Mar 25, 2023


Don't be afraid to fail, take the blame or look like a fool. You need to try, you need to fail big time, you need to give yourself a chance to succeed. You can only win if you will take the risk, as simple as that. Fight for what you want and never look back, keep moving forward and use all of your strength, you need to keep going further if you want to know the truth. That's the only way to know if you can make it or not... push yourself to the limits and never give up, never stop, never settle for what was given to you, you need to look for possibilities where you can do it by yourself, never belittle yourself, never believe what they told you, define who you are and always give your best no matter what. They can say everything the want but you have to believe in yourself even if nobody else does. You can try again now, nobody can penalize you, nothing can stop you from trying again for one more time. Just start and go hard. 


Don't worry about failing because you can try again the next time. Trying is free, all you need to do is try and you will win, as simple as that. try now, try even if you're not prepared, try even if you don't have the skills, try even if you're doubtful. Just try because it's worth it, give yourself a chance to win and never give up. Nobody will charge you for trying, it doesn't matter if you fail a million times... just keep on trying and good things will come to you. Just hustle, have fun trying and improving, treat it as a game, don't worry if you failed today because you have unlimited tries, nothing can stop you if you will make yourself unstoppable, become relentless as you can be and don't worry about what will happen next. Focus on the now, focus on what you can do now and just carry on. Trying and putting yourself on a better position to succeed is the best privilege that you can have, you can try anytime you want, you can try on 3am and nobody can stop you. It's the best thing in life, trying and hustling is your biggest weapon. If you are a trier then you will get blessings. 


You don't want to try because you think it's too big, you think it's too risky and you're going to die when you fail. Nobody dies in trying, you can survive any failure, you can try again tomorrow. You're in a win win situation here so why will you be scared? no money, no dream, no situation is big for you. It's all in the mind, you're putting too much pressure on yourself because you think it's your only chance. If you can just detach from the outcome and never mind if it is hard, expensive, big or impossible then you will move faster and bolder. The reason why you're always hesitating is because you think something is too big for you. If you will just push and do whatever it takes to win then you will win, as simple as that. Focus on taking one step at a time and never hold yourself back just for a second. Always think that it is doable or achievable. Never judge yourself, never write yourself off. 


You want to become great right? you want to change right? but you're too confused and scared of how are you going to do it. Just discipline yourself today and do the most important things, never do something stupid and useless and consider that as your achievement already. You will attract bigger things and better opportunities if you are locked in and committed. The reason why you are failing is because you are full of crap and laziness, you think you are entitled of something but you are not sacrificing big time. If you want something, you need to put all of your energies and time on it. Never do something useless, never let pleasures distract you, practice delayed gratification and create the best version of yourself. Go all in for something, dedicate your life to it, never give up and it will be yours. Discipline and focus is all you need to become successful, forget the results just trust the process and be the hardest worker as you can be. It's time to go all in, it's time to become something else. stop clowning around, stop punking around and make yourself better each day. 


You will always look for ways why you need to stop, you will always look for comfort and easier path. That is the default of your mind, it is always avoiding discomfort and hard work. And that is why only few people succeed, only few people can't see themselves. If you can discipline yourself to just finish what you've started and never stop then you will become very productive. You have to watch your mind because it will always create out of this world excuses just to stop you from working. You have to focus on taking the next step and the next one and the next one, you have to become emotionless if you want to go further. Because your mind will always look for comfort, it will tell you that you're tired already even if you're not. 

Believe in the power of hard work and perseverance. You can control and conquer anything if you will become persistent and patient. Just do it, never give up, never stop and keep hammering till the bitter ends. It's easy if you will pull the trigger, nothing is impossible if you will go further and push yourself to the limits. If you want to get what you haven't got before... do something you haven't done before. 

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