feel what is right or wrong, nobody can command you because you just knew what to do. Once you become passionate and you become really good with your passion... people will follow you, they will be impressed, they will choose you as a role model or leader, a lot of opportunities will come into your life.

2. Set Goals and relentlessly pursue it. Set goals, once the goal was set... never back down, never quit, keep getting it, keep making yourself closer from it. Get that goal no matter what, never stop until you get it. You will become the boss if you chase your your goals because you will become blind, you will get addicted with the process and you will choose your own process, nobody can command you, nobody can choose a life for you, you will create your own life, your life will revolve around your goal and you will ignore everything outside of it.

3. Earn money as much as you can. Earn more money so you have reserve when you quit your job, save as much money as you can so you can create your own business and live the lifestyle that you really want. More money equals more control, if you can pull something during emergency then nobody can control your life, you will live according to your rules and demands, nobody can just push you or get leverage on you.

4. Be the hardest worker. Work hard, hard work creates success, hard work will make you a boss because your value will go higher and higher. You will have a lot of confidence to do it your way because you just knew that hard work will save you. A boss that doesn't work hard is not a real boss, that is a fake boss. So if you want to become a real boss in the future then learn how to work super hard now, make hard work as your passion, make it your habit, make it part of your culture. Once your brain and body got used to working hard... everything else will become easy. You will become the captain of your own ship, you will hold the steering wheel and go wherever you wanted to go.

5. Never listen to what other people say. Nobody knows better than you, of course people will always have something to say. They will criticize you, scrutinize you and will try to make you feel bad especially if you're chasing something great. It's non e of your business to listen to what they say. Keep being yourself all the time and keep pushing hard towards your dreams. So what if you fail, so what if you're wrong, at least you're trying and giving your very best. Not too many people can give their best, most people were scared to follow their dreams and that's why other people were just using them, they become an accessory for other people's dreams, they just follow and follow even though they were completely against with it.

6. Never listen to your fears. You will be scared every once in a while but if you really want to become the boss then never feed your fears, feed your courage by moving forward and taking one positive step at a time. Inaction creates doubts and fears, movement creates momentum and confidence. It's ok to be scared but never amplify it by procrastinating and not doing anything at all. Do something, move make a stand for your dream, chase your dream life, be the boss, never let your fear dictate your fate.

7. Always be willing to fail. If you really want to become the boss then you need to endure a lot of failure, that's how it is, you can never escape failure. Don't worry because it's just temporary. 

Oct 16, 2019


Being stuck is the heaviest feeling in the world, you feel caged, you feel limited and useless, it seems like nothing right is going on with your life. You will feel depressed and insecure, a lot of negativity will swallow your daily life and you don't have any idea how to get out of it. The trouble keeps getting bigger and bigger. Being stuck is a mindset and a habit. You already accepted that there is nothing you can do about it, you develop a habit of being lazy and hopeless and that's why you can't feel your power anymore.

1. DON'T LOOK FOR AN INSTANT FIX. Don't look for shortcuts, don't look for easy ways on how to have a better situation. Remember, you're in a rut right now, you need to face the pain, if it's hard then it's hard. Looking for an instant fix will only make your situation worse. Just deal with your situation now and try to look for something you can do to keep you in motion. Instant fix will lead to a worse situation. Never look for fast results, never look for something that advertises quick fix such as sleeping pills, steroids, pyramid marketing, liposuction, drugs, alcohol. Don't look for something that will cover up the pain, embrace what you feel and go back to hard work, trust that working hard is the only solution for everything. Focus on what you want and go for it through hard work and embracing pain and struggle.

2. LEARN TO ACCEPT YOUR REALITY. Your life now is your reality, remember that your present situation is not permanent, be happy with your reality right now and try to stay positive about it. The more you feel so bad about your reality the more you are amplifying its ugliness and difficulty. Accept it and try to stand up slowly but surely, try again, do your best again. Accept your reality, love it but never accept that it is permanent. Accept that it is your life now but have a mindset that you can still do something about it.

