Aug 22, 2022


Stop doing a lot of nonsense and you will have more energy. Think right, eat right, start fast and never procrastinate, if you can have this kind of mindset for the whole day then you will become unstoppable. Stop doing the mindless scrolling on social media, stop eating junk foods, stop eating a lot, stop overthinking and you will have an unlimited energy. Most people are complaining that they're too tired, they don't have time, they're too busy but the truth is they're too consumed with negative thoughts and unhealthy foods. You're doing a lot of things that are not needed. You have to be strict on your diet and activities if you want to have more energy. You have to be aware of what you're thinking because negative thoughts, hatred, envy and comparing will suck all of your energy out. Your thoughts are what you become, if you keep on thinking about the news, stupid celebrities, problems of other people, recession, traffic then you become like them. But if you keep on thinking about positivity, growth and greatness then you will have a better life. Stop all the nonsense in your life and you will have a better life, as simple as that. Be good in detecting a useless thought and activity. It's all in the mind, what you plant in your mind will be manifested into your life. 


Be disciplined like a soldier, only do the things that are needed. Stop wasting time, stick with the basics and just do only the things that you need to do. Stop giving your energy and time away for free. Always think about what you want to happen and focus on it. Stop doing something that will make you tired. Watching TV, lying on bed, gossiping on social media, thinking about the past, chasing people, worrying about the future.... these activities are easy, accessible, fun but they will suck your energy out. They will make you weak and slow. Life and success is simply about being productive and fast, look at yourself... are you being fast and productive? if not then that's the answer to your problem, you have to stay focused with your desire and never let any negative thoughts enter your mind. Focus only on the things, information, topics, activities that will make you grow and evolve. If something is only making you feel bad, dumb, weak and slow then stop doing it because it will affect your life negatively. It will bring you down. Stick with the basics, know the things that are helping you to grow mentally and physically. 


It's better to just stay still, meditate, rest or breathe than using your mind for nonsense news, social media posts, stalking other people, liking comments etc. These small activities are deceptive, you think they're helping you, you think they're taking away your stress but the truth is they're making you weak, dumb, slow and unproductive. It's better to just stay still so that your mind will never be occupied with negative topics. It's you that's making yourself weak, not what's going on around you. If you can just disciplined your mind and focus only on the things that matters then you will have unlimited energy. Your energy will be depleted fast if you're thinking about a lot of things, make your life simple by just giving energy for people and activities that really matters in your life. You will feel lighter, stronger and faster if you will stick with the basics and stop using your time for useless activities that will not even give you something in return. Life is all about investing, where you invest your time will dictate where you are going to. If you keep on investing your time for garbage thoughts and activities then you will have a hard time growing and getting better. It's better to do nothing rather than using your time for mindless activities, doing nothing will make you conserve your energy, doing nothing will make you avoid activities that wastes a lot of your energy. Watch yourself if you're about to do something that is not helping you, stop it right away, breathe and later you will be able to make a right decision. 


If your mind is clean, if it's thinking only about your real purpose then you will be able to save more time, you will have more energy. 


When something pop ups in your feed you immediately wanted to click it, if by randomness something pop ups in your brain you immediately wanted to think about it for so long. If an invitation is tempting you to go you will go without even thinking if it's going to help you or not. You are wasting a lot of energy by being impulsive and reactive. You need to stop reacting fast, you need to stop agreeing fast with your emotions. Stop looking for good feelings right away. Catch yourself right away if you're about to start a stupid activity and stop it right away. But if you're already starting that stupid activity and you feel like you want to continue... still stop it, it's better to stop it than to continue it. Forgive yourself that you start it and stop it. Most people will never stop because they feel that they need to finish it, don't be like them... stop the nonsense even if you're enjoying it already, learn to control your emotions... that's the key to victory. 


People can't discipline themselves because they can't have fun with the process. They don't believe that a delayed gratification is making their lives better. They wanted to see results right away and that's why they can't make a progress, that's why they're always quitting when the process gets harder. Just have fun and don't quit... stay disciplined, stay focused so you will have unlimited power. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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