Nov 12, 2017


Everyone wants to become successful but not everyone is willing to pay the price. You can't get something without giving something in return. If the dream is so big then the effort should also be big. A small effort will only bring small success, sometimes even nothing at all.

If you want to become successful then be ready to give your all, be ready to make sacrifices. Do something that you haven't done before.

IT'S ALL ABOUT THE EFFORT. How much effort are you willing to give, are you ready to use all of your strength and will to create something? or are you just going to put a mediocre effort and play safe?  it is up to you cowboy, it's all in your hands. If you are willing to push further then you will go further, as simple as that. So if you are not succeeding yet, it only means your effort is weak and low, it only means you're not really working hard. Because if you are exerting a true work... then probably you're a millionaire right now, but you're not. It only means there is still lacking in the process that you are working in, you still need to try harder and work longer.

DON'T BE AFRAID TO GO HARD. Hard work will never kill you, it can only make you a better person. Don't be afraid to work hard, you even need to devour the opportunity that you can work hard because not all people can do it. They have a lot of time but they are doing some bullshits that ain't even working for their lives.

The truth is... the one who can work the hardest is the one that will become the most successful. If you can be the number one hard worker in the planet then you already take the number one spot, you're already non the top.

Succeeding is not that hard if you will make hard work as a habit. What's the difference between working hard and not working at all? NOTHING. Your time will still run, the world will still revolve, the time you are in this world is still diminishing. You are dying every second so what is the point of being afraid to work hard? what is the point of being afraid to make mistakes? You're still going to die one day regardless if you play safe or not.

You will succeed every time you take an action, it is the right path, it is the momentum builder.

FAILURE IS PART OF THE DESIGN. Every time you fail, you should take it as something that is nothing. It is only making you learn something so every time it happens to you, you should always remember the lesson. You become a better person every time you fail so don't be afraid of it. Embrace failing, do it everyday and you will become a winner one day.

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