3. BE PATIENT AND TAKE IT ONE STEP AT A TIME. All you have to do is do the first step and the next one and the next one until you see your life improving. You will make a progress if you will take it slowly but surely, you can move fast but don't rush, don't ever feel bad if you can't see improvement, it will happen in just a matter of time, it will happen if you will trust the process. One step is very powerful, it will become more powerful if you follow it up with another step.

4. JUST DO SOMETHING POSITIVE IF YOU'RE CLUELESS ABOUT THE PROCESS. Do something positive. If you want to improve your health then just take a proper diet. It doesn't need to be complicated, it doesn't need to be perfect at all... just do something positive. Start now, start fast and finish strong. Moving is already a progress, most people can't see it because they're always looking for results.

5. DON'T LOOK FOR PERFECTION. Stop trying to become perfect because you never will. It's better to become a mediocre but moving rather than trying to become perfect but only overthinking. Keep moving everyday, keep being a mediocre and time will come you will find yourself as already great. Perfection is for losers, it's for people who can't even start. Perfection is just an illusion, there is no perfect to start, there is no perfect time to succeed. It will always get uncomfortable, whenever it is uncomfortable... that is the best time to start. Start fast, start whenever you feel uncomfortable and you will be rewarded, trust me... the reason why only few people succeed is because they don't want to get uncomfortable, they were too scared of starting something new, they were to scared to level up. The sad reality is you will only make progress if you're uncomfortable but still pushing forward.

6. STAY CALM AND DON'T PANIC. Breathe, relax and just give your best. You have a lot of time to change your life, you have a lot of opportunities. Don't panic because you have the power to get out of a rut you are in. It's all about taking actions, it's all about living in the moment and facing what needs to be faced... as simple as that. There is nothing to panic about, you're in complete control here, you have the power to change your life and experience something new.

7. APPRECIATE SMALL PROGRESS. A small progress is still a progress. If you can appreciate small progress then you will feel motivated even more, you will become excited, you will work harder without even noticing it. The easy will become easier and the hard will become easier. Your progress will become faster and faster each day as you appreciate the small progress that you are creating.

8. EMBRACE THE CHAOS. Embrace the chaos, embrace the pain, it will be really full of confusion, frustration and disappointments. But that's how it goes, there is no smooth sailing here. You really have to face every difficulty if you want to make progress. Just like trying to finish a degree... was it easy? no right? you need to embrace everything that is in front of you and never get scared of problems or challenges, it is what it is, it's going to be difficult but so what? you can still move forward and do something that will make your situation a little bit better.

9. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. You need to take care of yourself, how can you make progress if you're not healthy? how can you evolve if you don't have the necessary tools to get ahead in life? your mind and body is your number one investment. Take care of your mind and feed it with the right thoughts, take care of your body and practice fasting so that the chemistry of your body will change.

Oct 15, 2019


Your mind is everything, your mind is the key to greatness or happiness or satisfaction. Your mind is the most powerful tool to achieve what you want in your life. What you are talking about, what you are thinking of will be your reality, so always think about abundance if you want to have an abundant life, always think about greatness and success if you want success. Never think about ideas and information that will corrupt your mind. It's simply about being playful with your imagination, seeing it in your mind and attaching a good feeling with it. For example, you're thinking about money, you see it in your mind, you should also feel good about it. That will make the manifestation faster, that will encode the thought of greatness and abundance into your system permanently.


Discipline your mind to only entertain the thoughts that are making you powerful, motivated and empowered. It's all about repetition, repeat the images and words that you want to happen with your life. It's hard but eventually it will become easier, it's only hard in the beginning. Once you master disciplining your mind of thinking only about victory, promptness, fast action, decision making, success, wealth then your life will change in an instant. What you constantly plant on your mind will come out in reality. So keep pushing, be a master of focus, never look on things that bothers you. Always trust the power of your mind, your mind can give you everything in life, plant the right thoughts and you will get the right life. Fill your mind with the most beautiful thoughts that you can entertain, never think about lack, suffering, difficulty or anything that makes you feel bad. Only think about the things that will make you feel much much better to that attraction of best things will come to you easily.


