Mar 10, 2023


Watch yourself, that's the simplest way to become great. Watch what you are doing, watch what you are thinking, be mindful of everything that going on with you and you will see that you are full of crap. You need to stop doing what is useless and start focusing on what is useful, as simple as that. It's an inner work, greatness is an inner work. Always remember that the more you focus on yourself, the more you do the work... the greater you become, as simple as that. The formula is too basic yet most people can't execute it or use it because they're too consumed with different information, images and things that doesn't really matter at all. Stop all the nonsense that doesn't give you anything. If it doesn't give you any growth, money, strength, power or advantage then why the hell focus on it? stop it right away and focus on something that makes more sense. 


You push forward for the next action, you love the process and you don't care about what other people say. If you're doing something great, if you have an idea... people will criticize you, they will hate you for no reason, they will get jealous. But you have to push and ignore them, never mind what people say, never mind what people are going to say and just push yourself to the limits... as simple as that. You have to focus on taking actions and not minding what other people are doing, saying or thinking. What they say is none of your business, your only goal should be to push forward and get as much as you can. You can push anytime you want, it all depends on you. What the hell are you waiting for? start now and do something, never squander your time because it will backfire at you in the end. You have to do the next move now and carry on, follow through and go further as much as you can. Never stop, never limit yourself and just give everything you've got. Just go, clear the mind and just go, keep pushing even if you don't have anything left in your tank. You can take one small action now, if you follow it through then you will be able to multiply it and go further as much as you can. Choose sacrifices over pleasures, choose delayed gratification over over rewarding yourself, stop feeling entitled of something if you didn't work for it. 


Depend on yourself, rely on yourself not someone or other things, external will never help you, it will only make you weak. Depend on your hard work and ability to persevere endure. Life is not about guarantees, life is about showing up and fighting. Life is giving everything you've got every single day and not worrying about failing for a single second. You will fail even if you prepare a lot, you will still fail even if the cards you're holding were too good. Just show up and never hide like a pussy, just give your all no matter what the situation is. It's not a sin to give your best, you will only feel zero regrets if you did whatever it takes to win. Stop acting like a chicken and fight for what you want. Avoid all the activities that are only eating your time and not getting anything. 

Don't rely on backers, fixers, connections, relatives, godfathers, under the table etc. You have to rely on your hunger, if you really want it then you will make it as simple as that. You don't have to worry if you have nothing, just make sure your mindset is to grind and hustle and you will get anything you want. Because what makes anyone great is not his talent, it's his willpower and perseverance. You can have anything if you don't give up, as simple as that. So just show up, don't be afraid to fail, get rejected, get embarrassed or get humiliated, just do what you need to do, if you get nothing then go home and make some adjustments. Show up again tomorrow, they can never deny you if you are not denying yourself. Just believe in yourself and the universe will help you, it's always on your side, you just need to show that you want it so bad and you're not going anywhere other than your goals. 


It's being aware of what you're doing, learn to unlearn the bad habits by being conscious that you are doing it. Once you find yourself doing it... stop it, you need to use a willpower to become great. Greatness is self mastery, it's not allowing temptations to take over. IT's not allowing the useless easy activities to be your number on priority. You have to get rid of your bad habits so the good habits will be developed. It' too simple but it's so hard when you're not conscious and simply allowing the stupid habits to take over because it's fun, accessible and easy. The easiest things and the most useless things. If you want to become valuable, if you want something that has a value... learn to do the hardest things, learn to sweat and exert inhuman effort. Learn to think and give time for growth, never be an an autopilot mode, never live subconsciously and learn how to be in the present moment all the time. Face the pain, pressure and difficulty little by little, learn to enjoy it and you will gain an unbelievable power. 


If you can't do something about the situation then do something about yourself. Make yourself better, focus on some other things that will impact your life in a positive way. Don't focus on what you can't control and focus on where you have control the most and that is your hard work, thoughts, effort and emotions. You can focus on your mind and rephrase the negative thoughts running inside of it, you can focus on making yourself better on some areas of your personality. You can teach yourself to stop feeling negative about a negative situation, you can teach yourself to see the beauty in every chaos. You will feel powerless if you focus on the external things, you will feel so out of control if you will forget that you can endure anything and survive everything. It's just a matter of choice, where do you want to put your mind? If you want to become great you need to have a mindset of just doing it no matter what. Forget about losing, forget about winning and just keep trying. It doesn't matter if you get embarrassed what matters is you keep trying over and over again and you don't have any plans of quitting anytime soon. 


The most important thing is the fight. Focus on getting better, focus on your mentality, it's not about winning or losing... it's about not giving up, as simple as that. If you have the mindset of not giving up then you will win for sure. Define what is important and forget everything else. Nevermind the thoughts, people, events, problems that will not even help you to get better. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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