Aug 10, 2022


Go hard, go all the way, win or lose doesn't matter, what matters is your effort and dedication. It doesn't matter if you come up short but don't ever exert a mediocre or weak effort, don't ever take the process half heartedly, you have to go all in, locked in with the process and keep pushing until the end. Sacrifice what you can sacrifice. Sacrifice your happiness, entertainment, joy, favorite TV show, vices, partying, sacrifice everything that is eating a lot of your time and go all in with the process. You have to test yourself and ignore all the resistance that is stopping you from taking actions, remember... it's simply about taking massive actions and being focused, you don't need to become extra special here. It's very simple... you will only win if you're constantly moving, any move that doesn't help you... stop doing it, you need to be smarter this time and being smarter simply needs discipline, just stop doing BS that's making your situation and life worse. 


Just do it, if you need to do it now then why will you do it later? you need to become faster than time if you wanted to win in life, go all in, be faster, be bolder and never worry about failing or repeating again. Of course you will fail, you're not perfect, you're not a God, you're not born with special talents so you will fail, accept that you need to work insanely hard in order to win, accept that no handouts or freebies will be given to you. You have to earn it, you have to deserve it and never complain if the process was so hard, always push yourself to the limits, push forward and never stop... that's how to become a winner in life. You can change your situation if you will just focus on taking the process one step at a time, be patient, never feel needy of the result, just look for the next step that you can do and follow through. There's no time for being weak, there's not time for thinking too much. You have to elevate your mental game and simply focus on taking actions so that you will be able to put yourself on a better position to succeed. Be fast, take the first step and just let everything flow. Do what you need to do without thinking if you can do it or not. 


Taking massive action is not that hard, it becomes hard because you think you're special, you think you're entitled of getting a special treatment, you think you deserve to get more even if you're only giving less. Never think that you are entitled of getting something you didn't earn. Stop thinking that you're special, accept that you really need to work hard, accept that life is not really that comfortable and that you need to eat some shi*t just to make a progress or prosper a little bit, accept that it is a grind and never look for an easy life, create a mentality that will make you able to withstand any difficulty. Stop looking for shortcuts, stop looking for luck and comfort because you only get weaker and weaker by doing that, always look for a challenge that will make you grow and will stretch your mind and skills. 


Just do the work, you don't need to feel super confident about yourself... just show up and grind. Keep flowing like a river, you don't need to worry where you are going to, just keep flowing and never waste your time, you might end up to the place where you don't want to be but at least you try. You don't need to believe in yourself to win, you just need to try. You may win, you may lose but that doesn't matter, the idea here is to avoid regrets and you will only be able to do it if you really give everything you've got. 


If you're feeling lazy just do something that is easy and follow through, take the next step no matter what and never stop, follow through, force yourself to give your best because giving a very weak effort will make you come up short. Just take the next action fast and never blink, never look back, just move forward while giving your best. Never exert a slow and weak effort because you will never get anything by doing that, always push, strive to become a little bit better and never stop... that's how to get it done. You're not weak, you're just playing weak because you get to addicted to comfort. Remember that it's simply about pushing forward and repeating the process over and over again, there is nothing complicated about it, all you have to do is stay disciplined and committed to your goal, never do anything that is outside of your goal, you have to stay focused and maintain that burning desire to get to the next level, win or lose... go all the way, all of your time and energy should be pointing to the direction of your dream. 


If you want an increase in your life, let's say money or just a simple improvement about a specific want... you have to fight for it, you have to go all the way. If you want more money then you need to find a way. Your boss will never give it to you, nobody is going to give it to you... you really have to find a way. If you want a better life, if you want an upgrade... you have to find a way, don't just sit all day long and wait for an opportunity, you have to create your own opportunity. Most people want an increase but they're too weak to get it, they don't know the basic principles, they just want it but they're not willing to do whatever it takes to get it. If you want an increase then you need to give it to yourself, you need to do everything if nobody can give it to you, you have to create your own opportunity, you have to create a space for growth, it's up to you, nobody will help you so have you have to help yourself, if you want something... go and get it and stop complaining. 

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