If you want to become the MVP of your sport then only think about it, focus on getting that trophy, watch some movies how an MVP thinks and behaves, make sacrifices to take your game to another level. And even if you are being benched on some games... still never lose your confidence, still think about getting that MVP one day and never stop until you get it. Don't get jealous with your teammates, don't feel bad if you can't get a break, just focus on making yourself better and that's it. If you want to get rich then focus on that money, never think about the lack of it, never think about how are you going to get it, just feel that it's already yours, just feel that you are getting it everyday and that's it. The power of focus is real, what you keep on focusing on will be your reality, it will be your life so watch out if you're focus on negative things because it will be your life, you will attract more of it. It's simply about converting your life into it, your time and eyes will be lock in for your dreams, you will never look and think about anything else that is not related to your dream... as simple as that.

You will become the best on your chosen field if you will focus on it big time, meaning all of your energy and effort will go to that one goal that you want.


The only thing that you need to control is your mind and everything will manifest. Everything you want will become a reality. So it starts on your mind first, once you condition your mind the right way then everything else will follow. Keep controlling the mind, you should know the content of it. There should be no regrets when you make a decision, there should be no going back to the past and trying to change everything, your life is a journey now, what is done is done, you need to keep your mind healthy and free from negativity. Just invest on your mind, once you were able to completely got the control of your mind then everything else will become easier.

Taming your mind is the best thing that you can do to live a life with no regrets. Doing this will make you control fears easily, you will become more confident. So if you think you're not in control of your life, it means you're not owning your mind, it means your external environment is controlling you.


An animal can be trained, an insect can be stomped on, in other words they don't own their lives. But you are different, that is why you're so lucky, you're a human and you can think differently. Unlike a cockroach who can't walk backwards... you're always in control of your life, all you have to do is use your brain well, use it right, use it to your advantage. Being a human is already a blessing, you have to take full advantage of it. 

Oct 14, 2019


rugged breed

Life is going to be easy, success is going to be easy, just trust the process and enjoy the process and everything will become easy. Enjoy your life, enjoy working, enjoy hard work and think that it's easy... that's how to make it easy. Sometimes it becomes so hard because you're conditioned that way, your mind was programmed that way. Just trust and believe that it's going to become easy and it will be easy... as simple as that. It's hard because you think that it's hard, you don't trust yourself, you don't have faith, you don't believe in yourself. You always think that it's far, you always think that it's hard, you always think that it will take a lot of time to get to the place where you want.


Feed your mind the right thoughts, images and information and you will have an easier life. It all starts in your brain, it all starts inside of you. If you want to have an easier life then learn to focus on correcting your mind and thinking what is best and will make you stronger. Your mind is your perfect investment, you can have everything you desired for if you will make your mind very powerful. Take your mental toughness to another level, step up your mental game. All you need to do is visualize, meditate, persevere and only think about the things that you wanted to achieve... as simple as that. Focus on what you really want. Stop on thinking about thoughts that really doesn't matter at all. Focus on what you really want and make your mind healthier each day.

Look for the images that will make you feel good, think about the ideas that you want to happen. Never let your mind worry about what you can't control, focus on how you can feel towards something, make sure you feel good, focus on the right emotions that will make you successful.


No matter what happens... just believe. Believe that it can be done and it will be done, as simple as that. Be joyful while moving forward, stop thinking too much because that will only derail the progress. Keep pushing, keep believing, keep working for your dreams. Believing is one of the hardest thing to do, it's because your mind was programmed in the past to become realistic. Your teachers and parents were not a big fan if raking risks, they were big fans of playing it safe, they don't want you to do it your way, they just want you to follow the norms and be like others who are following the traditional way. But if you will believe then nothing will feel impossible, you will feel free, you will become creative, you will not think that the process is hard, you will not even waste a lot of time thinking about things that are making you feel so heavy. Believing starts with visualizing and taking action. Once you imaging that its happening in your life, once you play it inside of your head... do something to make it happen. The more you take the initiative to take full responsibility of your dreams... the more you are getting closer from making it, as simple as that. Because once you believe it so hard... your actions will change, your feelings will change, you will go into a trance, you will do an process just to make it happen and you will never feel any kind of difficult anymore.


