Mar 1, 2023


Don't be afraid to struggle and lose, don't be afraid of any failure. Because those difficult times will make you stronger and better. It will make you mentally tougher and immune to a certain level of pain, it will make you hungrier and faster. If you're struggling you will have a war going on inside of your head, you would love to quit but once you able to beat that negative thought and push forward... you become better and stronger. Keep in mind that struggling is part of the game, it's part of growing, there's no evolution without pressure, there's not toughness without resistance. It's ok to struggle just don't quit and you will be alright. Focus on what you're trying to get and believe that you will get it in just a matter of time. Success belongs to the most persevering, it's not about winning or losing... it's about trying over and over again. Don't count your losses, don't feel sorry for yourself if you're not making any significant improvement, just do what you're doing and time will come and you will be able to get on top


Once you decide that you're going to win then you will win, as simple as that. You can't win because your not intentional, you don't have a burning desire. You need to really go for it, attack it like it's meant to happen. You're unstoppable, you just need to believe in yourself, believe that you all have the power in the world to force things and make it happen. The only thing you need to do is keep pushing forward and that's it, it's not that hard. It's too simple, just keep finding a way, just do whatever it takes to win and you will win, as simple as that. Once you decide that you're going to do it... no force can ever stop you. Decide that you're going to do it and take it seriously, don't just talk, do the walk and put yourself on a position where you have no choice but to succeed. If you can take the process seriously then it's impossible for you to fail, as simple as that. 


It's there, it's always there the question is are you willing to take it? are you willing to do whatever it takes? are you willing to feel uncomfortable? Just take it, even if you're not sure if you're going to make it or not... take it. It's all about trying and giving yourself a chance to win. It's too uncomfortable to win and become great but that's the only path... become uncomfortable and push yourself even if you're so scared to take actions. Just push and never hold yourself back, good things will come if you face your fears and do it anyway, at the end of the day you only have one chance and that is what's in front of you, it can be the start of your break through so don't waste it because of being too scared to pull the trigger. 


Your productivity, results will grow or even tripled if you minimize the stupid things. You've been doing a lot of nonsense garbage activities and that's why your struggle has been doubled. If you will just focus on what is more important then half of your problems will be solved. Stop using all of your energy for stupid things that makes you broke, slow and weak. You need to be disciplined all the time. Be faster, if you need to do something... just do it without being scared of struggling or doing it for too long. Don't be afraid to work double time, don't be afraid to repeat a million times. Just do it and never stop until you become successful. You will have more time if you stop doing the stupid things that makes you struggle even more. You know what's important, you know what has a potential to give you success. Just be strict to yourself, deprive yourself of everything that is fun but self sabotaging. You don't need to become really great here, you don't need to become a Benjamin Franklin or Elon Musk, just minimize the stupidity in your life and you will be surprised with the rapid growth that you amassed. Try to get rid of all the bad habits and you will improve rapidly, what's hard is not learning a skill, it's unlearning a bad pattern that destroys your growth. 


It's not about having a high IQ, it's not about being a genius or super intelligent. Being smarter means simply choosing what is right for your growth. It's simply choosing studying over playing video games, it's simple choosing fasting over eating a lot of burgers and pizzas, it's simply choosing to walk or jog over procrastination, it's simple choosing to save money over spending money. You don't need a life coach to tell you about these things. You can decide on your own, being successful simply means choosing what is harder over what is fun and easy. Fun and easy will never get the job done, choosing comfort, pleasures and delay will only make you stuck and fail. It's very obvious that what you need to do is simply make sacrifices and stop rewarding yourself with things and celebrations that you don't even deserve. Why will you party if you are broke? why will you drink if you're struggling financially? why will you buy that shoes if you don't have savings? why will you choose fun over an opportunity to grow? you need to be smarter this time, you only have 2 choices in life... to do it or not to do it. Never let yourself down by being stupid, lazy and soft. It's not that you can't do it, it's because you're always choosing comfort over growth. 


Be fast, to avoid struggling.. be fast. Do everything you can do , do it now. Never wait, never hesitate, just take actions, choose movement over inactivity and you will be able to create a momentum that will make you forget that you are struggling. Be fast and never let your mind think, the reason why you can't make a progress is because you're thinking too much, you're letting your mind control you instead of controlling your mind. If you're thinking too much then you will become scare, your mind will start to produce thoughts about failure and any other situations that's not happening yet. You have to move now and do something, it's about the execution and not the destination. You're thinking about the future and the results too much that's why you can't focus. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...