Sep 27, 2017


A lot of people were rushing, they don't want to study the basics first, they thought that it was boring and they look weak. But how come you will be able to get an advance skill if you will not study the basics first?

Master the basics, once you studied it and master it... you don't need to get a teacher to teach you the advance, you will discover it by yourself.

Basics is fun and easy, it is like learning the alphabet song again.

There are even some successful people who only knows the basic but made it in life. They were so dedicated in studying and mastering the basics that is why they look so advance. Because if you're very good in basic things... you don't need to study the advance anymore, your skill level will move up automatically especially if you are working on your craft everyday. The advance skills will come to you naturally if you are so dedicated and passionate in what you do. It's the repetition of basics that will welcome the advance skills into your pedigree.

Some arrogant people will study the advance right away without studying the basics first, they thought that basics is very easy and they don't need to study it anymore. They think that it is not challenging but when they found out that they need to study it first so they can produce better results... they don't want to study it anymore because of pride, they think that they got embarrassed and wouldn't want to continue anymore.

You can only discover the advance if you will master the basics so don't underestimate it. Make sure you master it.

And also, don't be scared to expose to everyone that you only know basic things, well at least you know something, at least you're doing something. There is nothing wrong with basics because it is the foundation of everything.

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