Just try, just keep going further, just keep trying every time you fail. Stop wasting time for regrets and what could have been done better, stop thinking about the mistakes that you did, just stop wasting time making your energy weak by thinking too much and trying to correct your mistakes. It will become easier if you're focus on how to get it done. Always believe that it's easy, always believe that you're going to find a way how to get the job done. Keep believing and you will feel good, keep believing and you will make results. Even if your wife or mother or friends are doubting you... keep believing in yourself because that's the best gift that you can give to yourself... believing in what you can do if you focus, work hard and give your very best.

So stop believing what other people say, stop believing the facts. The only best thing to focus on is what you can control. You can never control other people, you can never control their beliefs and insights, you can only control your beliefs and actions. Just give your best and keep believing and that's it. Just stop caring about their beliefs and what they're trying to impose and focus on your own belief system, focus on trying to make your belief more powerful each day.


The reason why it's hard is because you entertain your fears more than you entertain courage. There are lot of doubts in your system. It's easier to become scared because you are programmed that way. So look at yourself, see if you're doubting yourself and once you feel that your not believing in yourself anymore... shut your mind, quit your mind, it's hard to shift from doubts to courage right away, quiet your mind for a minute and then begin to entertain powerful thoughts that will make you feel better.

There is no hard path, it's your mindset that makes it hard, it's your habit and actions that makes it hard. If you will just do it and stop complaining, if you will just learn to take it one step at a time and never rush then you will feel much better, it will be easier, you will never notice that there are some problems. Change your mind and you will change your life, as simple as that. Change your perspectives and you will have an easier time in dealing with your problems. It will get easier and easier the more you trust, you will solve difficult problems if you will trust. Always be on a state of abundance and never entertain the idea of lack.

So keep going further and enjoy the journey, things will get easier as you move forward and ignore the things and people that are only making you feel bad. 

Oct 12, 2019


It is easier to live if you will love life. Love everything around you. Love the struggle, love the small success, love the discomfort, love the pain and difficulty, love everything. It's possible if you will try, all you need is love to solve all of your problems, all you need is acceptance and everything will fall into the right place. No matter how hard you try if you will not love your life then nothing good will happen, you will always see what is wrong, you will always see the faults in your life, you will not even appreciate the people around you... you will always feel that there is something wrong, and it's not healthy for you, you will become stressed, you will attract sickness.

But if you will just love life no matter how difficult it is and focus on your dream then life will become so much easier, you will become successful, you will attract abundance and greatness.


Appreciate what you have and never look for what is missing. Never look for what you can't do or have, instead focus on what you can do and try to improve everyday, Focus on the progress and not on what is less. Life is very simple, all you need to do is try to improve what you have, try to make something better and better and never hold yourself back. Pursue your dreams, go for what you really want and never try to ask for someone's approval.

Don't focus on what you don't want. Of course there will always be something that you don't want and never feel bad because you think you're choosy and full of ego. Just ignore what you don't want and focus on the things that makes you really happy.

There is no wrong feelings here. You can feel negative all the time and it's alright, the only problem with that is you're missing a lot in life, you're missing all the opportunities to become happy. But if you will choose to stay positive then life will become much easier and lighter.

Look for something in your life that you can love and focus on it. You can love your car and make it nicer and nicer everyday, you can love your parents and give them everything they need, you can love your dog, you can love your neighbors. You can love anything, what matters is you give love and you're not looking for something in return. Loving life is simply loving everything around you including the ugliness of it.

