Mar 25, 2023


If you are facing any adversity right now, if you are so scared right now, if you are doubting yourself and worrying about the future... be happy, it's there to make you stronger, it's preparing your mentally, it's a blessing in disguise. You will never be given a problem that you can't handle, the only question is... are you willing to accept it? are you will to face the challenge and never run away from it? pressure creates diamonds, if you're struggling badly right now, if you're not making any progress despite of working hard then feel happy because a breakthrough is about to happen. Just keep going, that's the only game plan and it will work for sure. You don't need to become extra special here, you just need to keep plodding and wait until something finally click. Keep trying, keep persevering, you need to build yourself in fire and not in comfort. Every great person suffers a great deal of adversity but they never give up, they always look for that next step that they can do. So if you're being challenged with an unexpected problem, if you're being tested... be happy because it's making you stronger, it's preparing your for a break through, all you need to do is fight and you will win. Be brave a little bit, keep moving even if you are scared. Nobody will get stronger through comfortable situations, a skilled pilot developed his skills through bad weather and strong winds, a great captain never get better through favorable weather. You have to keep in mind that if you are struggling then you are gaining, you are developing, no need to feel worried at all because you're in a win win situation if you're in a dog fight. 


A great story is waiting for you. If you will just fight it, if you will just face it and never give up then you will win in the end. It's hard to continue and easy to quit but quitting will only give you regrets and questions, you will always question yourself what if you continue. The blueprint is too simple, just do whatever it takes to win. It doesn't matter if you are tired, it doesn't matter if you are scared... just do whatever you can do to give yourself a chance to win. Any situation will change in just a matter of time, you just need to hang on and never give up. Good things will come to people who persevere. So keep pushing and stop holding yourself back, learn to fight even if you are scared, learn to see the positive on negatives. Every challenge is an opportunity to rise like a phoenix and hunt like a lion, fight like your life depends on it, you can conquer any obstacle and move any mountain if you will just use your willpower. And speaking of willpower, it never runs out, you can use it anytime you want. 

It's a perfect opportunity to create a great story. Don't waste that adversity, face it, don't shy away from it and feel the pressure, it's an opportunity to know yourself more, it's an opportunity to make a break through and find out what you are really made of. Are you made of butter or are you made of steel? do you melt easily or can you reshape yourself to something that can withstand any kind of pressure? If you are dealing with some kind of a problem then it means you are being given an opportunity to grow, take it, take that battle and fight it, never give up, just do your best and never quit. It's easy to become a coward and blame life for your misery but it will never help you, it will only make your life worse. You have to face it like a real man and never look for an easy way out. Deal with it, embrace it and try to make something out of it. Any adversity is trying to teach you a lesson, it's a path for a new beginning so don't worry if you do not know what's going to happen next, it's ok if you are unsure... just keep moving forward and you will find a way. Any challenge is a blessing, it is there for a reason, it's there teach you how to fight in life and stop being a chicken. 


Stay humble when you're winning, stay humble when there are blessing, stay humble when you're struggling too, don't act like you're entitled of something. Just stay humble all the time and focus on taking the next best step that you can do. You situation will change if you will take full ownership of your life. You need to accept that you are who you are today because of your decisions in the past. You have to try everything to make your life better, you have to push yourself to the limits and forget your boundaries... that's the only way to make a break through. Forget the past and never worry about tomorrow, focus on what you can do today and simply take baby steps. Don't rush anything but don't get lazy, little by little move forward and try to make your situation a little bit better. Improvement will happen if you can learn how to wait and be patient while working hard. This is not a race it is a marathon, don't worry if your time hasn't come yet, it will come on the right time but you have to be prepared for it. Preparation and opportunity will meet and that will breed success. 

Go as hard as you can

As fast as you can, as hard as you can, keep moving forward so that you will forget your problems and you will be able to come up with solutions. The reason why you are depressed is because you're too slow and not active. You need to make yourself busy all the time and focus on the things that gives you an edge. You can create that powerful mentality if you will stick with the process and never stop just for a second. Focus on what you need to do, never stop until it's done and when it's done... look for a new thing to do. Just keep going, that's what it is all about... being relentless so your problems won't be able to catch you. If you are moving all the time then you will never lose balance, but if you stop pedaling... you will fall and get hurt. If you decide to move forever like a shark then nothing can stop you. Move forward all the time, make this as your lifestyle, even if you're not getting any results... just move and never ever look back. You will go further if you are not resting. So stop being lazy and face any kind of challenge, you can conquer anything if you will not stop. Hard work cannot be measured, there is always another level, that's the beauty of this concept. You can work hard now and work harder tomorrow, you can always beat your own record. Challenge yourself to become the best version of yourself without complaining or making any excuses. 


If you will make up your mind and decide to never quit even if the stakes were so high... it's impossible for you to lose. You will only lose if you quit, once you decide to keep going forever... you will win in just a matter of time, you just need to believe and work harder, you just need to stop complaining and never get tired of waiting. You will win, your time will come if you will never stop. So keep going and just do what you can do, be happy if you're struggling because any challenge is a blessing. 

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