Nov 30, 2017


This is a one very effective lifestyle that if you mastered will make you happier in life. It will make you faster, it will make your life simpler and easier. You should be against the mainstream flow. You will never do what the majority does, all of them are getting the same results, all of them are living the same way. You need to become different so that you will have a different life. You need to set up your life into something that will make your life easier.

I am a freelancer designer and writer for 7 years. I setup my life according to my way so there is less pressure and stress in my life. I live differently so I get results differently.

I only go to mall during dead hours, I never join the crowd that's why I was able to roam faster because there are less people.

I really choose to work as a freelancer, I prefer to work at home. The income is good too, you will earn as much as you can depending on how hard you work. Having this kind of setup makes me avoid the heavy traffic, I also don't have a boss, my boss is myself. While most people are working in a company... I choose to go the other way, I choose to be against the mainstream flow.

The mob is panicking about the news of economic crisis, they are so scared that they might lose their jobs or their business will fall. Go the other way, go against the mainstream flow. While everyone is scared, choose to be brave, trust that hard work and determination will make you survive. Still do your best and forget about what you heard on TV.

Most people are quitters, they will never do something for a long time especially if it is hard. They will pick an easier path that will only give small rewards. Be different, go against the mainstream flow, never quit even if you fail over and over again. Be a fighter not a quitter. While everyone is quitting you are still trying and giving your best.

Most people are similar, they want to be different but they are not doing something different because of fear. They are so afraid of being judged by other people. The thing is this... if you will not force yourself to do something new to change your life then you will still live the same lifestyle that you don't like ten years ago. You will not evolve, you will never grow.

You need courage, you need to face the stress of change. If you need to unfollow the crowd then do it. It is only hard in the beginning, once you find your own flow and style... everything will become easier, you will become successful in your own way. So never be afraid to choose a different path, set your life into a pattern that will give you a lot of advantage. If you are copying a failure then you will be a failure too, you need to be different this time. Do what other people are not doing.

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