Loving life is easier than what you think. Of course there will be people, things and situation that will make you mad but it's ok, you're just a human, your life is not perfect at all but you can become happy despite of those imperfections. And the truth is, there is no perfect life in this world, even the richest and most successful people feel depressed and negative. Life is simply emotions, the good thing about it is you can choose what emotion you want to feel, it all depends on what thoughts to entertain and use.


Trust life, life is good, there are more people around you that are good, there are plenty of good things or experience that may come only if you welcome it and open your eyes. The main reason why you feel so empty and bad with your life now is because you're thinking that people and things around you should submit to your will. You don't need to control everything, you don't need to force everything. Life will support you no matter what, all you have to do is trust it and give your very best every single day. Just love life, keep loving it, be appreciative and accept what you can't change. Life will become easier and easier if you will trust life and simply give you very best every single day.

Oct 11, 2019


If you want some money then just look for it, as simple as that. Most people wants some money or even tons of money but they were not looking for it and that's why they can't get it. You can never hold or touch something that you're not working for, sometimes you really have to eat dust just to get it, you don't have the right to complain because you don't have money for now. Do whatever it takes to get that money and swallow your pride and ego because it's blocking the energy of money. Money will be attracted easily if you have a powerful intention to get it. Look for it everyday, seek for new opportunities, do whatever it takes to get it. Stop being lazy and move your feet, use your brain, think for a new idea, it's simply about doing it and starting fast, get competitive and never look back.


Money is very close from you, just look around and you will see it everywhere, you can even pick something from the ground if you look hard enough. Money is not that hard to get if you will condition your mind to get it easy by ignoring the difficulty of life and not paying any attention to anything that is making you feel difficult from getting it. Just look for it and you see it, the reason why you can't see it is because you're not looking hard enough, if you will just open your eyes and see something in front of you then you will get a lot of money. If you think about abundance then you will attract it, remember that mind is a very powerful too, your dominating thought will be your reality. There are some even coins left in your pocket, you just need to look for it. There are even some companies looking for your skills, there are some things that you can sell. You can find it if you will look for it, all you have to do is open your eyes. be open minded, learn to embrace ever possibility, learn to attract money everyday and never stop looking for it until you have the price that you really want. Be patient while looking for it because the more you force things the harder it gets.


It's all in your head, it's all in the mind, money is purely psychology. The more you think about it and believe that it's yours... the more you will get it. So put it inside of your head, think about it more often, never let go of the thought that money will be yours, it's not a sin to think about money for as long as you're working hard to get it. So make an inventory to your brain, what is inside of it? was it abundance or was it lack? you need to rewire your brain for money so that you will get it faster than expected. So talk about money, think about money and be creative in imagining money. So repeat it inside of your head, visualize and when you feel that there is a need to take action... act fast, don't hesitate, don't be scared, just do it. So never think about poverty, never think about lack, never think about where are you going to get that next money, you will get it if you will believe in yourself and take massive actions. Fill your mind with abundant thoughts and never ever think about failure nor lack anymore. So learn how to use your mind, use it to give you an advantage and not a disadvantage. Money is purely psychology, all you have to do is use your mind the right way and you will be alright.


Work everyday, show up everyday even if money is not showing up. Be present, don't be late nor absent, present yourself, attract money by being consistent and hungry to get it. Just show up even if you're sick, show up even if you feel lazy, show up even if it's the end of the world. Make it a habit to just show up no matter what, that's how to win in life, that's how to become successful. It's easy to do it, just show up, just work, just do it and never feel bad if you can't get money today. It's all about developing a habit of showing up so that you will never miss the opportunity when it's already there. Everyday is an opportunity to create something, you can learn something today, if you will just use this day to make yourself progress then your life will change in an instant. Never under estimate the power of today because it is an opening to possibility, you never know what may happen today if you show up and push further to navigate through unexploited territory.

Look for the money and money will look for you, what you're looking for is also looking for you, you will meet half way. 


Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...